This document explains how to install and configure for use the Intel® C++ Compiler 10.1 for Linux* product. Installation is a multi-step process. Please read this document in its entirety before beginning and follow the steps in sequence. For information about the product contents, including new and changed features, please refer to the separate Release Notes.
If you have an older version of the Intel C++ Compiler for Linux installed, you do not need to uninstall it before installing this version. If you choose to uninstall the older version, you may do so before or after installing this version.
Intel® compilers support three platforms: general combinations of processor and operating system type. This section explains the terms that Intel uses to describe the platforms in its documentation, installation procedures and support site.
The term "native" refers to building an application that will run on the same platform that it was built on, for example, building on IA-32 architecture to run on IA-32 architecture. The term "cross-platform" or "cross-compilation" refers to building an application on a platform type different from the one on which it will be run, for example, building on IA-32 architecture to run on IA-64 architecture. Not all combinations of cross-platform development are supported and some combinations may require installation of optional tools and libraries.
The following list describes the supported combinations of compilation host (system on which you build the application) and application target (system on which the application runs).
Note: Development for a target different from the host may require optional library components to be installed from your Linux Distribution.
Note: Intel® Cluster OpenMP* has different system requirements from that of the compilers. Please refer to the Intel Cluster OpenMP documentation for further details.
) compat-libstdc++
The Intel compilers are tested with a number of different Linux distributions, with different versions of gcc. Some Linux distributions may contain header files different from those we have tested, which may cause problems. The version of glibc you use must be consistent with the version of gcc in use. For best results, use only the gcc versions as supplied with distributions listed above.
-O3, -ipo
and -openmp
may require substantially larger amounts of RAM.On systems where these browsers are not installed by default or available otherwise, such as on a SGI Propack 4 system, an alternate browser, e.g. Konqueror, can be used in the Eclipse Integrated Development environment. Within Eclipse, set it as the browser to be used by selecting Windows->Preferences->General->Web Browser and entering it as the external Web Browser. Note that such a browser cannot be designated as the internal Web Browser within Eclipse, and thus there will be no support available for internal web browsing with this configuration.
Before installing the compiler and tools, you should check the Product Downloads section of the Intel® Software Development Products Registration Center to see if a newer version or update is available. The version on CD or as listed in your electronic download license letter may not be the most current. In order to download and install a compiler from Intel® Premier Support, you will first have to register for support as described under Technical Support.
At the Intel® Software Development Products Registration Center, the compiler is provided in several different packages to meet your needs. The filenames and descriptions of the packages are:
where "xxx" will vary.
If you have licensed Intel® C++ Compiler Professional Edition, download and installation of the Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives, Intel® Math Kernel Library and Intel® Threading Building Blocks is separate. Please refer to the Installation Guide and/or Release Notes of those components for details.
If you encounter difficulty with the initial installation or registration process, please visit to request help from Intel.
The default installation directories, referred to elsewhere in this document
as <install-dir>
and <idb-install-dir>
(for IA-32 and IA-64)
(for Intel® 64)
(for IA-32 and IA-64)
(for Intel® 64) Note that the path includes the full version number including update number. This means you can keep multiple versions of the compiler installed on the system. If you do not want to keep multiple versions, you can delete the older directories before or after installing the new version.
If you are installing both the Intel C++ Compiler and the Intel Fortran Compiler, they each provide the Intel Debugger. If the update numbers are different between the C++ and Fortran installations, the Intel Debugger update numbers will also differ. If you are installing compilers for both languages which were released at the same time, we recommend that you choose a Custom Install for the Fortran compiler and don't install the Intel Debugger a second time, as the debuggers will be the same. Installing the debugger from the Intel C++ package provides Eclipse* integration.
Perform the following steps to install the compiler.
> tar -xvf
> tar -zxvf
> cd
> ./
install as current user
option if you want to
install to a private area.
press enter to begin the compiler installation.
and press enter.
and press enter. If you reject the
license, type
and press enter to end the install.
press enter to exit.
RPM 4.0.2 cannot install to a non-default directory. This has been resolved in RPM 4.0.3. RPM 4.1 cannot install to a non-default directory. This has been resolved in RPM 4.11 to 4.2.
The 10.1 versions of the Intel C++ Compiler for the IA-32 and IA-64 architectures
installs an Eclipse feature and associated plugins (the Intel C++ Eclipse Product
Extension) which provide support for the Intel C++ compiler when added as an
Eclipse product extension site to an existing instance of the Eclipse* Integrated
Development Environment (IDE). With this feature, you will be able to use the
Intel C++ compiler from within the Eclipse integrated development environment
to develop your applications. The Intel provided Eclipse product extension
resides in <install-dir>/eclipse_support/{cdt3.1 | cdt4.0}/eclipse
your compiler installation directory area.
Note that beginning with the first 10.1 update, there are actually two Eclipse integrations provided for the Intel C++ compiler. Choose the appropriate Intel integration for the version of Eclipse you are running.
The Intel feature provided in the directory
supports and requires Eclipse Platform version 3.2.x, Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) version 3.1.x and a functional Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
The Intel feature provided in the directory
supports and requires Eclipse Platform version 3.3.x, Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) version 4.0.2 or later and a functional Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
If you already have the proper versions of Eclipse, CDT and a functional JRE installed and configured in your environment, then you can install the Intel C++ Eclipse Product Extension in your Eclipse Platform, as described in the section, below, entitled "How to Install the Intel C++ Eclipse Product Extension in Your Eclipse Platform." Otherwise, you will first need to obtain and install Eclipse, CDT and a JRE, as described in the section, below, entitled "How To Obtain and Install Eclipse, CDT and a JRE" and then install the Intel C++ Eclipse Product Extension.
To add the Intel C++ product extension to your existing Eclipse configuration, follow these steps, from within Eclipse. Open the "Product Configuration" page by selecting:
Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration
Under "Available Tasks," select "Add An Extension Location." A
directory browser will open. Browse to select the eclipse directory in your
Intel C++ compiler installation. For example, if you installed the compiler
as root to the default directory, and you wish to add the Intel C++ compiler
support to the latest Eclipse platform release, Eclipse 3.3.2, you would browse
to /opt/intel/cc/
. If you wanted to
add the Intel C++ compiler support to an instance of the earlier Eclipse platform
release, Eclipse 3.2.1, you would browse to /opt/intel/cc/
In either case, when asked to restart Eclipse, select "Yes." When
Eclipse restarts, you will be able to create and work with CDT projects that
use the Intel C++ compiler. See the Intel C++ Compiler documentation for more
If you also installed the Intel idb debugger product along with the idb Eclipse
product extension, and would like to use idb within Eclipse, you should add
the idb product extension site to your Eclipse configuration in the same way.
For example, if you installed the idb kit as root to the default directory,
you would find the idb Eclipse product extension site at /opt/intel/idb/
or /opt/intel/idb/
If you do not have Eclipse and CDT already, you can download the required components from the website. You will also need a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) if you do not already have one.
If you are a first time Eclipse user on IA-32, you should work with the latest release which is Eclipse platform version 3.3.2 and CDT version 4.0.2. This version of Eclipse is also known as the Eclipse Europa release. Since obtaining the Eclipse Europa release bundled with CDT 4.0.1 is straightforward, it is simplest to download the 4.0.1 bundle and then update to 4.0.2.. Note, Eclipse Europa has not been released for the IA-64 platform. If you are working on IA-64, you will have to use the earlier Eclipse release, version 3.2.1.
To obtain the Eclipse platform and CDT 4.0.1 components, please visit the website.
Click on the "Download Eclipse" button. This will take
you to the "Eclipse Downloads" page. Look down the list of available
downloads to find "Eclipse IDE For C/C++ Developers". Select the "Linux" link
for this download package. This will take you to the "Eclipse Downloads – mirror
selection" page. You will be downloading a package currently named eclipse-cpp-europa-fall2-linux-gtk.tar.gz
The name may change over time as further maintenance releases are posted on Click on a mirror site close to you and save the tar file to your
To obtain the CDT 4.0.2 components, please visit . Click on the "4.0.2 (Nov 30, 2007)" link. The date may change over time. This will take you to the "Eclipse downloads - mirror selection" page. Click on a mirror site close to you and save the zip file to your machine.
First, you will need to download the Eclipse "Platform Runtime Binary" for each architecture (IA-32 ("x86") and/or IA-64) that you want to run Eclipse on. The current released version for 3.2.x is 3.2.1. From within your web browser, visit:
Select an Eclipse distribution. Scroll down to the section on that page titled "Platform
Runtime Binary." In
the list of available downloads, you will see a download for the x86 platform, "Linux
(x86/GTK 2)," with file eclipse-platform-3.2.1-linux-gtk.tar.gz. Download
this file if you want to use Eclipse on the x86 platform. In the same list,
you will see a download for the IA-64 architecture, "Linux (ia64/gtk)",
with file eclipse-platform-3.2.1-linux-gtk-ia64.tar.gz
. Download
this file if you want to use Eclipse on the IA-64 architecture.
Next, you will need to download the latest release of the Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools (CDT), CDT Runtime Feature, version 3.1.x. The most recent release of CDT 3.1.x is version 3.1.1. In your browser, visit:
In the list of available "CDT Runtime Feature" downloads, you will
see a download for the IA-32 architecture, "Linux/x86", with file
. Download this file if you want to use
Eclipse on the IA-32 architecture. In the same list, you will see a download
for the IA-64 architecture, "Linux/ia64," with file org.eclipse.cdt-3.1.1-linux.ia64.tar.gz
Download this file if you want to use Eclipse on the IA-64 architecture.
Finally, Eclipse is a Java application and therefore requires a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to execute. Both the 3.3.2 and the 3.2.x versions of the Eclipse platform will run with a version 1.4.2 or later JRE. Intel recommends the JRockit 5.0 JRE from BEA Systems Inc., although other comparable JREs should work as well. Both the IA-32 and IA-64 architecture versions of the JRockit 5.0 JRE are available at:
Once you have downloaded the appropriate files for Eclipse, CDT, and a JRE, you can install them as follows:
1. Create a directory where you would like to install Eclipse and cd to this directory. This directory will be referred to as
.For Eclipse platform version 3.3.2 and CDT version 4.0.2, follow steps 2a, 3a and 3b (skip steps 2a and 3a if you already have Eclipse platform and CDT version 4.0.1 installed):
2a. Copy the appropriate Eclipse Europa tar file to the
directory.3a. Expand the Eclipse Europa tar file. For example:
tar -zxvf eclipse-cpp-europa-fall2-linux-gtk.tar.gz
3b. (Perform after 4.) Start Eclipse and select Help->Software Updates->Find and Install. Select "Search for new features to install" and click "Next." Click on "New Archived Site," select the file you downloaded, and click "OK." Click "OK" again. "" will be added to the "Sites to include in search:." Click "Finish." This will lead to "Updates" window. Expand " and select "Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools." Click Next and accept the license terms. Click "Finish" and then "Install." Restart Eclipse as prompted.
For Eclipse platform version 3.2.1 and CDT version 3.1.1, follow steps 2b and 3c:
2b. Copy the appropriate Eclipse and CDT tar files to the
directory for the architecture you are working on (IA-32 ("x86") or IA-64).3c. Expand the Eclipse Platform Runtime Binary tar file first. Then expand the CDT file. For example, on the IA-32 architecture you would:
tar -zxvf eclipse-platform-3.2.1-linux-gtk.tar.gz
tar -zxvf org.eclipse.cdt-3.1.1-linux.x86.tar.gz4. Install your chosen JRE according to the JRE provider's instructions.
You are now ready to launch Eclipse. After you start Eclipse, you can add the Intel C++ product extension to your Eclipse configuration as described in the section, "How to Install the Intel C++ Eclipse Product Extension in Your Eclipse Platform." If you need help with launching Eclipse for the first time, please read the next section.
If you have not already set your LANG environment variable, you will need to do so. For example,
setenv LANG en_US
Setup Intel C++ compiler related environment variables by executing the (or .csh) script prior to starting Eclipse:
source /opt/intel/cc/
(where "xxx" is the version number)
If you installed the Intel idb debugger integration into Eclipse, and would like to use idb within Eclipse, you should setup the Intel idb environment variables, in a similar fashion, by invoking the (or .csh) script.
Since Eclipse requires a JRE to execute, you must ensure that an appropriate JRE is available to Eclipse prior to its invocation. You can set the PATH environment variable to the full path of the folder of the java file from the JRE installed on your system or reference the full path of the java executable from the JRE installed on your system in the -vm parameter of the Eclipse command, e.g.:
eclipse -vm /JRE folder/bin/java
Invoke the Eclipse executable directly from the directory where it has been installed. For example:
If the Intel C++ Compiler for Linux is installed
on an IA-32 architecture Fedora Core system as a "local" installation,
i.e. not installed as root, the installation may fail to properly execute the
Eclipse graphical user interfaces to the compiler or debugger.
The failure mechanism will typically be displayed as a JVM Terminated
The error condition can also occur if the software is installed from the root
account at the system level, but executed by less privileged user accounts.
The cause for this failure is that a more granular level of security has been implemented on Fedora Core 4, but this new security capability can adversely affect access to system resources, such as dynamic libraries. This new SELinux security capability may require adjustment by your system administrator in order for the compiler installation to work for regular users.
Note that this issue affects IA32 architecture systems only, as Fedora Core is not available on IA-64 architecture systems and the Intel C/C++ Compiler integration into Eclipse is not currently supported on Intel® 64 architecture systems.
If you have a floating, counted or node-locked license, the license must be installed in conjunction with the FLEXlm* license server for Intel software (Intel® License Server), which is available for many popular platforms. The server may be installed on any supported platform accessible on your local network. The compiler CD contains license servers for several Linux distributions. If you do not have the CD, or need a license server for an additional platform, license managers can be downloaded from the Intel® Software Development Products Registration Center . Please note that the Intel License Server is not available for all platforms on which the compiler itself is supported.
If you will be installing the Intel License Server on an SGI* Altix* system running SGI ProPack*, please follow these alternate instructions to ensure correct operation in the partitioned cluster environment:
Obtain the appropriate license server from Intel® Software
Development Products Registration Center .
The file to use is flexlm.Linux.ia64.EL3_SGIAltix.tar.Z.
Install the license server following the instructions in the flexlm_ug.pdf
file in the compiler package.
To determine the host ID, required to retrieve the license file, log in
to the partition from which the license server is to be run, set default
) to the directory where the Intel License Server is installed
(default is /opt/intel/flexlm
) and perform the following command:
It is possible to install the Intel C++ compiler in an automated fashion, where no typed response to prompts is required. This type of install will display some output, but has no user interaction. The steps to do this are as follows:
Create a local copy of the provided silent install configuration template.
This is provided on CD as data/silentInstallConfigFile.ini
If you are using a downloaded copy of the product, un-tar
as described above and you will find the file in the data
For example:
cp /mnt/cdrom/data/SilentInstallConfigFile.ini /home/my_account/my_silent.ini
If your CD-ROM drive has a different path, adjust the command as needed.
Edit the local copy of the configuration file to accept license agreements and allow for override of existing installations, as appropriate. Make the appropriate local changes to set preferences for installation target directories, etc. The template file contains explanations for each of the fields which may require changes.
Change to root
or a superuser account, if appropriate.
Run the installer as follows:
/mnt/cdrom/data/ --run --silent /home/my_account/my_silent.ini
For a downloaded package, use the appropriate path to data/
the location of the unpacked installer.
If there are errors or omissions in the customized configuration file, simply correct the errors and rerun the install.
The following additional switches to the install script are available:
--arch arch-name
, ia64
and intel64
--install-path path
) for install tree --help
--license-path full-path-with-file-name
--tmp-path path
The programs in the Intel C++ Compiler 10.1 for Linux product rely on the environment
variables PATH
. The installation script (
compiler environment script files (
set these variables. It is strongly recommended that you add those script files
into your login script (.login
file). Once the variables are set
in the ".login"
file there is no need to run the script
files for each session.
the script to setup the compiler environment:
> source <install-dir>/bin/
> source <idb-install-dir>/bin/
The installation program also creates compiler configuration files named <install-dir>/bin/icc.cfg
contain common settings for all compilations. You can edit these files to add
additional default options. Note,
if you install a compiler update package, you need to save the configuration
file, if you have modified it, to another filename so that the installation
doesn't overwrite your modified file.
If you have any problems running the compiler, please make sure a valid license
file (*.lic) is located in the license directory. By default this is /opt/intel/licenses
The compiler uses the environment variable INTEL_LICENSE_FILE
locate the license file. If you still have problems, please submit an issue
to Intel® Premier Support. See the Technical Support section of this document
for details.
If you have not already done so, please register for support after you install this product. See the topic Obtaining Technical Support below for registration instructions.
Please follow the steps below to uninstall the Intel Compiler and Debugger.
, you will need to log in as root
on Intel® 64-based systems
on Intel® 64-based
systems If you did not register your compiler during installation, please do so at the Intel® Software Development Products Registration Center. Registration entitles you to free technical support, product updates and upgrades for the duration of the support term.
For information about how to find Technical Support, Product Updates, Users Forums, FAQs, tips and tricks, and other support information, please visit:
Note: If your distributor provides technical support for this product, please contact them for support rather than Intel.
Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined." Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them. The information here is subject to change without notice. Do not finalize a design with this information.
The products described in this document may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order.
Copies of documents which have an order number and are referenced in this document, or other Intel literature, may be obtained by calling 1-800-548-4725, or by visiting Intel's Web Site.
Celeron, Centrino, Intel, Intel logo, Intel386, Intel486, Intel Core, Itanium, MMX, Pentium, VTune, and Xeon are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Copyright (C) 2009, Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.