The Remote Camera Control Client This is a java application which was written for Java 1.1 or later. You will need a java virtual machine to run the client. To install 1. untar and unzip the camclnt.tar.gz file into its own directory. 2. If you are running UNIX the file camclnt is a shell script that will run the remote camera control client. You need to edit JAVA_HOME and CAMCLNT_HOME before running it. To command to run is camclnt <# of cameras> If you are running windows You will need to edit the camclnt.bat file to contain the directories where you installed the jdk or jre and the camera client. (NOTE: the CMCLHOME variable should be set to the directory where you installed camclnt) 3. See the file README.camclnt for information on customizing your copy of the camclnt and directions on how to run it.