Robust-Audio Tool (RAT) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Further information, and a list of frequently asked questions (with answers) is available from Build instructions are given below. The main dependency is on Tcl/Tk which is used for the user interface. This is available from This version of RAT was developed with Tcl/Tk8.0p2, earlier versions may not work. Building RAT (UNIX) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Edit and add your local tcl/tk paths. 2. Type, ./configure 3. make Look at configure to see the various build options. Building RAT (WINDOWS) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. If you have a non-standard tcl/tk installation (i.e. not in Program Files/Tcl), edit the file rat.dsw and change all path references of tcl and tk to your local installations. 2. Open rat.dsw from the developer studio. 3. Build the tcl2c sub-project. You only need to do this the first time you install the sources. 4. Next, you build rat, click Build->Build rat.exe. If you are installing against the sources of Tcl/Tk and not the binary distribution you may have to add tclreg80.lib to your library settings. Feedback ~~~~~~~~ Send comments, suggestions and bug-reports to