------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lisa Emulator Change History http://lisaem.sunder.net/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- 1.2.6 Released on 2007.12.03 - fixed win32 rawbitmap issues, this should speed up the display quite a bit. Linux rawbitmaps don't work yet, just show a blank white display. 2007.12.01 - fixed bugs on skinless on OS X. Issue with wxBitmap, it needed to be filled in before using. Some update to wxWidgets changed the default from the default being white, to an alpha background causing the whole display to fail to update at all since the data inside the wxBitmap was invisible. - bug report - libexpat was accidentally turned on in the OS X version of LisaEm, this is not needed by LisaEm's use of wxWidgets, it will be removed via --without-expat in wxWidgets' configure script. --- 1.2.5 Released on 2007.11.25 2007.11.22 - imagewriter - fixed page size - at least for LisaWrite 2007.11.21 - imagewriter lowercase letter "t" was broken - imagewriter page size tweaking 2007.11.18 - found way to make graphics smoother, added menu options to throttle menu to define balance between animation and CPU time. --- 1.2.2 Released on 2007.11.11 2007.11.08 - fixed slot preferences - browse buttons between high/low ports were swapped. - fixed parallel port u/l assignments - opposite from what LOS uses 2007.11.02 - more via6522.c cleanup/fixes. 2007.10.18 - Renamed Profile menu to Parallel Port as it's more accurate 2007.10.15 - cleaning up Generator code so as to build it as its own library 2007.10.01 - looking into cleaning up unicode incompatibility bugs, rewrote bunches and bunches of string routines and fixed up some idiotic char * <-> wxString gymnastics. 2007.09.25 - Looking into via6522 bugs for MacWorks and Xenix, no luck there yet --- 1.2.0 Release 2007.09.19 - fixed romless floppy boot to always boot from floppy and not switch to Profile. 2007.09.15 - debugging ROMless boot. new bug: when trying to boot from floppy, if a profile exists and is bootable, LOS starts up from the Profile instead of the floppy. 2007.09.09 - David Cecchin's XPM icon in unix 2007.09.07 - added Save/Load PRAM to Preferences - Quit now closes any open Preference window as well 2007.08.29 - libdc42 macbinii encoded dart to dc42 conversion bugfix 2007.08.16 - added LOS error codes to ROMless error handler - fix raw screenshot crash 2007.08.13 - got both ROMless boot and ROMless dual parallel card to work 2007.08.06 - individual profile power controls + create new profile inside a new menu named profile. 2007.07.28 - replaced all exit() and EXIT() calls with messages before quitting emulator so at least we know what crashed. 2007.07.27 - ROMless works with both profile and floppy now. - Fixed a bug with configuration saving. 2007.07.26 - Tracelog checkmark correction 2007.07.25 - added Zap PRAM button in main Preferences panel 2007.07.23 - ROMLess booting - floppy works 2007.07.19 - ROMLess booting start 2007.07.12 - RESET opcode supervisor mode bug fix. 2007.07.10 - CPU core tests --- 1.0.0 Release 2007.07.06 - Display color balancing to remove fuzziness. 2007.07.05 - LisaConfig bugs found - overwriting date information with garbage on save of preferences. - corrected a bug preventing the grabbing of the host time and date. Found that MacWorks locks up when date is invalid. 2007.07.04 - LisaEm documentation completion 2007.07.03 - Testing various opcodes to locate scroll bar arrow bug in LOS not found, but eliminated shift/rotate opcodes. 2007.07.01 - regression testing to locate MacWorks bug - not found yet, high probability that it lives somewhere inside the C++ code. 2007.06.30 - added Mac OS trap symbol printing for A-Line traps for tracelog 2007.06.29 - fixed inability to detect no-floppy from Lisa boot ROM - fixed entry to Service mode - not perfect, need to attempt to boot from bad profile. - fixed tracelog bugs (hardcoded /log/lisaem-output) --- RC2 2007.06.26 - fixes to build.sh for differences between platforms. 2007.06.22 - floppy de-serialization routines. 2007.06.20 - rawbmp.h code finally works - except crashes on win32. :-( 2007.06.13 - rawbmp.h code works, much, much faster! 2007.06.12 - wxImage::SetRGB works - faster than old blit code 2007.05.01 - integrating new wxui code is taking me too long becaue of a lack of free time, so I'm going to go the other way so as to be able to make a release soon. 2007.04.24 - Dual Parallel ROM cheat 2007.04.15 - Found OS X display slowdown issues - Fixed display sizing issues when skinless. 2007.04.14 - Fixed skins on/off switch on OS X 2007.04.13 - Debugging video system on OS X 2007.04.11 - Added Disk Copy 6.x detection to libdc42 open. This allows better error messages to be returned. 2007.04.10 - Added MacBinII stripper to libdc42 auto_open 2007.04.09 - finalized buffered raw keycodes to compensate for repeats - decoupled the COPS 1/10th second timer from Lisa CPU and tied it to the host clock, clock is now accurate regardless of CPU speed. 2007.04.08 - added Unthrottled menu option for those who want to melt their host computer. :-) - added buffered raw keycodes to compensate for repeats. 2007.04.07 - bug with raw keycodes that prevents updates found and fixed. 2007.04.06 - Changes for OS X issues (might roll these back since Jerome Vernet found that the slowdown issues go away with wxWidgets 2.7.2, will test on all platforms before committing to either path.) - reworked display to draw directly to dc and skip full blit only done for AntiAlias mode, need to redo for all others. - reworked timing loop to no longer need wxMilliSleep --------- RC 1 2007.04.04 2007.04.04 - fixes to initial video position on skinless mode. - added 8Hz display refresh rate for slow hosts. - on shutdown throttle is removed + display refresh forced to 8Hz to compensate for ~Imagewriter slowdowns. 2007.04.02 - changes to build.sh to incorporate version #'s via #define and also modify Info.plist and _private.res inclusion on OS X and Win32. 2007.04.01 - Added Reset button - messing around with the VIA timing in hopes of fixing the extra-fast clock. Helps, but still a bit too fast. - fixing OS X issues - switching skins is really broken on OS X, so switched it to will be done next time you run LisaEm. This sucks, but it sucks less than having a broken display. - Printing on OS X works, but sometimes locks up LisaEm on shutdown. - windows now save their positions and restore on next boot 2007.03.30 - more printer work - timing correction: catch up on lost cycles if cpu