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    Updated: Monday, December 6, 1999


Firmware Internet Readme - DECAXPPCI33

Copy Firmware Release Notes

The release notes provide the name(s) of the firmware update utility file(s) you need to run on your Alpha system, and walk you through the firmware update procedure. From the table below, download the release notes from the doc directory in the V5.6 CD area.

Adobe Acrobat Postscript Text
decaxppci33_v16_fw_relnote.pdf decaxppci33_v16_fw_relnote.txt

Choose a method for updating the firmware

The firmware update methods supported for the DECAXPPCI33 are shown in the table below. Click on a method for detailed instructions on updating the firmware using that method.

Update Method Special
Disk A
FAT-formatted Floppy create a bootable FAT-formatted (DOS) floppy disk. This disk can be created on any system that can create a FAT floppy (Win NT, Win 95, DOS, etc.)
Disk B
OpenVMS create a bootable FILES11 (VMS file format) floppy disk
Disk C
Digital UNIX create a bootable floppy disk.
BOOTP Network access to Digital UNIX server to update firmware over a network using BOOTP protocol
MOP Network access to OpenVMS server to update firmware over a network using MOP protocol

Important: The default settings on some browsers may cause downloading problems with filenames having the extensions *.sys, *.btp, and *.rom. If you experience difficulties downloading files of those types, please add those extensions to MIME type application/octet-stream.

Bootable Floppy A - FAT Floppy

  1. From the table below, download the appropriate firmware update image from the decaxppci33 directory in the V5.6 CD area

    Firmware Image

  2. Copy the downloaded file to a blank FAT formatted floppy as a:\fwupdate.exe.

    IMPORTANT: The file must be named fwupdate.exe, and must be placed in the top-most level (root) directory on the floppy, or the image file will not be found properly.

  3. ARC Console: Place the floppy in the target system, and from the ARC Console menu, select "Install new firmware".
    AlphaBIOS Console: Place the floppy in the target system, and from the AlphaBIOS menu, select "Update AlphaBIOS".
For more detailed instructions, please refer to the release notes.

Bootable Floppy B - Make a Bootable Floppy (OpenVMS systems)

  1. From the table below, download the appropriate firmware update image from the decaxppci33 directory in the V5.6 CD area

    Firmware Image

  2. Rename the downloaded file to fwupdate.exe.

    Note: If your floppy drive is named something other than dva0, use that name instead of dva0 in the following steps.

    Enter the following commands in the directory containing fwupdate.exe on an OpenVMS system to make a bootable floppy:

    $ set file/attr=(rfm:fix,lrl:512,mrs:512,rat:none) fwupdate.exe
    $ init/dens=HD/index=begin dva0: fwupdate
    $ mount dva0: fwupdate
    $ create/dir dva0:[decaxppci33]
    $ copy/contiguous fwupdate.exe dva0:[decaxppci33]
    $ mcr writeboot
    [enter AXP bootfile:] dva0:[decaxppci33]fwupdate.exe
    $ dismount dva0:

  3. Insert the floppy on the target system and boot it from the SRM console:

    P00>>> boot dva0

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the release notes.

Bootable Floppy C - Boot Floppy (Digital UNIX systems)

  1. From the table below, download the appropriate firmware update image from the decaxppci33 directory in the V5.6 CD area

    Firmware Image

    Rename the downloaded file to fwupdate.exe.

  2. Download the file mkbootfirm.tar from the utilities directory in the top level of the firmware area.

    You can untar mkbootfirm on a Digital UNIX system with the command:

    tar xvf mkbootfirm.tar

  3. Make sure you have a floppy that has been low-level formatted.

    For example, to low-level format a floppy in drive zero:

    fddisk -fmt /dev/rfd0a

  4. Run mkbootfirm on the .exe firmware image that you downloaded.

    mkbootfirm uses a .exe firmware image to create a file that can be dd'd to a floppy.
    Enter the following command to create a bootable floppy from a downloaded .exe firmware image:

    ./mkbootfirm fwupdate.exe | dd of=/dev/rfd0c bs=64k

    NOTE: This assumes the mkbootfirm executable is in the current directory and that the floppy is in drive zero.

  5. Insert the floppy on the target system and boot it from the SRM console:

    P00>>> boot dva0

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the release notes.

BOOTP - Network Update Using the BOOTP protocol (Digital UNIX systems)

  1. From the table below, download the appropriate firmware update image from the decaxppci33 directory in the V5.6 CD area.

    Firmware Image

  2. Copy the downloaded file to a UNIX based network server for BOOTP booting on the target system. For details on configuring the BOOTP server, refer to Digital UNIX documentation or the target system's Firmware Release Notes document.

MOP - Network Update Using the MOP protocol (OpenVMS systems)

  1. From the table below, download the appropriate firmware update image from the decaxppci33 directory in the V5.6 CD area

    Firmware Image

  2. Copy the downloaded file to an OpenVMS based network server for MOP booting on the target system. For details on configuring the MOP server, refer to OpenVMS documentation or the target system's Firmware Release Notes document.
  3. To ensure that the downloaded file is in a proper VMS fixed record format, please use the following command before using the file for MOP booting:

    $ set file/attr=(rfm:fix,lrl:512,mrs:512,rat:none) "fwupdate.sys"

    NOTE: Replace "fwupdate.sys" with the name of the firmware image you downloaded.
