Hewlett-Packard Logo   Firmware Updates
    Last Release: March 2000

Digital Personal WorkStation a/au Series

Note: V7.2-1 was the last firmware release.


Please read the Firmware Release Notes before updating firmware.
Firmware Release Notes digitalpw_v72_fw_relnote.pdf
User Information Digital Personal Workstation a/au Series

Choose a Firmware Update  Method

Update MethodRequirements Description
Floppy Disk FAT-Formatted Create a non-bootable firmware update floppy to update firmware from AlphaBIOS console
Floppy Disk OpenVMS System Create a bootable firmware update floppy disk
Floppy Disk Tru64Unix System Create a bootable firmware update floppy disk
BOOTP Network Tru64Unix Server Update firmware from a network using BOOTP protocol
MOP Network OpenVMS Server Update firmware from a network using MOP protocol

AlphaBIOS Update Floppy

Download the following files:
Firmware Image digitalpw_v72_1.exe
Copy the files to a FAT formatted floppy as : fwupdate.exe
(The filename must remain unchanged and placed in the top-most level directory on the floppy.)

Place the floppy disk in the target system

Select "Update AlphaBIOS" from the AlphaBIOS menu.

Floppy Disk Update - OpenVMS

Firmware Image digitalpw_v72_1.exe

Download file and rename file to fwupdate.exe

Enter the following commands in the directory containing fwupdate.exe
$ set file/attr=(rfm:fix,lrl:512,mrs:512,rat:none) fwupdate.exe
$ init/dens=HD/index=begin dva0: fwupdate
$ mount dva0: fwupdate
$ create/dir dva0:[digitalpw]
$ copy/contiguous fwupdate.exe dva0:[digitalpw]
$ mcr writeboot
[enter AXP bootfile:] dva0:[digitalpw]fwupdate.exe
$ dismount dva0:
Insert bootable floppy in the floppy drive of the target system then
boot the floppy disk from the SRM console:
boot dva0

End of Procedure

Floppy Disk Update - Tru64UNIX

Firmware Image digitalpw_v72_1.exe
  • Download and rename firmware image to fwupdate.exe
  • Download the make boot utility mkbootfirm.tar.
  • Untar mkbootfirm on a Tru64UNIX system
    tar xvf mkbootfirm.tar
  • Low-level format a floppy disk:
    fddisk -fmt /dev/rfd0a
  • Create a bootable floppy from the downloaded firmware image:
    ./mkbootfirm fwupdate.exe | dd of=/dev/rfd0c bs=64k
  • Insert the bootable floppy in the target systems floppy drive, then
    boot it from the SRM console:
    boot dva0

BOOTP Network Update - Tru64UNIX

Firmware Image digitalpw_v72_1.exe
Download the firmware image to a TRU64Unix Server.
Register the Ethernet MAC address of the client with the TRU64Unix administrator. Invoke BOOTP from the client (e.g. P00>>> boot eia0)

*Consult your administrator for additional information on BOOTP booting.

MOP Network Update - OpenVMS

Firmware Image digitalpw_v72_1.sys

Download the firmware image to the MOP directory on an OpenVMS system.
Apply this command to the downloaded file to ensure the file is in the proper fixed record format
for MOP booting:

$ set file/attr=(rfm:fix,lrl:512,mrs:512,rat:none) file-name.sys

Consult your administrator for additional information on MOP booting.
