This file describes what you need to do to run the Xerox LFG Grammar Writer's Workbench under MS-DOS on an IBM-PC or clone. Note that it runs under DOS--it does NOT run under Windows. Also note that by using the workbench, you acknowledge that you have read and accept the terms of the license agreement stored at /pub/lfg/license.txt. You must have about 15MB on your disk to hold the sysout and emulator files, plus at least 16MB (and up to 32MB for large parses) in addition for temporary swap space. You must have at least 8MB of RAM, more is better. 1. Create a \medley directory on the c: drive. 2. Copy the files medley.exe and emul.exe to the new \medley directory. These files are in the /pub/lfg/dos/ subdirectory of the Xerox file server. Note: you MUST use BINARY mode FTP for all file transfers. 3. Copy the file init.lis to the top-level c: directory. This will be your site greeting file, perhaps setting variables to indicate where fonts, printers, user greetfiles, etc. are stored. A generic version is stored on the /lfg/dos/ subdirectory. Or you can simply store an empty file by that name if you have no need of a site-specific initialization. 4. Copy the lfg sysout to the \medley directory. This is the same file that is used on Sun or other Unix platforms. You can retrieve it in uncompressed (lfg20.sysout) or compressed (lfg20.sysout.gz) forms. Uncompressed, it is about 10MB, compressed about 4.5MB. It is compressed by gzip, so gzip or gunzip must be used to decompress. When you ftp it to DOS, you will have to shorten the file names to fit within the 8.3 DOS limit. We recommend using lfg20.sys for the name of the final uncompressed file. 5. You are now ready to run the system. First connect to the c:\medley directory then execute a command of the following form: medley lfg20.sys -noeurokbd DISPLAY MOUSE Replace DISPLAY with -vga if you have a standard 640X480 vga display -svga if you have a super-vga display -vesa102 if you have drivers for an 800X600 display -vesa104 if you have drivers for a 1024X768 display Replace MOUSE with nothing if you have a 3-button mouse -2button if you have a 2-button mouse Medley interprets the two buttons as its "left" and "right" buttons. The effect of pressing the "middle" button is obtained by pressing the two buttons at the same time. Thus, medley lfg20.sys -noeurokbd -vga is what you would type on a machine with a vga display and a 3-button mouse. Finally, note that GWB inherits some of the deficiencies of the DOS operating environment. Most notable is the limitation to 8.3 file names without version numbers. If you use a longer name, or use a longer directory name, GWB will truncate the directory and name fields to 8 characters, and the extension field to 3. Also, GWB under DOS simulates only two versions of a file. The most recent one will always show up as version ;1, the one before that will be seen as version ;0. When viewed from the DOS directory, the last character of the previous version shows up as %. There are ways of using additional subdirectories for working around these limitations, so that file names of arbitrary length can be used inside of GWB, but file names are somewhat obscure when viewed from the DOS directory. Please contact us if longer file names are of interest to you.