From: Snapshot-Content-Location: Subject: Jazz - LinuxMIPS Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2021 09:05:21 -0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; type="text/html"; boundary="----MultipartBoundary--DoiuTJyUQM07JSzCYtSoqh7tedy7PBscH3oWB6HNYE----" ------MultipartBoundary--DoiuTJyUQM07JSzCYtSoqh7tedy7PBscH3oWB6HNYE---- Content-Type: text/html Content-ID: Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: Jazz - LinuxMIPS


From LinuxMI= PS
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Jazz was the codename under which this family o= f systems was originally developed by Microsoft = before it was sold off to MIPS Computer Systems, Inc. MIPS, Toshiba, Acer and various customers and lice= nses have developed a variety of architecturally very similar systems.


Most of these systems shipped with the ARC firmware and were intended to run = Windows NT. Some systems made by MIPS (i.= e., the MIPS Magnum 4000PC and 4000SC) were reconfigurable to run in big endian mode by reflashing the firmware EEPROM wi= th MIPS, Inc.'s proprietary SASH firmware; in big endian mode the Magnums c= ould run RISC/os, which was MIPS, Inc.'s proprietary BSD-deri= ved UNIX variant.


All Jazz computers share the same "core" architecture codenamed RC4030 o= r MCTADR (after the motherboard ASIC chipset). This includes, inter ali= a:

  • an RC4030 DMA controller;
  • an RC4030 IRQ controller (see also Linux_Interrupts= ); and
  • an RC4030 Timer.

Some Jazz models use additional i8259 (PC-style IRQ) and i8257A (PC-styl= e DMA) controllers to support ISA/EISA bus IRQ/DMA.

SCSI Options

The ACER PICA-61,Olivetti M700-10, MIPS Magnum 4000= and MIPS Millenium have a SCSI interface based on the NCR 53C90 chipset (als= o known as the QLogic ESP216 or ASC, Advanced SCSI Controller= ).

Networking Option= s

The ACER PICA-61,Olivetti M700-10, MIPS Magnum 4000= and MIPS Millenium all use a SONIC Ethernet chip.

Video Options

The original Microsoft/MIPS Magnum 4000 and Olivetti M700-10 use a = simple framebuffer (capable of resolutions of 1024x768, 1200x968, or 1280x1= 024 pixels at 8 bpp color.) based on the Inmos G300 or G364 (64-bit) RAMDAC and VRAM chipset (a similar G364-= based framebuffer is found in an aftermarket graphics card for the Amiga). = The resolution and sync rate are fixed, and apparently can only be changed = by reprogramming the EPROM installed on the framebuffer.=20

The Magnum framebuffer is equipped with a DB13W3-F connector that ap= pears to be wired similarly to SGI devices of the same era (rather than Sun= devices), and it can be adapted to output to a modern flat panel display. = One option is to acquire a cheap Sun style 13W3 to VGA adapter (less than U= SD $10 on eBay, etc) and use a pair of narrow wire nippers to clip out all = 13 smaller pins, leaving just the 3 coaxial connectors. In this configurati= on, the framebuffer will output the sync signals on the green signal wire. = Almost all modern flat panel displays are capable of displaying a sync-on-g= reen video signal, though some of them will display an image with a slightl= y green tint. Since 4x3 aspect ratio displays are currently considered obso= lete, it should be fairly economical to acquire a good quality 1280x1024 fl= at panel.=20

It is also possible to hard-wire a DB15HD-F VGA style connector to t= he back of the framebuffer, supplying separate signal wires for hsync and v= sync. csync is not provided by the Magnum framebuffer. Diagrams specifying = how to connect a VGA port to an SGI Indy's Newport graphics are applicable = to the Magnum framebuffer

It appears that the Magnum framebuffer's video signal is likely to b= e compatible with any device advertised as being compatible with the output= of an SGI Indy with Newport graphics.=20

Some Magnum computers were configured with a "Jaguar" framebuffer wh= ich has a VGA compatible DB15HD port rather than a 13W3. This framebuffer h= as some 2D acceleration but is unfortunately only compatible with Windows N= T.=20

The ACER PICA-61 uses an S3 968 = SVGA videocard with 2MB of video memory on the custom fast PICA bus. The v= ideo card looks like an EISA card but the notch is on the wrong side.

The NEC Evolution uses a Cirrus Logic based video.

Sound options

The Microsoft/MIPS Magnum 4000 includes a simple sound controller (coden= ame Jazz) comprising two DMAs=E2=80=94one for each of the left and right ch= annels, respectively.

Although largely identical to the Magnum 4000 series in other respec= ts, the Olivetti M700-10 nonetheless uses AD1815-based sound controller (?n= eed to check) rather than the simple DMA system of the Magnum.

I/O options

All Jazz computers are using PC-style i8042 keyboard and PS/2 mouse cont= roller, i8072 floppy controller (attached to the RC4030 DMA and IRQ), 2x164= 50 RS-232 serial ports and PC-style LPT.


It is possibly to reconfigure MIPS Magnum R4000 system from little- to b= ig-endian and vice versa by loading ARC or MIPS Monitor into the Magnum's F= LASH memory.

All Jazz family systems come with an ARC firmware.

Linux Support

Linux/MIPS has supported the Olivetti M700-10 almost since the original = release of the M700, with support for the quite similar MIPS Magnum R4000PC= achieved soon thereafter. Support for the Jazz machines is reportedly sta= ble in the 2.2 kernels, but suffers from various degrees of bitrot after th= at. As of Linux 2.6 resurrection of support is being worked on. No test r= esults on other Jazz family systems are available.

External Links=

  • NetBSD port to ARC machines
  • OpenBSD port to ARC machines
  • GXemul has rudimentary support for the Jazz architecture
  • MIPS Magnum entry at Wikipedia
  • Jazz entry at Wikipedia
  • Anecdotal history of the Mips= Magnum from usenet

Navigation menu

P= age actions

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lang(ml), h3:lang(ml), h4:lang(ml), h5:lang(ml), h6:lang(ml), h2:lang(mr), = h3:lang(mr), h4:lang(mr), h5:lang(mr), h6:lang(mr), h2:lang(my), h3:lang(my= ), h4:lang(my), h5:lang(my), h6:lang(my), h2:lang(mai), h3:lang(mai), h4:la= ng(mai), h5:lang(mai), h6:lang(mai), h2:lang(ne), h3:lang(ne), h4:lang(ne),= h5:lang(ne), h6:lang(ne), h2:lang(new), h3:lang(new), h4:lang(new), h5:lan= g(new), h6:lang(new), h2:lang(or), h3:lang(or), h4:lang(or), h5:lang(or), h= 6:lang(or), h2:lang(pa), h3:lang(pa), h4:lang(pa), h5:lang(pa), h6:lang(pa)= , h2:lang(pi), h3:lang(pi), h4:lang(pi), h5:lang(pi), h6:lang(pi), h2:lang(= sa), h3:lang(sa), h4:lang(sa), h5:lang(sa), h6:lang(sa), h2:lang(ta), h3:la= ng(ta), h4:lang(ta), h5:lang(ta), h6:lang(ta), h2:lang(te), h3:lang(te), h4= :lang(te), h5:lang(te), h6:lang(te) { line-height: 1.4em; } ol:lang(azb) li, ol:lang(bcc) li, ol:lang(bgn) li, ol:lang(bqi) li, ol:la= ng(fa) li, ol:lang(glk) li, ol:lang(kk-arab) li, ol:lang(lrc) li, ol:lang(l= uz) li, 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