The archive in this directory contains the configuration disk that was included with every Mips Magnum 4000 system. This config disk may be required to reload the little endian firmware ("ARC firmware") into the FLASH EEPROMS of the Magnum 4000 and to configure the machine back to the big endian firmware for use with MIPS own UNIX implementation Risc/OS. Permission to make available via anonymous ftp was generously given by Mips Computer Systems, Inc. The archive contains information how to create the config disk. The config disk is useable for the Mips Magnum 4000 and the Mips Magnum 4000SC. The disk will not be accepted by the OEM version of the Magnum sold by Olivetti under the type name M700-10. I should note that reconfiguring the Magnum is a little bit DANGEROUS procedure. During the reconfiguration process the entire content of the FLASH EEPROM containing the firmware is replaced. If this process is interrupted the machine will have an EEPROM with unusable contents. This means that the EEPROMs will have to be removed and reprogrammed using an EEPROM programmer. So try don't reload the firmware unnecessarily. I suggest to be paranoid and do this only when the Magnum is connected to a UPS. Just in case if power fails ... Please read the file LICENSE before downloading Dowloading will be considered as agreement to the terms of the license.