This is the FW update package for P3700/P3600 ES2/QS drives from FW36/FW41/FW43 (Bootloader 0119/0123/0125) to FW49 (bootloader 0128) PLEASE NOTE that in order to be able to update the FW on the ES2/QS version of Intel P3700/P3600 Series SSD - you need to have Intel NVMe debug driver for Windows installed (included in this package) Package contents: 1) Configuration Manager v. 2.1.2 (iSSDCM_win32.exe) 2) NCAT tool v. 1.2.0 (NCAT120.exe) 2) NCAT tool v. 1.3.0 (NCAT130.exe) 3) FW binaries (8DV10049_signed.bin ; 8DV10043_signed.bin) 4) Bootloader binary (8B1B0128.bin) 5) SW license 6) FW noRedistribution license 7) Binary files license terms 8) help files and user guides 9) Intel NVMe Windows Debug Driver ver. (zip password is 'intelssd') 10) UptadeMeToQS.BAT - User-interactive script for upgrading FW on your P3700/P3600 drive This script will automatically recognize the FW version of your drive and the health status and proceed accordingly. Please do not interrupt the sciprt or the timeouts in the script. -------------- There are two ways of updating the FW on the P3700 drive 1) Load UpdateMeToQS.BAT with Administrator's previlages and follow the on-screen prompts 2) Identify the current FW on the P3700/P3600 SSD and follow full update instructions from "QS Package Update.ppx", included in this package. -------------- Instructions for manual update from FW36/41 If the drive is in BAD_CTX or ASSERT state, clear the assert first: a) NCAT130.exe -drive_list b) NCAT130.exe -drive_index 1 -erase_assert c) NCAT130.exe -drive_index 1 -lowlevelformat You may need a power cycle to bring back the drive. After reaching Healthy state of the drive, please proceed to FW update. You will need Configuration manager and both NCAT 1.3.0 and NCAT 1.2.0 versions. Please ask your Intel support contact for linux versions of the tools. 1. iSSDCM_win64.exe -drive_index 1 -firmware_update 8DV10043_signed.bin 2. NCAT120.exe -drive_index 1 -bootloader_update 8B1B0128.bin If the drive is in BAD_CONTEXT state after FW update use: 2b. NCAT120.exe -drive_index 1 -lowlevelformat **** USE NCAT120.exe TO UPDATE THE CONFIGURATION ON FW43 DRIVE **** 3. NCAT120.exe -drive_index 1 -update_config 4. NCAT120.exe -drive_index 1 -lowlevelformat 5. iSSDCM_win64.exe -drive_index 1 -firmware_update 8DV10049_signed.bin **** USE NCAT130.exe TO UPDATE THE CONFIGURATION ON FW49 DRIVE **** 6. NCAT130.exe -drive_index 1 -update_config Update VPD contents: 7. createAndWriteVPD.bat 8. Power cycle