IMPORTANT! The hardware design itself is free to explore and experiment with. Notwithstanding of the terms of the license you are allowed to change, modify and improve the hardware design provided as long as you make your changes public and freely available as well. The design may not be exploited commercially (e.g. PCBs or assembled units sold where money is changing hands, regardless of profit) unless approved by us. Individuals interested in building and/or labelling the the hardware as "KryoFlux" and/or "designed by Softpres" must get written approval. This is to make sure an official hardware layout is used to prevent people from buying broken hardware associated with our name and trademarks. The Software Preservation Society, Softpres and KryoFlux are trademarks of The Software Preservation Society and KryoFlux Products & Services Ltd. Any hardware made according to the enclosed schematics is built at the user's own risk. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us: Copyright (c) 2010-2014 KryoFlux Products & Services Ltd.