Simply RISC S1 Core - Quick Installation Guide ============================================== To install the package just extract it: tar zxvf s1.tar.gz then edit the top-level "sourceme" file to reflect the locations of the S1 design (we call "S1 root directory" the one containing the "hdl" and "tools" subdirectories) and the root of the T1 design: the first one is mandatory, the second path is needed only if you want to update the SPARC Core source file bundled with this tarball with an updated version of the T1 design released by the OpenSPARC community (to see how to update it, please read UPDATING.txt ). After that just use on your GNU/Linux or Unix box a bash shell to source this file: source sourceme Then you have to update the list of files to be used, to do so just run the script: update_filelist Now you are ready to try the S1 environment to run simulations or synthesis.