Simply RISC S1 Core - System Requirements ========================================= You can run simulation and synthesis of the S1 Core almost on any machine: all you need is a Unix-like machine with the following programs installed: - bash shell; - sed stream editor; - for simulations: Icarus Verilog (free software) or Synopsys VCS MX (commercial); - for synthesis: Icarus Verilog (free software) or Synopsys Design Compiler (commercial). As you can easily understand, whatever GNU/Linux or Unix machine should be suitable for your purposes; we haven't tried on Windows with Cygwin but we suspect that it could work (please let us know your experience at and we'll list it here). Infact since the only tool you need for simulation and synthesis is Icarus Verilog, and since it is free software, you can download its source code and compile it for your platform. On some GNU/Linux distributions there's even no need to compile it since you can install it from Internet with one command: - on Debian and similar distros like Ubuntu to install Icarus Verilog just use the command: apt-get install verilog - if you are a Gentoo maniac you can use the command: emerge iverilog In both cases you will need an Internet connection and root privileges to perform the installation (otherwise go to the official site and compile it from the sources). Please note that we have been using Icarus version 0.8 without any trouble, but some user reported some compiling error using the latest version 0.8.2. Another requirement is related with the SPARC v9 compiler: there's an x86 to sparc64 GCC cross-compiler available on the web so you should be able to compile test programs for the S1 Core using not only a SPARC machine but whatever GNU/Linux x86 PC; please check on the Download Area of the Simply RISC website at .