Simply RISC S1 Core - Functional Specification ============================================== Preface ------- The S1 is a CPU core that makes use of a single SPARC Core extracted from the OpenSPARC T1, with the addition of a Wishbone Bridge, a Reset Controller and an Interrupt Controller. ___________________________________ | Simply RISC S1 Core | | _______ _____ ________ ________ | || || || || || || Reset || Int || SPARC ||Wishbone|| || Ctrl. ||Ctrl.|| Core || Bridge || || || || || || | ------- ----- ------- -------- | ----------------------------------- Instruction Set Architecture ---------------------------- The CPU inside the S1 Core is the SPARC Core of the OpenSPARC T1 microprocessor, so you can read OpenSPARC documents for the specification of this CPU. Basically it follows the SPARC v9 64-bit ISA, specified in the documents freely available on the website; for the full documentation you also have to read the datasheet and other specs included in the download file of the T1 design. Software Support ---------------- The SPARC v9 ISA is obviously supported by the GCC compiler; also GNU/Linux is supported and the latest versions of the kernel are ready for the T1. There's also a complete GNU/Linux distribution, Ubuntu, that comes ready for the SPARC Core of the T1 and could be used in a seamless way also for Simply RISC S1 based micros. S1 Memory Map ------------- The S1 Core has 64-bit wide Data Bus and Address Bus. Each bit of the Address Bus has a different meaning: - bits [63:59] specify the one-hot encoding for the T1 target region number; - bits [58:40] are 19 bits always hardwired to zero; - bits [39:0] are the 40-bit Physical Address as it comes from the SPARC Core. For most applications the lowest 40-bit address coming from the SPARC Core should be enough, so it should be safe to ignore the other bits (unless you suspect that for instance Physical Address zero in region 0 is different from address zero in region 1 and so forth). S1 Physical Address [63:56] --------------------------- the first byte specifies the T1 target region number (one-hot encoded on the most significant 5 bits, the 3 least significant bits are hardwired to zero): - 0x08 RAM Bank 0 (bit 59 set) - 0x10 RAM Bank 1 (bit 60 set) - 0x20 RAM Bank 2 (bit 61 set) - 0x40 RAM Bank 3 (bit 62 set) - 0x80 I/O Bridge (bit 63 set) As you can see one of the five most significant bits of the address must be always set depending on the target region. S1 Physical Address [39:32] --------------------------- In the T1 bit 39 is zero for all memory addresses and 1 for I/O addresses. Then the T1, from which the S1 is derived, uses the following memory map for bits [39:32] (please note that this mapping is NOT used by the S1): - 0x00-0x7F RAM - 0x80 JBus - 0x81-0x95 - 0x96 Clock Unit - 0x97 RAM Controller - 0x98 I/O Bridge Management Block - 0x99 TAP Unit - 0x9A-0x9D - 0x9E TAP2ASI - 0x9F I/O Bridge Interrupt Table - 0xA0-0xBF L2 Control Registers - 0xC0-0xFE JBus - 0xFF Boot ROM For the S1 Core the memory map is different and the following table applies: - 0x00-0x7F RAM - 0x80-0x95 - 0x96 Real Time Clock - 0x97 RAM Controller - 0x98 Wishbone Interconnect Arbiter - 0x99 DMA Controller - 0x9A-0x9D - 0x9E General Purpose I/O - 0x9F Interrupt Controller - 0xA0-0xFE - 0xFF Boot ROM If you intend to use in your system not only the least significant 40 bits generated by the SPARC Core, take into account that for accesses not directed to RAM but to configuration registers it should be an access to the I/O region (bit 63 set), so for instance the full 64-bit base address for the Interrupt Controller should be 0x8000_009F_0000_0000. S1 Physical Address [2:0] ------------------------- The S1 Core implements a Wishbone Master interface with a data bus of 64 bits and a granularity of 1 byte. Then the address generated by the S1 is always aligned on 64-bit boundaries, i.e. bits [2:0] are always zero; the information about the bytes that have to be accessed during a Wishbone bus cycle is obviously encoded on the SEL signals described in the Wishbone spec. Reset Controller ---------------- The boot sequence of the T1 is quite complex; we have then written a reset controller for the S1 that just takes one reset signal and generates all the signals required by the SPARC Core to boot up properly. Interrupt Controller -------------------- Early versions of the S1 Core feature a very basic Interrupt Controller that latches interrupt requests arriving to the core that are then signaled to the SPARC Core with the proper CPX packet. Currently this block is untested and it will be enhanced in the future. Wishbone Bridge --------------- The eight SPARC Cores inside the OpenSPARC T1 microprocessor make use of a proprietary protocol to communicate with the rest of the chip; this protocol is often referred to as PCX/CPX protocol, where PCX stands for "Processor-to-Cache Xbar" and is used for the requests outgoing the SPARC Cores and CPX stands for "Cache-to-Processor Xbar" and is used for incoming packets. The main block designed specifically for the S1 Core is the "SPARC Core to Wishbone Master interface bridge" that translates the requests and return packets of the SPARC Core into the Wishbone protocol. You can find the full specification of the Wishbone protocol on the OpenCores site at Interface Details ----------------- These are the features of the bus interface of the S1 Core (they can also be referred to as "Wishbone Datasheet"): - Wishbone Master interface that follows revision B.3; - standard signals names identified by leading "wbm_" chars; - no ERR/RTY support; - 64-bit Address Bus (with some bits unused, see above); - 64-bit Data Bus supporting 8, 16, 32 and 64 bit accesses; - data transfer ordering is Big Endian; - supports Single Read/Write Cycles.