Simply RISC S1 Core - Support and References ============================================ The S1 Core has been developed by Simply RISC LLP and the OpenCores community, and it's been released as Free Hardware Design under the GPL license version 2. You have all the freedom granted by this license, but to avoid legal problems we have to state clearly that: 1) all the files bundled with this package come WITHOUT WARRANTY, so USE THEM AT YOUR OWN RISK; 2) you do NOT have the right to pretend the support you need from Simply RISC LLP. Anyway we will try to provide all the free support that we can, and now we try to list how to ask for it. Basically since the S1 Core is based upon the OpenSPARC T1 microprocessor released by Sun Microsystems, for issues related with the SPARC Core inside the S1 you can refer to the OpenSPARC website: In the documentation section of this site you will find several documents about the SPARC v9 64-bit Instruction Set Architecture (you should be able to read them without registration). For the specification of the T1 implementation of the 64-bit SPARC ISA you need a free registration to download the full design (it's a very large file) that contains also the full specification of the T1 microprocessor. On the OpenSPARC website listed above there are also public forums online where you can ask for free support. If you need support about the Wishbone Interconnect, the URL you need is: Here you will find also several other cores that can be connected to the S1 seamlessly; again, there are mailing lists available from this site when you can discuss with real experts about your problems with the Wishbone interconnect protocol. If you still need support or you want to take part in the development of the S1 Core, then you can contact us at and we will try to help you if possible. If you find something that can be corrected and/or improved in the design or in the documentation please let us know and we will fix it in the next release. To see if there is a new release available just check from time to time on the Simply RISC website: