Simply RISC S1 Core - OpenSPARC sources updating ================================================ To update the source files of the SPARC Core to the latest version provided by Sun Microsystems with their OpenSPARC T1 project, please perform the following steps: - download the latest chip design from (requires free registration and takes a while); - unpack the tarball, for instance under ~/opensparc-t1 ; - make the T1_ROOT enviroment variable contained in your top-most $S1_ROOT/sourceme file match the directory you used in the previous step; - source the sourceme file in a fresh opened shell. Now you are ready to perform the updating; a script named "update_sparccore" is provided and it can be called using the following syntax: update_sparccore -me or update_sparccore -se or update_sparccore -ee From now on, all the commands you use to simulate or to synthesize the design will refer to the SPARC Core version you are using. NOTE: in order to call the "update_sparccore" installed you *MUST* have Icarus Verilog installed, since it is used to preprocess the Verilog files; no matter you want to use another simulator for functional verification. The argument to the script works as follows: - S1 Core ME (Memory-less Edition): one thread, no cache; - S1 Core SE (Single-thread Edition): one thread, usual 16K+8K L1 caches; - S1 Core EE (Elite Edition): four threads, usual 16K+8K L1 caches.