A How To guide for setting options 49/66 in a Solaris or Windows DHCP service.

    There are several ways in which a Sun Ray DTU can 'find' a Sun Ray server to connect to. One of these ways is to set option 49 or 66 in your DHCP service. These DHCP options are part of the set of fields returned in response to a client DHCP request, along with the other basic settings you are more familiar with, including IP address for the client, DNS, Domain, gateway/router, etc. For more detail on all the methods a Sun Ray DTU uses to find a Sun Ray server, review some of the other entries in the Think Thin blog, and check out the Sun Ray documentation at http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/coll/1230.3

Note - Option 66 is a string field, and can accept a hostname or IP address (single). If you use a hostname, you must make sure that the DHCP response to the Sun Ray DTU includes a domain name and a list of DNS servers, so that the DTU can resolve the hostname.

On a Sun DHCP service

Using DHCP Manager
  • 1) Start DHCP Manager
    /usr/sadm/admin/bin/dhcpmgr &
  • 2) Click Macros tab
  • 3) Make sure the default macro is highlighted
  • 4) Click Edit menu, and from there click Properties.
  • 5) Click 'Select' button next to Option Name field.
  • 6) To set the option you want, follow the appropriate step :
    To set Option 49, click on Option Name - XDispMgr
    (Description - X Window System display managers)
    To set option 66, click on Option Name - TFTPsrvN
    (Description - TFTP server name), and then click OK button.
  • 7) Enter your IP address (Sun Ray Server for Option 49, Sun Ray Firmware Server for Option 66), or a space separated list of IP addresses in the Option Value field (49 only.  Option 66 must be a single entry)
  • 8) Click the Add button to the right of the Select button.
  • 9) Make sure the check box for 'Notify DHCP server of change' has a check in it, otherwise click the box to put a check in it.
  • 10) Click the OK button to accept the changes.
Using CLI dhtadm
  • 1) As root, run dhtadm based on the following examples, where macroname is the name of the macro you want to add Option 49/66 to, and ipaddress/list is the IP address (Sun Ray Server for Option 49, Sun Ray Firmware Server for Option 66) you want to use, or a space seperated list of IP addresses :

    dhtadm -M -m macroname -e "TFTPsrvN=ipaddress/list"

    example of Option 49
    dhtadm -M -m sunray1 -e "XDispMgr="
    example of Option 66
    dhtadm -M -m sunray1 -e "TFTPsrvN="

  • 2) Stop the DHCP service
    /etc/init.d/dhcp stop
  • 3) Start the DHCP service
    /etc/init.d/dhcp start
  Note - The hostname is likely to be used as the macroname you will want to add the options to. Use dhtadm -P to get a list of all current macros to verify the macroname.

On a Windows (2000, 2003 EE) DHCP service

Using the GUI DHCP admin tool
  • 1) Run the DHCP administration tool by clicking Start, Administrative Tools, DHCP
  • 2) Click the + next to the server you want to add the options to.
  • 3) Click on the Server Options folder
  • 4) Click the Action menu item, and then click Configure Options...
  • 5) Make sure the General tab is the one you are working on.
  • 6) Scroll through the Available Options list
  • 7) Click on the check box next to 049 X Windows System Display
  • 8) Fill in the IP address field.
  • 9) Click the Add button to add the IP address to the list.
  • 10) Repeat steps 7 and 8 if you have a list of IP addresses
  • 11) Click on the check box next to 066 Boot Server Host Name.
  • 12) Fill in the String value field with a single IP address or a hostname.
  • 13) Click the OK button to accept and apply both Options.

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