________________________________ Solaris 1.1.1 SunOS 4.1.3 -------------------------------- Last Updated: 8/5/96 meb Current Patch list: B01000-01 - In particular 810MB SCSI driver patch - also some tidying up SunOS4.3.1_U1 Solaris1.1.1vB TPI A.2.1 NCE 2.0 SB3/3LC B01001-01 - PCMCIA driver patch (in particular Maxtor problem) SunOS4.3.1_U1 Solaris1.1.1vB TPI A.2.1 NCE 2.0 SB3/3LC B01002-04* - Final (tested) /usr/bin corrupt patch SunOS4.3.1_U1 Solaris1.1.1vB TPI A.2.1 NCE 2.0 SB3/3LC B01002-06 - Kernel patch to allow Panasonic and NEC cdroms off SCSI bus SunOS4.3.1_U1 Solaris 1.1.1 TPI A.2.x NCE 2.0 SB3/3LC B01002-07 - Kernel patch for Panasonic and NEC CDROMS A.2.X. Replacing B01002-06. B01003-01 - New NCE server fixes /etc/fbconfigurations corruption B01003-02 - Used with B01002-04 to upgrade from A.2.1 to A.2.2 SunOS4.3.1_U1 Solaris1.1.1vB TPI A.2.1 NCE 2.0 SB3/3LC Note: This patch supercedes B01003-01 * - This patch is the final attempt to fix the /usr/bin inode corruption. Supercedes B01002-01, B01002-02 and B01002-03. ___________________________ Solaris 1.1.2 SunOS 4.1.4 --------------------------- Last Updated: 03/18/97 meb B02000-01 -Solaris 1.1.2 A.3, A.3-JLE Display, cdrom/Panasonic, microcontroller, save/resume fixes B02000-02 -Solaris 1.1.2 A.3: kernel jumbo patch display, cdrom, panasonic, microcontroller, save&resume B02000-03 -Solaris 1.1.2 A.3, A.3-JLE kernel jumbo patch display, cdrom, panasonic, microcontroller, save&resume Patches which conflict with this patch: B02900-01 B02000-04 -Solaris 1.1.2 A.3: Kernel Jumbo Patch Patch has been expanded to include the TX Series Sparcbook. B02001-01 -Solaris 1.1.2 A.3, A.3-JLE NCE2 patch NCE2 server radar bugs save&resume Patches required with this patch: B02000-02 B02002-01 B02001-02 -Solaris 1.1.2 A.3, A.3-JLE NCE2 patch NCE2 server radar bugs save&resume Patches required with this patch: B02000-03 B02002-02 B02002-01 -Solaris 1.1.2 A.3 A.3-JLE NCE2 tools bug fixes and enhancements Patches required with this patch: B02001-01 B02000-02 B02002-02 -Solaris 1.1.2 A.3 A.3-JLE NCE2 tools bug fixes and enhancements Patches required with this patch: B02001-02 B02000-03 B02003-01 -Solaris 1.1.2 A.3, A.3-JLE pop (Post Office Protocol) 3 mail server patch Fixes problem with picking mail up off a 2.[34] host and reading it on a 4.1.x machine B02003-02 -Solaris 1.1.2 A.3, A.3-JLE Post Office Protocol 3 mail server patch. B02004-01 -Solaris 1.1.2 A.3, A.3-JLE cu bug fix B02005-01 -Solaris 1.1.2 A.3, A.3-JLE SLIP module and utilities update. Allows for MTU > 552 Patches recommended with this patch: B02001-01 B02002-01 B02003-01 B02004-01 B02005-02 -Solaris 1.1.2 A.3, A.3-JLE SLIP module and utilities update. Patches recommended with this patch: B02001-02 B02002-02 B02003-02 B02004-02 B02006-01 -SunOS 4.1.4: A.3, A.3-JLE: SCSI floppy disk module update. B02007-01 -SunOS 4.1.4: A.3, A.3-JLE: C library update. B02100-01 -Solaris 1.1.2 A.3 A.3-JLE xnews patch level 100444-75, bug fixes. B02900-01 -Solaris 1.1.2 A.3, A.3-JLE Fixes for Nokia PCMCIA cards (modems DTP-2 & DPA1, also Philips Mobile Data Card) vmunix.A.3.1b -Modified Kernel for Kingston 340 PCMCIA drives. This patch is found in ../../S3-kernels/Solaris_1.1.2 including the pcdsk.o file. ___________________________ Solaris 2.3 --------------------------- Last Updated: 02/13/97 meb Current Patch list: 101318-70 - SunOS 5.3: Jumbo patch for kernel (includes libc, lockd) 101362-38 - OpenWindows 3.3: Server (Xsun) Jumbo Patch T01000-01 - patch for Save & Resume hangup SunOS5.3 Solaris2.3 TPI A.2.1 NCE 2.0 SPARCbook3/3LC T01001-01 - Xsun server fix for graphics accn. T01001-02 - T01001-01 + fix for rendering in libcfb SunOS5.3 Solaris2.3 TPI A.2.1 NCE 2.0 SPARCbook3/3LC T01002-01 - 810MB driver SCSI driver patch T01003-01 - Audio driver patch (dbri) not applicable on S2 SunOS5.3 Solaris2.3 TPI A.2.1 NCE 2.0 SPARCbook3/3LC T01004-01 - PCMCIA driver patch (in particular Maxtor problem) SunOS5.3 Solaris2.3 TPI A.2.1 NCE 2.0 SPARCbook3/3LC T01002-02 - A.2.1 restores NCE functionality after 101318-54* plus 810MB SunOS5.3 Solaris2.3 TPI A.2.1(ONLY) NCE 2.0 SPARCbook3/3LC T02000-01 - A.2.2 restores NCE functionality after 101318-54* plus 810MB SunOS5.3 Solaris2.3 TPI A.2.2(ONLY) NCE 2.0 SPARCbook3/3LC T01005-01 _ A.2.1 NCE loc. generates incorrect subnet mask SunOS5.3 Solaris2.3 TPI A.2.1 NCE 2.0 SPARCbook3/3LC T02005-01 - A.2.2 NCE loc. generates incorrect subnet mask SunOS5.3 Solaris2.3 TPI A.2.2 NCE 2.0 SPARCbook3/3LC T03001-01 - B.0 SCSI cdroms such as Panasonic and NEC 3xp won't work SunOS5.3 Solaris2.3 Version B.0 ALL T03002-03 - Tadpole binaries resulting from SUN 101318-70 Patch. Generally available SCSI CD-ROM drivers do not work. T03004-01 - A.2.2 Cannot read files on PC formatted PCMCIA disks SunOS5.3 Solaris2.3 TPI A.2.2 SPARCbook3 T03004-02 - PCMCIA jumbo patch. Cannot read files on a PC formatted PCMCIA disks. T03005-01 - Updated Post Office Protocol driver and clients. T03006-02 - NCE2 related bug fixes. T03007-02 - Frame buffer driver patch. T03008-01 - Unloading the pm module can crash system. T03009-01 - NCE Trademark change. T03010-01 - Fixes to the open modes for modems. T03011-01 - Fixes to ethernet drivers to allow snoop and etherman to work. T03012-01 - Change the motd version string. TTI_cluster.b01.tar.Z - Tadpole Cluster B.0 release * - The Sun jumbo patch 101318-54.tar.Z is on tadpole:/pub/sbu/sun-patches WARNING: Do not reboot between installing 101318-54 and T01002-02 or T02000-01. Note also: 101318-54 should not be applied unless a specific problem this patch corrects is observed. Contact Tadpole support. Patches T01000-01, T01002-01, T01003-01, T01001-01 are all included in the current factory load and are therefore also supplied on floppy together with the CD when a system is shipped. Other patches are available separately. A.2.2 2.3 includes all the listed patches T01000 to T01004 inclusive plus various other fixes. Note:T01003-01 is not applicable to Sparcbook2, it doesn't use a dbri - ________________________________ Solaris 2.4 --------------------------------- Last Updated: 03/18/97 meb Current patch list: 101907-12 SunOS 5.4: Volume Management Patch 101907-13 SunOS 5.4: fixes to volume management 101945-39 SunOS 5.4: Patch for kernel. 101945-44 SunOS 5.4: patch for kernel 102044-01 SunOS 5.4: bug in mouse code makes "Break Root" attack possible 102057-31 OpenWindows 3.4: Server (Xsun) Jumbo Patch 102057-35 OpenWindows 3.4: Server (Xsun) Patch 102062-08 SunOS 5.4: jumbo patch for zs, zsh, cgsix drivers. 102062-12 SunOS 5.4: fixes for zs, zsh, cgsix drivers T10000-01 Patch for formatting and reading pcfs formatted PCMCIA disks. SunOS 5.4 Solaris 2.4 Tadpole vC.0 NCE 2.0 Sparcbook3/3XP T10000-03 Jumbo PCMCIA patch. T10001-01 Patch for SCSI CD-ROM drives. SunOS 5.4 Solaris 2.4 Tadpole vC.0 NCE 2.0 All Systems T10001-02 Replacement Patch for T10001-01 above. T10002-01 Japanese locale openwin-menu applications are too large for the screen. T10003-03 Patch for Xsun (in-line with Sun patch 102057-12) SunOS 5.4 Solaris 2.4 (obsoletes T10003-01) Tadpole vC.0 NCE 2.0 Sparcbook3/3XP/3GX T10003-05 Solaris 2.4 update in line with SUN patches 102057-31 and 102111-02. T10003-06 Solaris 2.4 update in line with SUN Patches 102057-35 and 102111-02 T10004-01 Patch for S3 serial line problem after resume SunOS 5.4 Solaris 2.4 Tadpole vC.0 NCE 2.0 Sparcbook3/3XP T10004-02 Jumbo patch for zs, zsh. T10004-03 jumbo patch for zs, zsh T10005-01 Patch for Sun patch 101945-27 (load after 101945-27) SunOS 5.4 Solaris 2.4 (obsoletes T10001-02) Tadpole vC.0 NCE 2.0 ALL Systems T10005-05 Patch for Sun patch 101945-34 (load after 101945-34) SunOS 5.4 Solaris 2.4 Tadpole vC.0 NCE 2.0 Sparcbook3/XP T10005-06 Tadpole update in line with SUN patch 101945-39. T10005-07 Tadpole update in line with SunPatch 101945-44 T10005-08 Tadpole update in line with SunPatch 101945-44 S3TX hanging on savedown. Note that it is necessary to install patch 101945-44 before installing T10005-08. T10006-01 XGL does not work on SPARCbook 3XP. T10007-02 Patch for SCSI floppy remount by vold after eject SunOS 5.4 Solaris 2.4 Tadpole vC.0 NCE 2.0 ALL Systems T10007-05 SCSI floppy device access permissions and vold problems. T10008-01 Patch for updated POP-3 client and server. SunOS 5.4 Solaris 2.4 Tadpole vC.0 NCE 2.0 ALL Systems T10008-02 Updated Post Office Protocol driver and clients. T10009-03 Frame buffer driver patch. T10009-04 Frame buffer driver patch. T10010-02 NCE2 related bug fixes. T10010-03 NCE2 related bug fixes. T10011-01 Unloading the pm modules can crash system. T10012-01 Fixes to the open modes for modems. T10013-01 NCE trademark change. T10014-01 SunOS 5.4: bug in mouse code make "break root" attack possible. T10015-01 Restore NCE functionality after applying patch 102070-01. T10016-02 Change the motd version string. T10016-03 Change the motd version string. T10017-01 Patch to cover SUN patch 102001-10 "Jumbo ethernet patch". T10017-02 Patch to cover SUN patch 102001-11 "Jumbo ethernet patch". T10018-01 Patch to cover SUN patch 102038-02. T10019-01 Extra clicks during audio mode changes. T10020-01 esp jumbo patch to cover SUN patch 102509-04. T10020-02 esp jumbo patch to cover SUN Patch 102509-06. T10021-01 bpp driver fixes. T10022-01 Fix for eject popup freeze. T10023-01 Openwindows exits when the locale is changed to Japanese via the properties window. TTI_cluster.c02.tar.Z - Tadpole C.0.2 Cluster package TTI_cluster.c03.tar.Z - Tadpole C.0.3 cluster package TTI_cluster.c04.tar.Z - Tadpole C.0.4 cluster package ________________________________ Solaris 2.5 -------------------------------- README.ALL contains all readme information in all patches listed. -------------------------------- Last Updated: 2/13/97 meb T20000-01 - If you sys-unconfig a system and then boot up and enter all the normal system configuration parameters the system ends up with a normal timezone. The NCE portable timezone does not then work. T20001-01 - Obsoleted by T20001-02.tar.Z SunOS 5.5: sd driver fix (As per SUN patch 102984-01). T20001-02 - Fixes to the sd driver as per SUN Patch 102984-01. Fixes hangs due to audio CD's. Fixes the partition mapping after a save/resume. Fixes disk security by adding SN to table. T20002-01 - Obsoleted by T20004-02.tar.Z Save/resume patch. T20003-01 - S3/S3LC patch: system panics on resume. T20004-01 - Obsoleted by T20004-02.tar.Z Hang during network boot. T20004-02 - Save/Resume patch. Obsoletes T20002-01.tar.Z T20004-04 - Jumbo patch for kernel and Save/Resume. Obsoletes T20004-02 ** Recomended TX or above patch for 170mhz processor. T20005-01 - CDE desktop freezes when changing NCE locations. T20006-01 - Acceleration improvement for weitek p9100. Native Mode only! T20007-01 - pageview and docserver do not function correctly with 16-bit display. Fix changes comparison against 25 to 16. T20008-01 - Using high speed PCMCIA modems can crash system. T20009-01 - sf always thinks it has a 2.88MB floppy drive if the major number of the device is >127. T20010-01 - If you delete mail in the mailtool while popread is updating the mailbox, mailtool can core dump. popread can hang while retrieving mail from server. T20011-01 - Panic "bad rmfree" when running tip to a parallel printer port. (As per SUN Patch 103476-01) T20012-01 - le0 hangs interm with recieve buffer overflow. le can't send 1514 byte packet in raw mode. ftp tests cause "le0 port" hang on Ultrasparc systems. (As per SUN patch 103244-03) T20013-01 - NCE Fixes: save, locations, modem support, fbconfigurations T20014-01 - DOS formatted PCMCIA SRAM cards can't be read on Sparcbook T20015-01 - SCSI Disks do not spin down T20016-01 - Change the motd version string TTI_cluster.d01.tar.Z - Tadpole 2.5 D.0.1 cluster release