Solaris 2.5 SUN patch analysis - January 1997 This analysis is based on the SUN "Solaris 2.5 Patch Report Update" of 16 Jan 97. It does not cover all Tadpole patches as about 2/3 are to fix problems in Tadpole modules. NOTE: Patch marked as "DO NOT INSTALL" must NOT be install on SPARCbooks. The fixes included in these patches have already been done during development at Tadpole and installing the patch would remove other Tadpole modifications. Patches marked "Not Applicable" contain modules that are never used on SPARCbooks. Installing the patch would not make any difference. Patches marked "Use Txxxxx-yy" require the Tadpole patch Txxxxx-yy to be installed instead. Patches marked "Work in Progress" are in the process of being integrated into equivalent Tadpole patches. Ubstakkubg the patch would not make any difference on a SPARCbook. Sun Patch Description Action 102832-02 OpenWindows 3.5: Xview Patch None Required 102835-05 OpenWindows 3.5: Filemgr Jumbo Patch None Required 102839-03 OpenWindows 3.5: Mailtool None Required 102841-01 OpenWindows 3.5: OLGX (libolgx) Xsun memory leak None Required with Caption widget. 102846-01 OpenWindows 3.5: Imagetool 3.5 can't display pgm None Required files properly. 102850-01 OpenWindows 3.5: OLIT Jumbo Patch None Required 102959-13 XGL 3.2: XGL Patch (stripped version) None Required 102964-05 SunOS 5.5: lp jumbo patch None Required 102971-01 SunOS 5.5: vipw fix None Required 102977-04 SunOS 5.5: zsh driver fixes None Required 102979-02 SunOS 5.5: /kernel/drv/be, /kernel/drv/hme and Not Applicable /kernel/drv/qe fixes 102980-10 SunOS 5.5: sendmail fixes None Required 102982-01 SunOS 5.5: csh fix None Required 102984-01 SunOS 5.5: sd driver fix Use T20001-02 103009-03 SunOS 5.5: ppp fixes None Required 103017-02 SPARCstorage Array Solaris 2.5: Jumbo patch for Not Applicable SSA for Solaris 2.5 103021-02 SunOS 5.5: zs driver fix Work in Progress 103041-02 SunOS 5.5: stc driver patch Not Applicable 103048-03 SunOS 5.5: automountd fixes None Required 103060-05 SunOS 5.5: nis_cachemgr and libnsl fixes None Required 103073-02 SunOS 5.5: TCX Graphics Patch Not Applicable 103074-03 SunOS 5.5: SX Graphics Patch Not Applicable 103075-04 SunOS 5.5: ZX Graphics Patch Not Applicable 103076-08 Creator 2.5_HW:1/96: FFB Graphics Patch Not Applicable 103093-07 SunOS 5.5: kernel patch None Required 103135-01 SunOS 5.5: arch does not work correctly on None Required non-SMI sparc systems 103136-01 SunOS 5.5: bugfix for renice None Required 103144-01 SunOS 5.5: informix server hangs in getmsg() None Required 103153-06 SunOS 5.5: ufs & lofs fixes None Required 103162-01 SunOS 5.5: cp, mv and ln fix None Required 103164-06 SunOS 5.5: fixes None Required 103169-06 SunOS 5.5: ip driver and ifconfig fixes None Required 103186-21 Motif 1.2.3 Runtime library patch for Solaris 2.5 None Required 103187-11 SunOS 5.5: libc, libnsl &rpc.nisd fixes None Required 103210-11 OpenWindows 3.5: Server (Xsun) Patch None Required 103238-04 SunOS 5.5: libaio patch None Required 103241-01 SunOS 5.5: Undefined symbol in None Required 103242-04 SunOS 5.5: linker patch None Required 103244-03 SunOS 5.5: le driver patch Use T20012-01 103247-07 SunOS 5.5: admintool patch None Required 103251-04 OpenWindows 3.5: calendar manager patch None Required 103253-04 SunOS 5.5: ksh fixes None Required 103261-03 SunOS 5.5: ufsrestore fixes None Required 103266-01 SunOS 5.5: nissetup default permissions for None Required password table not secure 103276-01 SunOS 5.5: /bin/mail generates IOERR return code None Required for quota exceeded 103279-02 SunOS 5.5: nscd breaks password shadowing with None Required NIS+ 103282-02 OpenWindows 3.5: nohup cmdtool hangs up when None Required parent dies 103285-05 SunOS 5.5: make and cpp fixes None Required 103291-02 SunOS 5.5: syslogd patch None Required 103293-02 SunOS 5.5: aspppd patch None Required 103295-01 SunOS 5.5: fold loses data if files contain no None Required newline 103300-02 OpenWindows 3.5: ff.core security patch None Required 103318-01 SunOS 5.5: kernel/fs/fifofs and kernel/sys/pipe None Required fixes 103353-02 SunOS 5.5: Japanese Localization for admintool None Required patch 103411-01 OpenWindows 3.5: Motif application causes olwm to None Required hang (pointer grab) 103441-02 SunOS 5.5: tmpfs fixes None Required 103447-06 SunOS 5.5: tcp patch None Required 103454-01 OpenWindows 3.5: patch for Japanese input method None Required in text of OLIT 103468-02 SunOS 5.5: statd fixes None Required 103476-01 SunOS 5.5: bpp fixes None Required 103477-06 SunOS 5.5: rpcmod, tlimod and nfs patch None Required 103485-02 SunOS 5.5: patch for kkcv and ccv when None Required rlim_fd_cur is set > 256 103492-01 SunOS 5.5: autofs is not MT-safe None Required 103505-01 OpenWindows 3.5: snapshot fails on FFB when None Required default visual is overlay 103506-01 OpenWindows 3.5: Main window not redrawn None Required correctly after unmapping 103516-01 SunOS 5.5: IPX/SPX and IPX Gateway hangs on heavy Not Applicable server load. 103526-02 SunOS 5.5: fd, fdformat fixes None Required 103538-02 XIL 1.2.1: imagetool / sdtimage fail to read None Required valid kodak photocd file 103543-03 SunOS 5.5: ATOK8 leaks memory None Required 103661-04 SunOS 5.5: nisaddent patch None Required 103667-03 SunOS 5.5: DNS/nslookup/libresolv/ None Required fixes 103708-02 SunOS 5.5: rpc.nisd_resolv fixes None Required 103723-01 SunOS 5.5: cron fixes None Required 103732-01 SunOS 5.5: SYS V msgs are protected by a single None Required global mutex 103746-01 SunOS 5.5: XFN source modifications for BIND None Required 4.9.3 103774-01 SunOS 5.5: nistbladm patch None Required 103790-01 SunOS 5.5: patch None Required 103815-01 SunOS 5.5: rdist suffers from buffer overflow None Required 103844-02 SunOS 5.5: ufsdump patch None Required 103870-01 SunOS 5.5: st driver patch None Required 103872-01 SunOS 5.5: bourne shell patch None Required 103878-04 OpenWindows 3.5: KCMS tools have security None Required vulnerability 103899-01 OpenWindows 3.5: XView Binary Compatibility Patch None Required 103936-01 SunOS 5.5: isp driver fixes None Required 103945-01 SunOS 5.5: accounting fixes None Required 103962-01 SunOS 5.5: uuxqt patch None Required 104000-01 SunOS 5.5: nispasswdd fixes None Required 104002-02 SunOS 5.5: iommu fix Work in Progress 104015-01 SunOS 5.5: vold filemgr fixes None Required 104058-02 Motif 1.2.3: UIL Compiler fixes for Solaris 2.5 None Required 104079-01 SunOS 5.5: rm command will not work if cwd is not None Required readable 104196-02 SunOS 5.5: quotacheck patch None Required 104218-03 OpenWindows 3.5: textedit fixes None Required 104234-01 SunOS 5.5: in.routed patch None Required 104256-01 SunOS 5.5: POINT PATCH login times out, excessive None Required time in group lookup 104327-01 SunOS 5.5: format patch DO NOT INSTALL 104337-01 OpenWindows 3.5: Resource file ignored when None Required XtSetLanguageProc called 104466-01 SunOS 5.5: update_access command does not update None Required wtmpx file