T030000-01 Xserver Xsun 16bit frame buffer Fixes for running a 16bit frame buffer under X 4091165 X server crashes with a bus error nnnnnnn pageview fails with an X error during startup nnnnn docviewer crashes during startup T030001-01 PCMCIA ts102 System hang System hangs when booted with PCMCIA card in the slot. 00441 If there is an PCMCIA I/O Card in the slot during multi-user boot the system can hang. T030002-02 pm power management syshw powerd pmconfig power.conf Enhanced generic power management features (From T030002-01) The standard Solaris 2.6 power management framework is somewhat lacking in support for alternate power sources and functionality. This patch provides backward compatiblity and generic style enhancements by using the syshw interface. T030003-01 pcmcia card Cannot keep changing PCMCIA cards. 00441 If you access one card, remove it then insert and access another card, when you switch back to the original or any other card you can longer access it. The cards have to be of the same type and have different identification strings before this will happen. T030004-02 PCMCIA ata disk The pcata device driver can cause crashes/hangs/memory leaks. 00481 Every time you insert a PCMCIA disk some time after it is inserted you get an "Interrupt Level 4 not serviced" message on the console. Other than the message the card appears to work correctly. (From patch T030004-01) 00453 The pcata device driver can cause various system problems including crashes, hangs and memory leaks that effect other drivers. This is most apparent when cards are eject/insert cycled. T030005-01 format disks format core dumps when used with PCMCIA disks. 00455 format core dumps after doing an analysis pass on PCMCIA disks. 00457 Pass 3 of an analyze/purge doesn't do anything. T030006-01 disks power management spindown Disks do not stay spundown for long 00459 When disk power management is active the disks do not stay spun down for long. This could cause reliablity problems and and does not save much power. T030007-01 Spurious interrupts pcser PCMCIA modem "Spurious Interrupt" messages on console. 00482 Every time you use a PCMCIA modem card the first time after it is inserted you get an "Interrupt Level 4 not serviced" message on the console. Other than the message the card appears to work correctly. T030007-04 Spurious interrupts pcser PCMCIA modem pcelx pcser 3Com Bus Error pcelx and pcser fixes. 00531 System locks up when use MegaHertz XJ1560 for the second time. 00533 Incorrect modem status from Xircom Realport modems prevents access. (From patch T030007-03) 00489 Rework of spurious interrupt messages fix for pcelx. 00514 Using ifconfig with pcelx can produce "Bus error - core dumped" messages and fail. (From patch T030007-02) 00482 Every time you use a PCMCIA modem card the first time after it is inserted you get an "Interrupt Level 4 not serviced" message on the console. Other than the message the card appears to work correctly. 00489 When using a 3Com PCMCIA ethernet adapter there are "Interrupt level 4 not Serviced" messages during initialization (and whenever you do ifconfig) and lots of "Interrupt level 11 not Serviced" messages during use. T030008-01 initloc portable timezone initloc fails when TZ contains a / (slash) 00487 Timezones names that contain a slash (such as US/Central) are not correctly converted to portable timezone by initloc. T030009-01 PCMCIA ts102 US-Robotics 00485 US Robotics Modems do not work in SPARCbooks T030014-01 Xserver ddx Fixes for 16/32 bit Xserver problems. 00492 Selecting a region with acroread can cause X-server to core dump. This is only apparent when running 16 or 32 bit colour.