INTRODUCTION X11R5 is the X server from MIT. The distribution media supplied on this CD is the first release of X11R5 for the SPARCbook 2 and SPARCbook 3. The server was compiled in a tree patched to MIT patch level 26. This CD Booklet describes how to: Install X11R5 Start X11R5 It also provides information about 8-bit framebuffer support and framebuffer configurations. Support This release of X11R5 is fully supported on SPARCbook 3. Although it also runs on SPARCbook2, it is not officially supported. XSunMono is not included or supported, as SPARCbook computers do not have a bwtwo0 device. On SPARCbook3, NCE version 2 is supported. The X server contains support for older versions of Save and Resume, so it will work on a SPARCbook 2. Pan and Zoom functions are supported when enabled by NCE version 2. INSTALLING AND STARTING X11R5 The X11R5 installation script loads the server and libraries into the following canonical places: /usr/bin/X11 /usr/lib/X11 /usr/include/X11 /usr/lib (for the libraries) The script also enables you to load the contents of the distribution media into a directory other than /, with links made in the appropriate places. To install X11R5: 1. Mount the CD-ROM drive attached to your SPARCbook: # mount -o ro /dev/sr0 /mnt 2. Create the directory where you want to install X11R5; for example: # mkdir /home/X11R5 3. Mount the CD: # cd /mnt 4. Run the install script: # ./install_X11R5 The install script asks you to specify: The mount directory of the release (/mnt) Whether you wish to copy the files to /usr, or copy them elsewhere and make links The destination directory for X11R5 (if you are making links), which is the directory you created in step 2 above; for example, /home/X11R5. The default configuration of Solaris 1 on the SPARCbook 3 does not leave enough room on either / or /usr to load X11R5 on these partitions. To start X11R5: Before you can start X11R5, you need to add /usr/bin/X11 to your path. After this, you start X11R5 by typing: # startx In order for the Xsun server to determine which framebuffer to use, you must create the device node /dev/s2fb on SPARCbook 2 or /dev/weitek0 on SPARCbook 3. The X server uses the Sun Keyboard configuration files instead of a statically compiled keymap. The keytables are located in /usr/lib/X11/keytables. 8-BIT FRAMEBUFFER SUPPORT The SPARCbook framebuffer is compatible with standard Sun framebuffer architecture. This allows the same Xsun server to be run on the SPARCbook 2, the SPARCbook 3, and Sun SPARCstations. It is the extensions of Tadpole's Nomadic Computing Environment (NCE) that allow functions such as Save and Resume to be performed. Commonly used configurations for the frame buffer are predefined. These are: Flag Meaning -maxfb Use the largest dimensions possible (1280x960) -sunfb Use dimensions for a SUN framebuffer (1152x900) You can use your SPARCbook with an external Sun or VGA monitor. Sun monitors support a greater number of pixels than the internal LCD screen up to a maximum of: 2 MPixel on the SPARCbook 3 1 MPixel on the SPARCbook 3LC and the SPARCbook 2 When you enable external monitors with resolutions other than 640 x 480 pixels, the built-in LCD display remains blank. The video interface configuration reverts to using the built-in LCD display when your SPARCbook is powered on using Resume. You can re-enable an external monitor configuration using the NCE Display panel (as described in the NCE Guide supplied with your SPARCbook). Other command line flags for the video interface configuration are shown in the following table: Flag Meaning -native Use the framebuffer directly. This does not allow reconfiguration of the internal LCD on Resume if an external monitor has been in use. On a SPARCbook3, the graphics acceleration features of the on-board Weitek P9000 chip are enabled. In this mode, the X server is very fast. -emul Use an emulated framebuffer. -zoomc Center the display when zooming in. -zoomcenter Center the display when zooming in. -zoomconstrain Disable panning when zoomed in. -zoomf Enable panning when zoomed in. -zoomfollow Enable panning when zoomed in. -width Specify the emulated framebuffer width. -height Specify the emulated framebuffer height. -sunfb Emulate Sun CG3 framebuffer. -maxfb Emulate largest possible framebuffer. -minfb Emulate smallest possible framebuffer. -inforeal Provide real dimensions on connection. -refresh_interval Maximum refresh interval (1/60th sec). -escape Escape sequence will halt server. -noescape Escape sequence will not halt server. -noport Do not use NCE to define server options. When the dimensions of the framebuffer exceed the dimensions of the LCD panel, the display is produced by combining groups of four pixels into 1 pixel. Zooming is supported, so that areas of the display can be viewed more closely. To zoom out, press Pause-Page Down, to zoom in, press Pause-Page Up. Please refer to the documentation provided with your SPARCbook for more information about using these options.