************************************************************* * Explanation of Tadpole Patch numbering * ************************************************************* Tadpole patch numbers have the following mappings: Txlynnn-rr Where: x 0 indicates patches for Tadpole packages built from an old full solaris tree (V1.3.2 or earlier). x 1 indicates patches for the new Tadpole only source tree (V1.4.0) l 5 == Solaris 8, 6 == Solaris 9, 7 == Solaris 10 y 1 indicates patches for the new Tadpole only source tree (V1.5.0 or later) nnn Patch number rr Patch revision number. Example: Patch number T050003-14 is applicable to pre V1.4 Solaris 8 Tadpole releases. whereas Patch number T170000-05 is applicable to V1.4 Solaris 10 Tadpole releases. whereas Patch number T171000-01 is applicable to V1.5 Solaris 10 Tadpole releases.