This is the A/UX directory, which contains _loads_ of neat, useful, and needed A/UX stuff. For better organization, this directory is further divided into sub- directories as follows: A1.README:: A text file description of all files in this directory. AA.new_files:: This directory contains links to all the newest and latest files available here on jagubox. FAQ.aux:: The Frequently Asked Questions list for A/UX. Always found here, in AA.new_files and in Info. Apple.fixes:: This directory contains some Apple-supplied fixes for various 3.0(.x) binaries. This directory contains both supported and unsupported patches. Daemons:: This directory contains patched or new daemons for use under A/UX. GNU_stuff:: The directory holds all the various GNU-stuff that's been ported for A/UX. It contains everything from simple patches to complete ports. Info:: A directory that contains useful information about and for A/UX. This includes the FAQ as well as hints on how to get packages to compile, etc... Misc_stuff:: Basically, if stuff doesn't fit in other of the other directories, it'll get dropped here. Note that the stuff in here is _very_ useful! Patches:: A collection of patches and diffs for various packages to enable them to compile/run under A/UX. Security:: A directory of important security-related issues, programs and fixes for A/UX. Look inside there to get a listing and info. This is an _important_ directory!! Sys_stuff:: This directory contains fixes and replacement for A/UX-UNIX system-related items. Kinda a fuzzy term, but basically it'll include things like replacement header files, device drivers, stuff like that. Tech-notes:: Apple tech-notes for A/UX. In MS-Word format. Utilities:: Helpful utilities for use under A/UX. Web_stuff:: This directory contains diffs and ports of various WWW/Web packages... -- =========================================================================== #include =:^) Jim Jagielski NASA/GSFC, Code 734.4 Greenbelt, MD 20771 Voice: 301-286-5964 FAX: 301-286-1719 "If we increase the size of the penguin until it is the same height as a man and then compare the relative brain size, we now find that the penguin's brain is still smaller. But, and this is the point, it is larger than it WAS!"