## $Revision: 1.40 $ ## ## InterNetNews configuration file. ## Note that if you leave a field blank, you must have the trailing tab! ## ## ## 1. MAKE CONFIG PARAMETERS ## Where the DBZ sources are, from C News. INN has a (maybe old) copy. #### =()@>()= DBZDIR ../dbz ## If you have a parallel make, set this to "&" #### =()

@>()= P ## C pre-processor flags #### =()@>()= DEFS -I../include ## C compiler #### =()@>()= CC gcc ## Does your compiler properly do "char const *"? Pick DO DONT or DUNNO #### =()@>()= USE_CHAR_CONST DO ## C compiler flags #### =()@>()= CFLAGS $(DEFS) -g -O2 -fpcc-struct-return ## C compiler flags to use when compiling dbz #### =()@>()= DBZCFLAGS $(CFLAGS) ## What flags to use if profiling; -p or -pg, e.g. #### =()@>()= PROF -pg ## Flags for the "cc -o" line; e.g., -Bstatic on SunOS4.x while debugging. #### =()@>()= LDFLAGS -g -static ## If you use the standard NNTP way of connecting, where is the library? #### =()@>()= NNTPLIB ## If you need to link in other libraries, add them here #### =()@>()= LIBS -lbsd ## How to make a lint library; pick BSD, SYSV, or NONE. #### =()@>()= LINTLIBSTYLE SYSV ## Flags for lint. AIX wants "-wkD"; it and others don't want "-z". #### =()@>()= LINTFLAGS -b -h $(DEFS) ## Some lints insist on putting out the filename and other crap. ## Possible values: ## LINTFILTER | sed -n -f ../sedf.aix ## LINTFILTER | sed -n -f ../sedf.osx ## LINTFILTER | sed -n -f ../sedf.sun ## LINTFILTER | sed -n -f ../sedf.sysv ## LINTFILTER #### =()@>()= LINTFILTER | sed -n -f ../sedf.sun ## How to install manpages; pick SOURCE, NROFF-PACK, NROFF-PACK-SCO, or NONE. #### =()@>()= MANPAGESTYLE NROFF-PACK ## Where various manpages should go #### =()@>()= MAN1 /usr/catman/l_man/man1 #### =()@>()= MAN3 /usr/catman/l_man/man3 #### =()@>()= MAN5 /usr/catman/l_man/man5 #### =()@>()= MAN8 /usr/catman/l_man/man8 ## Ranlib command. Use echo if you don't need ranlib. #### =()@>()= RANLIB echo ## YACC (yet another config control?) #### =()@>()= YACC yacc ## Ctags command. Use echo if you don't have ctags. #### =()@>()= CTAGS ctags -t -w ## ## 2. LOGGING LEVELS ## Facility innd should log under. #### =()@>()= LOG_INN_SERVER LOG_LOCAL1 ## Facility all other programs should log under. #### =()@>()= LOG_INN_PROG LOG_LOCAL1 ## Flags to use in opening the logs; some programs add LOG_PID. #### =()@>()= L_OPENLOG_FLAGS (LOG_CONS | LOG_NDELAY) ## Log a fatal error; program is about to exit. #### =()@>()= L_FATAL LOG_CRIT ## Log an error that might mean one or more articles get lost. #### =()@>()= L_ERROR LOG_ERR ## Informational notice, usually not worth caring about. #### =()@>()= L_NOTICE LOG_WARNING ## A protocol trace. #### =()@>()= L_TRACE LOG_DEBUG ## All incoming control commands (ctlinnd, etc). #### =()@>()= L_CC_CMD LOG_INFO ## ## 3. OWNERSHIPS AND FILE MODES ## Owner of articles and directories and _PATH_INNDDIR #### =()@>()= NEWSUSER news ## Group, for same purpose #### =()@>()= NEWSGROUP news ## Who gets email about control messages? (Usually same as NEWSUSER) #### =()@>()= NEWSMASTER news ## Who gets email on the Path line? #### =()@>()= PATHMASTER not-for-mail ## Umask to set. #### =()@>()= NEWSUMASK 022 ## Mode that incoming articles are created under. #### =()@>()= ARTFILE_MODE 0644 ## Mode that batch files are created under. #### =()@>()= BATCHFILE_MODE 0644 ## Mode that directories are created under. #### =()@>()= GROUPDIR_MODE 0755 ## ## 4. C LIBRARY DIFFERENCES ## Use stdargs, varargs, or neither? Pick VARARGS STDARGS or NONE. ## You need vfprintf and vfsprintf if not NONE. #### =()@>()= VAR_STYLE VARARGS ## If you don't have , set this to "mystring.h" #### =()@>()= STR_HEADER ## If you don't have , set this to "mymemory.h" #### =()@>()= MEM_HEADER ## What is a file offset? Usually long or off_t. *Must be long for now!* #### =()@>()= OFFSET_T long ## What is the type of an object size? Usually size_t or unsigned int. #### =()@>()= SIZE_T int ## What is the type of a passwd uid and gid, for use in chown(2)? #### =()@>()= UID_T int #### =()@>()= GID_T int ## Type of a pid, for use in kill(2). #### =()@>()= PID_T int ## Generic pointer, used by memcpy, malloc, etc. Usually char or void. #### =()@>()= POINTER char ## Worst-case alignment, in order to shut lint up #### =()@>()= ALIGNPTR int ## What should a signal handler return? Usually int or void. #### =()@>()= SIGHANDLER void ## Type of variables can be modified in a signal handler? sig_atomic_t #### =()@>()= SIGVAR int ## Function that returns no value, and a pointer to it. Pick int or void #### =()@>()= FUNCTYPE void ## Use BSD4.2 or Posix directory names? Pick DIRENT or DIRECT. #### =()@>()= DIR_STYLE DIRENT ## Use flock, lockf, or nothing to lock files? ## Pick FLOCK, LOCKF, FCNTL, or NONE #### =()@>()= LOCK_STYLE FLOCK ## Do you have ? Pick DO or DONT #### =()@>()= HAVE_UNISTD DO ## Do you have setbuffer? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= HAVE_SETBUFFER DO ## Do you have gettimeofday? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY DO ## Do you have fchmod? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= HAVE_FCHMOD DO ## Do you have setsid()? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= HAVE_SETSID DO ## Does your (struct tm) have a tm_gmtoff field? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= HAVE_TM_GMTOFF DONT ## Does your (struct stat) have a st_blksize field? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= HAVE_ST_BLKSIZE DO ## Use waitpid instead of wait3? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= HAVE_WAITPID DONT ## Use "union wait" instead of int? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= USE_UNION_WAIT DO ## How to fork? Pick fork or vfork. #### =()@>()= FORK fork ## Do you have ? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= HAVE_VFORK DONT ## Do you have symbolic links? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= HAVE_SYMLINK DO ## Do you have Unix-domain sockets? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= HAVE_UNIX_DOMAIN DO ## Does your AF_UNIX bind use sizeof for the socket size? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= BIND_USE_SIZEOF DO ## How should close-on-exec be done? Pick IOCTL or FCNTL. #### =()@>()= CLX_STYLE FCNTL ## How should non-blocking I/O be done? Pick IOCTL or FCNTL. #### =()@>()= NBIO_STYLE FCNTL ## How should resource-totalling be done? Pick RUSAGE or TIMES #### =()@>()= RES_STYLE TIMES ## How to get number of available descriptors? ## Pick GETDTAB, GETRLIMIT, SYSCONF, ULIMIT, or CONSTANT. #### =()@>()= FDCOUNT_STYLE GETDTAB ## If greater than -1, then use [gs]etrlimit to set that many descriptors. ## If -1, then no [gs]etrlimit calls are done. #### =()@>()= NOFILE_LIMIT -1 ## Do you need as well as ? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= NEED_TIME DO ## What predicate, if any, the macros need #### =()@>()= CTYPE (isascii((c)) && isXXXXX((c))) #CTYPE ((c) > 0 && isXXXXX((c))) #CTYPE isXXXXX((c)) ## What's the return type of abort? Usually int or void. #### =()@>()= ABORTVAL int ## What's the return type of alarm? Usually int or unsigned int. #### =()@>()= ALARMVAL int ## What's the return type of getpid? Usually int or unsigned int. #### =()@>()= GETPIDVAL int ## What's the return type of sleep? Usually int or unsigned int. #### =()@>()= SLEEPVAL int ## What's the return type of qsort? Usually int or void. #### =()@>()= QSORTVAL int ## What's the return type of lseek? Usually long or off_t. #### =()@>()= LSEEKVAL long ## What's the return type of free? Usually int or void. #### =()@>()= FREEVAL int ## What's the return type of exit? Usually int or void. ## (For gcc (not pedantic ANSI) use "volatile void" in EXITVAL and _EXITVAL.) #### =()@>()= EXITVAL volatile void ## What's the return type of _exit? Usually int or void. #### =()<_EXITVAL @<_EXITVAL>@>()= _EXITVAL volatile void ## ## 5. C LIBRARY OMISSIONS ## Possible values: ## MISSING_MAN strcasecmp.3 syslog.3 ## MISSING_SRC strcasecmp.c syslog.c strerror.c getdtab.c ## MISSING_OBJ strcasecmp.o syslog.o strerror.o getdtab.c ## getdtab has a getdtablesize() routine if you need it; see the lib ## directory and Install.ms for others. ## OSx systems should add $(OSXATTOBJ) to MISSING_OBJ. #### =()@>()= MISSING_MAN #### =()@>()= MISSING_SRC strerror.c malloc.c syslog.c #### =()@>()= MISSING_OBJ strerror.o malloc.o syslog.o ## ## 6. MISCELLANEOUS CONFIG DATA ## Use read/write to update the active file, or mmap? Pick READ or MMAP. #### =()@>()= ACT_STYLE READ ## Do clients use our NNTP-server-open routine, or the one in NNTP? ## INND is nicer, but you must install inn.conf files everywhere; NNTP ## is better if you already have lots of /usr/lib/news/server files. ## Pick INND or NNTP. #### =()@>()= REM_STYLE NNTP ## Should rnews save articles that the server rejects? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= RNEWS_SAVE_BAD DO ## Should rnews log articles innd already has? Pick SYSLOG, FILE, OR DONT. #### =()@>()= RNEWS_LOG_DUPS DONT ## Look in _PATH_RNEWSPROGS for rnews unpackers? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= RNEWSPROGS DO ## Should rnews try the local host? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= RNEWSLOCALCONNECT DO ## Environment variable that has remote hostname for rnews. #### =()<_ENV_UUCPHOST @<_ENV_UUCPHOST>@>()= _ENV_UUCPHOST UU_MACHINE ## Require posts to have under 50% inclusion (">") lines? Pick DO OR DONT. ## (This is only for inews and nnrpd.) #### =()@>()= CHECK_INCLUDED_TEXT DONT ## Put hosts in the inews Path header? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= INEWS_PATH DO ## Munge the gecos field of password entry? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= MUNGE_GECOS DO ## How many times to try to fork before giving up #### =()@>()= MAX_FORKS 10 ## Largest acceptable article size; 0 allows any size #### =()@>()= MAX_ART_SIZE 1000000 ## Value of dbzincore(FLAG) call in innd. Pick 1 or 0. #### =()@>()= INND_DBZINCORE 1 ## Should sub-processes get a nice(2) value? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= INND_NICE_KIDS DONT ## Value for nice(2) call in innd. #### =()@>()= INND_NICE_VALUE 10 ## Null-terminated list of unknown commands to not log to syslog. ## INND_QUIET_BADLIST "xstream", "xfoo", NULL #### =()@>()= INND_QUIET_BADLIST NULL ## Null-terminated set of illegal distribution patterns for local postings. #### =()@>()= BAD_DISTRIBS "*.*",NULL ## Verify that the poster is the person doing the cancel? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= VERIFY_CANCELS DONT ## Log "ctlinnd cancel" commands to syslog? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= LOG_CANCEL_COMMANDS DONT ## File unknown "to.*" groups into the "to" newsgroup? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= MERGE_TO_GROUPS DONT ## File articles in unknown newsgroups into junk? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= WANT_TRASH DO ## Record rejected articles in history? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= REMEMBER_TRASH DONT ## Check the linecount against the Lines header? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= CHECK_LINECOUNT DONT ## If checking, the error must be within LINECOUNT_FUZZ lines. ## Five is number of .signature lines + 1. #### =()@>()= LINECOUNT_FUZZ 5 ## Have innd throttle itself after this many I/O errors. #### =()@>()= IO_ERROR_COUNT 50 ## Default value for ctlinnd -t flag; use 0 to wait and poll. #### =()@>()= CTLINND_TIMEOUT 0 ## Flush logs if we go this long with no I/O. #### =()@>()= DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 300 ## INND closes channel if inactive this long (seconds). #### =()@>()= PEER_TIMEOUT (21*60) ## NNRP exits if inactive this long (seconds). #### =()@>()= CLIENT_TIMEOUT (2 * 60 * 60) ## Allow nnrpd readers when paused or throttled? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= ALLOW_READERS DO ## Refuse newsreader connections if load is higher then this; -1 disables. #### =()@>()= NNRP_LOADLIMIT 16 ## Don't readdir() spool dir if same group within this many secs. #### =()@>()= NNRP_RESCAN_DELAY 60 ## Do gethostbyaddr on client adresses in nnrp? Pick DO or DONT. ## (If DONT, then use only IP addresses in hosts.nnrp) #### =()@>()= NNRP_GETHOSTBYADDR DO ## How many Message-ID retrievals until nnrpd does a dbzincore? Set ## to -1 to never do incore. #### =()@>()= NNRP_DBZINCORE_DELAY 40 ## Strip Sender from posts that didn't authenticate? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= NNRP_AUTH_SENDER DONT ## How many read/write failures until channel is put to sleep or closed? #### =()@>()= BAD_IO_COUNT 5 ## Multiplier for sleep in EWOULDBLOCK writes (seconds). #### =()@>()= BLOCK_BACKOFF (2 * 60) ## How many article-writes between active and history updates? #### =()@>()= ICD_SYNC_COUNT 200 ## Tell resolver _res.options to be fast? Pick DO or DONT. #### =()@>()= FAST_RESOLV DONT ## Drop articles that were posted this many days ago. #### =()@>()= DEFAULT_CUTOFF 21 ## Maximum number of incoming NNTP connections. #### =()@>()= DEFAULT_CONNECTIONS 50 ## Wait this many seconds before channel restarts. #### =()@>()= CHANNEL_RETRY_TIME (5 * 60) ## Wait this many seconds before seeing if pause is ended. #### =()@>()= PAUSE_RETRY_TIME (5 * 60) ## Wait this many seconds between noticing inactive channels. #### =()@>()= CHANNEL_INACTIVE_TIME (10 * 60) ## Put nntplink info (filename) into the log? #### =()@>()= NNTPLINK_LOG DONT ## Log by host IP address, rather than from Path line? #### =()@>()= IPADDR_LOG DONT ## Log NNTP activity after this many articles. #### =()@>()= NNTP_ACTIVITY_SYNC 200 ## Free buffers bigger than this when we're done with them. #### =()@>()= BIG_BUFFER (2 * START_BUFF_SIZE) ## A general small buffer. #### =()@>()= SMBUF 256 ## Buffer for a single article name. #### =()@>()= MAXARTFNAME 10 ## Buffer for a single pathname in the spool directory. #### =()@>()= SPOOLNAMEBUFF 512 ## Maximum size of a single header. #### =()@>()= MAXHEADERSIZE 1024 ## Byte limit on locally-posted articles; 0 to disable the check. #### =()@>()= LOCAL_MAX_ARTSIZE 0 ## Do you have uustat, or just uuq? Pick DO or DONT #### =()@>()= HAVE_UUSTAT DO ## ## 7. PATHS TO COMMON PROGRAMS ## Where the raison d'etre for this distribution lives. #### =()<_PATH_INND @<_PATH_INND>@>()= _PATH_INND /usr/lib/newsbin/inn/innd ## Where the optional front-end that exec's innd lives. #### =()<_PATH_INNDSTART @<_PATH_INNDSTART>@>()= _PATH_INNDSTART /usr/lib/newsbin/inn/inndstart ## Where news boot-up script should be installed. #### =()<_PATH_NEWSBOOT @<_PATH_NEWSBOOT>@>()= _PATH_NEWSBOOT /usr/lib/newsbin/inn/rc.news ## Where sendmail, or a look-alike, lives. ## The -t is optional and says to read message for recipients #### =()<_PATH_SENDMAIL @<_PATH_SENDMAIL>@>()= _PATH_SENDMAIL /usr/lib/sendmail -t ## Where the shell is. #### =()<_PATH_SH @<_PATH_SH>@>()= _PATH_SH /bin/sh ## Where the compress program lives. #### =()<_PATH_COMPRESS @<_PATH_COMPRESS>@>()= _PATH_COMPRESS /usr/ucb/compress ## What extension your compress appends #### =()<_PATH_COMPRESSEXT @<_PATH_COMPRESSEXT>@>()= _PATH_COMPRESSEXT .Z ## Where egrep lives (you might need the FSF one; see scanlogs) #### =()<_PATH_EGREP @<_PATH_EGREP>@>()= _PATH_EGREP /usr/local/bin/egrep ## Where awk lives #### =()<_PATH_AWK @<_PATH_AWK>@>()= _PATH_AWK awk ## Where sed lives (you might need the FSF one) #### =()<_PATH_SED @<_PATH_SED>@>()= _PATH_SED sed ## Where inews lives. #### =()<_PATH_INEWS @<_PATH_INEWS>@>()= _PATH_INEWS /usr/lib/newsbin/inn/inews ## Where rnews lives. #### =()<_PATH_RNEWS @<_PATH_RNEWS>@>()= _PATH_RNEWS /usr/lib/newsbin/inn/rnews ## Where the NNRP server lives. #### =()<_PATH_NNRPD @<_PATH_NNRPD>@>()= _PATH_NNRPD /usr/lib/newsbin/inn/in.nnrpd ## The path of the process run when an unknown host connects to innd. ## Usually the same as _PATH_NNRPD, but may be, e.g., the path to ## nntpd from the reference implementation. #### =()<_PATH_NNTPD @<_PATH_NNTPD>@>()= _PATH_NNTPD /usr/lib/newsbin/inn/in.nnrpd ## Where the NNQR server lives. Make same as _PATH_NNRPD for now #### =()<_PATH_NNQRD @<_PATH_NNRPD>@>()= _PATH_NNQRD /usr/lib/newsbin/inn/in.nnrpd ## Where most other programs live. ## See also _PATH_RNEWSPROGS and _PATH_CONTROLPROGS, below. #### =()<_PATH_NEWSBIN @<_PATH_NEWSBIN>@>()= _PATH_NEWSBIN /usr/lib/newsbin/inn/ ## Where temporary files live on the server #### =()<_PATH_TMP @<_PATH_TMP>@>()= _PATH_TMP /tmp ## Command to send mail (with -s "subject" allowed) #### =()<_PATH_MAILCMD @<_PATH_MAILCMD>@>()= _PATH_MAILCMD /usr/local/bin/mush ## Where scripts should have shlock create locks. #### =()<_PATH_LOCKS @<_PATH_LOCKS>@>()= _PATH_LOCKS /usr/lib/news ## ## 8. PATHS RELATED TO THE SPOOL DIRECTORY ## Spool directory, where articles live. #### =()<_PATH_SPOOL @<_PATH_SPOOL>@>()= _PATH_SPOOL /usr/spool/news ## Spool directory where overview data lives. #### =()<_PATH_OVERVIEWDIR @<_PATH_OVERVIEWDIR>@>()= _PATH_OVERVIEWDIR /usr/spool/news/over.view ## Name of overview file within its spool directory. #### =()<_PATH_OVERVIEW @<_PATH_OVERVIEW>@>()= _PATH_OVERVIEW .overview ## Where rnews spools its input. #### =()<_PATH_SPOOLNEWS @<_PATH_SPOOLNEWS>@>()= _PATH_SPOOLNEWS /usr/spool/news/in.coming ## Where rnews creates temporary files until finished #### =()<_PATH_SPOOLTEMP @<_PATH_SPOOLTEMP>@>()= _PATH_SPOOLTEMP /usr/spool/news/in.coming/tmp ## Where rnews puts bad input. #### =()<_PATH_BADNEWS @<_PATH_BADNEWS>@>()= _PATH_BADNEWS /usr/spool/news/in.coming/bad ## Where rnews puts bad input, relative to _PATH_SPOOLNEWS. #### =()<_PATH_RELBAD @<_PATH_RELBAD>@>()= _PATH_RELBAD bad ## ## 9. EXECUTION PATHS FOR INND AND RNEWS ## Pathname where dups are logged if RNEWS_LOG_DUPS is FILE. #### =()<_PATH_RNEWS_DUP_LOG @<_PATH_RNEWS_DUP_LOG>@>()= _PATH_RNEWS_DUP_LOG /dev/null ## Rnews may execute any program in this directory; see RNEWSPROGS. #### =()<_PATH_RNEWSPROGS @<_PATH_RNEWSPROGS>@>()= _PATH_RNEWSPROGS /usr/lib/newsbin/inn/rnews.d ## Path to control messages scripts. #### =()<_PATH_CONTROLPROGS @<_PATH_CONTROLPROGS>@>()= _PATH_CONTROLPROGS /usr/lib/newsbin/inn/control ## Default "unknown/illegal" control script, within _PATH_CONTROLPROGS. #### =()<_PATH_BADCONTROLPROG @<_PATH_BADCONTROLPROG>@>()= _PATH_BADCONTROLPROG default ## ## 10. SOCKETS CREATED BY INND OR CLIENTS #### =()<_PATH_INNDDIR @<_PATH_INNDDIR>@>()= _PATH_INNDDIR /usr/lib/news/innd ## Unix-domain stream socket that rnews connects to. #### =()<_PATH_NNTPCONNECT @<_PATH_NNTPCONNECT>@>()= _PATH_NNTPCONNECT /usr/lib/news/innd/nntpin ## Unix-domain datagram socket that ctlinnd to. #### =()<_PATH_NEWSCONTROL @<_PATH_NEWSCONTROL>@>()= _PATH_NEWSCONTROL /usr/lib/news/innd/control ## Temporary socket created by ctlinnd; run through mktemp #### =()<_PATH_TEMPSOCK @<_PATH_TEMPSOCK>@>()= _PATH_TEMPSOCK /usr/lib/news/innd/ctlinndXXXXXX ## ## 11. LOG AND CONFIG FILES ## Shell script that sets most of these as shell vars #### =()<_PATH_SHELLVARS @<_PATH_SHELLVARS>@>()= _PATH_SHELLVARS /usr/lib/news/innshellvars ## Where most config and data files are usually stored; not required ## to the home directory of NEWSUSER. #### =()<_PATH_NEWSLIB @<_PATH_NEWSLIB>@>()= _PATH_NEWSLIB /usr/lib/news ## The server's log file. #### =()<_PATH_LOGFILE @<_PATH_LOGFILE>@>()= _PATH_LOGFILE /usr/lib/news/log ## The server's error log file. #### =()<_PATH_ERRLOG @<_PATH_ERRLOG>@>()= _PATH_ERRLOG /usr/lib/news/errlog ## Where most sylog log files go; see also scanlogs, innstat, etc. #### =()<_PATH_MOST_LOGS @<_PATH_MOST_LOGS>@>()= _PATH_MOST_LOGS /usr/lib/news/syslog ## How many generates of log files to keep. #### =()@>()= LOG_CYCLES 7 ## Text value of the server's pid. #### =()<_PATH_SERVERPID @<_PATH_SERVERPID>@>()= _PATH_SERVERPID /usr/lib/news/innd/innd.pid ## The newsfeeds file, on the server host. #### =()<_PATH_NEWSFEEDS @<_PATH_NEWSFEEDS>@>()= _PATH_NEWSFEEDS /usr/lib/news/newsfeeds ## The article history database, on the server host. #### =()<_PATH_HISTORY @<_PATH_HISTORY>@>()= _PATH_HISTORY /usr/lib/news/history ## File listing the sites that feed us news. #### =()<_PATH_INNDHOSTS @<_PATH_INNDHOSTS>@>()= _PATH_INNDHOSTS /usr/lib/news/hosts.nntp ## The active file, on the server host. #### =()<_PATH_ACTIVE @<_PATH_ACTIVE>@>()= _PATH_ACTIVE /usr/lib/news/active ## A temporary active file, for writing on the server host. #### =()<_PATH_NEWACTIVE @<_PATH_NEWACTIVE>@>()= _PATH_NEWACTIVE /usr/lib/news/active.tmp ## An old active file on the server host. #### =()<_PATH_OLDACTIVE @<_PATH_OLDACTIVE>@>()= _PATH_OLDACTIVE /usr/lib/news/active.old ## The log of when groups are created. #### =()<_PATH_ACTIVETIMES @<_PATH_ACTIVETIMES>@>()= _PATH_ACTIVETIMES /usr/lib/news/active.times ## Where batch files are located. #### =()<_PATH_BATCHDIR @<_PATH_BATCHDIR>@>()= _PATH_BATCHDIR /usr/spool/news/out.going ## Where archives are kept. #### =()<_PATH_ARCHIVEDIR @<_PATH_ARCHIVEDIR>@>()= _PATH_ARCHIVEDIR /usr/spool/news/news.archive ## Where NNRP distributions file is #### =()<_PATH_NNRPDIST @<_PATH_NNRPDIST>@>()= _PATH_NNRPDIST /usr/lib/news/distributions ## Where the default Distribution assignments file is #### =()<_PATH_DISTPATS @<_PATH_DISTPATS>@>()= _PATH_DISTPATS /usr/lib/news/distrib.pats #### =()<_PATH_NEWSGROUPS @<_PATH_NEWSGROUPS>@>()= _PATH_NEWSGROUPS /usr/lib/news/newsgroups ## File where client configuration parameters can be read. #### =()<_PATH_CONFIG @<_PATH_CONFIG>@>()= _PATH_CONFIG /usr/lib/news/inn.conf ## The possible active file, on clients (NFS-mounted, e.g.). #### =()<_PATH_CLIENTACTIVE @<_PATH_CLIENTACTIVE>@>()= _PATH_CLIENTACTIVE /usr/lib/news/active ## A temporary file, for client inews to use. #### =()<_PATH_TEMPACTIVE @<_PATH_TEMPACTIVE>@>()= _PATH_TEMPACTIVE /tmp/activeXXXXXX ## Where to mail to the moderators. #### =()<_PATH_MODERATORS @<_PATH_MODERATORS>@>()= _PATH_MODERATORS /usr/lib/news/moderators ## Where NNTP puts the name of the server. #### =()<_PATH_SERVER @<_PATH_SERVER>@>()= _PATH_SERVER /usr/lib/news/server ## File with name/password for all remote connections. #### =()<_PATH_NNTPPASS @<_PATH_NNTPPASS>@>()= _PATH_NNTPPASS /usr/lib/news/passwd.nntp ## NNRP access file. #### =()<_PATH_NNRPACCESS @<_PATH_NNRPACCESS>@>()= _PATH_NNRPACCESS /usr/lib/news/nnrp.access ## Default expire control file. #### =()<_PATH_EXPIRECTL @<_PATH_EXPIRECTL>@>()= _PATH_EXPIRECTL /usr/lib/news/expire.ctl ## Prolog to parse control scripts #### =()<_PATH_PARSECTL @<_PATH_PARSECTL>@>()= _PATH_PARSECTL /usr/lib/news/parsecontrol ## Access control file for control scripts. #### =()<_PATH_CONTROLCTL @<_PATH_CONTROLCTL>@>()= _PATH_CONTROLCTL /usr/lib/news/control.ctl ## Innwatch control file. #### =()<_PATH_CTLWATCH @<_PATH_CTLWATCH>@>()= _PATH_CTLWATCH /usr/lib/news/innwatch.ctl ## Where innwatch writes its own pid. #### =()<_PATH_WATCHPID @<_PATH_WATCHPID>@>()= _PATH_WATCHPID /usr/lib/news/innwatch.pid ## Where innwatch writes status when it gets an interrupt #### =()<_PATH_INNWSTATUS @<_PATH_INNWSTATUS>@>()= _PATH_INNWSTATUS /usr/lib/news/innwatch.status ## Format of news overview database #### =()<_PATH_SCHEMA @<_PATH_SCHEMA>@>()= _PATH_SCHEMA /usr/lib/news/overview.fmt ## ## 12. INNWATCH CONFIGURATION ## Load average (* 100) at which innd should be paused. #### =()@>()= INNWATCH_PAUSELOAD 1700 ## Load average (* 100) at which innd should be throttled. #### =()@>()= INNWATCH_HILOAD 2000 ## Load average (* 100) at which to restart innd (pause/throttle undone). #### =()@>()= INNWATCH_LOLOAD 1300 ## Space, in df output units, at which to throttle innd on _PATH_SPOOL. #### =()@>()= INNWATCH_SPOOLSPACE 70000 ## Space, in df output units, at which to throttle innd on _PATH_BATCHDIR. #### =()@>()= INNWATCH_BATCHSPACE 800 ## Space, in df output units, at which to throttle innd on _PATH_NEWSLIB. #### =()@>()= INNWATCH_LIBSPACE 70000 ## Number of inodes at which to throttle innd on _PATH_SPOOL. #### =()@>()= INNWATCH_SPOOLNODES 200 ## How long to sleep between innwatch iterations. #### =()@>()= INNWATCH_SLEEPTIME 120