This is a port of libg++-2.5.3 to A/UX (3.1; should work under 3.0.x/3.0/2.0/2.0.1, except possibly etags). Due to changes in the operation of gcc/g++, libg++ is no longer automatically used when linking a C++ program. You need to specify -lg++ on the link line... To install libg++-2.5.3: 1) Untar the libg++-2.5.3.aux.tar.Z file in some convenient place (/usr/local/bin or /usr/local/Gnu will do). 2) In the directory 'lib' under where you untarred the distribution, you'll find 'libg++.a', 'libiberty.a', and the directory 'g++-include'. Move these files to /usr/local/lib (or /usr/local/Gnu/lib if you installed gcc in /usr/local/Gnu) and they will be automatically found. As always, problems that appear to be in the GNU sources should be sent to them, while A/UX related bugs should go to me. --John Disclaimer: Apple Computer, Inc., is in no way responsible for this package (and is probably unaware of its existance).