FMbackup Utility The three files (not including this one..) make up a utility that makes the A/UX File Manager more robust between crashes. Here's the problem: When a user works in the A/UX Finder environment, the Finder related information (ie., icons and icons placement, windows and window placement, etc..) gets saved to the .fs_cache file. The problem occurs when the users' session crashes leaving the .fs_cache file in a corrupt state. When the .fs_cache file is found to be corrupt on the next login the file is simply re-created and all of the associated Finder information is lost. This has the undesired effect of making all windows the standard size and location, and icons within these windows are randomly placed. What the FMbackup utility does is backup the .fs_cache file (and any other files you'd like...) between sessions so that in the event of a crash, the most current "known-to-be-good" .fs_cache file is restored after a crash. FMbackup has been tested under A/UX 2.0.1, and A/UX 3.0. It should work on versions beyond 3.0 as well. However, it will NOT work properly under A/UX 2.0. So now is a good time to upgrade if you have been waiting. The files you should have are: FMbackup - an INIT that goes in the Extensions folder mac32 - a hacked version of the mac32 startup script fsBACKUP - a new script used to perform the backup operation README - this file. Installation: Under A/UX 2.0.1 Drag FMbackup into your A/UX System Folder. Drag mac32 and fsBACKUP to the /mac/bin folder. Under A/UX 3.0 and beyond Drag FMbackup over your active A/UX System Folder icon. Drag mac32 and fsBACKUP to the /mac/bin folder. How does FMbackup work? It installs a ShutDown procedure that A/UX calls at Logout, Shutdown, or Restart time. The ShutDown procedure executes the Unix script /mac/bin/fsBACKUP using calls to the A/UX library from the "A/UX Development Tools" package which is available from APDA. @(#) FMbackup version 1.0.4