Welcome to the world of easy debugging with the TotalView Multiprocess Debugger. TotalView lets you see all aspects of your single- or multiprocess application. Its intuitive and easy-to-use GUI lets you see exactly what's going on. Highly flexible and full-featured, TotalView is unique because it lets you debug multiple processes simultaneously. Don't waste time, find out about TotalView today!
Installing TotalView | |
Compiling Your Program | |
Starting Up TotalView | |
If You Hate to Read Documentation |
Install TotalView using the Install script as shown below. A complete, fully functioning TotalView will be installed.
flexlm-5.0 (which is license management software and documentation)
When you are prompted for an installation directory name, you can do one of the following:
These instructions refer to the absolute pathname of the installation directory that you create as "<installdir>".
If you do not install as "root", the Install program cannot create the link. As non-"root", you should answer "n" (no) to this prompt. If for any reason the creation of the symbolic link fails, you can safely ignore messages about this problem and continue the installation by pressing Enter.
% su root
Password: <your-root-password>
# ./Install
Reply to queries and prompts until the Install program ends.
# exit
% setenv TVROOT /opt/totalview
% setenv TVROOT /usr/totalview
% setenv TVROOT <installdir>/totalview.<version>/<platform>
% $TVROOT/bin/totalview
The TotalView program prints its banner including its version number, and a message that it is unable to check out a license.
When you have completed a TotalView DEMO License Request and sent it in for a TotalView DEMO license, create a text file (license.dat) that contains the license text that you received back from Etnus.
## BEGIN LICENSE INCREMENT TV/Base toolworks 3.900 15-sep-1999 0 \ BC8A515092B3FEDED3D1 \ HOSTID=DEMO ISSUED=02-Jul-1999 ck=66 INCREMENT TV/AnyChip-AnyOS toolworks 3.900 15-sep-1999 0 \ 2CBD550D56D4C44EA448 \ HOSTID=DEMO ISSUED=02-Jul-1999 ck=39 INCREMENT TV/AnyChip-AnyOS/MP/Big toolworks 3.900 15-sep-1999 0 \ 6CCA511C177274D9B25F \ HOSTID=DEMO ISSUED=02-Jul-1999 ck=22 INCREMENT TV/AnyChip-AnyOS/PE toolworks 3.900 15-sep-1999 0 \ FC581156B7938CCE0AE0 \ HOSTID=DEMO ISSUED=02-Jul-1999 ck=41 INCREMENT TV/AnyChip-AnyOS/PGIHPF toolworks 3.900 15-sep-1999 0 \ 0CA85135BF22D3F8EBF1 \ HOSTID=DEMO ISSUED=02-Jul-1999 ck=20 ## END LICENSE
# exit
% $TVROOT/bin/totalview
This time, the TotalView program prints its banner and opens its Root window.
% ls /proc
The ls command should print a list of numbers. If it does not, ask your system administrator to mount the /proc directory. Refer to Appendix B of the TotalView User's Guide for more information.
Compile the program you want to debug with the appropriate switches and libraries.
For all platforms:
For IBM only:
For SGI only:
For PGI HPF only:
Refer to the TotalView User's Guide and TotalView Release Notes for complete information for your platform.
To start TotalView, type the totalview command followed by the name of an executable file, for example:
% totalview my_program
The command syntax is:
[<filename> [<corefile>]] [<options>]
where <filename> is the executable file to be debugged.
See the TotalView User's Guide for a complete list of X resources and command-line options.
To use TotalView, all you need to know is how to use the mouse:
To "undive", click on the "^" icon in the upper, right-hand corner of the window.
If you want to know more:
Thank you for your interest in a demo copy of Etnus' TotalView Multiprocess Debugger software. After the trial period, if you decide that you want to purchase TotalView, all you need to do is call, fax or send us your purchase order and we'll issue you a permanent TotalView license.
Have a fun test drive, and let us know how you like it!
For more information, please contact your local distributor or:
Marguerite Sinnett
Etnus Inc.
111 Speen Street
Framingham, MA 01701-2090
[email protected]
1-800-856-3766 in the United States
(+1) 508-875-3030 worldwide
Fax: (+1) 508-875-1517