Etnus, the tools unit of Dolphin Interconnect Solutions Inc., announced a corporate name change to Etnus Inc., effective Jan. 1, 1999. Etnus Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dolphin Interconnect Solutions.
These Release Notes for TotalView 3.9.0-1 contain important information about requirements that affect your TotalView 3.9.0-1 software, and license. Please read these Release Notes to understand how this information applies to your installation!
This document describes changes made since the release of TotalView 3.8.1. The manuals for this release are TotalView User's Guide, Version 3.9.0, May 1999, and the TotalView Installation Guide, Version 3.9.0, May 1999.
These release notes refer to the various supported platforms by the Platform Tag and Platform Name listed in the table in the Chapter 2: TotalView Supported Platforms and System Requirements. Please refer to that section for a full description of the platform.
TotalView 3.9 supports the following new features:
For a full description of these features, please refer to the TotalView User's Guide.
Note: on the IRIX6-MIPS platform, you must use the MIPSpro 7.3 compiler or later to debug OpenMP applications.
TotalView now allows you to filter scalar arrays by specifying a filter expression in the Filter: field of a variable window. Your filtering options are:
When you enter a filter expression, TotalView displays only the array elements that match the filter expression.
On the ALPHA, IRIX6-MIPS, and RS6000 platforms, TotalView now implements fast single-stepping of one-line statements that contain loops and conditions. This feature speeds up single-stepping in all of the languages TotalView supports, but is most useful for stepping F90 array assignment statements.
TotalView now supports compiled expressions on the IRIX6-MIPS platform, in addition to the ALPHA and RS6000 platforms.
On all platforms except SUN4, TotalView now supports automatic acquisition of shared libraries that are dynamically loaded into your program at run time. TotalView traps the dlopen() (or, on RS6000, load() and loadbind()) system routines, reads the symbols for newly loaded libraries, and gives you the option of stopping the program so that you can create breakpoints in the code.
TotalView now supports the Quadrics' RMS2 resource management system, which is used on ALPHA clusters connected with the QSW switch technology. This allows TotalView to:
TotalView now supports IRIX 6.5 pthreads.
TotalView now supports compiler-generated parallelism on the IRIX6-MIPS platform using the SGI MIPSpro Automatic Parallelization Option (APO) (compiler options -pfa and -pca) or SGI MIPSpro Parallelization Directives.
On platforms where TotalView supports compiled expressions, you may now control patch-space allocation. TotalView allows you to:
To run TotalView on your system, you must have the correct hardware configuration and the correct software installed.
Software requirements include the correct:
Hardware requirements include the correct:
The table below shows the tag we give supported platforms for brief reference, the official name of the platform, and the TotalView version supporting each platform. Select the correct platform name to see the system requirements.
Platform tag | Platform name | TotalView version |
ALPHA | Alpha Digital UNIX | 3.9.0-1 |
IRIX6-MIPS | SGI IRIX 6.x MIPS | 3.9.0-1 |
RS6000 | RS/6000 Power AIX | 3.9.0-1 |
SUN4 | SPARC SunOS 4 (Solaris 1.x) | 3.9.0-1 |
SUN5 | SPARC SunOS 5 (Solaris 2.x) | 3.9.0-1 |
SUN5-X86 | Intel X86 SunOS 5 (Solaris 2.x) | 3.9.0-1 |
CS2 | QSW CS-2 (based on SPARC Solaris 2.5.2 or 2.6) | 3.9.0-1 |
To run TotalView 3.9 for Alpha Digital UNIX systems, sites must have the following:
Specific TotalView 3.9 features have the following additional requirements:
To run TotalView 3.9 for SGI IRIX 6.x MIPS systems, sites must have the following:
Specific TotalView 3.9 features have the following additional requirements:
If you are using MPICH 1.1.0 on the IRIX6-MIPS platform, then the standard MPICH patch 2534 is not sufficient. Apply the following patch instead. See the README file listed below for directions on how to patch your MPICH 1.1.0 sources. You'll need the following two files from :
If you do not apply the above patch, TotalView can't display the MPICH message queues.
To run TotalView 3.9 for RS/6000 Power AIX systems, sites must have the following:
Specific TotalView 3.9 features have the following additional requirements:
To run TotalView 3.9 for Sparc SunOS 4 (Solaris 1.x) systems, sites must have the following:
Specific TotalView 3.9 features have the following additional requirements:
To run TotalView 3.9 for Sparc SunOS 5 (Solaris 2.x) systems, sites must have the following:
Specific TotalView 3.9 features have the following additional requirements:
To run TotalView 3.9 for Intel X86 SunOS 5 (Solaris 2.x) systems, sites must have the following:
Specific TotalView 3.9 features have the following additional requirements:
To run TotalView 3.9 for QSW CS-2 (based on Sparc Solaris 2.5.1 or 2.6) systems, sites must have the following:
Specific TotalView 3.9 features have the following additional requirements:
TotalView is available for a variety of platforms and you can use it to debug programs on the native platform or on remote systems, such as parallel processors, supercomputers, or digital signal processor boards.
If TotalView is not yet available for your system configuration, please contact Etnus, Inc. about porting TotalView to suit your needs.
All versions of TotalView 3.4, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9 for Digital UNIX versions V4.0, V4.0A, V4.0B, V4.0C, V4.0D, and V4.0E require that you patch the Digital UNIX operating system before running TotalView. You must apply the entire patch kit specified; partial patch kits are not supported.
This describes the procedures you must follow to patch your Digital UNIX V4.0, V4.0A, V4.0B, V4.0C, V4.0D, and V4.0E systems.
Failure to patch your Digital UNIX operating system before running TotalView will result in system crashes, system hangs, hung and unkillable processes, and TotalView malfunctions.
Do not run TotalView without first patching your Digital UNIX V4.0-based system!
Note: The patch procedure requires that you have "root" user privileges on your system(s).
Patch files include an operating system version, a patch number and a patch date. For example, the patch file named "duv40bas00007-19980514.tar " is a patch file for Digital UNIX 4.0B, with a patch number of "00007" representing the patch level, and a patch date of "19980514".
No matter what patch level you actually install, the patch contains all the prior patches up to and including the current patch. Install the latest patch to get the correct version of the operating system and runtime libraries required to run TotalView. Follow the step-by-step directions below to download the software and prepare to install the patch kit.
Step 1: Retrieve the DUNIX V4.0 Aggregate ECO files and save them to your system using the following procedure:
<version> is 40, 40a, 40b, 40c, 40d, or 40e
<number> is a 5-digit number with leading zeroes,
<date> is in the format yyyymmdd
<extension> is CHKSUM, CONTENTS, README, pdf (or ps), or tar
PatchInstallGuide.pdfSave the .pdf patch installation procedures to your system, or use your Web browser to read the HTML version.
Step 2: Print the patch procedure documentation contained in the ".README" and ".pdf" (or ".ps") files, and the "PatchInstallGuide" .htm or .pdf file.
Step 3: Follow the directions contained in the patch procedure documentation and install this patch on your Digital UNIX V4.0x system(s). Perform this procedure in single-user mode, rebuild your kernel, and reboot your system.
If you are patching a Digital UNIX 4.0D system, use patch kit "DUV40DAS00003-19990208" or later. Earlier patch kits do not contain all of the required Digital UNIX 4.0D patches.
If you are patching a Digital UNIX 4.0E system, use patch kit "DUV40EAS00001-19990202" or later.
If you need help following these procedures or have any questions, follow the directions for Reporting Problems.
The Apogee 4.0 compilers require a patch that brings the compiler version up to 4.010 (or later). You must obtain this patch directly from Apogee Software Inc. To get the Apogee 4.0 compiler patches for the SPARC, visit the Apogee ftp site at and read the README file.
The following table lists the supported Portland Group HPF 2.4 compiler runtime configurations by platform.
Platform Name | MPICH | IBM PE | RPM | SMP |
SGI IRIX 6.x MIPS | OK | N/A | OK (May need patch) | OK (May need patch) |
RS/6000 Power AIX | N/T | OK | OK (May need patch) | N/S |
Sparc SunOS 5 (Solaris 2.x) | OK | N/A | OK (May need patch) | OK (May need patch) |
Some of the Portland Group HPF 2.4 distribution libraries for the RS/6000 Power AIX, Sparc SunOS 5 (Solaris 2.x), and SGI IRIX 6.x MIPS platforms may require a patch or a new installation to enable debugging HPF programs using TotalView.
TotalView depends on a library module called tvdebug.o. This module is required to have symbol information that is used by TotalView. It is required that PGI build the tvdebug.o module with debugging information enabled.
If TotalView issues the following message when debugging your Portland Group HPF application:
"MPICH library contains no type definition for struct MPIR_PROCDESC."
then, it is likely that the Portland Group HPF library you are linking with has a copy of the tvdebug.o module that was not compiled with debugging information enabled. To check for this situation, you can extract a copy of the tvdebug.o module from the libraries in your Portland Group HPF installation and check for the missing symbol.
In the directions below, $INSTALLDIR must be set to the directory where your Portland Group HPF compiler was installed. $LIBRARY is either libpghpf_rpm.a or libpghpf_smp.a, depending on whether you are using RPM or SMP run time support.
To check for the MPIR_PROCDESC symbol in your libraries, follow the platform-dependent directions below.
ar -xf $INSTALLDIR/sgi/lib-64/$LIBRARY tvdebug.o
dwarfdump -a tvdebug.o | grep MPIR_PROCDESC
RS/6000 Power AIX:
ar -xf $INSTALLDIR/rs6000/lib/$LIBRARY tvdebug.o
dump -vtd tvdebug.o | grep MPIR_PROCDESC
Sparc SunOS 5 (Solaris 2.x):
ar -xf $INSTALLDIR/solaris/lib/$LIBRARY tvdebug.o
dump -vsn .stabstr tvdebug.o | grep MPIR_PROCDESC
- libpghpf_rpm.a
- libpghpf_rpm_p.a
- libpghpf_smp.a
- libpghpf_smp_p.a
TotalView supports the Message Queue Display (MQD) feature when used with the threaded version of the IBM MPI libraries that are part of the IBM Parallel Environment (PE). PE version 2.2 and the non-threaded PE 2.3 and 2.4 libraries can't provide TotalView with the necessary information for the MQD feature, however, Automatic Process Acquisition (APA) is supported in PE 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4. The following table summarizes TotalView's IBM PE support:
IBM PE version | APA Support? | MQD Support |
2.2 | Yes | No |
2.3 | Yes | Threaded MPI only |
2.4 | Yes | Threaded MPI only |
Each version of the IBM PE library requires a separate MQD debugging dynamic library for use with TotalView. This section explains how TotalView chooses the correct MQD debugging dynamic library.
When TotalView recognizes that it is dealing with an IBM MPI code, it searches for a MQD dynamic library to load capable of handling the appropriate IBM MPI implementation. The IBM MPI library declares its debugging compatibility version in an integer global variable named "mpi_debug_version". The following table shows the current set of values:
"mpi_debug_version" value | PE version number |
0 | 2.3 |
1 | 2.4 |
When looking for the MQD debugging dynamic library, TotalView
By default the MQD debugging dynamic libraries provided with your TotalView distribution are named:
The TotalView distribution has the appropriate symbolic links:
This ensures that the correct MQD debugging dynamic library is loaded for both POE 2.3 and POE 2.4.
Unfortunately, an error in the IBM PE libraries causes the mpi_debug_version variable to have the value 0 (instead of the correct value 1). You may correct this problem in one of two ways:
But first, verify that you need the fix.
If you have POE, you may need to apply an IBM-provided PTF or to alter your TotalView installation explicitly so that the MQD debugging dynamic library symbolic links point to the correct version of the library.
Here is how to check whether or not you need to modify your TotalView installation:
Use the "lslpp -l ppe.poe" command to inspect the version of PE you have installed on all of your nodes. For example:
$ lslpp -l ppe.poe Fileset Level State Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Path: /usr/lib/objrepos ppe.poe COMMITTED poe Parallel Operating Environment Path: /etc/objrepos ppe.poe COMMITTED poe Parallel Operating Environment
You may also use the poe command to check multiple nodes on your SP2, for example:
$ poe lslpp -l ppe.poe -procs 10 -rmpool 0
Compile and run the following program:
/* Test program to check mpi_debug_version. Compile: mpcc_r -g -o mqdvers mqdvers.c Run: mqdvers -procs <n> -rmpool <p> mqdvers -procs <n> -hfile <hostfile> */ #include <stdio.h> #include <mpi.h> extern int mpi_debug_version; main(int arg, char **argv) { MPI_Init (&arg,&argv); printf ("mpi_debug_version == %d\n", mpi_debug_version); MPI_Finalize(); }It produces output similar to:
$ mqdvers -procs 2 -rmpool 0 0:mpi_debug_version == 0 1:mpi_debug_version == 0
Applying PTF U462081
Patches for POE 2.4 are available through the normal AIX FixDist WEB site as follows:
If you apply this PTF, you do not need to patch your TotalView installation manually.
We strongly recommend that you apply the PTF (above) instead of patching your installation. If you patch your TotalView installation for use with an incorrect PE, then that installation will no longer support MQD when you use POE 2.3.
If applying the PTF is not an option for you, however, and you are using only PE 2.4, you or your system administrator must do the following:
$ su Password: # cd <installdir>/totalview.<version>/<platform>/shlib # rm # ln -s
Consult the TotalView Installation Guide for more information on your TotalView installation.
The Etnus License Management scheme for TotalView 3.7/3.8/3.9 and TimeScan 3.0 is new and requires some planning if you want to mix:
We recommend that initially you do not combine Etnus licenses with those of other third party software managed by FLEXlm. At first, it is easiest to keep separate license manager daemons for Etnus licenses and licenses of other third party software managed by FLEXlm. After you know that your Etnus license works, see the latest FLEXlm documentation for guidance if you want to run a single FLEXlm license manager daemon.
Use the Etnus installation procedures described in the appropriate Etnus Installation Guide to install the Etnus FLEXlm license management software. Etnus licenses must be served by the Etnus license manager daemon or the latest FLEXlm license manager daemon.
The TCP/IP port number used for the Etnus license manager daemon must be unique and not in use elsewhere. Find port numbers used by other FLEXlm license managers in their license.dat files.
TotalView 3.7/3.8/3.9 and TimeScan 3.0 licenses can not be combined with those of older versions of Etnus products. The Etnus licenses must be served by separate Etnus license manager daemons for best results.
Use the Etnus installation procedures described in the appropriate Etnus Iinstallation Guides to install the appropriate FLEXlm license management software. TotalView 3.7/3.8/3.9 and TimeScan 3.0 licenses must be served with the license manager provided in their distributions. Older versions of Etnus products must be served by the license manager provided in their distributions.
To run TotalView 3.7/3.8/3.9 or TimeScan 3.0 with older versions of Etnus products served by the same license manager server machine, you must:
The old and the new FLEXlms install in different directories, so one does not overwrite the other.
In addition, a user who wants to use both new and old versions of Etnus products must include the full pathnames of both license.dat files in his LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable. For example:
% setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE /usr/totalview/flexlm/license.dat:/usr/toolworks/flexlm-5.0/license.dat
To verify your FLEXlm installations:
% <installdir>/flexlm-5.0/<platform>/bin/lmstat
In the FLEXlm status output, look for both license servers UP and both new (toolworks) and old (bbnst) Etnus vendor daemons UP.
% timescan
% totalview
If you encounter installation problems, please review your procedure and also refer to the Troubleshooting section of the appropriate Etnus User's Guide.
The use of the -server option to the TotalView Debugger Server could cause a security problem, as described in the TotalView User's Guide. TotalView 3.9.0-1 now gives system administrators more control over the use of the -server option. The -server option to the TotalView debugger server has been disabled by default in TotalView version 3.9.0-1. Normal use of TotalView should not require the -server option, so this change will not impact most users. In case your site has a requirement for the -server option, it may be reenabled by creating a file named tvdsvr.conf in the /etc directory. This file must be owned by user id 0 (root).
The following sections list the problems that have been found in the current release of TotalView.
All platforms have the following problems:
- X resource:
totalview*warnStepThrow: { true | false }
If you do not specify this X resource, the default value is true.- Command-line option:
-warnStepThrow={ true | false }- Menu command item:
Warn stepping exception throw command is a new sub-menu item of the Go/Halt/Step/Next/Hold menu. This lets you toggle the warning on and off.
If this option is turned off, TotalView doesn't catch C++ exception throws during single-step operations. This may cause the single-step operation to lose control on the process and cause it to run away.
TotalView shows the thread in an inconsistent state: the target threads is still at the breakpoint inside the function, but the stack backtrace shows it where the expression was invoked. As a result, TotalView may: (a) correctly show the source line where the process really is (from whatever line you invoked the expression); or (b) it may mistakenly show the line of the breakpoint in the function.
Further, if you try to continue the target process, one of the following will happen:
To avoid a crash or a hang, toggle the breakpoint (disable then reenable the breakpoint) TotalView is reporting as current before continuing the process. But, on SUN4 and SUN5 (and on all other platforms after you've toggled the breakpoint appropriately), if the process was sitting at a breakpoint when you called the function from the expression window, TotalView immediately hits that breakpoint again.
The following are known problems with this platform:
For example, assume your program has two threads, thread A and thread B. Assume that thread A is stopped at a breakpoint, and thread B is stopped elsewhere but not at a breakpoint. To continue the process (that is, both threads), TotalView must step thread A off the breakpoint. To do this, TotalView holds thread B. Then it unplants the breakpoint where thread A is stopped, sets a temporary breakpoint at the next instruction, and continues the process. Because of the hold thread bug, both thread A and thread B may run even though thread B is held. This means that thread B may miss the real breakpoint and hit the temporary breakpoint instead.
The following behaviors can indicate the presence of this bug:
- Threads miss breakpoints.
- Threads do not evaluate interpreted breakpoints.
- You see undeserved process stops, that is, the process may stop unexpectedly after evaluating an interpreted breakpoint.
- During single-stepping operations, threads other than the thread being stepped run.
The following are known problems with this platform:
type array_ptr real, dimension (:), pointer :: ap end type array_ptr type (array_ptr), allocatable, dimension (:) :: arrays allocate (arrays(20)) do i = 1,20 allocate (arrays(i)%ap(i)) end do
subroutine test (ixx, n) common /sf/ iptr pointer (iptr, ita(*)) ... etc ... end
subroutine rex (rp) pointer (rp, p(8)) p(2) = 6. P(5) = 3. write (*,*) "Should be 6,3 - ",p(2), p(5) return end
The RS/6000 platform has the following known problems:
The following problems can show up while you are debugging multithreaded applications:
If you have a multithreaded application which makes a lot of system calls, this might mean that most of your threads are not fully debuggable whenever one of them stops.
Patches for the 5.1 compilers are available through the normal AIX FixDist WEB site as follows:
struct sigaction act; act.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; if (bigcore) act.sa_flags = SA_FULLDUMP; else if (smallcore) act.sa_flags = SA_PARTDUMP; sigaction (SIGSEGV, &act, 0);
On AIX 4.3.1 and 4.3.2,
when using TotalView to debug a program built with libpthreads.a, you must force the 1:1
model in one of two ways:
pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init (&attr); pthread_attr_setscope (&attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM); pthread_create (&tid, &attr, worker_function, 0);
For more detailed information, see your AIX 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 documentation or use the
web links to the IBM AIX 4.3 documentation site listed below:
The SunOS 4 platform has the following known problems:
The SPARC SunOS 5 and QSW CS-2 platforms have the following known problems:
The Intel X86 SunOS 5 platform has no platform specific known problems.
The Portland Group HPF has the following known problems:
If you experience any problems with TotalView, or if you have questions or suggestions, please contact us:
Etnus Inc.
111 Speen Street
Framingham, MA 01701-2090
Internet E-mail: [email protected]
1-800-856-3766 in the United States
(+1) 508-875-3030 worldwide
Fill out and E-mail the form below. Document just one problem per form. Remove or replace all data fields (<...>) with a selection or with contents. Do not remove '>' characters at the beginnings of lines.
All data requested below is helpful to us, though not all is necessary to solve each problem. Supply as much detail as you can.
If your problem involves TotalView execution, attach or FTP a reproducible example.
Create a directory named "repro" and place your problem files in it.
Add the following files to repro:
Package your "repro" directory as follows:
% cd ../repro/../ % tar cvf - repro | compress -c > repro.tar.Z
If repro.tar.Z exceeds ~1MB, FTP it to:<your E-mail address>
and cut and paste `ls -l repro.tar.Z` to the end of your form.
Else, if repro.tar.Z is less than ~1MB, then:
% uuencode repro.tar.Z > repro.tar.Z.uu < repro.tar.Z
and cut and paste `cat repro.tar.Z.uu` to the end of your form.
E-mail the form as shown in the header below.
To: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: <copy value of Synopsis field, below . . . . . . . . >
>Submitter-Id: <primary contact's *simplest* E-mail address (one line)> >Originator: <originator's name . . . . . . . . . (one line)> >Organization: <originator's E-mail signature block . . . . . . (multiple lines)> >Confidential: <[ no | yes ] . . . . . . . . . . (one line)> >Synopsis: <synopsis of the problem . . . . . . . (one line)> >Severity: <[ non-critical | serious | critical ] . . (one line)> >Priority: <[ low | medium | high ] . . . . . . . (one line)> >Category: totalview >Class: <[ sw-bug | doc-bug | change-request | support ] (1 ln)> >Release: 3.9.<?>-<?> >Environment: System: <`uname -a` output . . . . . . . . . . . . . > Platform: <machine make&model, processor, etc. . . . . . . . > OS: <OS version and patch level . . . . . . . . . . > ToolChain: <compiler version, linker version, etc. . . . . . . > Libraries: <versions of parallel runtimes or standard libraries . > <other environmental factors you think are relevant . (multiple lines)> See also index.txt . >Description: <precise description of the problem . . . . . . (multiple lines)> See README.TXT . >How-To-Repeat: <step-by-step: how to reproduce the problem . . . (multiple lines)> See repro.txt . >Fix: <how to correct or work around the problem, if known (multiple lines)> >Unformatted: <misc. comments, forwarded E-mail, encoded repro . . (multiple lines)> `ls -l repro.tar.Z` or `cat repro.tar.Z.uu` <End of problem report E-mail body.>
Etnus, Inc.
111 Speen Street
Framingham, MA 01701-2090
Internet E-mail: [email protected]
1-800-856-3766 in the United States
(+1) 508-875-3030 worldwide
Visit our web site at
Copyright (c)1999 by Etnus Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright (c)1996-1998 by Dolphin Interconnect Solutions, Inc. Copyright (c) 1993-1996 by BBN Systems and Technologies, a division of BBN Corporation. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of Etnus, Inc. (Etnus). Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. Etnus has prepared this document for the exclusive use of its customers, personnel, and licensees. The information in this document is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Etnus. Etnus assumes no responsibility for any errors that appear in this document. TotalView, TimeScan, and Gist are trademarks of Etnus, Inc. All other brand names are the trademarks of their respective holders. Revision 3.9.0-1: Published July 1999 |
Etnus, Inc., Software License Agreement IMPORTANT: READ CAREFULLY DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THIS PRODUCT (THE "SOFTWARE") UNTIL YOU HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT, WHICH PROVIDES TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ITS USE. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE INDICATES THAT YOU HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, YOU SHOULD CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION NOW, RETURN THE LICENSE KEY AND ALL DOCUMENTATION, AND PROOF OF PAYMENT, TO ETNUS, AND REMOVE THE LICENSE KEY FROM THE LICENSED SERVER FOR A FULL REFUND WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF FIRST ACQUIRING THE LICENSE KEY. WRITTEN APPROVAL IS NOT A PREREQUISITE TO THE VALIDITY OR ENFORCEABILITY OF THIS LICENSE AND NO SOLICITATION OF ANY SUCH WRITTEN APPROVAL BY OR ON BEHALF OF ETNUS SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS AN INFERENCE TO THE CONTRARY. IF YOU HAVE ORDERED THIS SOFTWARE, ETNUS' ACCEPTANCE IS EXPRESSLY CONDITIONAL ON YOUR ASSENT TO THESE TERMS. 1 Definitions. In this License, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 1.1 "License Key(s)" means the code(s) transferred from ETNUS to Licensee allowing Licensee to use the Software and establishing the Licensed Computer(s), Licensed Platform(s), Processor Maximum and Licensed User(s). 1.2 "Derivative" means any computer program that may be developed containing all or any part of the Software (and any copies thereof), regardless of the form of code or intended use. 1.3 "Documentation" means ETNUS' published Software manuals and any written or printed technical material generally provided by ETNUS with the Software to explain its operations and aid in its use. 1.4 "ETNUS" means Etnus, Inc., a Delaware corporation with an office at 111 Speen Street, Framingham, MA 01701-2090. 1.5 "License" means this End-User License Agreement and the rights and obligations it creates under all applicable laws. 1.6 "Licensee" means the individual or entity licensing this copy of the Software and includes those persons in Licensee's immediate organization such as business associates, partners, and employees who are authorized to use this copy on the Licensed Computer(s) under the terms of this License. 1.7 "Licensed Computer(s)" shall mean the server or servers for which the Software is licensed for use according to the License Key(s). 1.8 "Licensed Platform(s)" shall mean the specific architecture or architectures of Licensed Computer(s) authorized under this Agreement and established for use according to the License Key(s). 1.9 "Licensed User(s)" shall mean the maximum number of persons in Licensee's immediate organization who are licensed concurrently to operate the Software at any one time hereunder as established by the License Key(s). 1.10 "Processor Maximum" shall mean the maximum number of processors per Licensed User Authorized under this Agreement as set forth according to the License Key(s). 1.11 "Software" means, collectively, the version(s) of the enclosed ETNUS software program(s) in object code format, together with the Documentation, including updates, modifications or new releases of such software programs and Documentation that may be provided by ETNUS to Licensee from time to time, regardless of the form in which Licensee may subsequently use the Software. 2. Grant of License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, ETNUS grants to Licensee a nonsublicensable, nonexclusive, nontransferable, perpetual license (subject to Section 7 below) to use the Software internally on the Licensed Computer(s) and by the Licensed User(s). 3. Ownership of Software. As between the parties, ETNUS and its suppliers retain title to, ownership of and all proprietary rights with respect to the Software, and all copies and portions thereof, whether or not incorporated into or with other software. The License does not constitute a sale of the Software or any portion or copy of it. Licensee acknowledges and agrees that the Software and the Documentation are ETNUS' proprietary products protected by U. S. Copyright and other laws, international treaty provisions and applicable laws, including copyright and intellectual property laws of the country in which the Software is being used. 4. Possession and Copying of Software. Licensee agrees that the Software will be installed or used on only the Licensed Computer(s) and Licensed Platforms by the Licensed User(s) and that Licensee shall not exceed the Processor Maximum. Licensee agrees to make no more than one (1) copy of the Software solely for backup or archival purposes, which (with the original) must be kept in Licensee's possession or control at all times. Licensee agrees to place a label on the outside of any such separate and independent backup medium, showing the program name, the version number and the ETNUS copyright notice, restricted rights legend, and trademark notices, in the same form as they appear on the original licensed copy. 5. Transfer or Reproduction of Software. 5.1 The Software may only be used on the Licensed Computer(s). Licensee may, subject to any applicable export requirements, change the Licensed Computer(s) which are authorized for the use of the Software to other computer(s) within Licensee's immediate organization after giving ETNUS prior notice of the CPU serial number(s) and location(s) of such computer(s) and making payment to ETNUS of the then-applicable fees. If Licensee changes the computer(s) on which Licensee is using the Software, Licensee may no longer use the Software on the computers formerly used and the new computer(s) shall be deemed to be Licensed Computer(s). 5.2 Licensee may not transfer any copy of the Software outside Licensee's immediate organization, on either a temporary or a permanent basis without obtaining the prior written approval of ETNUS. If the License transfer is approved, all copies of the Software, including the original, must be transferred to such transferee. ETNUS has the immediate right to terminate this License, to trace serial numbers, and to take any appropriate legal action in the event any of these conditions are violated. 5.3 Except as expressly provided in Sections 2 and 4 above, copying of the Software or any portion thereof, including Software that has been modified or incorporated into or with other software is expressly forbidden. Licensee shall not (and shall not allow any third party to) (i) decompile, disassemble, discover any source code or underlying ideas or algorithms or file formats or programming or interoperability interfaces of the Software or of any files contained in or generated using the Software by any means whatsoever, (ii) remove any product identification, copyright or other notices of the Software, (iii) provide, lease, lend or use the Software for timesharing or service bureau purposes or otherwise use or allow others to use the Software to or for the benefit of third parties, or (iv) load or use any portion of the Software (whether or not modified or incorporated into or with other software) on or with any machine or system other than the applicable Licensed Computer(s). 6. License Fees. License fees are set forth in the Product Order(s) and/or attachments (the "License Fees") and are exclusive of shipping, taxes, duties and the like, which shall be paid by Licensee. If not otherwise specified, applicable License Fees are due and payable within thirty (30) days of delivery or download of the Software, f.o.b. ETNUS. Non-payment of License Fees shall be deemed a material breach of this License. 7. Termination of License. The License shall be deemed effective from the date Licensee downloads or receives the Software and accepts the terms herein (the "Effective Date"), and shall be effective only so long as Licensee uses or possesses the Software, unless the License is terminated by ETNUS for a violation of its terms or otherwise pursuant to the terms of this License. The License will terminate immediately if: (i) Licensee fails to cure any material breach of this License within thirty (30) days of receiving notice of such breach from ETNUS (or immediately upon notice in the case of a breach of Sections 5 or 11 of this License); (ii) Licensee becomes insolvent or seeks protection under any bankruptcy, receivership, trust deed, creditors arrangement, composition or comparable proceeding; or (iii) Licensee ceases to do business or otherwise terminates its business operations. Upon termination, the license grants under Section 2 shall terminate and Licensee shall immediately cease all use of the Software and return or destroy all copies of the Software and all portions thereof (whether or not modified or incorporated with or into other software) and, if requested, so certify to ETNUS in writing. Except for provisions that survive according to their express terms and Sections 3, 5.2, 5.3, 6, 7, 8.5, 8.6, 9, 10, 11, and 12 (as applicable), the rights and obligations of the parties shall cease immediately upon termination of this License.. Termination is not an exclusive remedy and all other remedies will be available whether or not the License is terminated. 8. Limited Warranty and Disclaimer. 8.1 Software. Subject to the conditions and limitations on liability stated herein, ETNUS warrants to the original Licensee only, that for a period of thirty (30) days from the Effective Date (the "Warranty Period"), Software will materially conform to ETNUS' then current Documentation for such Software. This warranty covers only problems reported to ETNUS during the Warranty Period. 8.2 Media. For the Warranty Period, ETNUS warrants to the original Licensee only, that the media containing the Software (but not the Software itself) is free from physical defects. 8.3 Documentation. In the event of a descriptive error in the Documentation, ETNUS shall correct such an error without charge by providing addenda or substitute pages. ETNUS need not treat such errors in the Documentation as errors in the Software, but may issue corrections to the Documentation instead. 8.4 Exceptions. Notwithstanding the above, the limited warranty under this Section shall not apply to any Software that has been abused, misused, damaged in transport, altered, neglected or subjected to unauthorized repair or installation as determined by ETNUS. 8.5 Remedy. ETNUS' sole and exclusive liability and Licensee's sole and exclusive remedy for a breach of the limited warranty under this Section shall be, at ETNUS' sole option, to repair or replace the defective Software or refund the License Fees paid for the Software. In the event that a reported defect is determined by ETNUS not to be a defect in the Software, Media or Documentation, or the defect is the result of unauthorized modifications or improper use of the Software, Licensee shall be subject to charges for consulting fees at then- current rates plus expenses incurred by ETNUS in responding to any defect report. 8.6 DISCLAIMER. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THIS SECTION, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ETNUS DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE SOFTWARE, MEDIA AND ANY OTHER SUBJECT MATTER UNDER THIS LICENSE, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF NONINFRINGEMENT AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN, ETNUS DOES NOT WARRANT, GUARANTEE, OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE, OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE, OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION IN TERMS OF CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE. 9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING ELSE IN THIS AGREEMENT OR OTHERWISE, ETNUS WILL NOT BE LIABLE WITH RESPECT TO ANY SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS AGREEMENT UNDER ANY CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER LEGAL OR EQUITABLE THEORY FOR (i) ANY AMOUNTS IN EXCESS OF THE LICENSE FEES PAID TO ETNUS HEREUNDER FOR THE SOFTWARE OR (ii) ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS OR LOST OR INACCURATE DATA OR (iii) COST OF PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS, TECHNOLOGY OR SERVICES. ETNUS SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY FAILURE OR DELAY DUE TO MATTERS BEYOND ITS REASONABLE CONTROL. 10. Government Matters. Licensee agrees to comply with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (regarding among other things, payments to government officials) and all export laws, restrictions, national security controls and regulations of the United States or other applicable foreign agency or authority, and not to export or re-export, or allow the export or re- export of the Software or any copy or direct product thereof in violation of any such restrictions, laws or regulations, or to any group D:1 or E:2 country (or any national of such country) specified in the then current Supplement No. 1 to Part 740, or, in violation of the embargo provisions in Part 746, of the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (or any successor regulations or supplement), except in compliance with and with all licenses and approvals required under applicable export laws and regulations, including without limitation, those of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The Software is a "commercial item" as that term is defined in 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (2/9/98), consisting of "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer software documentation", as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (2/9/98). Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4 (1/22/98), all U.S. Government users, including contractors and subcontractors under any U.S. Government contract, acquire the Software with only those rights set forth in this License. If Licensee is acquiring this License under a United States government contract, Licensee agrees to include all necessary and applicable restricted rights legends on the Software and the Documentation to protect ETNUS' proprietary rights under the regulations cited above. Licensee agrees always to include such legends whenever the Software or Documentation is, or is deemed to be, deliverable under that contract. 11. Confidentiality. Licensee agrees and acknowledges that the Software contains confidential and proprietary technology, ideas, know-how, algorithms and other information ("Confidential Information"). Except as expressly allowed by this License, Licensee will not use, disclose or allow any third party to have access to any Confidential Information except to the extent Licensee can document that such information is generally available (through no action or inaction of Licensee) for use and disclosure by the public without any charge or license. Licensee recognizes and agrees that there is no adequate remedy at law for a breach of this Section 11, that such a breach would irreparably harm ETNUS and that ETNUS is entitled to equitable relief (including, without limitations, injunctions) with respect to any such breach or potential breach in addition to any other remedies. 12. Miscellaneous. 12.1 Except for Licensee, no other person or entity may rely on any rights, including but not limited to rights under the warranty provisions, granted in this License. Neither this License nor any rights, licenses or obligations hereunder are assignable or transferable by Licensee without the prior written consent of ETNUS and any attempt to do so shall be void. 12.2 Any notice, report, approval or consent hereunder shall be in writing. 12.3 No failure to exercise, and no delay in exercising, on the part of either party, any privilege, any power or any rights hereunder will operate as a waiver thereof, nor will any single or partial exercise of any right or power hereunder preclude further exercise of any other right hereunder. 12.4 If any provision of this License shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision shall be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that this License shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable. 12.5 This License shall be deemed to have been made in, and shall be construed pursuant to the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the United States without regard to conflicts of laws provisions thereof and without regard to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. 12.6 The parties agree that a material breach of this License adversely affecting ETNUS' proprietary rights in the Software would cause irreparable injury to ETNUS for which monetary damages would not be an adequate remedy and that ETNUS shall be entitled to equitable relief in addition to any remedies it may have hereunder or at law. 12.7 Any waivers or amendments shall be effective only if made in writing by non-pre-printed agreements clearly understood by both parties to be an amendment or waiver and signed by a representative of the respective parties authorized to bind the parties. Both parties agree that this License is the complete and exclusive statement of the mutual understanding of the parties and supersedes and cancels all previous written and oral agreements and communications relating to the subject matter of this License. 12.8 Each party recognizes and agrees that the warranty disclaimers and liability and remedy limitations in this License are material bargained for bases of this License and that they have been taken into account and reflected in determining the consideration to be given by each party under this License and in the decision by each party to enter into this License. 12.9 Notwithstanding any provision hereof, for all purposes of this License each party shall be and act as an independent contractor and not as partner, joint venturer, or agent of the other and shall not bind nor attempt to bind the other to any contract. SLA #020499 |