- Download tapegen.Z
If you are using a browser and using 'ftp', you will probably need to
'right click' on the link and select 'Save Link As' or else the browser
will try to display the file in the browser rather than saving it to
your harddrive.
If you are using a browser and using 'http', it may not save the
extension as .Z, even though it will still be compressed.
- uncompress tapegen.Z
If you are using ftp, this may happen automatically.
The compressed file size is 10280 bytes
The uncompressed file size is 18859 bytes
No matter what, before continuing you want to have a file called 'tapegen'
that is 18859 bytes in size, the output from 'sum tapegen' should be:
48759 11 tapegen
- Back up existing version in /usr/bin (ie, cp /usr/bin/tapegen /usr/bin/tapegen.backup)
- Copy/move this new file into /usr/bin, make sure permissions allow execution
Should work exactly like existing tapegen with the exception that it should
not fail to create a valid .toc file on the tape.
Please report any problems to [email protected]