to the configuration file's common option definitions after
the DEFLT:
label, e.g.:
options = ...other options...,-qnolmThe
type compilers need to be added to the command path:
export PATH=/usr/vac/bin:$PATH
indicates threadsafe version,
which e.g. defines -D_THREAD_SAFE
Used in conjunction with DCE threads.
IBM Open Class
samples and sources
(this will save several 100MB of disk space),
as well as Japanese and Chinese help text.
Do not include filesets which refers to AIX levels < 4.3 !
IBM Open Class
stuff, install only common HTML docs.
there's a shell script to set the proper links:
append -qnolm
to the common option definitions after
the DEFLT:
label, e.g.:
options = ...other options...,-qnolm
not quite straightforward as usual.
Here's the procedure I found to work best.
script work, the
daemon must run (see /etc/inittab
Its config file /etc/IMNSearch/httpdlite/httpdlite.conf
should contain the entries
HostName localhost Port 49213
to your PATH
to install straightforward from CD.
Install only filesets belonging to the version of AIX you are running on.
XL C 9
does not enforce license management.
In order to run XL C 9
on AIX 6.1 a PTF (oct2007) has
to be applied. Browse
IBM Support - Download - Software Category: Other Software Subcategory: XL C/C++and download. If the transmission is bad, command line download may be used:
wget -e robots=off ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/aix/products/ccpp/ptfs/vac.90.aix61.oct2007.ptf.tar.ZUnpack and update via
Configuration file for AIX 6.1:
ln -s /etc/vac.cfg.61 /etc/vac.cfg
XL C 9
comes with a web information server,
to be controlled via
/usr/xlhelp/bin/xlhelp # start eclipse server, in /etc/rc.local /usr/xlhelp/bin/xlhelp_end # stop eclipse serverClients may access it via
/usr/vac/bin/xlchelp # client command, requires Mozilla http://localhost:9011/help/index.jsp # URL on local machine http://server_name:9011/help/index.jsp # URL on remote machinePDF docs are found in