Chapter 2.2 Dynamic Memory Allocation.

2.2.0 Memory allocation
The low clicks of memory are allocated to the text and data segment of
the kernel -- as dictated by the hardwired address mapping. The
remaining memory is allocated to processes as one contiguous range of
clicks per process, starting with the user block and followed by memory
allocated to user text, data, and stack. A block of contiguous clicks
is called a "lump" (in this script only). The number of its first click is
its "address".

Address and size of the lump allocated to a process is kept in its
entry in the process table. (See /usr/sys/proc.h; p_addr and p_size,
both as clicks)

The memory allocated to a process starts at click 02000, the size of
its user text is 010030 byte, the size of its user data 0500 bytes.
The initial user stack size is 20 clicks and the size of the user block
is 1K byte. The type of the user program is executable.  How many
clicks will be allocated for this process initially?  Describe the
contents of the user page registers and kernel PAR6.

Answer: The number of clicks allocated to the process are:
user-block:  1K byte = 16 clicks = 	  020 clicks 
text/data: 010030 + 0500 = 010530 byte = 0106 clicks (rounded up!)
stack:     20 clicks = 			  024 clicks
sum:     				 0152 clicks

Contents of paging register:
space	page	PAR	size PDR.size PDR.upart  PDR.wacc  PDR.racc
kernel 	6 	02000 	 020	  017	 false	    true      true
user    0	02020	0106	 0105	 false	    true      true
user	7	02126	 024	 0154	 true	    true      true

All other user paging register in user paging register are invalid.

Lumps that are currently not used are represented by an array, the
"map". Each two-word-entry of a map holds address and size of a free
lump. (See struct map in /usr/sys/ken/malloc.c). The list of used
entries in a map is terminated by an entry with size = 0.  The map is
implicitly initialized, in particular, its first entry is zero, thus
marking the end of an empty list. This reminds of character strings in
C, where the empty string is represented by 0.

The map is accessed exclusively by 
	mfree(map, address, size)
	address malloc(map, size).

Mfree() enters a lump of free memory into the map. If the preceeding or
following memory areas turn out to be free, mfree() combines the
corresponding neighbouring lumps with the new lump.

Malloc() searches the map for a free lump with at least the size
requested and returns its address after adjusting size and address of
the remaining free lump. If it turns out to be empty, malloc() removes
its entry from the map.  Malloc() returns zero, if there is no free
lump that is big enough.

The file /usr/sys/ken/malloc.c hides the implementation of dynamic
memory allocation from the rest of the kernel. It keeps the definition
of a map entry (struct map) private. Including comments the source is
only 87 lines. It is the clients responsibility to provide empty maps
that are large enough. Mfree() and malloc() work independently of the
units of memory. The only condition is that the unit of addresses must
match the unit of sizes.

2.2.1 Swapping
If the size of all lumps exceeds available memory, the image of a
process is written onto disk and the memory is mfree'd to be allocated
to other processes. This is called "swapping". To continue a swapped
out process, its image needs to be reloaded.

Shared text segments do not need to be swapped out with the image of
every process using it, instead it suffices to be swapped ones for all
processes using it.  This saves considerable swapping I/O and was the
incentive to introduce the pure executable format. Candidates for this
format are programs that tend to be executed concurrently by more than
one process. In V6 a

	# chdir /bin
	# file * | grep pure
	as:     pure executable
	bas:    pure executable
	cc:     pure executable
	ed:     pure executable
	ld:     pure executable
	ls:     pure executable
	sh:     pure executable

Swapping is done by one dedicated process, the "swapper", which is the
first process to be created during initialization of the kernel.  The
swapper is a special process in that it will never run in user mode; it
follows that its lump consists of the user block only. The swapper will
never be swapped out, if so, this would be about the last thing, the
swapper would do.

When a process switches to another process, it does not do so directly
but instead switches to the swapper, which will then look in the
process table for another process to be continued. If there is none,
the swapper will loop waiting for an ISR to wake up a process.  If the
image of the awakened process is loaded, the sapper will switch to it
right away. Otherwise it will try to swap in the process, possibly
after having swapped out other processes to free the memory needed for
the new process.

Later versions of Unix, notably BSD Unix, introduced a more
sophisticated memory management scheme called "paging". Then a process
can run even with only part of its image loaded, whereas with swapping,
a process can run only if all of its image is loaded.

In V6, two resources limit the size of a program, i. e. a program
cannot be executed if its size exceeds one of these limits. What are
these resources?

The amount of installed memory is not to be configured by the user;
instead the kernel determines it automatically. In a loop it probes
clicks with increasing click numbers until a trap at 4 is executed,
which means in this case that the memory does not exist.  A click is
probed by putting its number in the user PAR0 and executing
	mfpi	 0

Every successfully probed click is entered into the map of free lumps by
	mfree(map, click number, 1).

The kernel prints the amount of memory that is left after allocating
its own segments and the user block of the swapper.

My kernel prints "mem = 1040" in units of 1/10th K words.  The size of
this kernel is 39934 as printed by size(I). How much memory does the
kernel believe is installed? How much memory does SIMH provide? Explain
the difference.

Taking into account that memory is allocated at click boundaries, you
Clicks installed by SIMH:           256 * 1024 / 64 = 4096.
Clicks used by the kernel: (39934 + 1024 + 63) / 64 =  640.
Free clicks: 			  (104 * 2048) / 64 = 3328.
Difference:			  4096 - 640 - 3328 =  128.

128 clicks, which are 8K bytes, are not accessable, since the last page
of bus addresses is mapped to I/O devices, leaving only 248K of bus
addresses to be usable to access memory.

The disk area to be used for swapping needs to be configured in
/usr/sys/conf/c.c. Mkconf takes the first block device in its parts
list to be the swap device and  allocates the blocks in the range
[4000, 4872) to swap space.

The free blocks in the swap space are represented by an array, the
swapmap, that is accessed by the same functions that are used for
maintaining free memory, namely mfree() and malloc(). The addresses in
the swapmap mean block numbers instead of click numbers and the unit of
the size is 512 instead of 64. The map representing lumps of free
memory is called the coremap.

In c.c a comment warns that the swap area must not begin with disk block
number zero. Why?

Code a call of mfree(), such that the swapmap will represent one free lump
with size nswap and address swplo.

These two lines from c.c show how variables are explicitly initialized
in C, i. e. there must be no "=" sign.

int	swplo	4000;
int	nswap	872;

A device is specified by a major and a minor number. They are word encoded
as the high respective low byte. Here is the line in c.c as created by mkconf:

int     swapdev {(0<<8)|0};

In C the initializer must be surrounded by curly braces if it is a
constant expression. Only with simple constants the braces may be

Code an initializer for swapdev that specifies the second RK disk to
hold the swap area.

2.2.2 The sizes of swapmap and coremap.
The coremap and the swapmap are defined in /usr/sys/systm.h.  Since the
struct map, which defines an entry of a map, is private to malloc.c, it
cannot by used in systm.h. The maps are therefore defined as arrays of
integer. The sizes of the process table and the map arrays are
configured by C symbols, which are #define'd in /usr/sys/param.h, with
NPROC=50, CMAPSIZ=100 and SMAPSIZ=100; unfortunately without a hint
regarding the relation of the map sizes to the size of the process
table. So a map can hold up to NPROC-1 lumps -- remember, one entry is
needed to terminate the list of occupied entries.

To determine the size of the maps, we need to determine an upper bound
of the number of free lumps ever managed by one map. It seems easier to
determine an upper bound of allocated lumps. Property(0) relates both

(0)	If at least one lump is allocated, the number of free lumps
	is bounded by the number of allocated lumps plus one.

First, we prove property(0), whose wording is somewhat clumpsy. To
arrive at a simpler statement, just define the (nonexisting) lump
adjacent to the rightmost free lump to count as allocated.
Furthermore, we define free lumps to be 'white' and allocated lumps to
be 'black'.

With this convention, (0) reads:
(1)	The number of white lumps is bounded by the number of black lumps.

We are now going to prove (1) by showing that property (2) is an
"invariant", that is it holds initially and is maintained by malloc()
and mfree().

(2)	The right neighbour of every white lump is black.

Property (2) holds initially:
After initialization, there are no white lumps, so (2) is valid.

If (2) holds before malloc() is called, it holds after malloc()
returns:  Malloc() allocates a lump. In particular, the neighbours of
all white lumps remain black.

If (2) holds before mfree() is called, it holds after mfree() returns: 
Since mfree() combines the new white lump with its white neighbours, the
right neighbour of the resulting white lump is black.

This completes the prove of (1) and (0).

From property (2) one is tempted to infere that the number of white
lumps equals the number of black lumps.  But this does not hold.

Would malloc() still maintain property(1) if it would cut the lump to
be allocated from the right end of a white lump or from the middle?
Assume, that the size of the white lump exceeds the requested size.

To determine A, the upper bound of concurrently allocated lumps, we
start with grep(I) to find the six places in the kernel that call

function	allocates a lump for ...
newproc()	... a newly created process.
sched()		... a process that is swapped in or out.
expand()	... itself, when it needs more memory.
exit()		... swapping out the user block. 
xswap()		... swapping out a process.
xalloc()	... the text segment of pure executables.

Newproc() allocates a lump for every newly created process. Since we have
at most NPROC processes, including the swapper process, whose lump is
never allocated from a map, we arrive at A <= NPROC-1.

Expand() is called when a process needs to grow its memory. It
allocates a lump with the new size, copies the old lump to the new lump
and then frees the old lump. While copying there are two lumps
allocated simultaneously. Since at most one process is copying its lump
at a time, we conclude that A <= NPROC. Here we exploit the fact that
processes in kernel mode are not preempted.

Xalloc() allocates a lump for each shared text segment stemming from pure
executables. At most NTEXT shared text segments can be active
concurrently, so A <= NPROC + NTEXT.

The remaining three functions never allocate more than one lump
for the same process in one map, so A <= NPROC + NTEXT.

The maximal number of free lumps, F, satisfies
because of (0).

It might be possible to prove that F is slightly less than that. But
this would assume more details of when and how the kernel allocates
respective frees lumps. It seems better to avoid complicating stuff and
accept some waste of memory.

Exercise: Show that F = NPROC+NTEXT+1, by constructing a pathological example.
Answer: Set NPROC=2, NTEXT=0. Assume, that the one lump allocated for
the one and only user process is shrinked at both ends. This gives you
two free lumps. Then, the process calls expand(), allocating the new
lump in the middle of one of the free lumps. During copying, three free
lumps need to be managed by the map.

Taking into account the end marker in the array, we arrive at S, the size
of a map to be:
	S = F+1 = NPROC+NTEXT+2

This is quite different from the sizes as configured in V6, with S = NPROC!
But even so V6 was in widespread use, the maps didn't seem to overflow.

But I feel more comfortable to run a system from which I know that the
maps won't overflow. While fixing that, we can configure better values for
NPROC and NTEXT as well.

NTEXT is defined in param.h as 40. That seems rather generous! In fact,
it exceeds the total number of pure executables in V6: This command
prints one line for each pure executable:

	find / -exec file {} \; | grep pure 

Piping the above command to wc(I) yields 19 lines. Using the fact, that
there is at most one shared segment per pure executable, NTEXT=19 would
be enough. These settings should suffice and avoid overflow of the

	#define	NTEXT	 19
	#define	NPROG	 40
	#define CMAPSIZ 122
	#define	SMAPSIZ 122

It would be far better to configure CMAPSIZ and SMAPSIZ in terms of NTEXT
and NPROC, like:
	#define CMAPSIZ ((NTEXT + NPROG + 2)*2)
But the V6 C-preprocessor does not rescan the replacement string for
defined identifiers. This is fixed in V7 C.

While tuning the kernel parameters, one wonders what happens if any of
those parameters are too small. Well, it depends:

NPROG: The kernel will check if the process table is full before
creating a new process. If so, it sets the error number accordingly
(EAGAIN, see INTRO(II) for the meaning of error numbers), and continues
without creating the process.

NTEXT: This is the size of the array "text", defined in
/usr/sys/text.h. It has one entry per active text segment. If this
table runs out of free entries while loading a pure executable, the
kernel will "panic", that is, print a message on the console, in this
case "out of text", and stop.  (see /usr/sys/ken/text.c)

CMAPSIZ, SMAPSIZ: The mfree() function does not even check for overflow
when inserting another free lump. So anything might happen if CMAPSIZ
or SMAPSIZ are too small. It will be very hard to pinpoint the cause of
erratic behaviour in that case.

On first sight, these different attitudes towards robustness seem
randomly.  But they can be viewed as the result of carefully
considerating the tradeoffs of robust code vs. simple code. The design
of Unix is governed by a strong appreciation of simple, clear code. If
it's easy to recover from an error, the kernel will recover. Otherwise,
if it's easy to detect an error condition, it will panic. If even
detecting is hard, as is the case with the overflow of maps, it won't
even do that. This is justified by the fact that errors in Unix are
very rare -- a direct consequence of the code being simple.

2.2.3 Makeing changes in param.h effective
Every source file that #include's param.h needs to be recompiled --
that is done by /usr/sys/run -- and the resulting *.o files need to be
archived in lib1 respective lib2 -- that is not done by /usr/sys/run!

To update the libraries, use
	ar r ../lib1 *.o
in /usr/sys/ken respective
	ar r ../lib2 *.o
in /usr/sys/dmr.

With new objects in the libraries, build a kernel in /usr/sys/conf.
You may want to use /usr/sys/run for guidance. Install the kernel as
/unix so you won't overwrite /rkunix and reboot. (remember sync!)

The ps(I) command will show spurious processes. Why?

Answer:  The file ps.c #includes param.h using NPROC to determine the
size of the process table. This is the only userland program that needs
to be recompiled when param.h is changed.

By the way, the only other userland program that includes param.h is
the C debugger, cdb(I).

Compiling kernel sources is automated by three shell scripts that I
added to the system.  The scripts dmr/run and ken/run compile C files
supplied as arguments on the command line and archive the objects in
the libraries.

The script conf/run assembles and compiles sources from the conf
directory, links them with the libraries and installs the linked

Here is ken/run:

: loop
if $1x = x goto done
cc -O -c $1
goto loop
: done
ar r ../lib1 *.o
rm *.o

and here conf/run:

as m40.s
cp a.out m40.o
cc -c c.c
as l.s
ld -x a.out m40.o c.o ../lib1 ../lib2
cmp a.out /unix
cp a.out /unix
rm c.o
rm m40.o
rm a.out

Exercise: Give the commands to recompile all kernel sources.
chdir /usr/sys/ken
run *.c
chdir ../dmr
run *.c

2.2.4 Implementation of swap():
If the swapper decides to swap out a process, it takes address and size
of its lump from the process table (p_addr and p_size), malloc's()
swapspace and mfree's() the memory. Finally, it sets p_addr to the
block number of the swapped out lump. It uses the function
	swap(blkno, coreaddr, count, rdflg) from /usr/sys/dmr/bio.c.
The unit of coreaddr and count is click. The rdflg controls the
direction of the transfer, "on" indicates from disk to memory.

Write a C program swapout(p) that swaps out a process, with p pointing
to its entry in the process table.

struct proc *p;
	int daddr;

	daddr = malloc(swapmap, (p->p_size + 7)/8);
	swap(daddr, p->p_addr, p->p_size, 0);
	p->p_addr = daddr;

Write a C program that sets the I/O register (RKCS, RKWC, RKBA, RKDA)
of the RK drive to start  swap I/O. Use the parameters as given to
swap() and the external variable swapdev defined in c.c.
Refer to pdp11/doc/devs for the specification of the RK11 device.

#define RK 0177404	/* address of RKCS, control and status register */

struct {
        int rkcs;
        int rkwc;
        int rkba;
        int rkda;

swap(blkno, coreaddr, count, rdflg)
	RK->rkba = coreaddr << 6;	  /* lower 16 bits of bus address */
	RK->rkcs = (coreaddr >> 11) << 4; /* upper 2 bits  of bus address */
	RK->rkwc = -count * 32;	          /* complement of word count */
	RK->rkda = blkno % 24; 		  /* head and block */
	RK->rkda =| (blkno / 24) << 5;	  /* track */
	RK->rkda =| (swapdev & 7) << 13;  /* disk */
	RK->rkcs =| 1<<6;		  /* interrupt enable */
	RK->rkcs =| (rdflg ? 5 : 3);	  /* read/write and go */	