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Installing the Updates to Release 1.1d7 of the Be OS

NOTE: This document is identical to "Last-Minute Notes," the document
that comes with all copies of the release 1.1d7 Be Operating System

After the Be Operating System CD-ROMs were pressed, we discovered and fixed
some bugs in files that are part of the Be OS(TM) system software. The fixed
files improve the performance and reliability the BeBox(TM) when running
release 1.1d7 of the Be OS. These notes show you how to get and install the
fixed files.

IMPORTANT: The files you download and install following these notes are for
use on a BeBox that's already running release 1.1d7 of the Be OS. If you
install these files on a BeBox that's running release 1.1d6 or another
version of the Be OS, you will make the BeBox unbootable and will have to
install the current release of the Be OS from scratch.

To complete these instructions, you must be able to retrieve files from the
Be(TM) ftp site. If you're not connected to the Internet, or if you can't
get to the site or retrieve the files for any other reason, contact Be
Developer Support by e-mail ( or by phone (at (415)
462-4103), and we'll find another way to get you the fixed files.

  1. Install release 1.1d7 of the Be OS.

     Follow the instructions in "Installing or Upgrading to Release 1.1d7 of
     the Be Software," the booklet that comes with the release 1.1d7 Be
     Operating System CD-ROM. Be sure to restart the BeBox after the
     installation is complete.

  2. Configure the BeBox to communicate across a network.

     See "Network" on page 100 of the release 1.1d7 edition of the "Be User's

  3. Start the Terminal application (it's in /apps), cd to the root folder
     on the boot disk, and connect to the Be ftp site:

     $ cd /boot
     $ ftp

     If the connection is accepted, the site responds:

     Connected to
     220 FTP server (version 6.00) ready.

  4. Log in, using the user name "anonymous" and no password:

     name ( anonymous
     331 Guest login ok, send your email address as password.

  5. Get the two tar archives that contain the fixed software
     (dr7_update.tar and dr7_bootrom.tar):

     ftp> cd pub/dr7_update
     ftp> get dr7_update.tar
     ftp> get dr7_bootrom.tar

  6. Quit ftp.

     ftp> quit

     You return to the Be shell prompt in the Terminal window.

  7. Extract the fixed files from the two tar archives:

     $ tar xvf dr7_update.tar

     This replaces some Be OS system software files with fixed versions.

     $ tar xvf dr7_bootrom.tar

     This places two files at the root of the boot disk:bootmain.image and
     bootnub.image. You use these to update the BeBox boot ROM -- part of
     the Be system software that is actually stored on programmable chips on
     the BeBox motherboard.

  8. Update the BeBox boot ROM.

     In the Browser, open the window for the boot disk and the window for
     the /apps folder side by side. (You open the root of the boot disk by
     double-clicking the BeBox icon in the dock and then double-clicking the
     boot disk icon.) Then drag the two .image files from the boot disk
     window onto the ROMUpdater application icon in the /apps window. The
     update takes just a few seconds.

  9. Clean up and restart.

     You can delete the two .tar files and the two .image files. Then
     restart the BeBox to make the Be OS take advantage of the fixed system
     software files.

Be, the Be logo, BeBox, and Be OS are trademarks of Be, Inc.

Last Modified 04/25/96

 Questions? Comments? Contact Andrew Lampert (webmaster at bebox dot nu).

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