@echo off rem # This file is for DOS 5.0 or later. For earlier versions of DOS, use rem # the file "emacs2.bat". rem ########################################################################### rem ##### Edit this section: rem ##### Note that, in this file, you must use "\" as the directory rem ##### separator. rem ########################################################################### rem "EMACSTOPDIR" is set to the location of the top-most emacs directory. set emacstopdir=c:\emacs-19.19 rem Here, the value of "user" must be one word, without spaces or punctuation rem Underlines ("_") are OK, however. It should also be 8 or less characters rem long. It is only used as your "name" in a directory listing, and so the rem exact value isn't really important. set user=joeuser rem "home" is the directory referenced by "~/". It is the directory rem containing the "_emacs" file, and must also contain the "lisp" and "etc" rem subdirectories: set home=%emacstopdir% rem You may want to comment out the following line, if you already set it in rem your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: rem NOTE: be sure to comment it out if you want to use a mouse rem see the dos documentation. set go32=ansi rem If you do not have a numeric coprocessor, use the following line instead rem of the above one: rem NOTE: omit the `ansi' if you want to use the mouse rem set go32=ansi emu %home%\bin\emu387 rem The following is not needed, unless ANSI.SYS is used (the default is rem to use direct screen writes, and bypass the use of ANSI.SYS). set termcap=%home%\termcap %home%\bin\emacs %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 rem NOTE: when the above did not work, I used rem %home%\bin\go32 %home%\bin\emacs.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 rem and have had no problems since.