These fonts each contain all 256 IBM PC characters, and can be substituted for the default pc8x16 and pc8x14 fonts supplied with DESQview/X. In the file \dvx\server\fonts\misc\fonts.dir, you will find the entry for the three PC fonts supplied with DVX: pc8x14.snf pc8x14 pc8x16.snf pc8x16 pc8x8.snf pc8x8 You can copy any of these *.snf fonts to this directory, and edit fonts.dir to reflect the filenames of the replacement fonts: pc8x14b.snf pc8x14 pc8x16b.snf pc8x16 pc8x8.snf pc8x8 This will replace the 14- and 16-point fonts with their BOLD counterparts. Your fixed-font DOS Windows and DOS programs will now use the new 14- and 16-point fonts instead of the default fonts of that size. You can also install the fonts using their real names: script14.snf script14 script16.snf script16 pc8x14b.snf pc8x14b pc8x16b.snf pc8x16b X11 programs other than DOS Programs can refer to these fonts, and use them (e.g. 'xterm -fn script14') when displaying to DVX. BDF fonts are included, so you can port them to non-DVX systems as well, for use with remote DOS programs. I am looking into ways to get some larger 10x20 and 10x24 fonts that contain all 256 IBM PC characters. I do not have any alternate 8x8 PC character fonts at this time. If DVX is sending you 8x8 fonts in your remote DOS programs, then simply alias pc8x8 to 14- or 16-point fonts. Here are the fonts included: pc8x16b pc8x14b BOLD fonts (nice fat letters) pc8x16i pc8x14i ITALIC fonts (a little skinny, perhaps BOLD ITALIC is needed) pc8x16s pc8x14s SANS SERIF fonts (looks like ATI Wonder hardware fonts) script14 script16 Germanic/English script font -------------------------- Mike Batchelor Quarterdeck Office Systems NOTE: Use of these fonts is neither sanctioned nor discouraged by Quarterdeck Office Systems. They work for me. If they don't work for you, you are on your own.