AT Command Set For NOKIA 9110 Communicator



Introduction Contains important information if you are using this document for the first time.
AT Command Syntax Summarizes general aspects on AT commands and issues related to them.
AT Commands Supported by
Nokia 9110 Communicator
Presented in functional groups and in an alphabetical list.
Error Values Lists the AT commands that can return the numeric or textual error value, and different error values.
Result Codes Lists result codes and their support.
Supported Standards ITU-T, ETSI, and TIA.
Abbreviations Used in this document.


This document describes the AT commands that may be used with Nokia 9110 Communicator operating in the GSM network. A short description, the syntax, the possible setting values and responses of the AT commands are presented.

Computers use AT commands to communicate with modems. Most communications applications, however, have a user friendly interface that hides these AT command from the user. You issue AT commands via your communications application. When the software in the Nokia product has received an AT command, it responds with a message that is displayed on the screen of the device you are using.

Note that the "AT" or "at" prefix must be included at the beginning of each command line.


AT Command Syntax

Note that the "AT" or "at" prefix must be included at the beginning of each command line. You may type several AT commands on the same line, and in such cases you need to type the "AT" or "at" prefix only at the beginning of the command line.

The marking <n> used in a command syntax is the setting value typed in as a part of the command. If the value is optional it is enclosed into square brackets. When you select a setting value with an AT command, the setting is valid until you change it.

Command Line

See figure below for general structure of a command line.

Structure of a command line

Basic structure of a command line
(ETSI, GSM 07.07 version 5.4.0, chapter 4.1.)

Basic Syntax Commands

The format of basic commands, except for the D and S commands, is as follows:


<number> enclosed in square brackets is optional. If a command expects <number> and it is left out, the value 0 is assumed. Several commands may be entered on the same command line without any character required for separation.

Extended Syntax Commands


The <value> consists of one or more numeric and string type sub parameters separated by comma . String parameters shall be bounded at the beginning and end by the double quote character. Additional commands may follow an extended syntax command on the same command line after a semicolon.

Standardized basic commands are found in V.25ter. GSM commands use syntax rules of extended commands. Every extended command has a test command (=?) to test the existence of the command and to give information about the type of its sub parameters. Parameter type commands also have a read command (?) to check the current values of sub parameters. Action type commands do not store the values of any of their possible sub parameters, and therefore do not have a read command.

If verbose responses are enabled with command V1 and all commands in a command line has been performed successfully, result code <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> is sent from the TA to the TE. If numeric responses are enabled with command V0, result code 0<CR> is sent instead.

If verbose responses are enabled with command V1 and sub parameter values of a command are not accepted by the TA (or command itself is invalid, or command cannot be performed for some reason), result code <CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> is sent to the TE and no subsequent commands in the command line are processed. If numeric responses are enabled with command V0, result code 4<CR> is sent instead. ERROR (or 4) response may be replaced by +CME ERROR: <err> or +CMS ERROR: <err> when the command was not processed due to an error related to ME or network operation.

Information Responses and Result Codes

The TA response for the example command line in the figure above could be as shown below. Here, the verbose response format is enabled with command V1. If numeric format V0 would have been used, <CR><LF> headers of information responses would have been left out and final result code changed to 0<CR>.

Example of a Response

Response to a command line
(ETSI, GSM 07.07 version 5.4.0, chapter 4.2.)

So called intermediate result codes inform about progress of TA operation (e.g. connection establishment CONNECT), and so called unsolicited result codes indicate occurrence of an event not directly associated with issuance of a command from TE (e.g. ring indication RING).

Aborting Commands

A partially entered command line or an action command in execution may be aborted by transmitting <CTRL-X>. The dial command ATD that is already in execution may be aborted by entering a single character.

Command Line and Response Formatting Commands

The table below summarizes the commands relating to command line and response formatting. All are applicable to GSM terminals.
Command Description
S3=<value> command line termination character 
S4=<value> response formatting character
S5=<value> command line editing character 
E<value> command echo 
Q<value> result code suppression 
V<value> TA response format 
X<value> defines CONNECT result code format; values manufacturer specific
+CMEE=<n> ME error reporting control


GSM 07.07: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); AT command set for GSM Mobile Equipment (ME); version 5.40; Oct. 1997.

V.25ter, section 5


List of AT Commands

1. Functional Groups: commands listed according to their uses.
TA-TE Interface Commands 
Generic Commands 
Call Control Commands
Network Service Commands
ME Control and Status Commands 
SMS Commands
Fax Commands
Miscellaneous Commands

2. Alphabetical list of all the commands under the functional groups.


TA-TE Interface Commands

&C Define DCD Usage [circuit 109 (RLSD) behaviour]
&D Define DTR Usage [circuit 108 (DTR) behaviour]
&S Define DSR Option
+ILRR DTE-DCE Local Rate Reporting
E Command Echo
Q Result Code Suppression
S3 Command Line Termination Character
S4 Response Formatting Character
S5 Command Line Editing Character
S25 Detect DTR Change Time
V DCE Response Format
X Result Code Selection

Functional Groups

&C Define DCD Usage [circuit 109 (RLSD) behaviour]

This command determines how the state of the DCD V.24 signal relates to the detection on received line signal from the distant end. (V.25ter section 6.2.8.)

AT&C[0] Keep DCD always ON.
AT&C1 Enable normal DCD usage. This is the default option.

Functional Groups TA-TE Interface Commands

&D Define DTR Usage [circuit 108 (DTR) behaviour]

This command defines how the DTR V.24 signal from the DTE is handled. (V.25ter section 6.2.9.)

AT&D[0] DTR is ignored.
AT&D1 DTR ON-OFF causes a transition to on-line command state, if there is call in progress.
AT&D2 DTR ON-OFF hangs up the call. This is the default option.
AT&D3 DTR ON-OFF hangs up the call and resets the data parameters to the start-up values (like command Z). This is a de facto feature.

Functional Groups TA-TE Interface Commands

&S Define DSR Option

This command defines how the DSR V.24 signal is handled. For some products this command is a dummy. In these cases, either the DSR is always ON, or the DSR follows the DTR.  In N9110 this command is has no effect (DSR follows DTR.).

AT&S[0] Keep DSR always ON.
AT&S1 Enable normal DSR usage. This is the default option. 

Functional Groups TA-TE Interface Commands

+ILRR DTE-DCE Local Rate Reporting

This command controls whether or not the +ILRR: <rate> information text is transmitted to the DTE. If enabled, the result code is transmitted after any modification, error control or data compression reports are transmitted, and before any final result code (e.g., CONNECT) is transmitted. The <rate> is applied after the final result code is transmitted. (V.25ter section 6.2.13.)

AT+ILRR=<mode> Set reporting mode.
Default is 0. 
AT+ILRR? Query current setting.
Response is +ILRR: <mode>.
AT+ILRR=? Show supported values. 
Response is +ILRR: (list of supported <mode>'s)
Values for <mode>: 
0 local port rate reporting disabled
1 local port rate reporting enabled

Functional Groups TA-TE Interface Commands

E Command Echo

This command determines whether characters that are received from the DTE are echoed or not in the command mode. (V.25ter section 6.2.4.)

ATE[0] Disable echoing
ATE1 Enable echoing. This is the default option.

Functional Groups TA-TE Interface Commands

Q Result Code Suppression

This command determines whether responses are sent to the DTE or not. Affects only result codes, not information responses. (V.25ter section 6.2.5.)

ATQ[0] Enable sending of responses to DTE. This is the default option.
ATQ1 Disable sending of responses to DTE

Functional Groups TA-TE Interface Commands

S3 Command Line Termination Character

Default character is carriage return. The setting is also used in result code and information response formatting. See also command V. (V.25ter section 6.2.1. )

ATS3=<n> Set termination character. Default is 13.
ATS3? Show valid values. Response is <n>.
Values for <n>:

Functional Groups TA-TE Interface Commands

S4 Response Formatting Character

Default character is line feed. See also command V. (V.25ter section 6.2.2.)

ATS4=<n> Set response formatting character. Default is 10.
ATS4? Show valid values. Response is <n>.
Values for <n>:

Functional Groups TA-TE Interface Commands

S5 Command Line Editing Character

Default character is backspace. (V.25ter section 6.2.3.)

ATS5=<n> Set response formatting character. Default is 8.
ATS5? Show valid values. Response is <n>.
Values for <n>:

Functional Groups TA-TE Interface Commands

S25 Detect DTR Change Time

Time (in seconds) to react on DTR signal change. See also command &D.

ATS25=<n> Set DTR change time. Default is 0.
ATS25? Show valid values. Response is <n>.
Values for <n>:

Functional Groups TA-TE Interface Commands

V Define DCE Response Format

This command determines whether result codes are transmitted in a numeric format or an alphabetic (or verbose) format. (V.25ter section 6.2.4.)

ATV[0] Select numeric (short form) responses. (Numeric V.25ter basic syntax result codes with limited headers and trailers.)
ATV1 Select textual (long) responses. (Verbose V.25ter basic syntax result codes with full headers and trailers.) This is the default option.

Functional Groups TA-TE Interface Commands

X Result Code Selection

This command selectively enables or disables the response codes sent to the DTE. When BUSY, NO ANSWER, DELAYED or BLACKLISTED is not enabled, NO CARRIER is used instead. When CONNECT <rate> with a correct data <rate> is not enabled, a plain CONNECT is used instead. This command does not affect the presentation of other result codes than the ones mentioned below. (V.25ter section 6.2.7.)

ATX1 also CONNECT 1200, CONNECT 2400 enabled.
ATX2 same as value 1
ATX3 also BUSY enabled
ATX4 also NO ANSWER enabled
ATX5 also CONNECT 4800 (or higher data rates), CARRIER, DELAYED, BLACKLISTED enabled. This is the default option.

Functional Groups TA-TE Interface Commands

Generic Commands

&F Restore Factory Settings
&V View Active Configuration
&W Store Configuration
&Y Select Power-Up Configuration

+CGMI Request ME Manufacturer Id
+CGMM Request ME Model Id
+CGMR Request ME Revision Id
+CGSN Request ME Serial Number Id
+CSCS Select TE Character Set
+CMEE Report ME Error

+GCAP Request Complete Capabilities List
+GMI Request TA Manufacturer Id
+GMM Request TA Model Id
+GMR Request TA Revision Id
+GSN Request TA Serial Number Id

+WS46 Select Wireless Network

I Request Identification Information
Z Reset to Default Configuration

Functional Groups

&F Restore Factory Settings

This command restores all the factory settings including all the S-register settings but does not save them. Command parameters (if implemented) that are reset to their factory defaults are: S3, S4, S5, E, Q, V, X, &C, &D, +ILRR, S25, S30, &S, +CSCS, S0, S7, S8, S10, +DS, +DR, +ES, +ER, S2, S12, +CSTA, +CMOD, +CBST, +CRLP, +CR, +CRC, +CSNS, +CHSN, +CVHU, +CLIP, +CLIR, +CMEE. (V.25ter section 6.1.2.)

AT&F[0] Restore factory settings.

Functional Groups Generic Commands

&V View Active Configuration

This command displays the current values of the S-registers and other settings. Values 1 and 2 shall be present only when stored profiles are supported. Response format is product specific. (V.25ter section 6.1.2.)

AT&V[0] View active configuration. (All command parameter values defined under &F and &Y settings).
AT&V1 Show settings in stored profile 0. (All command parameter values defined under &W). 
AT&V2 Show settings in stored profile 1. (All command parameter values defined under &W). 

Functional Groups Generic Commands

&W Store Configuration

This command stores the current settings to one of two user profiles. Command parameters (if implemented) that are stored to a profile are the same as listed under the command &F except the parameters of the following commands which are not stored: +CMOD, +CSCA, +CSMP.

AT&W[0] Store settings to user profile 0.
AT&W1 Store settings to user profile 1.

Functional Groups Generic Commands

&Y Select Power-Up Configuration

This command defines from which user profile (0 or 1) parameters are loaded when the product is activated. This setting is not included in the settings that are stored in a user profile. The command &F does not affect this setting.

AT&Y[0] Parameters are loaded from user profile 0.
AT&Y1 Parameters are loaded from user profile 1.

Functional Groups Generic Commands

+CGMI Request ME Manufacturer Identification

This command displays the ME manufacturer identification. (GSM 07.07 section 5.1.)

AT+CGMI Display manufacturer identification.
AT+CGMI=? Shows whether command has been implemented. 

Functional Groups Generic Commands

+CGMM Request ME Model Identification

This command displays the ME model identification. Response must include product type. Note that in the case of a product with TA and ME in the same physical entity, the response of the command +GMM is identical. (GSM 07.07 section 5.2.)

AT+CGMM Display model identification.
AT+CGMM=? Shows whether command has been implemented. 

Functional Groups Generic Commands

+CGMR Request ME Revision Identification

This command displays the ME revision identification. Response must include product SW version, HW version is optional. Note that in the case of a product with TA and ME in the same physical entity, the response of the command +GMR is identical. (GSM 07.07 section 5.3.)

AT+CGMR Display revision identification.
AT+CGMR=? Shows whether command has been implemented. 

Functional Groups Generic Commands

+CGSN Request ME Serial Number Identification

This command displays the ME serial number, or the IMEI. Note that in the case of a product with TA and ME in the same physical entity, the response of the command +GSN is identical. (07.07 section 5.4.)

AT+CGSN Display serial number.
AT+CGSN=? Shows whether command has been implemented. 

Functional Groups Generic Commands

+CSCS Select TE Character Set

This command informs the product which character set is used by the DTE. The product is then able to convert character strings correctly between DTE and mobile equipment character sets. (GSM 07.07 section 5.5.)

AT+CSCS=<chset> Select character set.
AT+CSCS?  Query current setting. 
Response is +CSCS: <chset> 
AT+CSCS=? Show supported character sets. Response is +CSCS: (list of supported <chset>'s). 

Values for <chset>:
"GSM" GSM default alphabet; this setting easily causes software flow control (XON/XOFF) problems.
"IRA" International Reference Alphabet (ITU-T T.50)
"PCCP437" PC character set Code Page 437.
"PCDN" PC Danish/Norwegian character set.
"8859-1" ISO 8859 Latin 1 character set. 
This is the default option. 

Functional Groups Generic Commands

+CMEE Report ME Error

This command controls the presentation of extended error information result code. See also result code +CME ERROR. (07.07 section 9.1.)

AT+CMEE=<n> Default option is 0.
AT+CMEE=? Response is +CMEE: (list of supported <n>'s). 

0 disable +CME ERROR: <err> result code and use ERROR instead
1 enable +CME ERROR: <err> result code and use numeric <err> values 

Functional Groups Generic Commands

+GCAP Request Complete Capabilities List

This command displays product information on the overall capabilities of the product. (V.25ter section 6.1.9.)

AT+GCAP Display product capabilities.

Functional Groups Generic Commands

+GMI Request TA Manufacturer Identification

This command displays the TA manufacturer identification. (V.25ter section 6.1.4.)

AT+GMI Display manufacturer identification.

Functional Groups Generic Commands

+GMM Request TA Model Identification

This command displays the TA model identification. Note that in the case of a product with TA and ME in the same physical entity, the response of the command +CGMM is identical. (V.25ter section 6.1.5.)

AT+GMM Display model identification. 

Functional Groups Generic Commands

+GMR Request TA Revision Identification

This command displays the TA revision identification. Response must include product SW version, HW version is optional. Note that in the case of a product with TA and ME in the same physical entity, the response of the command +CGMR is identical. (V.25ter section 6.1.6.)

AT+GMR Display revision identification.

Functional Groups Generic Commands

+GSN Request TA Serial Number Identification

This command displays the TA serial number. Note that in the case of a product with TA and ME in the same physical entity, the response of the command +CGSN is identical (i.e. the IMEI number). (V.25ter section 6.1.7.)

AT+GSN Display serial number.

Functional Groups Generic Commands

+WS46 Select Wireless Network

Currently there are no values for DCS1800 or PCS1900 but the option '12' could also be used for them. (GSM 07.07 section 5.7, TIA-678 section

AT+WS46=[12] Select wireless network.
AT+WS46? Query current setting. Response is 12.
AT+WS46=? Show options. Response is (12).

Functional Groups Generic Commands

I Request Identification Information

This command displays information on the TA. (V.25ter section 6.1.3.)

ATI[0] Displays the TA manufacturer identification (same as for +GMI).
ATI1 Displays the product serial number (same as for +GSN).
ATI2 Displays the product version (same as for +GMR).
ATI3 Displays the product name (same as for +GMM).
ATI4...ATI13 Dummy values that are just accepted.

Functional Groups Generic Commands

Z Reset to Default Configuration

This command restores the parameter values of one of the user profiles by recalling the respective settings from the memory. Settings that are not stored in a profile (see command &W) will be reset to their factory defaults (see command &F). (V.25ter section 6.1.1.)

ATZ[0] Disconnect, reset to stored profile 0.
ATZ1 Disconnect, reset to stored profile 1.

Functional Groups Generic Commands

Call Control Commands

+++ Escape
+CBST Select Bearer Service Type
+CEER Extended Error Reports
+CHSD HSCSD Device Parameters
+CHSN HSCSD Non-Transparent Call Configuration
+CHUP Hang Up Call
+CMOD Call Mode
+CR Service Reporting Control
+CRC Cellular Result Codes
+CRLP Radio Link Protocol
+CSNS Single Numbering Scheme
+CSTA Select Type of Address
+CVHU Voice Hang Up Control

+DR Data Compression Reporting
+DS Data Compression
+ER Error Control Reporting
+ES Error Control Selection

A Answer
B Communications Standard Option (CCITT/Bell mode)
D Dial
H Hang Up Call
L Monitor Speaker Loudness
M Monitor Speaker Mode
O Return to On-Line Data State

S0 Automatic Answer
S1 Ring Count
S2 Escape Code Character
S6 Pause Before Blind Dialling
S7 Connection Completion Timeout
S8 Comma Dial Modifier Time
S10 Automatic Disconnect Delay
S12 Escape Guard Time
S30 Disconnect Inactivity Time

Functional Groups

+++ Escape

During on-line data state, the online command state can be entered by giving three same characters in a sequence. The character is defined by S-register S2. The default character is '+'. Before and after the sequence there must be a pause of at least the time defined by S-register S12. By setting S12 to zero, escape sequence detection can be disabled.

+++ Enter on-line command state. '+' is default character.

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

+CBST Select Bearer Service Type

Set command selects the bearer service <name> with data rate <speed>, and the connection element <ce> to be used when data calls are originated (GSM 02.02). Values may also be used during mobile terminated data call setup, especially in case of single numbering scheme calls (see the command +CSNS). Test command returns values supported by the TA as compound values. (GSM 07.07 section 6.7.)

AT+CBST=<speed>, <name>, <ce> Select bearer service type. The default option is 0,0,1.
AT+CBST?  Query current setting. 
Response is +CBST: <speed>,<name>,<ce> 
AT+CBST=?  Show supported values. 
Response is +CBST: (list of supported <speed>'s), (list of supported <name>'s), (list of supported <ce>'s) 
0 autobauding (automatic selection of the speed; this setting is possible in case of 3.1 kHz modem and non-transparent service)
1 300 bps (V.21)
2 1200 bps (V.22)
3 1200/75 bps (V.23)
4 2400 bps (V.22bis)
5 2400 bps (V.26ter)
6 4800 bps (V.32)
7 9600 bps (V.32)
11 9600 bps (V.42bis)
12 9600 bps (V.34)
14 14400 bps (V.34)
15 19200 bps (V.34)
16 28800 bps (V.34)
65 300 bps (V.110) 
66 1200 bps (V.110)
68 2400 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)
70 4800 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)
71 9600 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)
75 14400 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)
79 19200 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)
80 28800 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)
81 38400 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)
82 48000 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)
83 56000 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)
0 data circuit asynchronous (UDI or 3.1 kHz modem)
2 PAD Access (asynchronous) (UDI)
0 transparent
1 non-transparent
2 both, transparent preferred
3 both, non-transparent preferred

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

+CEER Extended Error Report

This command causes the product to return one or more lines of information text, which should offer the user an extended report of the reason for failure in the last unsuccessful call setup (originating or answering). Typically, the text will consist of a single line containing the failure information given by the GSM network in a textual format. <report> is the textual representation of network cause value as listed in GSM 04.08 annex H. (GSM 07.07 section 6.10.)

AT+CEER  Display error report. 
Response is +CEER: <report>
AT+CEER=? Shows whether command has been implemented. 

<report>: the total number of characters, including line terminators, in the information text shall not exceed 2041 characters. Text shall not contain the sequence 0<CR> or OK<CR>.

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

+CHSD HSCSD Device Parameters

(GSM 07.07 section 6.12.)

AT+CHSD View device parameters. 
Response is +CHSD: <mclass>, <maxRx>, <maxTx>, <sum>, <codings>
AT+CHSD=? Shows whether command has been implemented. 


<mclass>: integer type; multislot class

<maxRx>: integer type; maximum number of receive timeslots that ME can use

<maxTx>: integer type; maximum number of transmit timeslots that ME can use

<sum>: integer type; total number of receive and transmit timeslots that ME can use at the same time (per TDMA frame). The following applies in a HSCSD call: 1 <= (receive slots) + (transmit slots) <= <sum>

<codings> is a sum of integers each representing a supported channel coding (e.g. value 5 indicates that 4.8k and 9.6k channel codings are supported):
1 4.8k full rate data traffic channel
4 9.6k full rate data traffic channel
8 14.4k full rate data traffic channel

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

+CHSN HSCSD Non-Transparent Call Configuration

For this command the <maxAiur> and <modify> values depend on the product. (GSM 07.07 section 6.14.)

AT+CHSN= <wAiur>, <wRx>, <topRx>, <codings> Non-transparent call configuration. The default option is 0, 0, 0, 0.
AT+CHSN? Query current setting. 
Response is +CHSN: <wAiur>, <wRx>, <topRx>, <codings>
AT+CHSN=? Show supported values. 
Response is +CHSN: <wAiur>, <modify>

<wAiur>: integer type; wanted air interface user rate. Default value 0 indicates that TA shall calculate a proper value from currently selected fixed network user rate (<speed> subparameter from +CBST command), <codings>, and <wRx> (or <maxRx> from +CHSD command if <wRx>=0).
Other values:
1 9600 bps
2 14400 bps

<wRx>: integer type; wanted amount of receive timeslots. Default value 0 indicates that TA shall calculate a proper value from currently selected <wAiur> and <codings>

<topRx>: integer type; top value for <wRx> that user is going to request during the next established non-transparent HSCSD call. Default value 0 indicates that user is not going to change <wAiur>/<wRx> during the next call

<codings>: a sum of integers each representing a channel coding that is accepted for non-transparent HSCSD calls. Default value 0 indicates that all supported codings are accepted (refer +CHSD command for other values)

<maxAiur>: integer type; maximum value for <wAiur> (assuming that all supported channel codings are accepted and maximum number of timeslots are used)

0 <wAiur>/<wRx> modification during call is not supported by ME/TA (<topRx> accepts only 0)

Functional Groups Call Control Commands


+CHUP Hang Up Call

This command hangs up the call, also when an alternating mode call is active. This is an assured procedure to terminate an alternating mode call. (GSM 07.07 sections 6.5, 6.6, and annexes E, F).

AT+CHUP Hang up call. Response is OK.
AT+CHUP=? Shows whether command has been implemented. 

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

+CMOD Call Mode

This command sets the call mode for further dialling command ATD or for next answering command ATA . To prevent the possibility that alternating mode calls are originated or answered accidentally, <mode> is automatically reset to value 0 after each call. Note that alternating call answering operations from an external UI may change +CMOD values. (GSM 07.07 sections 6.4, 6.6, and annexes E, F).

AT+CMOD=<mode> Set call mode. The default option is 0.
AT+CMOD?  Query current setting. 
Response is +CMOD: <mode>.
AT+CMOD=? Show supported modes.
Response is +CMOD: (list of supported <mode>'s).

Values for <mode>:
single mode (default)
alternating voice/fax (teleservice 61) 
alternating voice/data (bearer service 61) 
3 voice followed by data (bearer service 81) 

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

+CR Service Reporting Control

This command controls the presentation of the +CR intermediate result code. If enabled, the result code is transmitted at the point during the connect negotiation during which the speed and quality of service to be used have been determined, before any error control or data compression reports are transmitted, and before any final result code (e.g., CONNECT) is transmitted. (GSM 07.07 section 6.9.)

AT+CR=<mode> Set service reporting control mode. The default option is 0. 
AT+CR? Query current setting.
Response is +CR: <mode>. 
AT+CR=? Show supported values.
Response is +CR: (list of supported <mode>'s). 
Parameters for <mode>:
0 Disable reporting. 
Enable reporting.

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

+CRC Cellular Result Codes

This command controls whether or not the extended format incoming call indication is used. When enabled, an incoming call is indicated to the DTE with the result code +CRING: <type> instead of the normal RING. See also section Result Codes. (GSM 07.07 section 6.11.)

AT+CRC=<mode> Set incoming call indication mode. The default option is 0.
AT+CRC?  Query current setting
Response is +CRC: <mode> 
AT+CRC=?  Show supported modes.
Response is +CRC: (list of supported <mode>'s). 

Values for <mode>:
Disable extended format call indication. 
1 Enable extended format call indication. 

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

+CRLP Radio Link Protocol

This command selects the Radio Link Protocol parameters. (GSM 07.07 section 6.8.)

<mws>, <T1>, <N2> 
Set RLP parameters. 
AT+CRLP?  Query current setting. 
Response is +CRLP: <iws>, <mws>, <T1>, <N2>
AT+CRLP=?  Show valid values.
Response is +CRLP: (list of supported <iws>'s), (list of supported <mws>'s), (list of supported <T1>'s), (list of supported <N2>'s) . 
<iws> IWF to MS window size 
<mws> MS to IWF window size 
<T1> acknowledgement timer T1 
<N2> retransmission attempts N2 

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

+CSNS Single Numbering Scheme

This command is used to select the bearer service to be used when a call without bearer service capability element is received. The command must be given before the call comes. Parameter values set with the command +CBST are used when <mode> equals to a data service. (GSM 07.07 section 6.16.)

AT+CSNS=<mode> Set single numbering scheme mode. The default option is 0.
AT+CSNS?  Query current setting. 
Response is +CSNS: <mode>
AT+CSNS=?  Show supported modes.
Response is +CSNS: (list of supported <mode>'s). 
Values for <mode>:
0 voice (default)
1 alternating voice/fax, voice first (teleservice 61)
2 fax (teleservice 62)
3 alternating voice/data, voice first (teleservice 61)
4 data
5 alternating voice/fax, fax first (teleservice 61)
6 alternating voice/data, data first (bearer service 61)
7 voice followed by data (bearer service 81)

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

+CSTA Select Type of Address

Dial command D uses always this setting except when dial string includes international access code character (+). In this case type of address sent to the network defaults to 145 (international/telephony). (GSM 07.07 section 6.1.)

AT+CSTA=<type> Select type. The default option is 129.
AT+CSTA?  Query current setting. 
Response is +CSTA: <type>
AT+CSTA=?  Show supported types.
Response is +CSTA: (list of supported <type>'s). 

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

+CVHU Voice Hang Up Control

This command selects whether ATH or “drop DTR” shall cause a voice connection to be disconnected or not. By voice connection is also meant alternating mode calls that are currently in voice mode. (GSM 07.07 section 6.).

AT+CVHU=<mode> The default setting is 0 
AT+CVHU? Query current setting. 
Response is +CVHU: <mode> 
AT+CVHU=? Show supported modes.
Response is +CVHU: (list of supported <mode>'s)

0 “Drop DTR” ignored but OK response given. ATH disconnects
1 “Drop DTR” and ATH ignored but OK response given
2 “Drop DTR” behaviour according to &D setting. ATH disconnects

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

+DR Data Compression Reporting

This command controls the presentation of +DR: <compr> intermediate result code. (V.25ter section 6.6.2.)

AT+DR=<mode> Set reporting mode. The default option is 0.
AT+DR?  Query current setting. 
Response is +DR: <mode>
AT+DR=?  Show supported modes.
Response is +DR: (list of supported <mode>'s). 
0 data compression reporting disabled
1 data compression reporting enabled
NONE data compression not in use
V42B V.42bis in use in both directions
V42B RD V.42bis in use in receive direction only
V42B TD V.42bis in use in transmit direction only
MNP5 MNP5 in use

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

+DS Data Compression

This command controls the V.42bis and MNP5 data compression functions. V.42bis can be used with transparent and non-transparent data services and MNP5 can be used only with transparent data service. The data service is selected with the command AT+CBST. (V.25ter section 6.6.1.)

AT+DS=[<dir>[,<neg>[,<P1>,<P2>]]]]  Set compression parameters.
AT+DS?  Query current setting.
Response is +DS: <dir>,<neg>, <P1>,<P2>.
AT+DS=?  Show supported values. 
Response is +DS: (list of supported <dir>'s), (list of supported <neg>'s), (list of supported <P1>'s), (list of supported <P2>'s).
no compression (V.42bis P0=0)
V.42bis transmit only or MNP5
V.42bis receive only or MNP5
V.42bis both directions or MNP5
do not disconnect if compression is not negotiated by the remote DCE as specified in <direction>
disconnect if compression is not negotiated by the remote DCE as specified in <direction>
<P1>  maximum number of dictionary entries which should be negotiated, 512 to 2048
<P2>  maximum string length to be negotiated, 6 to 32, default 20 (V.42bis P2).

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

+ER Error Control Reporting

This command controls whether or not the +ER: <type> result code is transmitted to the DTE. The result code shows the current error control protocol type when transparent data service is used. If enabled, the result code is transmitted at the point after error control negotiation (handshaking). (V.25ter section 6.5.5.)

AT+ER=<mode> Set reporting mode. The default option is 0.
AT+ER?  Query current setting. Response is +ER: <mode>.
AT+ER=?  Show supported values. Response is +ER: (list of supported <mode>'s).
error control reporting disabled
error control reporting enabled
NONE  error control not in use
ALT  MNP protocol in use

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

+ES Error Control Selection

This command controls the V.42 error control protocol which can be used with transparent data service (see command +CBST). When mobile originated calls are made the transparent data mode must be selected with the command AT+CBST. The requested mode and the acceptable fallback mode of operation for an initiated call are selected with parameters <orig_rqst> and <orig_fbk>. The third parameter, <ans_fbk>, defines the acceptable fallback mode of operation when a call is answered. (V.25ter section 6.5.1.)

Set error control parameters. 
The default options are 4, 0, 2.
AT+ES?  Query current setting.
Response is +ES: <orig_rqst>, <orig_fbk>, <ans_fbk>.
AT+ES=?  Show supported values. 
Response is +ES: (list of supported <orig_rqst>'s), (list of supported <orig_fbk>'s), (list of supported <ans_fbk>'s). 

1 initiate call with buffered mode (flow control used)
4 initiate MNP protocol
0 error control optional, use buffered mode if error control not established
error control required, disconnect if error control not established
4 MNP error control required, disconnect if error control not established
1 error control disabled, use buffered mode
error control optional, use buffered mode if error control not established
error control required, disconnect if error control not established
MNP error control required, disconnect if error control not established

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

A Answer

This command answers an incoming call. The call is indicated by the RING or +CRING message on the terminal equipment or by the number 2 if numeric mode has been selected. This command can also be used to switch call mode from voice to data when an alternating call is active. (V.25ter section 6.3.5. )

ATA Answer incoming call.

All the result codes below are not in V.25ter. Before one of the codes may be returned some of the following: +CR, +ER, +DR, or +ILRR (in that order). Answer command is also used to control alternating mode calls (see GSM 07.07 section 6.6 and annexes E and F).

Result Codes
possible verbose
result codes (V1)
data/fax call established; rate 300 bps (or X forbids rate display) 
data/fax call established; rate 1200 bps 
data/fax call established; rate 2400 bps 
data/fax call established; rate 4800 bps 
data/fax call established; rate 9600 bps 
HSCSD (or 14.4 tch) data/fax call established; rate 14400 bps 
invalid command
call could not be established 
command aborted

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

B Communications Standard Option (CCITT/Bell mode)

This command has no effect on the data software. It is included for compatibility reasons.

ATB[<n>] Values for <n> [0]...1.

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

D Dial

This command initiates a call. (V.25ter section 6.3.1.) When a call is initiated, the command must contain the called party's number or a directory entry which contains the stored number. The ATD command can also be used for sending DTMF tones and for switching call mode from voice to data when an alternating call is active. (GSM 07.07 section 6.6 and annexes E and F)

When the product tries to reach a number and fails to establish a connection, further attempts will be delayed, i.e., successive attempts to dial the same number will be rejected for a short period of time, and the response DELAYED will be displayed. The delay period only lasts for a few seconds at first, however, if you continue to try to get the call through and fail, the delay will be prolonged for a few minutes. Finally, the called number will be included on a list of so-called blacklisted numbers. The response BLACKLISTED will be seen on the screen. The phone will not accept any new attempts to that number before you press any key on the cellular phone keypad. This user action erases the number from the list and enables you to call the number again. The purpose of blacklisting numbers is to conserve the network's resources.

A semicolon character needs be added when a voice call is originated.
ATD[<dial_string>[;]]  Dials the number in a dial_string.
ATDL  Redials the last number that has been dialled during the current session.

<dial-string> Characters
<dial-string> characters values description
V.25ter dialling digits 0123456789+ accepted as valid digits 
V.25ter modifiers , in case of voice call: originate call to the number preceding comma, wait for remote answer, pause for length specified with S8 register, and send numbers after comma as DTMF digits; further commas cause pause for length specified with S8 register (all commas are ignored in case of data call)
T P ! W @ accepted but ignored 
V.25ter semicolon ; voice call originating (must be last character in command line)
i allow calling line id presentation for this call
I restrict calling line id presentation for this call

See also 07.07 section 6.2 and V.25ter sections For voice call example refer 07.07 annex G. Note that I is the only case sensitive dial string character and the comma modifier (e.g. "ATD,1234"; in this case the first comma do not cause a pause) can be used to send DTMF digits.

Result Codes

All result codes are not in V.25ter. Before one of the above codes may be returned some of the following: +CR, +ER, +DR, or +ILRR (in that order).
possible verbose 
result codes (V1)
call to the number is forbidden until manual reset 
called party is busy 
data rate 300 bps/fax call established (or X forbids rate display)
data call established; rate 1200 bps 
data call established; rate 2400 bps 
data call established; rate 4800 bps 
data call established; rate 9600 bps 
HSCSD (or 14.4 TCH) data/fax call established; rate 14400 bps
call to the number is temporarily (5 sec - 3 min) forbidden 
invalid command 
called party does not answer 
call could not be established 
command aborted or voice call started with semicolon character 

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

H Hang Up Call

This command normally hangs up the call. If the alternating call data mode is currently active, ATH does not hang up the call but call mode is switched from data to voice. If you want to disconnect the alternating call, you must use the AT+CHUP command instead. (V.25ter section 6.3.6.)

ATH[<n>]  Hang up call. <n>=0

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

L Monitor Speaker Loudness

This setting is ignored. It is included for compatibility reasons. (V.25ter section 6.3.13.)

ATL[<n>] L[0]...L3

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

M Monitor Speaker Mode

This setting is ignored. It is included for compatibility reasons. (V.25ter section 6.3.14.)

ATM[<n>] M[0]...M2

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

O Return to On-Line Data State

This command is used when you have made a connection with the remote device and have escaped (with the +++ command) to the command mode. Give the command to return from the (on-line) command mode to normal on-line operation. (V.25ter section 6.1.2.)

ATO[<n>] Go to on-line state. Response is CONNECT [<speed>].

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

S0 Automatic Answer

Value indicates number of rings (RING or +CRING result codes) to wait before answering automatically. Value 0 disables auto answer. (V.25ter section 6.3.8.)

ATS0=<n> Values for <n> are 0..255 (default 0).
ATS0? Query current setting. 
Response is <n>.

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

S1 Ring Count

Returns number of rings (RING or +CRING result codes) counted after last MT call setup.

ATS1? Query current setting. 
Response is <n>. Values for <n> are 000..255.

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

S2 Escape Code Character

The default character is a plus sign. See also the command +++ Escape.

ATS2=<n> Values for <n>are 0..127 (default 43)
ATS2? Query current setting. 
Response is <n>.

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

S6 Pause Before Blind Dialling

This setting is ignored. (V.25ter section 6.3.9.)

ATS6=<n> Values for <n> are 2..10.
ATS6? Query current setting. 
Response is <n>.

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

S7 Connection Completion Timeout

Also known as 'no answer timeout'. Value is given in seconds. Value 0 (unlimited time) is not in V.25ter. (V.25ter section 6.3.10).

ATS7=<n> Values for <n> are 0..255 (default 60).
ATS7? Query current setting. 
Response is <n>.

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

S8 Comma Dial Modifier Time

Value is given in seconds. See also command D. (V.25ter section 6.3.11. )

ATS8=<n> Values for <n> are 0..255 (default 2).
ATS8? Query current setting. 
Response is <n>.

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

S10 Automatic Disconnect Delay

DCD OFF to hang-up delay. Value is given in tenths of a second. Values 0 and 255 (do not disconnect) are not in V.25ter. (V.25ter section 6.3.12.)

ATS10=<n> Values for <n> are 0..255 (default 100).
ATS10? Query current setting. 
Response is <n>.

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

S12 Escape Guard Time

Value is in fiftieths of a second (default is one second). See also the command +++ Escape.

ATS12=<n> Values for <n> are 0..255 (default 50).
ATS12? Query current setting. 
Response is <n>.

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

S30 Disconnect Inactivity Time

Time, in minutes, that the phone will keep the data call on before disconnecting after no data has been sent or received.

ATS30=<n> Values for are 0..255 (default 60).
ATS30? Query current setting.
Response is <n>.

Functional Groups Call Control Commands

Network Service Commands

+CLIP Calling Line Identification Presentation
+CLIR Calling Line Identification Restriction

Functional Groups

+CLIP Calling Line Identification Presentation

Controls presentation of +CLIP unsolicited result code or returns CLIP subscription status from network. Status query is not supported, <m> shall always equal 2. (GSM 07.07 section 7.6.)

AT+CLIP=<n> The default option is 0.
AT+CLIP? Query current setting. 
Response is +CLIP: <n>,<m> 
AT+CLIP=?  Show supported values. 
Response is +CLIP: (list of supported <n>'s).

Functional Groups Network Service Commands

+CLIR Calling Line Identification Restriction

Enables/disables own number sending to network or returns CLIR subscription status from network. Status query is not supported, <m> shall always equal 2. (GSM 07.07 section 7.7.)

AT+CLIR=<n> The default option is 0.
AT+CLIR?  Query current setting. 
Response is +CLIR: <n>,<m> 
AT+CLIR=?  Show supported values. 
Response is +CLIR: (list of supported <n>'s). 

Functional Groups Network Service Commands

ME Control and Status Commands

+CBC Battery Charge
+CSQ Signal Quality

Functional Groups


+CBC Battery Charge

Returns ME battery charging status and charge level. (GSM 07.07 section 8.4.)

AT+CBC Response is +CBC: <bcs>,<bcl>. 
AT+CBC=?  Show supported values. Response is +CBC: (list of supported <bcs>'s), (list of supported <bcl>'s).

0 ME is powered by the battery
0 battery is exhausted, or ME does not have a battery connected
1...100 battery has 1-100 percent of capacity remaining

Functional Groups ME Control & Status Commands

+CSQ Signal Quality

Returns signal strength as calculated by ME. Bit error rate reporting not supported by NMP products. (GSM 07.07 section 8.5.)

Response is +CSQ: <rssi>, 99
AT+CSQ=? Show supported values. 
Response is +CSQ: (list of supported <rssi>'s), (99)


0 -113 dBm or less
1 -111 dBm
2...30 -109... -53 dBm
31 -51 dBm or greater
99 not known or not detectable

Functional Groups ME Control & Status Commands

SMS Commands

+CMGC Send Command
+CMGD Delete Message
+CMGF Message Format
+CMGL List Messages
+CMGR Read Message
+CMGS Send Message
+CMGW Write Message to Memory
+CMSS Send Message from Storage
+CNMI New Message Indications to TE
+CPMS Preferred Message Storage
+CRES Restore Settings
+CSAS Save Settings
+CSCA Service Centre Address

Functional Groups SMS Commands

+CMGC Send Command

Sends a command message from a TE to the network (SMS-COMMAND). The entering of text (GSM 03.40 TP-Command-Data) is done similarly as specified in command Send Message +CMGS, but the format is fixed to be a sequence of two IRA character long hexadecimal numbers which ME/TA converts into 8-bit octets (refer +CMGS). Message reference value <mr> is returned to the TE on successful message delivery. (GSM 07.05 section 3.5.5.)

text mode (+CMGF=1):
AT+CMGC=<fo>, <ct>, <pid>,
<mn>, <da>, <toda><CR>
text is entered <CTRL-Z/ESC>
Response is (+CMGF=1) and sending ok: +CMGC: <mr>
Default option is text mode [2,0,0,0,"",129/145] 
AT+CMGC=?  Shows whether command has been implemented.

Functional Groups SMS Commands

+CMGD Delete Message

Execution command deletes message from preferred message storage <mem1> location <index>. If deleting fails, final result code +CMS ERROR: <err> is returned. (GSM 07.05 section 3.5.4.)

AT+CMGD=?  Shows whether command has been implemented.

Functional Groups SMS Commands

+CMGF Message Format

This command tells the TA, which input and output format of messages to use. <mode> indicates the format of messages used with send, list, read and write commands and unsolicited result codes resulting from received messages. Mode can be either PDU mode (not supported by N9110) or text mode (headers and body of the messages given as separate parameters). Text mode uses the value of parameter <chset> specified by command Select TE Character Set +CSCS to inform the character set to be used in the message body in the TA-TE interface. (GSM 07.05 section 3.2.3.).

AT+CMGF=<mode> Default option is 1.
AT+CMGF?  Query current setting. 
Response is +CMGF: <mode> 
AT+CMGF=?  Show supported values. 
Response is +CMGF: (list of supported <mode>'s) 


1 text mode

Functional Groups SMS Commands

+CMGL List Messages

This command returns messages with a status value from the preferred message storage selected with the AT+CPMS command. <alpha> and CBM memory not supported by NMP products. Values in italics are shown if detailed header information is set (see AT+CSDH). (GSM 07.05 section 3.4.2.)

AT+CMGL=<stat> Responses:
text mode (+CMGF=1), SMS-DELIVER or SMS-SUBMIT:
+CMGL: <index>,<stat>,<oa/da>,[<alpha>],[<scts>] [,<tooa/toda>,<length>]<CR><LF><data>[<CR><LF>
+CMGL: <index>,<stat>,<da/oa>,[<alpha>],[<scts>][,<tooa/toda>,<length>]<CR><LF><data>[...]]
text mode (+CMGF=1), SMS-STATUS-REPORT:
+CMGL: <index>,<stat>,<fo>,<mr>,[<ra>],[<tora>],<scts>, <dt>,<st>[<CR><LF>
+CMGL: <index>,<stat>,<fo>,<mr>,[<ra>],[<tora>],<scts>,<dt>,<st>[...]]
text mode (+CMGF=1), SMS-COMMAND:
+CMGL: <index>,<stat>,<fo>,<ct>[<CR><LF>
+CMGL: <index>,<stat>,<fo>,<ct>[...]]
Default option is ["REC UNREAD"].
AT+CMGL=? Show supported values. 
Response in text mode (+CMGF=1):

Functional Groups SMS Commands

+CMGR Read Message

This command returns a message with a location value <index> from a preferred message storage selected with the AT+CPMS command. If status of the message is 'received unread', status in the storage changes to 'received read'. If reading fails, final result code +CMS ERROR: <err> is returned. <alpha> and CBM memory are not supported by NMP products. Values in italics are shown if detailed header information is set (see AT+CSDH). (GSM 07.05 section 3.4.3.)

AT+CMGR=<index> Responses:
text mode (+CMGF=1), SMS-DELIVER:
+CMGR: <stat>,<oa>,[<alpha>],<scts>[,<tooa>,<fo>,<pid>,<dcs>, <sca>,<tosca>,<length>]<CR><LF><data>
text mode (+CMGF=1), SMS-SUBMIT:
+CMGR: <stat>,<da>,[<alpha>][,<toda>,<fo>,<pid>,<dcs>,[<vp>], <sca>,<tosca>,<length>]<CR><LF><data>
text mode (+CMGF=1), SMS-STATUS-REPORT:
+CMGR: <stat>,<fo>,<mr>,[<ra>],[<tora>],<scts>,<dt>,<st>
text mode (+CMGF=1), SMS-COMMAND:
+CMGR: <stat>,<fo>,<ct>[,<pid>,[<mn>],[<da>],[<toda>], <length><CR><LF><cdata>]
AT+CMGR=?  Shows whether command has been implemented. 

Functional Groups SMS Commands

+CMGS Send Message

This command sends a short message to the network. A message reference value <mr> is returned to the DTE on successful message delivery. Message entering can be cancelled by using the <ESC> character. <CTRL-Z> (IRA 26)  must be used to indicate the ending of the message body and backspace can be used to delete last character. If the network has lost the acknowledgement to the message (message is sent by pressing <CTRL-Z> but the result code is missing), the sending can be aborted by pressing <CTRL-X>.

If <dcs> indicates that 8-bit data coding scheme is used the entered text should consist of two IRA character long hexadecimal numbers which ME/TA converts into 8-bit octet (e.g. two characters 2A (IRA 50 and 65) will be converted to an octet with integer value 42). When 7-bit data coding scheme is used ME/TA converts the entered text into GSM alphabet by using the conversion defined by +CSCS command.

If sending fails in a network or an ME error, final result code +CMS ERROR: <err> is returned. (GSM 07.05 section 3.5.1.)

text mode (+CMGF=1):
AT+CMGS=<da>[, <toda>]<CR>
text is entered<CTRL-Z/ESC>
Response when text mode (+CMGF=1) and sending ok: +CMGS: <mr>[,<scts>]
AT+CMGS=?  Shows whether command has been implemented. 

Functional Groups SMS Commands

+CMGW Write Message to Memory

This command stores a message in a preferred memory storage selected with AT+CPMS command. Memory location of a stored message is returned. By default, message status will be set to "STO UNSENT", but parameter also allows other status values to be given. Entering of text is done similarly as specified in command +CMGS Send Message. If writing fails, final result code +CMS ERROR: <err> is returned.

text mode (+CMGF=1):
AT+CMGW=<oa/da>[, <tooa/toda>[, <stat>]]<CR>
text is entered <CTRL-Z/ESC>
Response for successful storing:
+CMGW: <index>
Default option: [,129/145, "STO UNSENT"]
AT+CMGW=? Shows whether command has been implemented. 
<addr> origin or destination address
<type> type of origin or destination address,129 for 
normal and 145 for international access 
(number contains '+' character)
"REC UNREAD" received unread message
"REC READ" received read message
"STO UNSENT" stored unsent message (default)
"STO SENT" stored sent message 
<index> location number

Functional Groups SMS Commands


+CMSS Send Message from Storage

This command sends a message with the location value <index> from a preferred message storage selected with AT+CPMS command. If a new recipient address <da> is given, it shall be used instead of the one stored with the message. Reference value <mr> is returned to DTE on successful message delivery. (GSM 07.05 section 3.5.2.)

AT+CMSS=<index>[, <da>[, <toda>]] Responses:
text mode (+CMGF=1) and sending ok: +CMSS: <mr>
AT+CMSS=?  Shows whether command has been implemented. 

<index> location number
<mr> message reference number
<da> destination address
<toda> type of destination address, 129 for normal and 145 for international access ('+' character automatically added to address)

Functional Groups SMS Commands

+CNMI New Message Indications to TE

This command selects the procedure how the receiving of new messages from the network is indicated to the DTE. For a detailed description of the syntax of indication responses, see Result Code Support. (GSM 07.05 section 3.4.1)

AT+CNMI=[<mode> [,<mt> [,<bm>[,<ds>[,<bfr>]]]]] Select indication procedure.
AT+CNMI? Query current setting. 
Response is +CNMI: <mode>, <mt>, <bm>, <ds>, <bfr>.
AT+CNMI=? Show valid values. Response is +CNMI: lists of supported (<mode>'s), (<mt>'s), (<bm>'s), (<ds>'s), (<bfr>'s).

1 no indications when the DTE-DCE link is reserved (on-line data mode)
0 no received message indications are routed to the DTE
1 indication of received message is routed to the DTE using a result code +CMTI
2 received messages (except class 2 messages which result only +CMTI indication) are routed directly to the DTE using a result code +CMT
0 no cell broadcast indications are routed to the DTE
0 no status reports are routed to the DTE
0 buffer of indications is flushed to the DTE when <mode> 1 or 2 is entered

Functional Groups SMS Commands

+CPMS Preferred Message Storage

This command selects memory storage to be used for reading/deleting <mem1>, writing/sending <mem2>, and receiving <mem3> short messages. Amount of used and available message locations in each memory is returned as response. (GSM 07.05 section 3.2.2.)

AT+CPMS=<mem1>, < mem2>, <mem3> Select preferred storage. 
Response is +CPMS: <used1>, <total1>, <used2>, <total2>, <used3>, <total3>
Default option is "MT","ME","MT" or "SM","SM","MT" (used in N9110) 
AT+CPMS? Current setting query. 
Response is +CPMS: <mem1>, <used1>, <total1>, <mem2>, <used2>, <total2>, <mem3>, <used3>, <total3> 
AT+CPMS=? Show supported values. 
Response is+CPMS: (list of <mem1> locations), (list of <mem2> locations), (list of <mem3> locations)

<mem1> "ME" ME message storage
"SM" SIM message storage
"ME" ME message storage
"SM" SIM message storage
"MT" any of the storages associated with the ME

Functional Groups SMS Commands

+CRES Restore Settings

This command restores short message service (SMS) settings (+CSMP and +CSCA parameters) from a non-volatile memory (usually SIM) to active memory. A TA can contain several profiles of settings. All settings specified in commands Service Centre Address +CSCA, Set Message Parameters +CSMP and Select Cell Broadcast Message Types +CSCB (if implemented) are restored. (GSM 07.05 section 3.3.6.)

First <profile> location is 1. Values restored shall be those that are available in SIM database (GSM 11.11). If any of protocol id, data coding scheme or validity period is returned from SIM/ME, +CSMP parameter <fo> is forced to be SMS-SUBMIT (i.e. bits 1-0 are set to '01'). In addition, if validity period is returned, <fo> is forced to indicate relative validity period format (i.e. bits 4-3 are set to '10'). Rest of the <fo> bits are set to zero.

AT+CRES=<profile> Restore settings.
AT+CRES=? Display the supported profile numbers for reading and writing of settings.
Response is +CRES: (list of supported <profile>'s).

Values for <profile>:
0...255 manufacturer specific profile number from where settings are to be restored

Functional Groups SMS Commands

+CSAS Save Settings

This command saves active message service settings to a non-volatile memory. All settings specified in commands Service Centre Address +CSCA and Set Message Parameters +CSMP are saved. (GSM 07.05 section 3.3.5.)

Values stored shall be those that are available in SIM database (GSM 11.11). SMSC address is not stored if +CSCA is not set/restored during current session (i.e. +CSCA? returns +CSCA: "",129). Protocol id (<pid>), data coding scheme (<dcs>) and validity period (<vp>) are not stored if +CSMP parameter <fo> does not indicate SMS-SUBMIT (i.e. bits 1-0 are not '01'). In addition, validity period is not stored if <fo> does not indicate relative validity period format (i.e. bits 4-3 are not '10'). Destination address or alpha tag cannot be stored through AT interface. NOTE: The values that are not stored shall remain intact in the <profile>.

AT+CSAS=<profile> Save settings.
AT+CSAS=? Display the supported profile numbers for reading and writing of settings.
Response is +CSAS: (list of supported <profiles>'s).

Values for <profile>:
profile number where settings are to be stored


Functional Groups SMS Commands

+CSCA Service Centre Address

This command updates the short message service centre (SMSC) address, through which mobile originated short messages are transmitted (local TA SMSC address). SMSC address may also change when +CRES is executed. If this value is not set (i.e. not restored from ME or set with this command during the current session) before using +CMGS, +CMGW (in case of SMS-SUBMIT or SMS-COMMAND) or +CMGC command, it must be automatically read from SIM/ME. (GSM 07.05 section 3.3.1.)

AT+CSCA=<sca>[,<tosca>] Set service centre address. 
Default setting is "",129.
AT+CSCA? Current setting query. 
Response is +CSCA: <sca>,<tosca>.
AT+CSCA=? Shows whether command has been implemented. 

<sca> service centre address
<tosca> type of address, 129 for normal and 145 for international access (number contains '+' character)

Functional Groups SMS Commands


+CSDH Show Text Mode Parameters

This command controls whether detailed header information is shown in text mode short message result codes. (GSM 07.05 section 3.3.3.)

AT+CSDH=<show> Enable or disable showing of detailed header information. 
Default setting is 0.
AT+CSDH? Query current setting. 
Response is +CSDH: <show>.
AT+CSDH=? Show supported values. 
Response is +CSDH: (list of supported <show>'s).

Values for <show>:
0 do not show header values defined in commands +CSCA and +CSMP (<sca>, <tosca>, <fo>, <vp>, <pid> and <dcs>) nor <length>, <toda> or <tooa> in +CMT, +CMGL, +CMGR result codes for SMS-DELIVERs and SMS-SUBMITs in text mode; for SMS-COMMANDs in +CMGR result code, do not show <pid>, <mn>, <da>, <toda>, <length> or <cdata>
1 show all the values in result codes

Functional Groups SMS Commands

+CSMP Set Text Mode Parameters

This command is used to select values for additional parameters needed when short messages are sent, or stored. The parameters are only used in SMS text mode. The values of these parameters may change also when +CRES is executed. TA shall accept only valid SMS-SUBMIT and SMS-DELIVER values in <fo>. (GSM 07.05 section 3.3.2.)

AT+CSMP=<fo>, <vp>, <pid>, <dcs> Set parameter values. Default setting is 17,167,0,0.
AT+CSMP? Current setting query. Response is +CSMP: <fo>, <vp>,<pid>, <dcs>.
AT+CSMP=? Shows whether command has been implemented. 

<fo> depending on the command or result code: first octet of SMS-DELIVER, SMS-SUBMIT (default 17), or SMS-STATUS-REPORT in integer format. See GSM 03.40.
bit1 bit0  Message type:

   0    0    SMS-DELIVER
   1    0    SMS-COMMAND
   0    1    SMS-SUBMIT

bit4 bit3  Validity period format:
   0    0    VP field not present 
   1    0    VP field present - relative (integer) format 
   1    1    VP field present - absolute (string) format
   0          Status report is not requested 
   1          Status report is requested
   0          Reply path parameter is not set
   1          Reply path is set

<vp> depending on <fo> setting: validity period either in integer format (default 167) or in time-string format.
<pid protocol identifier in integer format (default 0). See GSM 3.40 for different values.
<dcs> data coding scheme (default 0). See GSM 03.38 for all values.
  1 1 1 1  Data coding / message handling
bit3          is reserved
bit2         Message coding:
   0          Default alphabet (7-bit)
   1          8 bit data 
bit1 bit0  Message Class:
   0    0    Class 0. Message should be displayed immediately by the receiver and is not stored in ME or SIM memory.
   0    1    Class 1. ME-specific, message should be stored in ME memory.
   1    0    Class 2. SIM-specific, message should be stored in SIM card memory.
   1    1    Class 3. TE-specific, message should be forwarded to a data terminal connected to the phone.

Functional Groups SMS Commands

+CSMS Select Message Service

This commands selects the messaging service and returns the type of messages supported. Supported service is specified by GSM 03.40 and 03.41 (service value 0). If chosen service is not supported by the ME (but is supported by the TA), final result code +CMS ERROR: <err> shall be returned. (GSM 07.05 section 3.2.1.)

AT+CSMS=<service> Select message service. 
Response is +CSMS: 1,1,0 
Default setting is 0.
AT+CSMS? Query current setting. 
Response is +CSMS: <service>,1,1,0
AT+CSMS=? Show supported services. 
Response is +CSMS: (0)

<mt>, <mo>, <bm>:
0 type not supported
1 type supported

<mt>: mobile terminated messages supported (value 1) or not (value 0)

<mo>: mobile originated messages supported (value 1) or not (value 0)

<bm>: broadcast type messages supported (value 1) or not (value 0)

Functional Groups SMS Commands

Fax Commands

The following fax (+F) command sets are available for use by N9110 supporting GSM 03.45 facsimile group 3 transparent:
  Error correction mode (ECM) in Class 2 and 2.0 is also supported.

Functional Groups

Miscellaneous Commands


A/ Repeat Last Command Line

NMP Specific

S46 Force V.42bis Data Compression
S47 Force Fax Class 2/2.0 Error Correction Mode

Functional Groups

A/ Repeat Last Command Line

A/ can be used as the first characters in a command line replacing normal AT. Also lowercase (a/) accepted. (V.25ter section 5.2.4.)

Functional Groups Miscellaneous Commands

S46 Force V.42bis Data Compression

Used to force V.42bis in mobile to mobile connections. 0=disabled, 1=enabled in transmit direction only, 2=enabled in receive direction only, 3=enabled in both directions.

ATS46=<n> Values for <n>: 0..3 (default 0)
ATS46? Value for <n>: 000..003

Functional Groups Miscellaneous Commands

S47 Force Fax Class 2/2.0 Error Correction Mode

Used to force Class 2/2.0 ECM on, as most fax software do not understand enable it. 0=disabled, 1=enabled with 64 byte frames, 2=enabled with 256 byte frames.

ATS47=<n> Values for <n>: 0..2 (default 0)
ATS47? Response is <n>. Values for <n>: 000..002

Functional Groups Miscellaneous Commands

Error Values



Below is the maximum set of error cases supported by NMP products (a specific product may not generate some of these values).


The following table indicates which AT commands can return a numeric <err> value.

The kinds of errors that can generate <err> values are listed in numbers. The meanings of the numbers are given under the table.

AT Command +CME <err> Value Kinds of Errors
+CGMM 1 21
+CGMR  1 21 
+CGSN  21 
D>mem<n> 1 21
3 9
21 5, 6
D><n> 1 21
21 5, 6
AT Command +CME <err> Value Kinds of Errors
+CHSD  1 21
+CNUM 1 21
+CREG?  1 21
+COPS=  1 21
3 10 
+COPS?  1 21
+COPS=? 1 21
AT Command +CME <err> Value Kinds of Errors
+CLCK= 1 21
4 15 
5 1
16 11
18 12
30 13
31 23
100 14
+CPWD= 1 21
16 11
18 12
30 13
31 23
100 14
AT Command +CME <err> Value Kinds of Errors
+CCFC= 1 21
30 13
31 23
100 14
+CCWA= 1 21 
30 13
31 23
100 14
+CHLD= 1 21
3 9
+CTFR= 1 21 
+CUSD= 1 21 
30 13 
31 23 
100 14
AT Command +CME <err> Value Kinds of Errors
+CAOC 1 21 
5 1
11 3
+CLCC  1 21
+CFUN= 1 21
+CFUN? 1 21
+CPIN= 1 21 
16 11 
+CPIN? 1 21 
+CBC 1 21
+CSQ 1 21 
+CMEC= 1 21 
3 22 
+CKPD= 1 21
AT Command +CME <err> Value Kinds of Errors
+CDIS= 1 21
+CDIS?  1 21 
3 22
+CDIS=? 1 21 
3 22 
+CIND= 4 15
+CIND? 1 21
+CIND=? 1 21
+CMER= 1 21 
3 22 
+CPBS? 1 21 
+CPBR= 1 21 
5 1
26 18 
AT Command +CME <err> Value Kinds of Errors
+CPBR=? 1 21 
5 1
+CPBF= 1 21 
10 2
+CPBF=? 1 21 
AT Command +CME <err> Value Kinds of Errors
+CPBW= 1 21 
3 24 
4 15
17 16 
18 12 
24 17 
26 18 
27 19 
+CPBW=? 1 21 
+CCLK= 1 21 
11 3
AT Command +CME <err> Value Kinds of Errors
+CCLK? 1 21
+CALA= 1 21 
+CALA? 1 21

+CME ERROR Values: Kinds of Errors
1 phone security code required to execute the AT command 
2 ME does not have a SIM connected to it 
3 SIM PIN required to execute the AT command
4 SIM PUK required to execute the AT command 
5 phonebook memory location does not exist 
6 phonebook memory location is empty
7 match in searched string is not found from any of the memory locations
8 general memory error; e.g. problems in SIM database communication 
9 call hold/retrieve/swap/build/split/transfer/deflection failed or cannot be executed
10 manual network selection is not possible because unavailable or forbidden network name was given, or call is active 
11 invalid password was given 
12 SIM PUK2 required to execute the AT command 
13 there is no network service to complete the request 
14 supplementary service command failed due to an unknown error; i.e. an error that is not covered by other <err> values 
15 AT interpreter does not support the operation (in case of +CLCK= when <fac>=”AB” or =”AG” or =”AC” but <mode>¹0; in case of +CPBW= when <index> is not given but <number> is)
16 SIM PIN2 required to execute the AT command 
17 alpha entry to be stored is too long 
18 number to be read/stored is too long 
19 number to be stored contains characters that are not available in that memory
21 external ME is not connected to TA; this is not applicable to products that have ME and TA in one entity
22 external ME UI cannot be accessed 
23 network timeout 
24 entries cannot be stored in currently selected phone book memory (e.g. in missed calls list)
25 there is no active voice call



The following table indicates which SMS AT commands can return a numeric <err> value.

The kinds of errors that can generate <err> values are listed in numbers. The meanings of the numbers are given under the table.

AT Command +CMS <err> Value Kinds of Errors
+CPMS= 300 15
301 5
310 2
311 3
312 1
316 4
320 6
+CPMS? 300 15
301 5
310 2
311 3
312 1
316 4
320 6
301 5
320 6
+CSAS= 300 15
301 5
310 2
311 3
312 1
316 4
320 6
321 8
AT Command +CMS <err> Value Kinds of Errors
+CSAS=? 300 15
301 5
310 2
311 3
312 1
316 4
320 6
+CRES= 300 15
301 5
310 2
311 3
312 1
316 4
320 6
321 8
+CRES=? 300 15
301 5
310 2
311 3
312 1
316 4
320 6
+CNMI= 300 15
301 5
310 2
320 6
AT Command +CMS <err> Value Kinds of Errors
+CMGL= 300 15
301 5
310 2
311 3
312 1
316 4
320 6
+CMGR= 300 15
301 5
310 2
311 3
312 1
316 4
320 6
321 8
304 11
+CMGS= 0-127 9
128-255 10
300 15 
301 5
304 11
305 12 
310 2
311 3
312 1
316 4
330 7
331 16
AT Command +CMS <err> Value Kinds of Errors
+CMSS= 0-127 9
128-255 10
300 15 
301 5
302 14
304 11 
305 12 
311 3
312 1
320 6
321 8
330 7
331 16 
+CMGW= 300 15 
304 11 
305 12 
322 13
AT Command +CMS <err> Value Kinds of Errors
+CMGD= 300 15
301 5
310 2
311 3
312 1
316 4
320 6
321 8
+CMGC= 0-127 9
128-255 10
300 15
301 5
304 11 
305 12
310 2
311 3
312 1
316 4
330 7
331 16

+CMS ERROR Values: Kinds of Errors
0..127 GSM 04.11 Annex E-2 values
128..255 GSM 03.40 subclause values
300 ME failure
301 SMS service of ME reserved
302 operation not allowed
303 operation not supported
304 invalid PDU mode parameter
305 invalid text mode parameter
310 SIM not inserted
311 SIM PIN required
312 PH-SIM PIN required
313 SIM failure
314 SIM busy
315 SIM wrong
316 SIM PUK required
317 SIM PIN2 required
318 SIM PUK2 required
320 memory failure
321 invalid memory index
322 memory full
330 SMSC address unknown
331 no network service
332 network timeout
340 no +CNMA acknowledgement expected
500 unknown error


Result Code Support

V.25ter Result Codes

Basic Syntax Result Codes
+DR Data Compression Report
+ER Error Control Report

De Facto Result Codes

Call Repeat Restriction Result Codes

GSM 07.07 Result Codes

+CLIP Calling Line Identification Report
+CME ERROR Mobile Equipment Error
+CR Data Service Report
+CRING Distinctive Ring

GSM 07.05 Result Codes

+CMS ERROR Message Service Failure
+CMT New SMS-Deliver
+CMTI New SMS-Deliver Indication


Basic Syntax Result Codes


See command X, command D, command A and command O. Available <rate>'s depend on the product. (V.25ter, section 5.7.1).


OK may be a result of successful remote initiated in-call modification from data to speech mode. No OK shall be returned when a voice call is originated/answered through external ME UI.

CONNECT[<rate>] a result of successful remote initiated in-call modification from speech to data mode (when alternating calls supported by the product).

NO CARRIER can also indicate a remote hangup of a speech call.

RING: see +CRC command. MT voice calls or alternating voice/data calls starting with voice shall not result to this indication. When RING result code is enabled (+CRC=0), alternating MT voice/fax calls starting with voice shall be automatically switched into fax mode by TA (if call is answered through TA with +CMOD=0). Note that RING result code is not given for waiting calls. (V.25ter, section 6.3.4).

Result Code Support

+DR Data Compression Report

+DR: <type>

is given when +DR=1; informs about the presence of V.42bis data compression in the established connection

This intermediate result code is given after (possible) +ER result code. (V.25ter section 6.6.2).

Result Code Support

+ER Error control report

+ER: <type>

is given when +ER=1 and a transparent data call is established; informs about the presence of V.42 LAPM or alternative error control protocol in the established connection.

This intermediate result code is given after (possible) +CR result code. (V.25ter section 6.5.5).

Result Code Support

+ILRR DTE-DCE Local Rate Report

+ILRR: <rate>[,<rxRate>]

is given when +ILRR=1; informs about the local port rate after connection establishment.

The <rxRate> parameter is not needed by NMP products. This intermediate result code is given after (possible) +DR result code. (V.25ter section 6.2.13).

Result Code Support

Call Repeat Restriction Result Codes

BLACKLISTED and DELAYED. See dialling command D.

This mechanism is mandatory. (GSM 02.07 Annex A).

Result Code Support

+CLIP Calling Line Identification Report

+CLIP: <number>,<type>[, <subaddr>,<satype>[,<alpha>]]

is given when +CLIP=1 and and number received from network when MT call received (no active or held calls in ME).

This result code is sent to TE after every RING (or +CRING) result code. Subaddress and alpha not supported by NMP products. (GSM 07.07 section 7.6). 

Result Code Support

+CME ERROR Mobile Equipment Error

+CME ERROR: <err>

is given instead of ERROR when +CMEE=1 or =2 and error is related to ME or network operation.

See also the Error Values section. (GSM 07.07 section 9.2).

Result Code Support

+CR Data service report

+CR: <type>

is given when +CR=1 and data call established; informs about the type of data call being established.

This intermediate result code is given after (possible) +COLP result code during MO data call setup. During MT data call setup this is the first intermediate result code. Note that this result code shall replace CARRIER result code (when X5 is set). (GSM 07.07 section 6.9).

Result Code Support

+CRING Distinctive Ring

+CRING: <type>

is given when +CRC=1 and incoming MT call (no active or held calls in ME).

Note that this code replaces the V.25ter RING result code. (GSM 07.07 section 6.11).

Result Code Support

+CMS ERROR Message Service Failure

+CMS ERROR: <err>

given instead of ERROR when error is related to ME or network operation

See also the Error Values section. (GSM 07.05 section 3.2.5).

Result Code Support


text mode:
+CMT: <oa>,[<alpha>],<scts> [,<tooa>,<fo>,<pid>,<dcs>,<sca>, <tosca>,<length>]<CR><LF><data>

<alpha> not supported by NMP products. Values in italics are shown if detailed header information is set (see AT+CSDH). See also command +CNMI. (GSM 07.05 section 3.4.1).

Result Code Support

+CMTI New SMS-DELIVER Indication

+CMTI: <mem>,<index>

See also command +CNMI. (GSM 07.05 section 3.4.1).

Result Code Support

Supported AT Command Standards

All ITU-T V.25ter, ETSI GSM 07.07, and ETSI GSM 07.05 commands that are mandatory and those optional ones that are applicable to GSM products are included in this document. Also those de facto commands that are used widely among modems, and commands specific to Nokia products are presented. Note that V.25ter is a combination of three TIA standards (TIA-602, TIA-615, IS-131).

Four different fax command sets are supported. These are Class 1 (TIA-578-A), Class 1.0 (ITU-T T.31), Class 2 (TIA SP-2388) and Class 2.0 (TIA-592 or ITU-T T.32).

NOTE: This document does not give very detailed descriptions of each command. For all the details, refer to the corresponding standard.

Links to the web sites of the standardization organizations:

Alphabetical List of AT Commands

&... +... +C... +D... +E...
+I... +G... +W... A...

A/ Repeast Last Command Line

&C Define DCD Usage [circuit 109 (RLSD) behaviour]
&D Define DTR Usage [circuit 108 (DTR) behaviour]
&F Restore Factory Settings
&S Define DSR Option
&V View Active Configuration
&W Store Configuration
&Y Select Power-Up Configuration

+++ Escape
+CBC Battery Charge
+CBST Select Bearer Service Type
+CEER Extended Error Report
+CGMI Request ME Manufacturer Identification
+CGMM Request ME Model Identification
+CGMR Request ME Revision Identification
+CGSN Request ME Serial Number Identification
+CHSD HSCSD Device Parameters
+CHSN HSCSD Non-Transparent Call Configuration
+CHUP Hang Up Call
+CLIP Calling Line Identification Presentation
+CLIR Calling Line Identification Restriction
+CMEE Report Mobile Equipment Error
+CMGC Send Command
+CMGD Delete Message
+CMGF Message Format
+CMGL List Messages
+CMGR Read Message
+CMGS Send Message
+CMGW Write Message to Memory
+CMOD Call Mode
+CMSS Send Message from Storage
+CNMI New Message Indications to TE
+CPMS Preferred Message Storage
+CR Service Reporting Control
+CRC Cellular Result Codes
+CRES Restore Settings
+CRLP Radio Link Protocol
+CSAS Save Settings
+CSCA Service Centre Address
+CSCS Select TE Character Set
+CSDH Show Text Mode Parameters
+CSMP Set Text Mode Parameters
+CSMS Select Message Service
+CSNS Single Numbering Scheme
+CSQ Signal Quality
+CSTA Select Type of Address
+CVHU Voice Hang Up Control

+DR Data Compression Reporting
+DS Data Compression
+ER Error Control Reporting
+ES Error Control Selection
+ESR Selective Repeat
+ILRR DTE-DCE Local Rate Reporting

+GCAP Request Complete Capabilities List
+GMI Request TA Manufacturer Identification
+GMM Request TA Model Identification
+GMR Request TA Revision Identification
+GSN Request TA Serial Number Identification

+WS46 Select Wireless Network

A Answer
B Communications Standard Option (CCITT/Bell mode)
D Dial
E Command Echo
Fax Class 1 Command Set
Fax Class 1.0 Command Set
Fax Class 2 Command Set
Fax Class 2.0 Command Set
Fax Class 2/2.0 Error Correction Mode
H Hang Up Call
I Request Identification Information
L Monitor Speaker Loudness
M Monitor Speaker Mode
O Return to On-Line Data State
Q Result Code Suppression
S0 Automatic Answer
S1 Ring Count
S2 Escape Code Character
S3 Command Line Termination Character
S4 Response Formatting Character
S5 Command Line Editing Character
S6 Pause Before Blind Dialling
S7 Connection Completion Timeout
S8 Comma Dial Modifier Time
S10 Automatic Disconnect Delay
S12 Escape Guard Time
S25 Detect DTR Change Time
S30 Disconnect Inactivity Time
S46 Force V.42bis Data Compression
S47 Force Fax Class 2/2.0 Error Correction Mode
V DCE Response Format
X Result Code Selection
Z Reset to Default Configuration

Contents Functional Groups Alphabetical List



AT ATtention
CBM Cell Broadcast Message
CTS Clear To Send
DCD Data Carrier Detect
DCE Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment, i.e., here the data card (see also TA below)
DSR Data Set Ready
DTE Data Terminal Equipment (see also TE below)
DTR Data Terminal Ready
HSCSD High Speed Circuit Switched Data
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity (ME serial number)
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity
IRA International Reference Alphabet
ME Mobile Equipment, e.g. a mobile phone
MO Mobile Originated
MT Mobile Terminated
PDU Protocol Data Unit
RLSD Received Line Signal Detector
RTS Request To Send
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SM Short Message
SMSC Short Message Service Centre
TA Terminal Adapter, the physical equipment where AT command interpreter resides (may be combined with ME)
TE Terminal Equipment, the physical equipment from where applications communicate with TA using AT commands, e.g. a computer
TCH Traffic Channel
UI User Interface 
