NOTE: This page offers installation instructions for both HP-UX Containers and HP-UX SRP.

Prerequisites for HP-UX Containers

The HP-UX Containers A.03.01.001 product requires the following software:

NOTE: Refer to the HP-UX Containers (SRP) A.03.01.001 Release Notes to get a complete list of products that are included in HP-UX Containers.

Prerequisites for HP-UX SRP

HP-UX SRP A.02.02 requires the following software:

NOTE: Refer to the HP-UX SRP A.02.02 Release Notes to get the latest recommendations for network related issues and patches.

The following HP-UX IPFilter, HP-UX IPSec, and HP PRM versions are required if you are using SRP to manage these subsystems:

Installing HP-UX Containers or HP-UX SRP

To install HP-UX Containers on your HP-UX 11i v3 March 2011 (or later) system or to install HP-UX SRP on your HP-UX 11i v3 system, follow these steps:

  1. Be sure your system meets all prerequisites described above.

  2. Click Receive for Free>>.

  3. Enter your registration information. Read and accept the Terms and Conditions and the Software License Agreement. Click Next.

  4. Click Download. Save the HP-UX-SRP bundle as a local file on your system. For example:

  5. Verify that the depot file is on your system using the following command:
    # swlist -d @ /tmp/depot_name.depot

  6. Log in to your system as the root user.

  7. To install the HP-UX-SRP bundle for HP-UX Containers, enter:
    # swinstall -x autoreboot=true -s /tmp/depot_name.depot \*
    To install the CMGR product for HP-UX SRP, enter:
    # swinstall -x autoreboot=true -s /tmp/depot_name.depot CMGR
    To install the CMGR and SRP products for HP-UX SRP, enter:
    # swinstall -x autoreboot=true -s /tmp/depot_name.depot HP-UX-SRP

    The swinstall command displays an error message if the installation fails. Check the file var/adm/sw/swagent.log for information if the installation failed.

  8. Run the swverify command to ensure that the products that you selected installed correctly. If the installation is successful, many files are displayed and a success message appears after the verification is complete.
    If you installed the HP-UX Containers product, enter:
    # swverify HP-UX-SRP
    If you installed the CMGR product for HP-UX SRP, enter:
    # swverify CMGR
    If you installed the CMGR and the SRP products for HP-UX SRP, enter:
    # swverify HP-UX-SRP

Removing (un-installing) HP-UX Containers

Use the following steps to remove (un-install) the HP-UX Containers product from your HP-UX 11i v3 March 2011 (or later) system or to remove (un-install) the HP-UX SRP product from your HP-UX 11i v3 system:

  1. Log in to your system as the root user.

  2. For HP-UX Containers, stop all configured containers:
    # srp -stop container_name

  3. For HP-UX Containers, remove all configured containers:
    # srp -delete container_name

  4. For HP-UX Containers, disable HP-UX Containers:
    # srp_sys -disable

  5. Remove the HP-UX-SRP bundle for the HP-UX Containers product by using the following command:
    # swremove –x autoreboot=true HP-UX-SRP
    Remove the HP-UX-SRP bundle for the HP-UX SRP product by using the following command:
    # swremove HP-UX-SRP

  6. Use the swlist command to verify that HP-UX Containers or HP-UX SRP was removed from the system. The swlist command will not report the components of HP-UX Containers or HP-UX SRP if they were successfully removed from the system.

For more information on steps 2, 3 and 4, please refer to the HP-UX Containers (SRP) A.03.01 Administrator’s Guide.