************************************************************************** * HP-UX Extension Software - August, 1998 - READMEFIRST * ************************************************************************** Contents of this Document ------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTES FOR THIS RELEASE 1. What is HP-UX Extension Software? 1.1 New Tools 1.2 Location of Patch Bundles 1.2.1 Layout of CD-ROM 1.3 Extension Software Documentation 1.3.1 Obtaining Installation Information About Extension Software 1.3.2 Obtaining Information on Each Bundle 1.3.2 Obtaining Information on Individual Patches 1.4 User Comments 2. Installing Extension Software 2.1 11.X SD Considerations 2.1.1 Patch Match Target 2.1.2 Patch Filtering 2.1.3 Category Tag Information 2.2 Patches With Dependencies in This Release 2.3 Special Installation Instructions for Specific Patches in This Release Legal Notices ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** ******* IMPORTANT NOTES FOR THIS RELEASE *********************** ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** The CD-ROM in this package is labeled: CD-ROM Part No.: B3782-????? HP-UX Extension Software Make sure the label on your CD-ROM, and in particular the part number, matches the above description. We recommend that you install the General-Release Bundles which include all new, superseded, replaced and dependent patches. IF YOU DO NOT INSTALL THE GENERAL RELEASE BUNDLE AND USE THE PICK AND CHOOSE METHOD INSTEAD, PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING NOTES TO BECOME FAMILIAR WITH INDIVIDUAL PATCH PROBLEMS: PHKL_11316 and PHKL_11317 (for Transarc AFS applications only) If you load patches PHKL 11316 (s700, 10.20) or PHKL 11317 (s800, 10.20) on a machine running the Transarc AFS application, the file system may become corrupted, resulting in potential data loss. Transarc has sent a warning to all of its HP customers about the matter. This problem occurs only on AFS servers, not AFS clients. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bad Patch PHKL_12431: Patch PHKL_12431 can cause system panics when using the PC floppy on systems with a processor clock of 200MHz or above (C200 and C240 systems). The problem will occur if other file system activity is present and if a write operation to the block special device file, typically in the /dev/floppy directory, is performed. The problem does not exist on systems with a processor clock less than 200 MHz, or if the raw special device file is used, typically in the /dev/rfloppy directory, or during read operations to the block special device file. To workaround the problem on C200 and C240 systems, it is recommended that the raw special device file be used for write operations instead of the the block special device file. If this is not possible, then PHKL_12431 should be removed. A new patch in this release, PHKL_14852, corrects the problem. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bad Patch PHCO_13360 Patch PHCO_13360 breaks the Year 2000 compliance for the sar(1) command that was introduced in patch PHCO_8819. If PHCO_13360 is installed and the date is set to 2000 or later, the date information provided in the output of sar(1) is incorrect. The year 2000 will be displayed as '100' instead of '00', 2001 as '101' instead of '01', etc. Patch PHCO_13360 has been included in the following Extension Software Patch Bundles: XSW700GR1010 B.10.10.38 April 1998 XSW800GR1010 B.10.10.38 April 1998 A new patch in this release, PHCO_14966, corrects the problem. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bad Patches: PHCO_10115 for HP-UX 10.01 and PHCO_10114 for HP-UX 10.10 Patches PHCO_10115 and PHCO_10114 have been recalled and removed from distribution: These patches can cause the HP-UX top(1) command to display wrong user names in the USER NAME field. The uid's displayed with top -u are correct, only the user names are incorrect. These two patches are replaced by PHCO_14304 (for HP-UX 10.01) and PHCO_14305 for HP-UX 10.10. HP recommends that PHCO_10115 and PHCO_10114 be removed from any system that relies on the user name information in the output of the top(1) command. If the NIS initialization enhancement provided in PHCO_10115 or PHCO_10114 is required, then the top -u command should be used to avoid the incorrect reporting of user names. In addition to this release (February 1998), PHCO_10115 and PHCO_10114 were included in the following Extension Software General Release Patch Bundles: May 1997: XSW700GR1001 for HP-UX 10.01 XSW800GR1001 for HP-UX 10.01 XSW700GR1010 for HP-UX 10.10 XSW800GR1010 for HP-UX 10.10 July 1997:XSW700GR1001 for HP-UX 10.01 XSW800GR1001 for HP-UX 10.01 XSW700GR1010 for HP-UX 10.10 XSW800GR1010 for HP-UX 10.10 Oct 1997: XSW700GR1001 for HP-UX 10.01 XSW800GR1001 for HP-UX 10.01 XSW700GR1010 for HP-UX 10.10 XSW800GR1010 for HP-UX 10.10 Dec 1997: XSW700GR1001 for HP-UX 10.01 XSW800GR1001 for HP-UX 10.01 XSW700GR1010 for HP-UX 10.10 XSW800GR1010 for HP-UX 10.10 Patch PHCO_14304 should be used in place of PHCO_10115 and patch PHCO_14305 should be used in place of PHCO_10114. ------------------------------------------------------------ Bad Patch PHCO_12862: This patch introduces a problem in sed(1) when a locale other 'C' is used. When the LANG variable is set to one of these locales, the end-of-line anchoring character '$' is not recognized. The problem is caused by a defect in the underlying regular expression comparison routine provided in libc.a. When the problem is corrected in libc, a new patch will be created and released. Patch PHCO_10868 does not exhibit this problem and will be re-released until a replacement patch is available. It is recommended that PHCO_12862 be removed from systems on which sed(1) is used to match the end-of-line anchoring character '$' and locales other than 'C' are used. If sed(1) is not used to match the end-of-line anchoring character or if the 'C' locale is used then the patch does not need to be removed. Patch PHCO_12862 was included in the following bundles on the February 1998 Extension Software release: XSW700GR1020 revision B.10.20.37 XSW800GR1020 revision B.10.20.37 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bad Patches PHKL_12963 for s700 10.20 PHKL_12964 for s800 10.20 Patch PHKL_13684 introduced an interface change that can cause problems for kernel subsystems which use the vnode layer procedure vn_open(). The change can result in a panic due to an invalid address or possibly cause data corruption. Please note that this problem will NOT be seen with the standard HP-UX operating environment core filesystems, including HFS, NFS, VxFS, and CDFS. Systems with only these types of filesystems are NOT affected by this problem and do NOT need to be concerned about the changes introduced by this patch. The problem may only be experienced on other types of file systems. The only reported problems thus far have been with NetWare. This change is also in effect in the following patches that supersede PHKL_13684: PHKL_13713, PHKL_12963, PHKL_13761, PHKL_13795, PHKL_13874, PHKL_13911, PHKL_14009, PHKL_14012, and PHKL_14049. The problem has been corrected with patch PHKL_15199 (PHKL_15200 for s800), which is in this release. It is recommended that all systems with NetWare 3.12 or NetWare 4.1, or other non-core filesystems, do not install any of the patches listed above. Patch PHKL_15199 should be installed instead. Customers planning to install a non-core filesystem in the future should insure that PHKL_15199 is installed first. Due to the nature of the problem, it is unlikely that any system running NetWare or using non-core filesystems currently has one of these patches installed. However, if this is not the case it is recommended that the patch be removed via the swremove(1M) command before PHKL_15199 is installed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bad Patch PHCO_13249 (for HP-UX 11.X): After PHCO_13249 is installed, attempts to use SAM's help system in the graphical user interface (GUI) will cause SAM to abort. SAM's help system still operates properly in the terminal user interface (TUI). If you are not utilizing the SAM help system in the GUI, no action is required. To make the SAM help system functional again while leaving the other SAM fixes in place, remove the PHCO_13249.OBAM-RUN fileset using the command "swremove PHCO_13249.OBAM-RUN". This procedure will remove the following fixes: - swinstall dumps core in TUI if TERM is set wrong. - TUI applications have menuitem lose focus during periodic refresh. - Default answer does not get focus in confirmation boxes. HP recommends removing this patch and replacing with PHCO_14887. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch PHNE_10515 for 10.20: Patch PHNE_10514 for 10.01 and 10.10: These patches have been recalled and removed from distribution. They introduce a problem with rpc.lockd, which handles file locking across NFS. With these patches installed, a file can remain in a locked state after rpc.lockd should have unlocked the file. The result is that the file will not be able to be locked by any other process, potentially hanging the process that is attempting to lock the file. HP recommends removing these patches. The replacement patches are found in this release. They are PHNE_13730 (for 10.01 and 10.10) and PHNE_13731 (for 10.20). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SCSI Tape Patches for 10.10: The following SCSI tape patches have been recalled and removed from distribution: Series 800 HP-UX 10.10: PHKL_10420 is replaced by PHKL_13281 Series 700 HP-UX 10.10: PHKL_10419 is replaced by PHKL_14296 HP recommends removing these patches. Their replacement patches are all found in this release. For Series 800 HP-UX 10.01, PHKL_10418 is replaced by PHKL_11522. For Series 700 HP-UX 10.01, PHKL_10417 is replaced by PHKL_11521. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch PHSS_9799 for 10.10 and 10.20: This patch has been recalled and removed from distribution. It inadvertently reversed a fix made by the previous patch, PHSS_9343. HP recommends that patch PHSS_9799 be removed from any 10.10 or 10.20 system. This problem is fixed in this release with PHSS_13581 for HP-UX 10.10 and PHSS_13560 for HP-UX 10.20. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch PHCO_9605 for 10.20: This patch has been recalled and removed from distribution. It does not support the large user ID feature on HP-UX 10.20. A user with a UID larger than 59,999 that belongs to more than one group will get a "Sorry" message when they try to change groups with the newgrp(1) command included in this patch. HP-UX 10.10 systems are not affected. HP recommends that patch PHCO_9605 be removed from any 10.20 system that contains users with UIDs greater than 59,999. This problem is fixed in this release with PHCO_12097. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch PHKL_9724 for 10.20: This patch has been recalled and removed from distribution. Multi-processor s800 systems with this patch installed may see X11R6 applications hang in the poll() system call. The problem has been experienced by CDE customers when moving or resizing dtterm windows. The dtterm processes will hang, but they can be killed. Other applications that use the poll() system call may also be affected. Series 700 single processor systems and applications using X11R5 are not affected. HP recommends that patch PHKL_9724 be removed from any s800 multi-processor system that is using an application that utilizes the poll() system call. This problem is fixed with PHKL_14283, which is dependent upon PHNE_12711. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch PHSS_9680 for 10.20: Warning - if you remove this patch, it will remove your PEX library. You will need to restore this library from a backup media. This problem is fixed in this release by PHSS_13900. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Patch PHKL_15199 for 10.20: If you have a PA-8000 based system, PLEASE INSTALL THIS CRITICAL PATCH. This patch is part of the Series 700 patch bundle for HP-UX 10.20. You can install either XSW700GR1020, XSW700HW1020, or XSW700CR1020. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch PHKL_15200 for 10.20: If you have a PA-8000 based system, PLEASE INSTALL THIS CRITICAL PATCH. This patch is part of the Series 800 patch bundle for HP-UX 10.20 You can install either XSW800GR1020 or XSW800HWCR1020. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch PHKL_7359 for 10.10: PLEASE INSTALL THIS CRITICAL PATCH. This patch is part of the Series 700 patch bundle for HP-UX 10.10 (XSW700GR1010, XSW700HW1020, and XSW700CR1010) and Series 800 patch bundle for HP-UX 10.10 (XSW800GR1010 and XSW800HWCR1010). This patch is included to prevent problems for customers using NFSD clusters. HP recommends loading PHKL_7359 whether NFSD is used or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patches for HP OnLineJFS: Do you plan to install HP OnLineJFS (the advanced VxFS product-AdvJournalFS.VXFS-ADV-KRN)? If the following patches are installed on your system, you must remove them and all other VxFS patches BEFORE you install the product. Patch PHKL_8731 for the Series 700, 10.01 Patch PHKL_8712 for the Series 800, 10.01 Patch PHKL_9073 for the Series 700, 10.10 Patch PHKL_9074 for the Series 800, 10.10 Patch PHKL_9529 for the Series 700, 10.20 Patch PHKL_9530 for the Series 800, 10.20 Use swremove or swcluster to remove VxFS patches. All patches listed in the Supersedes field in the /tmp/PHTXT/PHKL_xxxxx file (where PHKL_xxxxx is the VxFS patch listed above) must be removed, except: on the 700: on the 800: PHKL_6025 PHKL_6024 PHKL_5662 PHKL_5663 PHKL_5739 PHKL_5737 PHKL_5814 PHKL_5813 PHKL_5840 PHKL_5839 PHKL_5889 PHKL_5888 Follow these steps: 1. Open the file /tmp/PHTXT/PHKL_xxxxx.text; find the "Supersedes" field and record the patch names listed there. Do not record the above patches (PHKL_6025, PHKL_5662, PHKL_5739, PHKL_5814, PHKL_5840, PHKL_5889 or PHKL_6024, PHKL_5663, PHKL_5737, PHKL_5813, PHKL_5839, PHKL_5888). 2. Use swremove or swcluster to remove PHKL_xxxxx. 3. Type swlist 4. If any patch name you recorded is displayed, use swremove or swcluster to remove it. 5. Repeat #3 and continue removing patches until you have removed all VxFS patches (PHKL_6025, PHKL_5662, PHKL_5739, PHKL_5814, PHKL_5840, PHKL_5889 or PHKL_6024, PHKL_5663, PHKL_5737, PHKL_5813, PHKL_5839, PHKL_5888). After you have completed installing HP OnLineJFS, PHKL_xxxxx can be re-installed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch PHCO_10096 for 10.20: This patch has been removed. PHCO_10096 can cause top(1) to display wrong user names in the USERNAME field. The uid's displayed with 'top -u' are correct, only the user names are incorrect. HP recommends that PHCO_10096 be removed from any system that relies on the user name information in the output of the top(1) command. If the NIS initialization enhancement provided in PHCO_10096 is required, then the 'top -u' command should be used to avoid the incorrect reporting of user names. This patch has been replaced with PHCO_14306. PHCO_10096 was included in the following Extension Software General Release Patch Bundles: May 1997: XSW700GR1020 B.10.20.33 XSW800GR1020 B.10.20.33 July1997: XSW700GR1020 B.10.20.34 XSW800GR1020 B.10.20.34 Oct 1997: XSW700GR1020 B.10.20.35 XSW800GR1020 B.10.20.35 Dec 1997: XSW700GR1020 B.10.20.36 XSW800GR1020 B.10.20.36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch PHNE_10364 for 10.10: This patch was superseded by PHNE_15286 for 10.10 700 & 800. This is a ppl(1) patch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch PHSS_11273 for 10.20: PHSS_11273 did not document that it supersedes PHSS_10403. The patch documentation was modified to include this information. In addition, the patch control scripts were modified to work correctly if PHSS_10403 is present when PHSS_11273 is installed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch PHSS_12188 for 10.20: PHSS_12188 did not document that it supersedes PHSS_10403. The patch documentation was modified to include this information. In addition, the patch control scripts were modified to work correctly if PHSS_10403 is present when PHSS_12188 is installed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Obsoleting Patch PHSS_9397: Users of the HP-UX Virtual Machine (with JIT) for Java should no longer install PHSS_9397. ************************************************************************* #################################### 1. What is HP-UX Extension Software? #################################### ************************** NOTE ************************************** The CD-ROM you have received is cumulative and replaces all other Extension Software CD-ROMs. If you have others, please discard them. ********************************************************************** Each Extension Software CD-ROM has a corresponding READMEFIRST. Make sure you use the latest CD-ROM and READMEFIRST. Extension Software is HP's umbrella term for all general-release patches. These patches pertain to core HP-UX and are of interest to all customers. This CD-ROM contains groups of patches called patch "bundles" that cover several HP-UX releases. The patch bundle types are listed below according to the HP-UX series. HP recommends that you install the General-Release Patch Bundles. These Bundles contain ALL patches: general-release, critical and hardware-enablement patches. Critical patches fix problems that cause data loss or data corruption. Hardware-enablement patches allow new peripherals to run on existing systems. Also included with these patches are hardware drivers. HP Electronic Support Center (ESC) Demo available on this CD ------------------------------------------------------------ HP's Electronic Support Center provides a suite of innovative services to meet your day-to-day business needs. At the ESC World Wide Web location, Electronic Support Center - US/Asia Pacific http://us-support.external.hp.com Electronic Support Center - Europe: http://europe-support.external.hp.com you have one-stop access to valuable support solutions including Technical Support, Software Management and Electronic Patch Management. Use the HP Electronic Support Center to: - Increase availability of your systems - Gain time managing your environment - Quickly access customized support tools - Make informed decisions with proactive information - Access critical support information when and where you need it - Ensure a secure mode of transfer. To find out how you can count on the HP Electronic Support Center for comprehensive, customized support information and tools, try the ESC Web demo located on this Extension Software CD-ROM by opening /cdrom/Documentation/index.html in your browser. ------------- 1.1 New Tools ------------- Patch PHCO_13753 delivers two new patch tools: The new "remove_patches" tool provides a mechanism for removing patches according to specific category tags. If no category tags are specified, all patches except those with either the category tag "critical" or "hardware_enablement" will be removed. When the category tag is specified on the command line, only patches with that category tag are removed. Multiple category tags may be specified on the command line. The new "cleanup" command provides two functions that are useful when dealing with HP-UX patches on HP-UX 11.X. It is used to remove any 10.X patches from the Installed Product Database after updating to HP-UX 11.X. It is also used to remove patches from a software depot if they have been superseded by patches also available in the same depot. Also, PHCO_13753 delivers an 11.00 Patch White Paper that explains many of the 11.X Patch considerations. ----------------------------- 1.2 Location of Patch Bundles ----------------------------- The examples throughout this document, assume you will use /cdrom as the mount directory. If the CD-ROM is mounted to some other directory, substitute the name of that directory for /cdrom in the pathnames used here. The patch bundles are located in the following directories: Series Depot Path Patch Bundle Type of Patches ---------- ------------------- --------------- ---------------- Release 10.01 - Not Refreshed ----------------------------- Series 700 /cdrom/10.X/700/10.01 XSW700GR1001 General-Release Series 800 /cdrom/10.X/800/10.01 XSW800GR1001 General-Release Release 10.10 - Refreshed ------------------------- Series 700 /cdrom/10.X/700/10.10 XSW700GR1010 General-Release Series 800 /cdrom/10.X/800/10.10 XSW800GR1010 General-Release Release 10.20 - Refreshed ------------------------- Series 700 /cdrom/10.X/700/10.20 XSW700GR1020 General-Release Series 800 /cdrom/10.X/800/10.20 XSW800GR1020 General-Release Series 800 /cdrom/10.X/800/10.20 S800 Networking Enhancements for HP-UX 10.20 (April 1998) Release 10.30 - Not Refreshed ----------------------------- Series 700 /cdrom/10.X/700/10.30 XSW700GR1030 General-Release Series 800 /cdrom/10.X/800/10.30 XSW800GR1030 General-Release Release 11.00 - Refreshed ----------------------------- /cdrom/11.X/11.00 XSWGR1100 General-Release ---------------------- 1.2.1 Layout of CD-ROM ---------------------- The CD-ROM layout looks like this: /cdrom/10.X/ 700/ 10.01/ XSW700GR1001 10.10/ XSW700GR1010 10.20/ XSW700GR1020 10.30/ XSW700GR1030 800/ 10.01/ XSW800GR1001 10.10/ XSW800GR1010 10.20/ XSW800GR1020 S800 Networking Enhancements for HP-UX 10.20 (April 1998) 10.30/ XSW800GR1030 11.X/ 11.00/ XSWGR1100 XSWGR1100.readme /cdrom/READMEFIRST /cdrom/Documentation/ XSWTutorial.txt .lst (for 10.X only) The patch bundle names remain the same from release to release. ------------------------------------ 1.3 Extension Software Documentation ------------------------------------ Release documentation explains what is in the release, how to install the patch bundles and any special information you'll need to know before installing. Each Extension Software and IP Release includes this READMEFIRST document which is located on the CD-ROMs (in the /cdrom/Documentation directory). CD-ROM Kits also include a printed Information Sheet that contains any last minute information about patches and bundles. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.3.1 Obtaining Installation Information About Extension Software ------------------------------------------------------------------ The ascii file XSWTutorial.txt provides information such as: * an introduction to Extension Software * steps to follow before installing the patch bundle * SD installation considerations * using interactive and non-interactive modes * removing patches and recovering disk space This file is located on the CD-ROM in the Documentation directory. For example: /cdrom/Documentation/XSWTutorial.txt ------------------------------------------ 1.3.2 Obtaining Information on Each Bundle ------------------------------------------ Each 10.X patch bundle has a corresponding .lst file. These ascii files contain the following information: * bundle contents list * disk usage * other information specific to the bundle These files are located on the CD-ROM in the Documentation directory. For example: /cdrom/Documentation/XSW700GR1020.lst When a patch bundle is installed, these files will be installed in the /usr/share/doc/Extension_Software/ directory. 11.X bundle information (i.e. a list of patches in the bundle) is contained in a special .readme file installed with the bundle (see below). ------------------------------------------------- 1.3.3 Obtaining Information on Individual Patches ------------------------------------------------- To obtain information on individual 10.X patches, do the following. 1. Install the patch documentation: /usr/sbin/swinstall -s absolute_path_of_patch_bundle_depot PatchText For example, for information about patches in the XSW800GR1020 bundle, type: /usr/sbin/swinstall -s /cdrom/10.X/800/10.20/XSW800GR1020 PatchText 2. Read the PHXX_yyyyy.text file in the/tmp/PHTXT/patch_bundle_name directory. To obtain information on which 11.X patches are in each bundle, list the readme attribute at the product level, either from the depot: swlist -s -l product -a readme or from the SD Installed Product Database (IPD): swlist -l product -a readme ----------------- 1.4 User Comments ----------------- Please send your comments regarding release content, form, or ease of use to: extsw@fc.hp.com ################################ 2. Installing Extension Software ################################ Before you install Extension Software, do the following: 1. Read this document. If you are not familiar with Extension Software, read the XSWTutorial.txt document. 2. Plan downtime. Install the patch bundles when the system is not being used. Be sure to schedule a time that is convenient for your users. The system, and any NFS Diskless HP-UX cluster clients, will be rebooted when the patch bundle is installed. 3. Read the important notes listed at the beginning of this document. We recommend that you install the General-Release Bundles which include all new, superseded, replaced and dependent patches. IF YOU DO NOT INSTALL THE GENERAL RELEASE BUNDLE AND USE THE PICK AND CHOOSE METHOD INSTEAD, PLEASE READ THE IMPORTANT NOTES TO BECOME FAMILIAR WITH INDIVIDUAL PATCH PROBLEMS. Patch bundles are in Software Distributor (SD) format. For installation instructions, refer to /cdrom/Documentation/XSWTutorial.txt. -------------------------- 2.1 11.X SD Considerations -------------------------- The SD patch installation paradigm for HP-UX 11.X has changed. To install patches on HP-UX 10.X systems, HP recommends that you use the match_target (Match What Target Has) option to match patches to the target. However, 10.X SD cannot identify specific software as patches. With HP-UX 11.X, SD can recognize patches based on their own "internal attributes." This provides more control over patch management than in previous releases. ------------------------ 2.1.1 Patch Match Target ------------------------ The match_target option still functions, but no longer matches patches to targets. Instead, the 11.X patch_match_target option automatically selects the latest patches that correspond to software on the target. The 11.X autoselect_patches option automatically selects patches to match software selected for installation. This lets you install patches at the same time you install base software. --------------------- 2.1.2 Patch Filtering --------------------- With 11.X, you can more interactively manage your patch process via Patch Filtering. By using the category_tag and patch_filter options plus various version qualifiers, you can select patches based on pre-defined criteria. ------------------------------ 2.1.3 Category Tag Information ------------------------------ With 11.00, SD category tags are used to identify types of patches. These category tags can be used to select various patches for installation. Some of the category tags are: general_release critical hardware_enablement defect_repair corruption enhancement memory_leak panic halts_system By specifying the category tag in the SD version specification (,c= ), you can select all patches that contain that specific category tag. For example, using the SD command line interface, if you wanted to select all patches in the depot that correspond to currently installed software and that contain the category tag "critical," you would type: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x patch_match_target=true \ -x patch_filter='*.*,c=critical' -s By using the pipe (|) function, you can combine category tags. For example, to install patches that are either critical OR hardware_enablement: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x patch_match_target=true \ -x patch_filter='*.*,c=critical|hardware_enablement' \ -s To preview the patches that are selected for a particular swinstall session, the -p (preview) option can be used. The -p option will cause SD to analyze the installation, then exit (i.e. the actual installation will not be performed). Look in the /var/adm/sw/swinstall.log file to determine which patches were selected. To use category tags with the SD Graphical User Interface: under the "Options" menu, select "Manage Patch Selection." Then select the box labeled "Automatically select patches for software installed on the target." In the "Filter..." text field, add the desired filters to the *.* . For example, to select only the critical patches, the "Filter..." field would appear as "*.*,c=critical." Likewise, to install all the patches that are critical OR hardware_enablement, the "Filter..." field should appear as "*.*,c=critical|hardware_enablement." Select "OK." Clicking the "Filter..." button will display a list of the predefined category tags already formated for use in the "Filter..." field. Selecting the desired category tag from this list and then selecting "OK" will add that, and only that, category tag to the "Filter..." field. Also shown under the "Filter..." field is the list of all category tags found in the source depot. The list of patches that were selected for install can then be viewed by double clicking on the bundle in the main SD window. Any patches that you may not want to install can then be deselected. Continue with the Install (analysis) as with any other patch installation. For more complete information on 11.X Interactive Patch Management refer to the manual "Managing HP-UX Software with SD-UX." --------------------------------------------- 2.2 Patches With Dependencies in This Release --------------------------------------------- Series 700 HP-UX 10.01 Patch No. Description Dependencies In Bundles ======================================================================== PHCO_6543 patch to support cu(1) on DATAKIT PHCO_12009 GR PHCO_6573 cumulative su(1) patch PHCO_12009 GR PHCO_6588 cumulative fuser(1M) patch PHKL_12604 GR PHCO_8839 C2 additional system calls audited PHKL_11856 GR PHCO_9332 gencat(1) cumulative patch PHCO_12009 GR PHCO_9539 dumpmsg(1) patch PHCO_12009 GR PHCO_10273 passwd(1) cumulative patch PHCO_9817 GR PHCO_10728 POSIX shell cumulative patch PHCO_10729 GR PHCO_10729 ksh(1) cumulative patch PHCO_10728 GR PHCO_11288 LVM commands cumulative patch PHKL_12604 GR, HW PHKL_12604 PM, VM, LVM, KI, VxFS, HSC SCSI cumulative patch PHCO_11288 GR, HW PHNE_9217 rdist(1) cumulative patch PHCO_12009 GR PHNE_10893 NFS/NIS Runtime cumulative patch PHKL_7059 GR PHNE_11370 NFS Kernel Cumulative Megapatch PHKL_11856 PHKL_12604 GR PHSS_11669 ld(1) and developers tools cumulative PHSS_7505 GR ======================================================================== Series 700 HP-UX 10.10 Patch No. In Bundles Description Dependencies ======================================================================== PHCO_10720 GR POSIX shell cumulative patch PHCO_12960 PHCO_11211 GR libc header file cumulative patch PHKL_8691 PHCO_11817 CR,GR,HW LVM commands cumulative patch PHKL_14556 PHCO_12075 CR,GR audisp(1M) cumulative patch PHKL_13972 PHCO_12076 PHCO_12076 CR,GR audevent(1m) cumulative patch PHKL_13972 PHCO_12075 PHCO_13733 GR passwd(1) cumulative patch PHCO_11208 PHCO_14254 PHCO_15189 GR cumulative setup(1M) Year 2000 fix PHCO_14254 PHCO_15222 GR useradd(1M) cumulative patch with Y2K fix PHCO_14254 PHCO_6772 GR getconf(1) cumulative patch PHKL_6765 PHCO_14254 PHCO_7903 CR,GR fuser(1M) patch for mmapped files PHKL_14556 PHCO_8789 GR sed(1) performance patch PHCO_14254 PHCO_9332 GR gencat(1) cumulative patch PHCO_14254 PHCO_9349 GR dumpmsg(1) patch PHCO_14254 PHCO_9510 GR findmsg(1) cumulative patch PHCO_14254 PHKL_14556 CR,GR,HW VM, PM, LVM, SCSI, UFS, pstat(2) cumul. patch PHCO_11817 PHNE_12141 GR bootpd(1M)/DHCP cumulative patch PHNE_13471 PHNE_12517 CR,GR NFS Kernel General Release and Performance Patch PHKL_14556 PHNE_13730 GR NFS/NIS Runtime cumulative patch PHKL_14556 PHCO_14254 PHSS_11669 CR,GR ld(1) and developers tools cumulative PHSS_14802 PHSS_7224 GR VME Config Program Man Pages PHCO_7074 ======================================================================== Series 700 HP-UX 10.20 Patch No. In Bundles Description Dependencies ======================================================================== PHCO_14180 GR,QPK POSIX shell cumulative patch PHCO_13698 PHCO_14645 GR,QPK libc cumulative header file patch PHKL_14172 PHKL_8693 PHCO_14842 GR,HW,QPK fsck_vxfs(1M) cumulative patch PHKL_14568 PHKL_12339 PHCO_14990 GR,HW,QPK LVM commands cumulative patch PHKL_14568 PHCO_15148 GR HPDPS Year 2000 Safe Cumulative Patch PHCO_14431 PHCO_15216 GR useradd(1M) cumulative patch with Y2K fix PHCO_14891 PHCO_15218 GR setup(1M) Year 2000 (Y2K) fix PHCO_14891 PHCO_9533 GR gencat(1) patch PHCO_14891 PHCO_9534 GR dumpmsg(1) patch PHCO_14891 PHCO_9535 GR findmsg(1) patch PHCO_14891 PHKL_14282 GR,QPK select(2) system call cumulative patch PHNE_15202 PHKL_14564 GR,QPK ITE Locking, VISUALIZE-FX4 hang cumulative patch PHSS_13898 PHKL_14568 GR,HW,QPK UFS,VM,LVM,I/O,JFS,SCSI,PM cumulative patch PHCO_14842 PHCO_14990 PHNE_14916 PHNE_11017 GR rbootd cumulative patch plus XTERM300 PHNE_14916 PHNE_12492 GR ifalias(1M) command cumulative patch PHNE_14916 PHNE_13414 GR,QPK telnetd(1M) cumulative patch PHNE_13413 PHNE_13731 GR,QPK NFS/NIS cumulative megapatch PHNE_14071 PHCO_14891 PHNE_14071 GR,HW,QPK NFS Kernel General Release & Performance Patch PHKL_14568 PHNE_14916 PHNE_15202 GR,QPK STREAMS cumulative patch (includes XTI/TLI) PHKL_14282 PHSS_13900 GR PEX 5.1/Starbase/Hardcopy Runtime patch PHSS_13899 ======================================================================== Series 800 HP-UX 10.01 Patch No. Description Dependencies In Bundles ======================================================================== PHCO_6543 patch to support cu(1) on DATAKIT PHCO_10652 GR PHCO_6573 cumulative su(1) patch PHCO_10652 GR PHCO_6588 cumulative fuser(1M) patch PHKL_10890 GR PHCO_8839 C2 additional system calls audited PHKL_8842 GR PHCO_9332 gencat(1) cumulative patch PHCO_10652 GR PHCO_9539 dumpmsg(1) patch PHCO_10652 GR PHCO_9540 findmsg(1) cumulative patch PHCO_10652 GR PHCO_10273 passwd(1) cumulative patch PHCO_9817 GR PHCO_10728 POSIX shell cumulative patch PHCO_10729 GR PHCO_10729 ksh(1) cumulative patch PHCO_10728 GR PHCO_11288 LVM commands cumulative patch PHKL_11294 GR, HWCR PHKL_12605 PM, VM, LVM, KI, VxFS, HSC SCSI cumulative patch PHCO_11288 GR, HWCR PHNE_10893 NFS/NIS Runtime cumulative patch PHKL_7060 GR PHNE_11371 NFS Kernel Cumulative Megapatch PHKL_11857 PHKL_12605 GR PHSS_11669 ld(1) and developers tools cumulative PHSS_7505 GR ======================================================================= Series 800 HP-UX 10.10 Patch No. In Bundles Description Dependencies ======================================================================== PHCO_10720 GR POSIX shell cumulative patch PHCO_12960 PHCO_11211 GR libc header file cumulative patch PHKL_8692 PHCO_11817 GR,HWCR LVM commands cumulative patch PHKL_14557 PHCO_12075 GR,HWCR audisp(1M) cumulative patch PHKL_13973 PHCO_12076 PHCO_12076 GR,HWCR audevent(1m) cumulative patch PHKL_13973 PHCO_12075 PHCO_13733 GR passwd(1) cumulative patch PHCO_11208 PHCO_14254 PHCO_15189 GR cumulative setup(1M) Year 2000 fix PHCO_14254 PHCO_15222 GR useradd(1M) cumulative patch with Y2K fix PHCO_14254 PHCO_6772 GR getconf(1) cumulative patch PHKL_6765 PHCO_14254 PHCO_7903 GR,HWCR fuser(1M) patch for mmapped files PHKL_14557 PHCO_8789 GR sed(1) performance patch PHCO_14254 PHCO_9332 GR gencat(1) cumulative patch PHCO_14254 PHCO_9349 GR dumpmsg(1) patch PHCO_14254 PHCO_9510 GR findmsg(1) cumulative patch PHCO_14254 PHKL_14557 GR,HWCR VM, PM, LVM, SCSI, UFS, pstat(2) cumul. patch PHCO_11817 PHNE_12141 GR bootpd(1M)/DHCP cumulative patch PHNE_13470 PHNE_12518 GR,HWCR NFS Kernel General Release and Performance Patch PHKL_14557 PHNE_13730 GR NFS/NIS Runtime cumulative patch PHKL_14557 PHCO_14254 PHSS_11669 GR,HWCR ld(1) and developers tools cumulative PHSS_14802 ======================================================================= Series 800 HP-UX 10.20 Patch No. In Bundles Description Dependencies ======================================================================== PHCO_14180 GR POSIX shell cumulative patch PHCO_13698 PHCO_14645 GR,HWCR libc cumulative header file patch PHKL_14173 PHKL_8694 PHCO_14842 GR,HWCR fsck_vxfs(1M) cumulative patch PHKL_14491 PHKL_12340 PHCO_14990 GR,HWCR LVM commands cumulative patch PHKL_14491 PHCO_15148 GR HPDPS Year 2000 Safe Cumulative Patch PHCO_14431 PHCO_15216 GR useradd(1M) cumulative patch with Y2K fix PHCO_14891 PHCO_15218 GR setup(1M) Year 2000 (Y2K) fix PHCO_14891 PHCO_9533 GR gencat(1) patch PHCO_14891 PHCO_9534 GR dumpmsg(1) patch PHCO_14891 PHCO_9535 GR findmsg(1) patch PHCO_14891 PHKL_11212 GR,HWCR ITE Locking Patch PHSS_13898 PHKL_13044 GR,HWCR SCSI Pass-thru Pseudo Driver cumulative patch PHKL_13951 PHKL_14283 GR,HWCR select(2) system call cumulative patch PHNE_15203 PHKL_14491 GR,HWCR FM,LVM,I/O,JFS,mprotect,SCSI,PM cumulative patch PHCO_14842 PHCO_14990 PHNE_14770 PHNE_11017 GR rbootd cumulative patch plus XTERM300 PHNE_14770 PHNE_12492 GR ifalias(1M) command cumulative patch PHNE_14770 PHNE_13414 GR,HWCR telnetd(1M) cumulative patch PHNE_13413 PHNE_13731 GR NFS/NIS cumulative megapatch PHNE_14072 PHCO_14891 PHNE_14072 GR,HWCR NFS Kernel General Release & Performance Patch PHKL_14491 PHNE_14770 PHNE_15203 GR,HWCR STREAMS cumulative patch (includes XTI/TLI) PHKL_14283 PHSS_13900 GR PEX 5.1/Starbase/Hardcopy Runtime patch PHSS_13899 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3 Special Installation Instructions for Specific Patches in This Release -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following lists show patches that have special installation instructions. If you are loading these patches, please read the associated .lst file on the installation CD-ROM. ======================================================================== Series 700 HP-UX 10.10 Patch No. In Bundles Description ======================================================================== PHCO_10787 GR insf, mksf, lssf, and rmsf cumulative patch PHCO_12140 GR patch cleanup utility PHCO_14851 CR,GR,HW SAM cumulative patch PHKL_11891 CR,GR Fix for Vxfs data page fault (no OmniStorage) PHKL_12858 CR,GR,HW VxFS, block devices performance cumulative patch PHKL_13862 CR,GR Fix for unmountable VxFS (JFS) file systems PHKL_14556 CR,GR,HW VM, PM, LVM, SCSI, UFS, pstat(2) cumul. patch PHKL_7906 CR,GR VxFS fix for nfs hang when server fs is full PHNE_10494 GR BIND 4.9.6 components PHNE_10585 CR,GR Cumulative Mux and Pty Patch PHNE_11019 GR NTPv3.5 timeservices upgrade plus utilities PHNE_11727 CR,GR rlogin(1)/rlogind(1M) cumulative patch PHNE_12517 CR,GR NFS Kernel General Release and Performance Patch PHNE_13194 GR gated(1M) cumulative patch PHNE_15286 CR,GR ppl(1) cumulative patch PHNE_6190 CR,GR ocd(1M) cumulative patch PHNE_8061 GR Provide RARP functionality PHNE_9425 CR,GR nettl(1M) cummulative patch PHSS_11136 CR,GR HP VUE 3.0 BMS 5.X Cumulative Patch PHSS_11483 GR Software Distributor cumulative patch PHSS_13172 GR HP Vue 3.0 Jan98 Periodic Patch PHSS_14449 GR X11R5 Imaging Subsytem Mar 98 Point Patch PHSS_15273 GR datebook(1) Year 2000 patch PHSS_15314 GR freedisk(1M) tool Year 2000 patch PHSS_8660 GR SharedPrint November '96 periodic patch PHSS_8675 GR HP-UX Core Video November 1996 patch ======================================================================== Series 700 HP-UX 10.20 Patch No. In Bundles Description ======================================================================== PHCO_12140 GR patch cleanup utility PHCO_13079 GR Portable File System (PFS) cumulative patch PHCO_14362 GR ioinitrc, assign ttys for B,C class systems PHCO_14888 GR,HW,QPK Cumulative SAM/ObAM Patch PHCO_14891 GR,QPK libc cumulative patch PHCO_15148 GR,GR HPDPS Year 2000 Safe Cumulative Patch PHKL_12339 GR,HW,QPK VxFS (JFS) fsck(1M) cumulative patch PHKL_13572 GR,HW,QPK JFS hang,ftruncate on JFS files cumulative patch PHKL_14172 GR,QPK kernel header files cumulative patch PHKL_14282 GR,QPK select(2) system call cumulative patch PHKL_14435 GR NFS diskless client kernel cumulative patch PHKL_14564 GR,QPK ITE Locking, VISUALIZE-FX4 hang cumulative patch PHKL_15199 GR,HW,QPK LVM/UFS/NDDB/flkmgr/VxFS/PCI cumulative patch PHNE_10011 GR,QPK kftpd(1M) cumulative patch PHNE_10494 GR BIND 4.9.6 components PHNE_11017 GR rbootd cumulative patch plus XTERM300 PHNE_11019 GR NTPv3.5 timeservices upgrade plus utilities PHNE_11728 GR,QPK rlogin(1M)/rlogind(1M) cumulative patch PHNE_13194 GR gated(1M) cumulative patch PHNE_13413 GR,QPK Telnet kernel cumulative patch PHNE_13414 GR,QPK telnetd(1M) cumulative patch PHNE_13731 GR,QPK NFS/NIS cumulative megapatch PHNE_13800 GR,QPK Cumulative Mux and Pty Patch PHNE_14041 GR sendmail(1m) 8.8.6 cumulative patch PHNE_14071 GR,HW,QPK NFS Kernel General Release & Performance Patch PHNE_15287 GR,QPK ppl(1) cumulative patch PHNE_6190 GR,QPK ocd(1M) cumulative patch PHSS_11136 GR,QPK HP VUE 3.0 BMS 5.X Cumulative Patch PHSS_11482 GR Software Distributor cumulative patch PHSS_12885 GR CDE localized actions Nov97 Periodic Patch PHSS_13172 GR HP Vue 3.0 Jan98 Periodic Patch PHSS_14449 GR X11R5 Imaging Subsytem Mar 98 Point Patch PHSS_14595 GR,QPK CDE Runtime Mar98_A Cumulative Patch PHSS_15273 GR datebook(1) Year 2000 patch PHSS_15314 GR freedisk(1M) tool Year 2000 patch PHSS_8660 GR SharedPrint November '96 periodic patch PHSS_8675 GR HP-UX Core Video November 1996 patch ======================================================================== Series 800 HP-UX 10.10 Patch No. In Bundles Description ======================================================================== PHCO_10787 GR insf, mksf, lssf, and rmsf cumulative patch PHCO_12140 GR patch cleanup utility PHCO_14851 GR,HWCR SAM cumulative patch PHKL_10507 GR SCSI pass-through driver PHKL_11892 GR,HWCR Fix for Vxfs data page fault (no OmniStorage) PHKL_12859 GR,HWCR VxFS, block devices performance cumulative patch PHKL_12966 GR,HWCR HP-PB SE SCSI (scsi1) cumulative patch PHKL_13281 GR,HWCR VxFS corruption, HSC/GSC+/WSIO SCSI Patch PHKL_13863 GR,HWCR Fix for unmountable VxFS (JFS) file systems PHKL_14557 GR,HWCR VM, PM, LVM, SCSI, UFS, pstat(2) cumul. patch PHKL_7907 GR,HWCR VxFS fix for nfs hang when server fs is full PHNE_10494 GR BIND 4.9.6 components PHNE_10585 GR,HWCR Cumulative Mux and Pty Patch PHNE_11019 GR NTPv3.5 timeservices upgrade plus utilities PHNE_11727 GR,HWCR rlogin(1)/rlogind(1M) cumulative patch PHNE_12518 GR,HWCR NFS Kernel General Release and Performance Patch PHNE_13194 GR gated(1M) cumulative patch PHNE_15286 GR,HWCR ppl(1) cumulative patch PHNE_6190 GR,HWCR ocd(1M) cumulative patch PHNE_8061 GR Provide RARP functionality PHNE_9425 GR,HWCR nettl(1M) cummulative patch PHSS_11136 GR,HWCR HP VUE 3.0 BMS 5.X Cumulative Patch PHSS_11483 GR Software Distributor cumulative patch PHSS_13172 GR HP Vue 3.0 Jan98 Periodic Patch PHSS_14449 GR X11R5 Imaging Subsytem Mar 98 Point Patch PHSS_15314 GR freedisk(1M) tool Year 2000 patch PHSS_8660 GR SharedPrint November '96 periodic patch PHSS_8675 GR HP-UX Core Video November 1996 patch ======================================================================== Series 800 HP-UX 10.20 Patch No. In Bundles Description ======================================================================== PHCO_12140 GR patch cleanup utility PHCO_13079 GR Portable File System (PFS) cumulative patch PHCO_14362 GR ioinitrc, assign ttys for B,C class systems PHCO_14888 GR,HWCR Cumulative SAM/ObAM Patch PHCO_14891 GR,HWCR libc cumulative patch PHCO_15148 GR HPDPS Year 2000 Safe Cumulative Patch PHKL_11212 GR,HWCR ITE Locking Patch PHKL_12340 GR,HWCR VxFS (JFS) fsck(1M) cumulative patch PHKL_13044 GR,HWCR SCSI Pass-thru Pseudo Driver cumulative patch PHKL_13573 GR,HWCR JFS hang,ftruncate on JFS files cumulative patch PHKL_14173 GR,HWCR kernel header files cumulative patch PHKL_14283 GR,HWCR select(2) system call cumulative patch PHKL_14435 GR NFS diskless client kernel cumulative patch PHKL_15200 GR,HWCR LVM/UFS/NDDB/flkmgr/VxFS/PCI cumulative patch PHNE_10011 GR,HWCR kftpd(1M) cumulative patch PHNE_10494 GR BIND 4.9.6 components PHNE_11017 GR rbootd cumulative patch plus XTERM300 PHNE_11019 GR NTPv3.5 timeservices upgrade plus utilities PHNE_11728 GR,HWCR rlogin(1M)/rlogind(1M) cumulative patch PHNE_13194 GR gated(1M) cumulative patch PHNE_13413 GR,HWCR Telnet kernel cumulative patch PHNE_13414 GR,HWCR telnetd(1M) cumulative patch PHNE_13731 GR NFS/NIS cumulative megapatch PHNE_13800 GR,HWCR Cumulative Mux and Pty Patch PHNE_14041 GR sendmail(1m) 8.8.6 cumulative patch PHNE_14072 GR,HWCR NFS Kernel General Release & Performance Patch PHNE_15203 GR,HWCR STREAMS cumulative patch (includes XTI/TLI) PHNE_15287 GR,HWCR ppl(1) cumulative patch PHNE_6190 GR,HWCR ocd(1M) cumulative patch PHSS_11136 GR,HWCR HP VUE 3.0 BMS 5.X Cumulative Patch PHSS_11482 GR Software Distributor cumulative patch PHSS_12885 GR CDE localized actions Nov97 Periodic Patch PHSS_13172 GR HP Vue 3.0 Jan98 Periodic Patch PHSS_14449 GR X11R5 Imaging Subsytem Mar 98 Point Patch PHSS_14595 GR CDE Runtime Mar98_A Cumulative Patch PHSS_15314 GR freedisk(1M) tool Year 2000 patch PHSS_8660 GR SharedPrint November '96 periodic patch PHSS_8675 GR HP-UX Core Video November 1996 patch ************************************************************************ ############# Legal Notices ############# The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packard makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this document, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. A copy of the specific warranty terms applicable to your Hewlett-Packard product and replacement parts can be obtained from your local Sales and Service Office. (C)Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998 Hewlett-Packard Company (C)Copyright 1980, 1984 AT&&T, Inc. (C)Copyright 1979, 1980, 1983 The Regents of the University of California This document contains information which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws. ***********************************************************************