******************************************************************* * HP-UX 11.0 Support Plus * Hardware Enablement Bundle README File * March 2004 ******************************************************************* Contents of this Document ------------------------- 1. Bundle Notes 2. Bundle Contents 2.1 Patch List 2.2 Changes from Previous Release 3. Patches with Dependencies in this Bundle 3.1 Patch Dependencies 3.2 Other Dependencies 4. Patches with Special Installation Instructions 4.1 Patch List 4.2 Special Instructions to Install the Patches 5. Legal Notices ************************************************************************ 1. Bundle Notes ************************************************************************ Please read the following entries, which describe problems or important notes for individual patches from previous releases and/or the current release. If the description applies to your system, then perform the recommended action. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHCO_27369:LVM commands cumulative patch PHCO_24645 introduced behavior that can result in incorrect physical volume (PV) information to remain in the /etc/lvmtab file. The behavior will occur if vgextend(1M) or vgcreate(1M) are supplied more than one physical volume (PV) and the command is unable to install one of the PVs. When this occurs, the /etc/lvmtab file can contain incorrect data. When this behavior occurs, the vgextend(1M) or vgcreate(1M) command will report that a problem occurred while updating the /etc/lvmtab file. However, it will incorrectly report the PV that encountered the problem. For example: vgextend: Physical volume "PV2" could not be deleted from the "/etc/lvmtab" file. There is now an inconsistency between the LVM device driver and the "/etc/lvmtab" file. vgextend: Couldn't install the physical volume "PV2". Too many links Either of the following work-arounds can be used to correct the /etc/lvmtab file after the problem occurs: - de-activate the volume group (VG), export the VG, and re-import with the correct set of paths, for example: 1. umount and close all logical volumes (LVs) used by the VG 2. deactivate the VG: vgchange -a n 3. export and create a mapfile for the VG: vgexport -m mapfile 4. create a new VG group file: mknod /dev//group c 64 0x...... 5. import PVs in VG using mapfile: vgimport -m mapfile .... 6. activate the VG: vgchange -a y VG - alternatively, if all VGs are active and the order of paths in the /etc/lvmtab file is unimportant then rename /etc/lvmtab to /etc/lvmtab.orig and rebuild it with vgscan(1M). Observe that this can be done without the need to de-activate the VG. This behavior is also exhibited with superseding patch PHCO_27369. If the above work-arounds are not acceptable and you wish to avoid this behavior, HP recommends removing PHCO_24645 and PHCO_27369 from all systems on which it is installed. Patches PHCO_24645 and PHCO_27369 should be removed from software depots that are used to install patches on these systems. The previous patch, PHCO_24437, does not exhibit this same behavior. If you decide not to utilize any of the above outlined work-arounds, HP then recommends that PHCO_24437 be installed after PHCO_24645 and PHCO_27369 are removed. If PHCO_24437 was installed prior to these patches, it will automatically be restored when the patches are removed and it will not need to be reinstalled. PHCO_27369 is found in these bundles: March 2004 QPK1100 (B. HWE1100 (B.11.00.0403.3) September 2003 QPK1100 (B. HWE1100 (B.11.00.0309.5) March 2003 QPK1100 (B. HWE1100 (B.11.00.0303.4) December 2002 HWE1100 (B.11.00.0212.4) This note was first posted in March 2003. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHCO_27369:LVM commands cumulative patch PHCO_24645 introduced behavior that can result in potential corruption of the Boot Data Reserved Area (BDRA) of a bootable volume group configured with alternate links. The execution of the lvlnboot(1M) command with the '-b', '-d', '-r', or '-s' options on a bootable volume group with alternate links can cause the corruption. One manifestation of the corruption can cause a panic when booting from the affected volume group with messages similar to the following: Logical volume 64, 0x3 configured as ROOT LVM : Failure in attaching PV (8/8.1.0) to the root volume group. Cross device link. The disk is not a LVM disk. LVM : Failure in attaching PV (8/4.1.0) to the root volume group. Cross device link. The disk is not a LVM disk. LVM : Activation of root volume group failed Either no physical volumes are attached or no valid VGDAs were found on the physical volumes. Quorum not present, or some physical volume(s) are missing --------------------------------------------------- | SYSTEM HALTING during LVM Configuration | | | | Could not configure root VG | --------------------------------------------------- panic: LVM: Configuration failure This same behavior is exhibited with superseding patch PHCO_27369. Please note this behavior only occurs when the lvlnboot(1M) command is used to establish boot, dump, root, or swap on a volume group with alternate links. If alternate links are not used, this behavior will not be observed. To determine if alternate links are in use, issue the following command string as root: /usr/sbin/lvlnboot -v | grep "alternate link" If the output of this command string does not report any alternate links, then alternate links are not in use and no action is required. If the output of the command string does report alternate links are in use, use the output of the /usr/sbin/lvlnboot -v to determine which volume groups are configured with alternate links. There are two work-arounds to avoid this behavior: 1. The alternate links identified using lvlnboot(1M) can be removed from the bootable volume groups using vgreduce(1M). 2. The lvlnboot(1M) command can be executed with the '-R' option to recover the missing links immediately after lvlnboot(1M) is executed with the '-b', '-d', '-r', or '-s' options on the volume group with the alternate links. If these work-arounds are not acceptable, HP recommends removing PHCO_24645 and PHCO_27369 from systems configured to use alternate links in bootable volume groups. The supersededed patch, PHCO_24437, does not exhibit this same behavior. To ensure as many known issues are addressed as possible, if you choose to remove PHCO_24645 and PHCO_27369 HP recommends that PHCO_24437 be installed after they are removed. If PHCO_24437 was installed prior to these patches, it will automatically be restored when they are removed and it will not need to be reinstalled. PHCO_27369 is found in the following bundles: March 2004 QPK1100 (B. HWE1100 (B.11.00.0403.3) September 2003 QPK1100 (B. HWE1100 (B.11.00.0309.5) March 2003 QPK1100 (B. HWE1100 (B.11.00.0303.4) December 2002 HWE1100 (B.11.00.0212.4) This note was first posted in December 2003. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHKL_27178:LVM Cumulative Patch w/Performance Upgrades PHKL_22266 introduced behavior that can disable the LVM automatic spare PV functionality, also known as 'Hot Sparing of PVs', available with the optional MirrorDisk/UX software. If a stand-by spare is configured and the a physical volume within the volume group becomes unresponsive, LVM will continue to wait for the physical volume to respond instead of utilizing the the spare physical volume. Please note this behavior only occurs when a physical volume is unresponsive. If a physical volume fails in other ways, such as reporting I/O errors, the LVM spare functionality does work as expected. The implication of this behavior is that when a physical volume remains unresponsive, the system is vulnerable to a second failure until the original physical volume failure is corrected manually. When the automatic PV sparing works correctly, the system is vulnerable to a second failure for only a brief period while the spare PV is automatically configured by LVM. The behavior is also exhibited with superseding patches PHKL_23127, PHKL_24268, PHKL_25775, PHKL_27178, and PHKL_27814. This behavior only affects systems using the LVM spare PV functionality available with the optional MirrorDisk/UX software. The following command string can be used to determine if this feature is in use: vgdisplay | grep -ie "spare pvs " -e "vg name" If any of the "Total Spare PVs" lines reported display a number other than zero, then spare PVs are in use. For example, the following output shows that only vg02 makes use of spare PVs: VG Name /dev/vg00 Total Spare PVs 0 VG Name /dev/vg01 Total Spare PVs 0 VG Name /dev/vg02 Total Spare PVs 1 To avoid this behavior, HP only recommends removing PHKL_22266, PHKL_23127, PHKL_24268, PHKL_25775, PHKL_27178, and PHKL_27814 from systems which absolutely require the LVM automatic spare PV functionality. On such systems, HP recommends removing PHKL_22266, PHKL_23127, PHKL_24268, PHKL_25775, PHKL_27178, and PHKL_27814. If you decide to remove these patches, HP recommends: - On systems not configured in an MC/ServiceGuard or SG OPS cluster, PHKL_22267 should be installed after PHKL_22266, PHKL_23127, PHKL_24268, PHKL_25775, PHKL_27178, and PHKL_27814 are removed. If PHKL_22267 was installed prior to these patches, it will automatically be restored when the patches are removed and it will not need to be re-installed. - On systems configured in an MC/ServiceGuard or SG OPS cluster, PHKL_20186, PHKL_20397, and PHKL_16433 should be installed after PHKL_22266, PHKL_23127, PHKL_24268, PHKL_25775, PHKL_27178, and PHKL_27814 are removed. If PHKL_20186, PHKL_20397, and PHKL_16433 were installed prior to these patches, they will automatically be restored when the patches are removed and they will not need to be re-installed. If you decide to remove the patches and need to remove multiple patches in succession, the swremove(1M) option '-x auto_kernel_build=false' may be used to minimize the number of system reboots that will occur. When this option is specified, swremove(1M) will not automatically rebuild the kernel or reboot the system when kernel software is removed. This option should be used with care, as it is necessary to rebuild the kernel and reboot the system once all the desired patches are removed, otherwise the system will still experience the undesirable behavior. PHKL_27178 is found in these bundles: March 2004 QPK1100 (B. HWE1100 (B.11.00.0403.3) September 2003 QPK1100 (B. HWE1100 (B.11.00.0309.5) March 2003 QPK1100 (B. HWE1100 (B.11.00.0303.4) December 2002 HWE1100 (B.11.00.0212.4) This note was first posted in March 2003. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHKL_18543: PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch PHKL_18543 was last reposted on November 06, 2000 to document a new patch dependency on PHKL_22589. HP recommends that you install all missing dependencies on systems which have PHKL_18543 installed. You do not need to reinstall PHKL_18543. Minimal required dependencies for PHKL_18543 are: PHCO_13411: fsck_vxfs(1M) cumulative patch PHCO_17058: cumulative SAM/ObAM patch PHKL_17038: Data Page Fault when field vmtrace'ng fix PHKL_19169: Correct VxFS process hangs PHKL_20016: 2nd CPU not recognized in G70/H70/I70 PHKL_20674: fix VxFS unmount hang & MMF, sync panics PHKL_22589: LOFS, select(), IDS/9000 and umount race fix Dependencies can be satisfied with any superseding patch of the original dependency. The most current dependencies for PHKL_18543 are: PHCO_23651: fsck_vxfs(1M) cumulative patch (PHCO_23651 supersedes PHCO_13411) PHCO_27375: cumulative SAM/ObAM patch (PHCO_27375 supersedes PHCO_17058) PHKL_29345: Probe,IDDS,PM,VM,PA-8700,AIO,T600,FS,PDC,CLK (PHKL_29345 supersedes PHKL_17038) PHKL_20016: 2nd CPU not recognized in G70/H70/I70 PHKL_28593: VxFS 3.1 cumulative patch: CR_EIEM (PHKL_28593 supersedes PHKL_19169 and PHKL_20674) PHKL_29434: POSIX AIO;getdirentries;MVFS;rcp;mmap/IDS; (PHKL_29434 supersedes PHKL_22589) PHKL_18543, with all of its dependencies, are found these bundles. March 2004 HWE1100 (B.11.00.0403.3) QPK1100 (B. September 2003 HWE1100 (B.11.00.0309.5) QPK1100 (B. March 2003 HWE1100 (B.11.00.0303.4) QPK1100 (B. December 2002 HWE1100 (B.11.00.0212.4) QPK1100 (B. September 2002 HWE1100 (B.11.00.0209.5) QPK1100 (B. June 2002 HWE1100 (B.11.00.0206.5) QPK1100 (B. March 2002 HWE1100 (B.11.00.0203.5) QPK1100 (B. December 2001 HWE1100 (B. QPK1100 (B. September 2001 XSWHWCR1100 (B. QPK1100 (B. June 2001 XSWGR1100 (B. XSWHWCR1100 (B. QPK1100 (B. March 2001 XSWGR1100 (B. XSWHWCR1100 (B. This note was first posted in March 2001. This note was last updated in December 2003. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************************************** 2. Bundle Contents ********************************************************************** This section contains a list of all patches in this bundle, the changes in the bundle since it was last released. ============== 2.1 Patch List ============== +------------+------------------------------------------------------------- | Patch ID | Description +------------+------------------------------------------------------------- | PHCO_17867 | ioinitrc, assign ttys for B,C class systems | PHCO_20181 | mediainit sioflop driver support | PHCO_21854 | HPDPS cumulative patch | PHCO_21894 | vmstat(1) patch | PHCO_21927 | iostat(1) patch | PHCO_21928 | uptime(1) patch | PHCO_22686 | top(1) cumulative patch | PHCO_22733 | sar(1M) cumulative patch | PHCO_22957 | auto_parms/set_parms | PHCO_23169 | cumulative 64 bit hardware enablement patch | PHCO_23262 | HP AutoRAID Manager cumulative patch | PHCO_23651 | fsck_vxfs(1M) cumulative patch | PHCO_23705 | memory windows cumulative patch | PHCO_23963 | libc cumulative header file patch | PHCO_24148 | libc cumulative patch | PHCO_24172 | ups_mond(1M), power_onoff(1M) cumulative | PHCO_24542 | libsec cumulative patch | PHCO_24700 | lpspool subsystem cumulative patch | PHCO_25310 | HP Array Manager/60 cumulative patch | PHCO_25875 | Software Distributor (SD) Cumulative Patch | PHCO_26017 | user/group(add/mod/del)(1M) cumulative patch | PHCO_26942 | itemap FireGL and USB keyboard support | PHCO_27369 | LVM commands cumulative patch | PHCO_27370 | mksf(1M) cumulative patch | PHCO_27375 | cumulative SAM/ObAM patch | PHCO_29197 | cumulative fbackup(1M)/frecover(1M) patch | PHKL_17036 | Core LAN HPUX driver for V class only | PHKL_17037 | kernel changes to support coke/pmon on V2500 | PHKL_17358 | Enable SCSI floppy for 64 bit computers | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_19734 | diag1 add PCI subvendor info,FC card support | PHKL_20016 | 2nd CPU not recognized in G70/H70/I70 | PHKL_20152 | Enable SuperIO Core Interfaces | PHKL_20161 | Softpower Switch support for new wkstations | PHKL_20162 | I/O space HPMC fix for new workstations | PHKL_20163 | Fix for LPMC buffer size panic | PHKL_20165 | New workstation WSIO support | PHKL_20166 | New workstation interrupt handling support | PHKL_20169 | Use right install kernel on 32/64 bit system | PHKL_20202 | Fix pthread error return, nfs/tcp panic | PHKL_21262 | SuperIO floppy driver fix | PHKL_21276 | Superio Parallel driver fixes | PHKL_21420 | specify diag2 as MP-safe | PHKL_21569 | diag0 cumulative patch | PHKL_22377 | PC floppy cumulative patch | PHKL_22589 | LOFS, select(), IDS/9000 and umount race fix | PHKL_22677 | fix of getdirentries, MVFS, rcp, mmap & IDS | PHKL_22785 | HPMC, FC reset & conn, chassis log, I20 RAID | PHKL_22840 | IDS/9000; syscalls related to file/socket | PHKL_22975 | VM 32bit I/O requests kept in I/O space | PHKL_22986 | cumulative pstat patch | PHKL_23226 | syscall, msem_lock, umask cumulative patch | PHKL_23939 | Fibre Channel Mass Storage Driver Patch | PHKL_24028 | dump path/count,PSW,PA-8700,printf buffer | PHKL_24187 | ioscan performance gain for SCSI Subsystem | PHKL_24279 | Directed range,PIOP,PAT and high temp Alerts | PHKL_24729 | IO pdir, SBA, async IO deadlock, PA-8700 | PHKL_25010 | Cumulative USB Driver patch | PHKL_25023 | PCI cumulative patch | PHKL_25609 | New audio h/w support + cumulative fixes | PHKL_26832 | FXE perf, server patch, cumulative graphics | PHKL_27178 | LVM Cumulative Patch w/Performance Upgrades | PHKL_27224 | IDE/ATAPI cumulative patch | PHKL_27980 | VxFS 3.1 cumulative patch: CR_EIEM | PHKL_28053 | Probe,IDDS,PM,VM,PA-8700,AIO,T600,FS,PDC | PHKL_28172 | kmadmin; autoload; DLKM load; MO; eventport | PHKL_28496 | SCSI IO Subsystem Cumulative Patch | PHKL_29247 | SCSI Tape (stape) cumulative | PHKL_29494 | SCSI Ultra160 Cumulative Patch | PHNE_22244 | Built-in PCI 100BASE-T patch | PHNE_22397 | cumulative ARPA Transport patch | PHNE_22461 | HSC 100BT lan cumulative patch | PHNE_22566 | Cumulative STREAMS Patch | PHNE_24007 | 4 port PCI 100BASE-T cumulative patch | PHNE_24762 | telnet kernel and telnetd(1M) patch | PHNE_26250 | LAN product cumulative patch | PHNE_27788 | Cumulative Mux and Pty Patch | PHSS_19069 | Asian Printer cumulative patch | PHSS_20192 | Asian Utility NOV 1999 cumulative patch | PHSS_22543 | HP aC++ -AA runtime libraries (aCC A.03.30) | PHSS_25982 | B1000/B2000/C3X00/J5X00/J6000/J7000 5.0 FW | PHSS_26608 | Xserver cumulative patch | PHSS_26798 | Tachyon TL Fibre Channel Driver Patch | PHSS_29341 | C3650/C3700/C3750/J6700/J6750 2.0 FW +------------+------------------------------------------------------------- ================================= 2.2 Changes from Previous Release ================================= This bundle was last refreshed for the September 2003 release. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | NEW PATCHES +------------+------------------------------------------------------------- | Patch ID | Description +------------+------------------------------------------------------------- | PHSS_29341 | C3650/C3700/C3750/J6700/J6750 2.0 FW +------------+------------------------------------------------------------- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SUPERSEDED PATCHES +------------+------------+------------------------------------------------ | Old Patch | New Patch | Description +------------+------------+------------------------------------------------ | PHKL_28216 | PHKL_29247 | SCSI Tape (stape) cumulative | PHKL_29093 | PHKL_29494 | SCSI Ultra160 Cumulative Patch +------------+------------+------------------------------------------------ ******************************************************************** 3. Patches with Dependencies in this Bundle ******************************************************************** ====================== 3.1 Patch Dependencies ====================== The following table lists patch dependencies for patches in this bundle. +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------- | Patch ID | | Dep. Patch | Description +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------- | PHCO_21854 | HPDPS cumulative patch | PHCO_24700 | lpspool subsystem cumulative patch | PHCO_23651 | fsck_vxfs(1M) cumulative patch | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHCO_23705 | memory windows cumulative patch | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHCO_24148 | libc cumulative patch | PHCO_23963 | libc cumulative header file patch | PHKL_23226 | syscall, msem_lock, umask cumulative patch | PHCO_27369 | LVM commands cumulative patch | PHKL_27178 | LVM Cumulative Patch w/Performance Upgrades | PHCO_27370 | mksf(1M) cumulative patch | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHNE_24762 | telnet kernel and telnetd(1M) patch | PHCO_27375 | cumulative SAM/ObAM patch | PHCO_26017 | user/group(add/mod/del)(1M) cumulative patch | PHCO_29197 | cumulative fbackup(1M)/frecover(1M) patch | PHCO_24148 | libc cumulative patch | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_22677 | fix of getdirentries, MVFS, rcp, mmap & IDS | PHKL_29247 | SCSI Tape (stape) cumulative | PHKL_17036 | Core LAN HPUX driver for V class only | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHCO_23651 | fsck_vxfs(1M) cumulative patch | PHCO_27375 | cumulative SAM/ObAM patch | PHKL_20016 | 2nd CPU not recognized in G70/H70/I70 | PHKL_22589 | LOFS, select(), IDS/9000 and umount race fix | PHKL_27980 | VxFS 3.1 cumulative patch: CR_EIEM | PHKL_28053 | Probe,IDDS,PM,VM,PA-8700,AIO,T600,FS,PDC | PHKL_19734 | diag1 add PCI subvendor info,FC card support | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_20016 | 2nd CPU not recognized in G70/H70/I70 | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_20163 | Fix for LPMC buffer size panic | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_20165 | New workstation WSIO support | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_20166 | New workstation interrupt handling support | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_21420 | specify diag2 as MP-safe | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_22377 | PC floppy cumulative patch | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_22589 | LOFS, select(), IDS/9000 and umount race fix | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_22677 | fix of getdirentries, MVFS, rcp, mmap & IDS | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_22785 | HPMC, FC reset & conn, chassis log, I20 RAID | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_22840 | IDS/9000; syscalls related to file/socket | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_22975 | VM 32bit I/O requests kept in I/O space | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_22986 | cumulative pstat patch | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_23226 | syscall, msem_lock, umask cumulative patch | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_23939 | Fibre Channel Mass Storage Driver Patch | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_24028 | dump path/count,PSW,PA-8700,printf buffer | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_24279 | Directed range,PIOP,PAT and high temp Alerts | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_25023 | PCI cumulative patch | PHKL_24729 | IO pdir, SBA, async IO deadlock, PA-8700 | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_25010 | Cumulative USB Driver patch | PHKL_20165 | New workstation WSIO support | PHKL_26832 | FXE perf, server patch, cumulative graphics | PHKL_25023 | PCI cumulative patch | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_24279 | Directed range,PIOP,PAT and high temp Alerts | PHKL_26832 | FXE perf, server patch, cumulative graphics | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_22975 | VM 32bit I/O requests kept in I/O space | PHKL_28053 | Probe,IDDS,PM,VM,PA-8700,AIO,T600,FS,PDC | PHKL_28172 | kmadmin; autoload; DLKM load; MO; eventport | PHKL_27178 | LVM Cumulative Patch w/Performance Upgrades | PHCO_27369 | LVM commands cumulative patch | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_28053 | Probe,IDDS,PM,VM,PA-8700,AIO,T600,FS,PDC | PHKL_27980 | VxFS 3.1 cumulative patch: CR_EIEM | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_28053 | Probe,IDDS,PM,VM,PA-8700,AIO,T600,FS,PDC | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_28172 | kmadmin; autoload; DLKM load; MO; eventport | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_28496 | SCSI IO Subsystem Cumulative Patch | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_24187 | ioscan performance gain for SCSI Subsystem | PHKL_29247 | SCSI Tape (stape) cumulative | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHNE_22244 | Built-in PCI 100BASE-T patch | PHNE_22566 | Cumulative STREAMS Patch | PHNE_26250 | LAN product cumulative patch | PHNE_22397 | cumulative ARPA Transport patch | PHKL_22840 | IDS/9000; syscalls related to file/socket | PHNE_22566 | Cumulative STREAMS Patch | PHNE_22461 | HSC 100BT lan cumulative patch | PHNE_22566 | Cumulative STREAMS Patch | PHNE_26250 | LAN product cumulative patch | PHNE_22566 | Cumulative STREAMS Patch | PHNE_22397 | cumulative ARPA Transport patch | PHNE_24007 | 4 port PCI 100BASE-T cumulative patch | PHNE_22566 | Cumulative STREAMS Patch | PHNE_26250 | LAN product cumulative patch | PHNE_24762 | telnet kernel and telnetd(1M) patch | PHCO_24542 | libsec cumulative patch | PHCO_27370 | mksf(1M) cumulative patch | PHNE_26250 | LAN product cumulative patch | PHNE_22566 | Cumulative STREAMS Patch | PHSS_19069 | Asian Printer cumulative patch | PHCO_21854 | HPDPS cumulative patch | PHSS_20192 | Asian Utility NOV 1999 cumulative patch | PHSS_26798 | Tachyon TL Fibre Channel Driver Patch | PHKL_23939 | Fibre Channel Mass Storage Driver Patch +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------- ====================== 3.2 Other Dependencies ====================== The following patches have non-patch dependencies, such as dependencies on other software products or hardware, or are conditional on other patches. If you are loading these patches, please read the instructions carefully. PHCO_23262 HP AutoRAID Manager cumulative patch This patch provides the utilities for the HP Array with AutoRAID. It requires the OS-Core.C2400-UTIL fileset to be installed for the array status to monitored properly. To use the utilities an HP AutoRAID array must be connected and configured to the system. PHCO_24148 libc cumulative patch PHCO_24148: JAGab20870 The tzset() behaviour have been changed to take default TZ values from the file /etc/default/tz. A sample file is released as patch PHCO_23652. The /etc/default/tz included in the patch contains the earlier default value ie., EST5EDT. So unless the user explicitly changes the value contained in the file the tzset changes are transparent to the user. The file /etc/default/tz contains the timezone value set by tzset() when the environment variable TZ is not set. The format for the file is same as TZ format without the prefix "TZ=". Please check environ(5) for TZ format. The order of TZ setting is as follows. 1) if the environment variable TZ is present, it takes the precedence. 2) if TZ is not present, then the value contained in /etc/default/tz is used for default. 3) if /etc/default/tz is not set, then the default value is equivalent to EST5EDT (Eastern Standard Time) of US. PHCO_25310 HP Array Manager/60 cumulative patch This patch provides the utilities for the HP Fibre Array/60. To use the utilities an HP Fibre Array/60 array must be connected and configured to the system. PHCO_27375 cumulative SAM/ObAM patch The fix for the CR JAGad83725 included in this patch depends on the commands patch PHCO_26017. This dependency is also listed in the Patch Dependencies field. PHKL_18543 PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch - If HyperFabric B.11.00.00 or HyperFabric B.11.00.01 is installed, PHNE_16199 must also be installed. - If OnLine JFS is installed and applications utilizing DMAPI, such as OmniStorage, are being used PHKL_22208 should also be installed. PHKL_21420 specify diag2 as MP-safe A.20.00), PHSS_21427 is also required to completely fix the problem of mpc_bindlwp messages being logged to /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log. For Support Tool Manager versions B.11.00.13.* (STM A.21.00) and higher, only PHKL_21420 is required to fix the problem. PHKL_22975 VM 32bit I/O requests kept in I/O space The patch PHKL_22976 should be installed, along with this one, on server systems that use graphics cards. If only this patch is installed, but not PHKL_22976 or a successor, then the panic is still possible, although a warning message will be place in the system message buffer. PHKL_22986 cumulative pstat patch s700: 11.00: PHKL_21518 PHKL_21778 s800: 11.00: PHKL_21518 PHKL_21778 PHKL_21684, PHKL_21518, PHKL_21778 together provide an enhancement to increase the SysV IPC MSGMNB message queue capacity. To enable the enhancement, both PHKL_21684 and PHKL_21518 must be installed, and PHKL_21778 is required if SAM support is desired to modify system tunables. Each may be installed independently of the others. s700: 11.00: PHCO_22592 s800: 11.00: PHCO_22592 PHKL_22588 and PHCO_22592 together provide an enhancement so the customer is able to use commands to display the information about POSIX message queues and named semaphores as well as remove them. PHKL_24028 dump path/count,PSW,PA-8700,printf buffer PHKL_23815: Two other patches work in conjuction with this patch to enable PA-8700 support. These other two patches are PHKL_23813 and PHKL_23814. PHKL_24729 IO pdir, SBA, async IO deadlock, PA-8700 PHKL_23814: Two other patches work in conjuction with this patch to enable PA-8700 support. These other two patches are PHKL_23813 and PHKL_23815. PHKL_25023 PCI cumulative patch This patch is one of the two needed to support the SCSI Ultra160 interface on HP-UX 11.00. The two patches are PHKL_25014 and PHKL_25023. These patches may be installed independently of each other and in any order. Without SCSI Ultra160 controller hardware present on the system, these changes will have no impact on your system. PHKL_27178 LVM Cumulative Patch w/Performance Upgrades PHKL_24646: Patch PHKL_21834 (or superseding) is required to provide LVM support for more than 8 LUNs for non-concurrent active path Fibre-Channel disk arrays. Without the Fiber-Channel patch installed, LVM will continue to limit support to 8 LUNs. PHKL_24646 and PHKL_21834 may be installed in any order. PHKL_27224 IDE/ATAPI cumulative patch In order for the SuperIO IDE/ATAPI driver to function, the core SuperIO patch (PHKL_20152 or its superseding patch) must also be installed on the system. The SuperIO IDE driver is only required on the B1000, C3000, and J5000 workstations, as well as future HP-UX 11.00 workstations which support the SuperIO interface. PHKL_28053 Probe,IDDS,PM,VM,PA-8700,AIO,T600,FS,PDC PHKL_21549 is required when using the gang scheduler. Without PHKL_21549, the gang scheduler exhibits unacceptable performance after this patch is installed. PHKL_23406: If NFS is installed on the system, all five patches (PHNE_23249, PHKL_23406, PHKL_23407, PHKL_23408, PHKL_23409) are required to resolve the process hang/deadlock due to unkillable processes executed over NFS. However, if NFS is not in use, none of these patches are required. PHKL_23813: Two other patches work in conjuction with this patch to enable PA-8700 support. These other two patches are PHKL_23814 and PHKL_23815. PHKL_29247 SCSI Tape (stape) cumulative If the st_san_safe kernel tunable is enabled on systems running OmniBackII A.04.00 or A.04.10, the following patches must also be installed: OmniBackII A.04.00: PHSS_27586 and PHSS_27601 OmniBackII A.04.10: PHSS_27459 and PHSS_27588 PHKL_29494 SCSI Ultra160 Cumulative Patch PHKL_27555: Multi-initiator support is available on Ultra160 SCSI cards with hardware revisions later than A6828-60001 and A6829-60001. PHKL_25014: This patch is one of the two needed to support the SCSI Ultra160 interface on HP-UX 11.00. The two patches are PHKL_25014 and PHKL_25023. These patches may be installed independently of each other and in any order. Without SCSI Ultra160 controller hardware present on the system, these changes will have no impact on your system. PHNE_22566 Cumulative STREAMS Patch This patch can resolve a race condition and a panic in the Terminal I/O subsystem. However, on multiprocessor systems it can introduce performance degradation. The performance degradation can be slight to severe, depending on the use of the system. We recommend that you install the Terminal I/O patch PHNE_19616 or a superseding patch together with this patch. The performance degradation results from binding child processes of "rlogin" and "remsh" to a single CPU. PHNE_24762 telnet kernel and telnetd(1M) patch The libsis.sl patch PHSS_23710 should be installed for the fix of JAGad92559 to work properly. PHNE_27788 Cumulative Mux and Pty Patch For the rp7400, rp54xx, L-Class with A6696B GSP cards and rp24xx systems, a) Insf(1) patch PHCO_27370 or later should be installed along with this patch. b) System must be updated with the GSP Firmware Revision B.02.11 or C.02.05 or later. PHSS_22543 HP aC++ -AA runtime libraries (aCC A.03.30) Every development site (on A.03.25 through A.03.27) that installs this patch MUST also install the header file patch PHSS_22868. All aC++ applications built with the -AA option on versions A.03.25 through A.03.27 must then be recompiled and relinked. If this is not done, link time or run time incompatibilities may result. See CR JAGad36658 above. PHSS_26608 Xserver cumulative patch Graphics adapter (A7789A) requires installation of PHKL_26832 or superseding graphics kernel patch either with or before installation of Xserver patch. ******************************************************************** 4. Patches with Special Installation Instructions ******************************************************************** The following list shows patches that have special installation instructions. If you are loading these patches, please read the information following the table. ============== 4.1 Patch List ============== +------------+------------------------------------------------------------- | Patch ID | Description +------------+------------------------------------------------------------- | PHCO_17867 | ioinitrc, assign ttys for B,C class systems | PHCO_21854 | HPDPS cumulative patch | PHCO_23705 | memory windows cumulative patch | PHCO_24148 | libc cumulative patch | PHCO_24172 | ups_mond(1M), power_onoff(1M) cumulative | PHCO_24700 | lpspool subsystem cumulative patch | PHCO_25875 | Software Distributor (SD) Cumulative Patch | PHKL_18543 | PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch | PHKL_21262 | SuperIO floppy driver fix | PHKL_21276 | Superio Parallel driver fixes | PHKL_22975 | VM 32bit I/O requests kept in I/O space | PHKL_22986 | cumulative pstat patch | PHKL_23939 | Fibre Channel Mass Storage Driver Patch | PHKL_24028 | dump path/count,PSW,PA-8700,printf buffer | PHKL_24279 | Directed range,PIOP,PAT and high temp Alerts | PHKL_24729 | IO pdir, SBA, async IO deadlock, PA-8700 | PHKL_25023 | PCI cumulative patch | PHKL_26832 | FXE perf, server patch, cumulative graphics | PHKL_27178 | LVM Cumulative Patch w/Performance Upgrades | PHKL_27980 | VxFS 3.1 cumulative patch: CR_EIEM | PHKL_28053 | Probe,IDDS,PM,VM,PA-8700,AIO,T600,FS,PDC | PHKL_29247 | SCSI Tape (stape) cumulative | PHNE_22244 | Built-in PCI 100BASE-T patch | PHNE_22461 | HSC 100BT lan cumulative patch | PHNE_24007 | 4 port PCI 100BASE-T cumulative patch | PHNE_24762 | telnet kernel and telnetd(1M) patch | PHNE_27788 | Cumulative Mux and Pty Patch | PHSS_22543 | HP aC++ -AA runtime libraries (aCC A.03.30) | PHSS_25982 | B1000/B2000/C3X00/J5X00/J6000/J7000 5.0 FW | PHSS_29341 | C3650/C3700/C3750/J6700/J6750 2.0 FW +------------+------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================== 4.2 Special Instructions to Install the Patches =============================================== PHCO_17867 ioinitrc, assign ttys for B,C class systems Applying this patch will cause the system to reboot. When the system reboots for the first time, it will determine if the device files /dev/tty0p0 and /dev/tty1p0 need to be reassigned. If so, it will perform the reassignment and reboot the system again. If the system reassigns the device files for the serial ports /dev/tty0p0 and /dev/tty1p0, any manual configuration that depends on those device file names may need to be updated to be consistent with the new assignments. PHCO_21854 HPDPS cumulative patch - PHCO_20525 -- /opt/pd/bin/lp should be executed in order to allow access to logical DPS printer with authorize-jobs true. User either explicitly calls /opt/pd/bin/lp or places /opt/pd/bin ahead of /usr/bin in PATH variable. -- DPS uses a user-configurable file, /etc/rc.config.d/pd, in its startup operation. A new version of this file is delivered with this patch. It can be found at /opt/pd/newconfig/etc/rc.config.d/pd . Users should modify *a copy* of this file to reflect their configuration values, and place the result in /etc/rc.config.d/pd . Do *not* modify the delivered file directly, as this will cause a swverify of future DPS patches to fail. - Must have 11.00 DistributedPrint product installed before this patch is installed. - PHCO_15616 is an LP patch needed for LP interface. PHCO_23705 memory windows cumulative patch This patch supersedes PHCO_20443. If you have PHCO_20443 installed on your system, please DO NOT uninstall/remove it before installing this patch. If for some reason you can't avoid removing PHCO_20443, please make a backup of the file '/etc/services.window' before the uninstall and restore it prior to installing this patch. PHCO_24148 libc cumulative patch If libc patches are installed without rebooting, applications currently running which are linked shared against libc will still continue using the former version of libc. If this presents a problem to any applications, you should reboot. PHCO_24172 ups_mond(1M), power_onoff(1M) cumulative How to get UPS firmware revision: PowerTrust II LR To check the UPS firmware: 1. Edit the file "/etc/uucp/Devices" 2. Add "Direct ttyxxx - 1200 direct" xxx = RS-232 tty port used by UPS 3. At unix prompt, issue "cu -l ttyxxx 4. Enter "V" PHCO_24700 lpspool subsystem cumulative patch Do lpshut before the installation of this patch. PHCO_25875 Software Distributor (SD) Cumulative Patch This patch must be installed before installing any patches following the initial 11.0 Support Plus Media bundle. If this patch is placed in the same depot as the core 11.0 software, and an update from a 10.x system is done using this depot as a source, the -x reinstall=true option must be specified on the SD command line for the update. Otherwise, the patch may not be installed. The above problem can be avoided if the support plus media patches are loaded in a separate swinstall session following the update using the patch_match_target option. SD push and job capabilities, supporting distributed software management, are available in this patch. This patch can be rolled back. Rolling back this patch may revert to old 11.00 capabilities which does not include SD push and job support. PHKL_18543 PM/VM/UFS/async/scsi/io/DMAPI/JFS/perf patch If PHKL_18543 is installed on a system that does not have Advanced VxFS, then the Advanced VxFS driver 'vxadv' will be commented out of the /usr/conf/master.d/vxfs file as follows: * Disabling AdvJournalFS: vxadv vxadvc 10 100 ... The following note will be logged in the swagent.log file: NOTE: "AdvJournalFS" product is now disabled. Any vxadv driver in the system file will be ignored. If you install the 11.00 version of "AdvJournalFS", you must again install this patch, PHKL_18543. (The reinstall* options must be set to false - the default.) If the Advanced VxFS product is subsequently installed, PHKL_18543 must be reinstalled as specified in the note above, otherwise the following warning will occur when creating a kernel and the Advanced VxFS features will not be available: WARNING: No such device, tunable, or cdio vxadv. Ignoring the following line. vxadv Please apply this patch along with command patch PHCO_13411. Failure to do so, ie. applying one without the other, will result in fsck failure, or even fsck corrupting the filesystem. The new features in PHKL_13552 are only supported for V-Class 64-bit systems. Non-V-Class systems can install this patch with no impact to those systems. The following patches rely on PHKL_13552 to enable certain features: PHCO_13606: SAM recognition of new tunables PHCO_13571: insf, mksf, lssf recognize new devices PHCO_13494: fbackup/frecover recognize new devices To enable large record support on V-Class systems, you will need to set the following tunables: scsi_maxphys 16777215 st_large_recs 1 To enable failed data overruns where stape reads are shorter than the actual record size, use: st_fail_overruns 1 Installing PHKL_17040 on PCI based systems will add diag1 to the /stand/system file and create the /dev/diag/diag1 device file. Removing PHKL_17040 will delete diag1 from /stand/system file and remove the /dev/diag/diag1 device file from the system. Installing/Removing any patch superseding PHKL_17040 will leave the system in the state it was prior to installing the patch. It may be necessary to boot on a backup kernel to recover from the boot hang before installing this fix. PHKL_21262 SuperIO floppy driver fix In order for the SuperIO Floppy driver to function, the core SuperIO patch (PHKL_20152 or its superseding patch) must also be installed on the system. The SuperIO Floppy driver is only required on the B1000, C3000, and J5000 workstations, as well as future HP-UX 11.00 workstations which support the SuperIO interface. PHKL_21276 Superio Parallel driver fixes Special Installation Instructions: In order for the SuperIO Parallel driver to function, the core SuperIO patch (PHKL_20152 or its superseding patch) must also be installed on the system. The SuperIO Parallel driver is only required on the B1000, C3000, and J5000 workstations, as well as future HP-UX 11.00 workstations which support the SuperIO interface. PHKL_22986 cumulative pstat patch If you wish to display the information about POSIX message queues and named semaphores as well as to remove POSIX message queues and named semaphores, you must install the commands patch, PHCO_22592, in addition to this patch. If you wish to enable the increased SysV IPC MSGMNB message queue capacity feature delivered in patches PHKL_21518, PHKL_21778, and PHKL_21684, it is highly recommended that all of the Special Installation Instructions for the PHKL_21518 (sysV_msg.o) patch be read prior to installing this patch. This patch depends on base patch PHKL_18543. PHKL_23939 Fibre Channel Mass Storage Driver Patch ALERT messages: One of the major changes made to the Fibre Channel driver in PHSS_17199 and carried forward in PHSS_18136 is that the HBA is reset when the system is booted. This reset causes link errors which result in the ALERT messages seen at boot time. Therefore ALERT messages at boot time should not be considered a problem. ALERT messages seen after the boot process should be considered a possible problem and need to be investigated. PHKL_24028 dump path/count,PSW,PA-8700,printf buffer This patch, PHKL_23815, is one of the three 11.00 PA-8700 enablement patches. The other 11.00 PA-8700 enablement patches are PHKL_23813 & PHKL_23814. Installation of each patch individually will have not effect on the system. This patch depends on base patch PHKL_18543. PHKL_24729 IO pdir, SBA, async IO deadlock, PA-8700 PHKL_23814: This patch, PHKL_23814, is one of the three 11.00 PA-8700 enablement patches. The other 11.00 PA-8700 enablement patches are PHKL_23813 & PHKL_23815. Installation of each patch individually will have not effect on the system. This patch depends on base patch PHKL_18543. PHKL_25023 PCI cumulative patch The A5566A Fibre Channel Mass Storage (FCMS) card must be in a PCI slot number greater than all non-A5566A FCMS cards on the same bus. Multiple A5566A FCMS cards on a PCI bus can be used. This patch depends on base patch PHKL_18543. PHKL_26832 FXE perf, server patch, cumulative graphics PHKL_22976: This patch depends on a second patch, PHKL_22975, to fix a panic on L3000 systems. This defect only affects a specific set of customers (L3000), and other customers need not install patch PHKL_22975. Both patches may be installed in any order, or together, if desired. This patch depends on base patch PHKL_18543. PHKL_27178 LVM Cumulative Patch w/Performance Upgrades This patch depends upon PHKL_21775. The dependency is a result of a process management defect which this patch exposes. If this patch is installed on a system without PHKL_21775, and the user then creates mirrored logical volumes on a shared volume group, over time the system proc table will be exhausted, thus causing the system to become unusable. If you are not using mirrored logical volumes on shared volume groups, there is no dependency on PHKL_21775. This patch depends on base patch PHKL_18543. PHKL_28053 Probe,IDDS,PM,VM,PA-8700,AIO,T600,FS,PDC To enable the asyncio enhancement that defers memory locking to improve application startup times, create the async device file with minor number 256 using the following commands. The user must have super-user rights to execute these commands. Delete the old device file. # rmsf -v /dev/async Create the new device file # mknod /dev/async c 101 256 Note: This minor number should only be used on systems that have enough physical memory so that paging is avoided. Paging can cause serious performance degradation with this new enhancement. On systems where paging is an issue, this minor number should not be used. PHKL_23813: This patch, PHKL_23813, is one of the three 11.00 PA-8700 enablement patches. The other 11.00 PA-8700 enablement patches are PHKL_23814 & PHKL_23815. Installation of each patch individually will have no effect on the system. PHKL_23406: If NFS is installed on the system, all five patches (PHNE_23249, PHKL_23406, PHKL_23407, PHKL_23408, PHKL_23409) are required to resolve the process hang/deadlock due to unkillable processes executed over NFS. However, if NFS is not in use, none of these patches are required. All five of these patches may be installed independently. If fewer than four out of the four PHKL patches are installed, the P_NOSTOP feature will not be enabled. PHKL_20222, PHKL_20223, PHKL_20224, PHKL_20226, PHKL_20227: This patch contains part of the enhancement to enable the 3 Gb private address space feature. It is one of 8 patches. The 8 patches necessary to enable this feature are PHKL_20222, PHKL_20223, PHKL_20224, PHKL_20225, PHKL_20226, PHKL_20227, PHKL_20228 and PHKL_20229. Each patch may be installed independently of the others - if enabling the 3 Gb private address space feature is not desired. If fewer than all 8 patches are installed, the 3 Gb private address space feature will not be enabled. The code in this patch that is part of this feature will not have any impact on the system until all 8 patches are installed. In order to be able to use this feature you will need to reconfigure the kernel with a larger value for the kernel configurable variable "maxdsiz". In order to do this with SAM, you will also need to install patch PHKL_20174. Without PHKL_20174 installed SAM will not allow maxdsiz to exceed ~1.9 Gb. Note that if PHKL_20174 is not installed it is still possible to manually configure a kernel with a larger value of maxdsiz (up to 3 Gb) using config(1M). PHKL_21535: To enable shared memory dumping to application core files, you must first install this patch. After the new vmunix has been built by the patch process you need to set some kernel variables in the new vmunix using adb. To do this, first invoke adb with write capabilities on the vmunix file (typically /stand/vmunix): adb -w /stand/vmunix You may get some error output "Not an Elf file: No Elf header". ignore those errors. Setting core_addshmem_read to 1 enables dumping of read-protected shared memory segments. To set core_addshmem_read to 1, the command in adb is: core_addshmem_read?W1 adb should output: core_addshmem_read: 0 = 1 Setting core_addshmem_write to 1 enables dumping of write-protected shared memory segments. To set core_addshmem_write to 1, the command in adb is: core_addshmem_write?W1 adb should output: core_addshmem_write: 0 = 1 exit adb by typing $q Now the vmunix file should be enabled for shared memory dumping. You must reboot in order for the change to take effect. Note: if a new vmunix is generated in the future, such as after installing another kernel patch, you will need to repeat this procedure. This mechanism is typically used in troubleshooting applications. The effective user ID of the process calling async driver, typically called by a process for database applications such as Oracle and Sybase, must be a superuser or the user must be a member of a group that has the MLOCK privilege. To check the privilege capabilities for a group, issue the command: /usr/bin/getprivgrp If the output of getprivgrp(1) does not indicate that the group has the MLOCK privilege, it can be set by issuing the following command as root: /usr/bin/setprivgrp MLOCK This patch depends on base patch PHKL_18543. PHKL_29247 SCSI Tape (stape) cumulative It is recommended that the new tunable st_san_safe be enabled (set to 1) if the system this patch is installed on is part of a SAN tape backup solution. If this patch is installed on a system using the MC/ServiceGuard ATS tape sharing service, the tuneable "st_ats_enabled" must be set back to 1 after the patch is installed for ATS to work. Please note setting the tuneable back to 1 will require an additional reboot of the system. PHNE_22244 Built-in PCI 100BASE-T patch A new version of file /etc/rc.config.d/hpbase100conf is delivered as part of this patch, as /usr/newconfig/etc/rc.config.d/hpbase100conf file. If you have edited /etc/rc.config.d/hpbase100conf file, you may want to merge these files. To set speed and duplex via SAM, users need to install SAM patch: PHCO_17792. ifconfig down/up is needed while changing MTU using lanamdin -[M|R] options. PHNE_22461 HSC 100BT lan cumulative patch A new version of file /etc/rc.config.d/hpgsc100conf is delivered as part of this patch, as /usr/newconfig/etc/rc.config.d/hpgsc100conf file. If you have edited /etc/rc.config.d/hpgsc100conf file, you may want to merge these files. To set speed and duplex via SAM, users need to install SAM patch: PHCO_17792. You also need to merge /usr/newconfig/etc/rc.config.d/hpgsc100conf file with /etc/rc.config.d/hpgsc100conf. ifconfig down/up is needed while changing MTU using lanadmin -[M|R] options. PHNE_24007 4 port PCI 100BASE-T cumulative patch A new version of file /etc/rc.config.d/hpbtlanconf is delivered as part of this patch, as /usr/newconfig/etc/rc.config.d/hpbtlanconf file. If you have edited /etc/rc.config.d/hpbtlanconf file, you may want to merge these files. To set speed and duplex via SAM, users need to install SAM patch: PHCO_17792 ifconfig down/up is needed while changing MTU using lanadmin -[M|R] options. PHNE_24762 telnet kernel and telnetd(1M) patch The 'insf' patch PHCO_17090 (or its superseding patch if any) MUST be installed prior to the installation of this telnetd patch, for this patch to work. Please note, after installation of PHNE_14957 the naming convention for /dev/pts/t* changes from /dev/pts/tnumber to /dev/pts/tcharacter to allow creation of more than 1000 telnet device files. Consequently the first telnetd device file is renamed from /dev/pts/t0 to /dev/pts/ta. NOTE: For getting more user logins, the kernel configuration parameter 'nstrtel' needs to be modified to the desired number and rebuild the kernel. Ensure that the extra telnet pseudo ttys are created by doing 'insf -d tels'. On trusted systems, the telnetd patch has a dependency on the libsec patch PHCO_17622( or later) also apart from the insf patch PHCO_17090 (or later). Thus, on trusted systems before installing the telnetd patch, please ensure that the libsec patch PHCO_17622 (or later) and the insf patch PHCO_17090 (or later) are installed to generate device file names similar to telnetd. Please note that the dependency on PHCO_17622 ( or later ) is applicable only for trusted systems. PHNE_24762: 1. Telnetd will timeout and exit if it does not receive either a positive or negative reply to any of the initial option negotiations. The -n option notifies telnetd the timeout value in seconds. Default is 120 seconds. To alter the timeout value, perform the following steps after installing this patch: 1. Edit the /etc/inetd.conf file as: telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/lbin/telnetd telnetd -n Where is the new timeout value in seconds. 2. Make inetd re-read the /etc/inetd.conf configuration file by running the following command on the command line: $ inetd -c PHNE_27788 Cumulative Mux and Pty Patch If patch PHNE_27393, or any of its successors, are installed on rp7400, rp54xx, L-Class with A6696B GSP cards or rp24xx systems, then the GSP firmware should be updated to B.02.11 or C.02.05 or later. Before upgrading the system with above GSP Firmware Revision, be sure to install the above HP-UX patches or its successors. If removing this patch and its successors from rp7400, rp54xx, LClass with A6696B GSP cards or rp24xx systems, then the GSP firmware should be rolled back to revision earlier than B.02.11 or C.02.05. Additionally, users should delete the stale UPS port (/dev/ttypX) device file(s) and recreate it(them) using the insf(1M) command. PHSS_22543 HP aC++ -AA runtime libraries (aCC A.03.30) NOTE TO USERS OF THE NEWLY INTRODUCED ANSI C++ STANDARD LIBRARY VERSION 2.0 (libstd_v2): If you have used aC++ versions A.03.25 through A.03.27 with the -AA option then you must install this patch. If as an ISV you have shipped a library built WITH the -AA option, please contact HP for further information. If as an end user you have received and installed third party libraries or applications built or compiled WITH the -AA option, please contact HP for further information. To determine whether your library/application uses -AA, run the command chatr | grep libstd_v2 If the output of this command is NOT empty, your library/application uses -AA. This libstd_v2 roll is necessary to establish compatibility with the definition of mbstate_t (multibyte support) in the HPUX 11.11 runtime (libc). If you install this patch you MUST recompile and relink any applications built with the -AA option (and be sure your software vendors have done so for their products). Every development site (on A.03.25 through A.03.27) that installs this patch MUST also install the header file patch PHSS_22868. All aC++ applications built with the -AA option on versions A.03.25 through A.03.27 must then be recompiled and relinked. If this is not done, link time or run time incompatibilities may result. See CR JAGad36658 above. PHSS_25982 B1000/B2000/C3X00/J5X00/J6000/J7000 5.0 FW This patch will only install and update the firmware on these systems: 9000/785/B1000 9000/785/B2000 9000/785/C3000 9000/785/C3600 9000/785/J5000 9000/785/J5600 9000/785/J6000 9000/785/J7000 If the installed system firmware is more recent than the firmware provided in the patch, the system firmware will not be modified when the patch is installed. If you wish to install the patch on a different system even though it does not apply, you can force the installation of the patch by touching the file '/tmp/force_patch_install' before installing the patch. This may be useful when creating a 'golden' archive image for Ignite-UX that may be used on several different hardware platforms. If the patch is installed on a system other than those listed above, it will not modify the system firmware so no harm will occur. PHSS_29341 C3650/C3700/C3750/J6700/J6750 2.0 FW This patch will only install and update the firmware on these systems: 9000/785/C3650,9000/785/C3700,9000/785/C3750,9000/785/J6700, 9000/785/J6750 If the installed system firmware is more recent than the firmware provided in the patch, the system firmware will not be modified when the patch is installed. If you wish to install the patch on a different system even though it does not apply, you can force the installation of the patch by touching the file '/tmp/force_patch_install' before installing the patch. This may be useful when creating a 'golden' archive image for Ignite-UX that may be used on several different hardware platforms. If the patch is installed on a system other than those listed above, it will not modify the system firmware so no harm will occur. ********************************************************************** 5. Legal Notices ********************************************************************** The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packard makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this document, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. A copy of the specific warranty terms applicable to your Hewlett-Packard product and replacement parts can be obtained from your local Sales and Service Office. (C)Copyright 1996-2004 Hewlett-Packard Company (C)Copyright 1980, 1984 AT&&T, Inc. (C)Copyright 1979, 1980, 1983 The Regents of the University of California This document contains information which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws. ***********************************************************************