******************************************************************* * HP-UX 11i Version 1.6 Support Plus * Maintenance Pack Bundle Readme File * June 2003 ******************************************************************* Contents -------- 1. Description of the Maintenance Pack 2. How to Download and Install the Maintenance Pack 3. How to Get Additional Information about the Maintenance Pack 4. Bundle Notes 5. Bundle Contents 5.1 Patch List 6. Patches with Dependencies in This Bundle 6.1 Patch Dependencies 6.2 Other Dependencies 7. Patches with Special Installation Instructions 7.1 Patch List 7.2 Special Instructions to Install the Patches 8. Legal Notices ************************************************************************ 1. Description of the Maintenance Pack ************************************************************************ In order to assist customers in the proactive maintenance of their HP-UX 11i v1.6 (B.11.22) systems, HP has released the Maintenance Pack or MAINTPACK patch bundle. The MAINTPACK is a collection of defect-fix patches for HP-UX 11i v1.6 that HP has tested together as a bundle. The patches in the MAINTPACK apply to the core operating system (OS), graphics, and networking drivers, as well as Operating Environment (OE) and HP applications. Note that there is only one release of the MAINTPACK for HP-UX 11i v1.6 in June 2003. ************************************************************************ 2. How to download and install the Maintenance Pack ************************************************************************ The MAINTPACK is free to all customers, and you can obtain it from the Software Depot web site by following the instructions in the next section. Downloading the MAINTPACK 1. Make sure your you have backed up your system before installing patches. 2. Go to the Software Depot web site at http://software.hp.com. 3. Select "enhancement releases." 4. Select "hp-ux 11i v1.6 maintenance pack patch bundle." OR Go to the MAINTPACK web page directly at: http://www.software.hp.com/cgi-bin/swdepot_parser.cgi/cgi/displayProductInfo.pl?productNumber=MAINTPACK Once you are on the MAINTPACK web page, click the "RECEIVE FOR FREE" button, and follow the downloading instructions. Installing the MAINTPACK Verify that the bundle has downloaded correctly to your system by using swlist. For example, to verify the MAINTPACK bundle, enter: swlist -d @ /tmp/MAINTPACK.depot ----- # Initializing... # Contacting target localhost... # # Target: localhost:/tmp/MAINTPACK.depot # # # Bundle(s): # MAINTPACK B.11.22.0603.4 HP-UX 11.22 Maintenance Pack ----- As root, use swinstall to install the patch bundle using the swinstall target matching option for your HP-UX release. For example, use patch_match_target for HP-UX 11i v1.6: swinstall -s /tmp/MAINTPACK.depot \ -x autoreboot=true -x patch_match_target=true Your system will reboot after the bundle is installed. ************************************************************************ 3. How to Get Additional Information about the Maintenance Pack ************************************************************************ If you have any questions regarding the MAINTPACK after reviewing this document, please send them to supportplus@hp.com. ************************************************************************ 4. Bundle Notes ************************************************************************ Please read the following entries, which describe problems or important notes for individual patches in this release. If the description applies to your system, then perform the recommended action. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHSS_27557 MC/ServiceGuard A.11.14.01 PHSS_27557 introduced behavior that can cause the cmsnmpd(1M) subagent to incorrectly generate duplicate hpmcSGPkgDown traps with missing node names. This behavior may be observed with any snmp client capable of displaying trap information . For example, in SGMgr, the trap message may be similar to: HA Cluster Package "pkgjb" down on node "" Normal cluster activity would cause hpmcSGPkgDown trap to be sent only when a package actually goes down. However, with the patch installed, the duplicate package down traps are sent when halting or starting a cluster. The duplicate traps are also sent when halting or starting nodes while packages are down in the cluster. You can ignore the duplicate hpmcSGPkgDown traps generated during cluster startup or reformation. Since the cmsnmpd(1M) subagent is optional, if you to not require the cmsnmpd(1M) subagent and wish to avoid observing these trap messages the cmsnmpd(1M) process can be stopped by executing the command: /sbin/init.d/cmsnmpagt -stop In addition, you can disable the automatic starting of the cmsnmpd(1M) process at system boot by setting the 'AUTOSTART_CMSNMPD' variable to '0' in the configuration file: /etc/rc.config.d/cmsnmpagt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************************************** 5. Bundle Contents ********************************************************************** This section contains a list of all patches in this bundle. ============== 5.1 Patch List ============== +------------+------------------------------------------------------------- | Patch ID | Description +------------+------------------------------------------------------------- | PHCO_28066 | q4 patch version B.11.22l | PHCO_28124 | cumulative SAM patch | PHCO_28208 | adb(1) patch 11.22.P1 | PHCO_28597 | iconv cumulative patch | PHKL_28024 | vxfsd daemon Service Guard patch | PHKL_28029 | Audio driver defect fix | PHKL_28120 | Lowfat/Hyperfabric data corruption | PHKL_28130 | IDE driver (ATA/ATAPI/dump) cumulative patch | PHKL_28313 | INIT panic - spinlock held | PHKL_28385 | Fix panic in stacktrace code | PHKL_28407 | IPMI Watchdog Timer Parameter Tuning | PHKL_28465 | Processes not reactivated for a long time | PHKL_28483 | Enablement for NEC TX7 platform hardware | PHKL_28484 | NEC TX7 platform functionality enablement | PHKL_28566 | SCSI IO Subsystem Cumulative Patch | PHKL_28670 | Memory pressure with JFS3.3 | PHKL_28720 | MCA patch | PHNE_28138 | ONC/NFS General Release/Performance Patch | PHSS_26650 | Xserver cumulative patch | PHSS_26651 | Graphics3D cumulative patch | PHSS_27285 | A.05.38 C++ library patch | PHSS_27287 | u2comp/plugin library Patch | PHSS_27289 | Improved performance/accuracy of libm | PHSS_27290 | IPF Assembler updates | PHSS_27291 | fdm cumulative patch | PHSS_27557 | MC/ServiceGuard A.11.14.01 | PHSS_27658 | A.05.41 C++ Compiler Product | PHSS_27659 | A.05.41 C Compiler Product | PHSS_27661 | linker + fdp cumulative patch | PHSS_27702 | libcps and libomp [ia64/IA32: Release 6.1.1] | PHSS_27990 | Ultra320 SCSI Patch | PHSS_28304 | FORTRAN I/O Library [libIO77] | PHSS_28305 | libcl compatibility libraries | PHSS_28392 | Asian Printer/Utility cumulative patch | PHSS_28471 | X Font Server Patch | PHSS_28682 | CDE Base Periodic Patch | PHSS_28683 | CDE Applications Periodic Patch | PHSS_28827 | Aries cumulative patch | PHSS_28876 | X/Motif Runtime Patch | PHSS_28914 | Fortran Product Patch, v2.6 to v2.6.6 +------------+------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************** 6. Patches with Dependencies in This Bundle ******************************************************************** ====================== 6.1 Patch Dependencies ====================== The following table lists patch dependencies for patches in this bundle. +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------- | Patch ID | | Dep. Patch | Description +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------- | PHKL_28720 | MCA patch | PHCO_28066 | q4 patch version B.11.22l | PHSS_26651 | Graphics3D cumulative patch | PHSS_26650 | Xserver cumulative patch | PHSS_27287 | u2comp/plugin library Patch | PHSS_27661 | linker + fdp cumulative patch | PHSS_28683 | CDE Applications Periodic Patch | PHSS_28682 | CDE Base Periodic Patch | PHSS_28914 | Fortran Product Patch, v2.6 to v2.6.6 | PHSS_27287 | u2comp/plugin library Patch | PHSS_27661 | linker + fdp cumulative patch +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------- ====================== 6.2 Other Dependencies ====================== The following patches have non-patch dependencies, such as dependencies on other software products or hardware, or are conditional on other patches. If you are loading these patches, please read the instructions carefully. PHKL_28483 Enablement for NEC TX7 platform hardware To enable the NEC TX7 platform support, the following must be installed: PHKL_28483, PHKL_28484. These product updates may be installed in any order. If any of these product updates are no installed, this product update will have no impact on your system. PHKL_28484 NEC TX7 platform functionality enablement To enable the NEC TX7 platform support, the following must be installed: PHKL_28483, PHKL_28484. These product updates may be installed in any order. If any of these product updates are not installed, this product update will have no impact on your system. PHKL_28566 SCSI IO Subsystem Cumulative Patch Multi-initiator support is available on Ultra160 SCSI cards with hardware revisions later than A6828-60001 and A6829-60001. PHKL_28720 MCA patch Firmware Dependencies --------------------- For HP platforms (rx5670, rx2600, zx6000, and zx2000), a firmware upgrade to the following version is needed for a complete solution for the stack unwind problem. With out this firmware update a correct stack trace may not be obtainable.: rx5670 - SFW 2.11 or better rx2600, zx6000, zx2000 - SFW 1.61 or better For HP platforms (rx5670, rx2600, and zx6000), a firmware upgrade to the versions below are required so the systems will not reboot before a crash dump is performed. These firmware dependencies are only needed on systems with more than one processor. Without upgrading to the firmware revisions listed below the system may still suffer from reset after an MCA, though less often if the patch were not installed at all: rx5670 (SFW with Madison Support) or better, released 7/03 rx2600, zx6000 - SFW 1.90 or better For HP platforms (rx5670, rx2600, zx6000, and zx2000), a firmware upgrade to the following version is desirable for a complete solution: rx5670 - SFW 2.11 or better rx2600, zx6000, zx2000 - SFW 1.61 or better ******************************************************************** 7. Patches with Special Installation Instructions ******************************************************************** The following list shows patches that have special installation instructions. If you are loading these patches, please read the information following the table. ============== 7.1 Patch List ============== +------------+------------------------------------------------------------- | Patch ID | Description +------------+------------------------------------------------------------- | PHCO_28124 | cumulative SAM patch | PHNE_28138 | ONC/NFS General Release/Performance Patch | PHSS_27557 | MC/ServiceGuard A.11.14.01 | PHSS_28683 | CDE Applications Periodic Patch +------------+------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================== 7.2 Special Instructions to Install the Patches =============================================== PHCO_28124 cumulative SAM patch Be sure SAM is not running before installing this patch. PHNE_28138 ONC/NFS General Release/Performance Patch The fix for JAGae40412 requires the ypinit script to be copied from /usr/newconfig/usr/sbin to /usr/sbin/. To backup the current ypinit script and enable the new ypinit script, do the following steps: mv /usr/sbin/ypinit /usr/sbin/ypinit.bak cp -p /usr/newconfig/usr/sbin/ypinit /usr/sbin/ypinit PHSS_27557 MC/ServiceGuard A.11.14.01 For clusters running ServiceGuard extension for RAC, please first shutdown the RAC database instance on the node where you are about to install this patch then follow the instruction below. For clusters running ServiceGuard without extension for RAC please follow the instruction below. If installing the patch on an unpatched MC/ServiceGuard cluster, do the following: -- Kill all EMS monitors (e.g. diskmond, mibmond, etc) on each node before starting ServiceGuard on that node. PHSS_28683 CDE Applications Periodic Patch The CDE environment must not be running when this patch is installed. It is recommended that CDE be shut down prior to patch installation. The CDE environment can be shut down by running the following commands as root: - /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -d - /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -kill Note that these commands will terminate all CDE sessions for all CDE users. Once the patch has been installed, you may start CDE back up with the following commands: - /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -e - /sbin/init.d/dtlogin.rc start ********************************************************************** 8. Legal Notices ********************************************************************** (c)Copyright. 1983-2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. (c)Copyright 1983-2002 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Rights Reserved. (c)Copyright 1979, 1980, 1983, 1985-1993 The Regents of the Univ. of California (c)Copyright 1980, 1984, 1986 Novell, Inc. (c)Copyright 1986-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. (c)Copyright 1985, 1986, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (c)Copyright 1989-1993 The Open Software Foundation, Inc. (c)Copyright 1990 Motorola, Inc. (c)Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 Cornell University (c)Copyright 1989-1991 The University of Maryland (c)Copyright 1988 Carnegie Mellon University (c)Copyright 1991-2002 Mentat Inc. (c)Copyright 1996 Morning Star Technologies, Inc. (c)Copyright 1996 Progressive Systems, Inc. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in sub-paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause in DFARS 252.227-7013. Hewlett-Packard Company 3000 Hanover Street Palo Alto, CA 94304 U.S.A. Rights for non-DOD U.S. Government Departments and Agencies are as set forth in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1,2). ***********************************************************************