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Java™2 Software Development Kit v1.3 (SDK v1.3)
Software installation for IRIX® 6.2, 6.3, & 6.4.

Overview (top)

Note: Support Information: This product is provided "as-is" and is not actively supported by SGI.

Free (available 02/07/01) This software is a port of Sun Microsystems' Java 2 SDK, v1.3.

Requirements (top)

  • The installation of Java2 Execution Environment (java_eoe): 49.9MB of disk space (20.8MB temporarily and 29.1MB permanently for installing the default subsystems)

  • The installation of Java2 Development Environment (java_dev): 11.9MB of disk space (7.9MB temporarily and 4MB permanently for installing the default subsystems)

  • The installation of Java2 Execution *AND* Development Environment (java_eoe & java_dev): 61.8MB of disk space (28.7MB temporarily and 33.1MB permanently for installing the default subsystems)

  • It is recommended that you have Netscape® 2.02S or higher for Java and JavaScript support.

  • Root access to the machine in order to use Software Manager (swmgr or inst)

Important Notes (top)

  • WARNING TO COSMO CODE USERS:  This version of Java2 will not work with any version of Cosmo Code. Users currently or planning to use Cosmo Code should install or remain at previous/older versions of Java™

  • IRIX 6.2 Users ONLY - click the Software Manager toggles for Upgrade Products and New Products so they are both checked

Installation Instructions (top)

  1. To download the following required files, click on the "appropriate protocol" in the the download section below. This will take you to the "End User License Agreement". If you agree to the license, you will be redirected to a download link for the files. Save the appropriate files to a temporary location on your hard drive (for example, in the /usr/tmp directory)
  • You are transferring over 60.0MB of data to your machine and it may take 5 minutes or more depending on the speed of your network connection
  1. Note: You'll find the Java2™ Software Development Kit under the /usr/java directory.

    The Java2™ Software Development Kit tools are in /usr/java/bin and consist of:
    - javac: The Java2™ Language Compiler
    - java: The Java2™ Language Runtime
    - jdb: The Java2™ Language Debugger
    - javah: Creates C header files and C stub files for a Java2™ class
    - javap: Disassembles compiled Java2™ files
    - javadoc: Generates API documentation in HTML
    - appletviewer: Allows you to run applets without a World-Wide Web browser

    This Java2 SDK release includes support for translating Java2 TM bytecode to MIPS machine code and running it instead of the bytecode in order to improve Java2 TM runtime performance.

    The -jit (Just In Time) option causes java™, the Java2™ interpreter, to do this translation on the code for each class when it is loaded, and then to subsequently use the MIPS code. MIPS code execution is not available:

    * on systems with R3000 and earlier processors
    * on systems with R4000 processors, earlier than Rev. 3 revisions
    * during debugging
  2. You may read the release notes at: file:/usr/java/webdocs/release.html

  3. Congratulations! If you followed all the steps, your installation is complete.

Troubleshooting (top)

"tar" or "check sum" error
If the you encounter a "tar" or "check sum" error, then the tar file probably didn't download properly. Occasionally, because of the size of the tar file, demand on the server, congestion on the internet, and/or type of internet connection a user has, the whole tar file doesn't make it all the way across to the users location. Try downloading the tar file again at an off time, maybe early morning. If the error message you got was something different, it might help us to know what it was.

Not enough disk space to complete installation:
If you run out of disk space during the download you will need to make some room on your disk and begin the installation again.
Suggestions: Search for large files using Search Book or use Software Manager (in manage software mode) to remove software you don't use.

Not enough disk space for downloaded software to unpackage:
If this happens, save the downloaded distribution images, make some room on your disk, then drag the icon for the directory containing the distribution into the Available Software drop pocket in Software Manager or type the location of the distribution directory into the text field.
For more information, select Specifying the Location of Available Software from the Software Manager help menu.

Conflicts Resolution:
Choose Resolving Installation or Removal Conflicts from the help menu in Software Manager.


Send your comments or questions to: welcome

Download Server File Name Date Added Size Download 6.x_java2_dev_1.3.tar 21-May-2007 7.5 Mb FTP HTTP Add to download cart 6.x_java2_eoe_1.3.tar 21-May-2007 19 Mb FTP HTTP 6.x_java2_eoedev_1.3.tar 21-May-2007 27 Mb FTP HTTP
FTP = download using FTP protocol
HTTP = download using HTTP protocol
Add to shopping list = store in your basket for downloading later

Document Id: 600456