#!/bin/bash clear cd $HOME arch=`uname -m` version=Indy-1.1.0 # Check for ROOT UID if [ $UID != 0 ]; then echo "### SORRY, YOU MUST BE ROOT SUPER-USER IN ORDER TO INSTALL MaXX Desktop, Bailing out!" printf "\n" exit fi cd /tmp # Download the NO-ARCH tar.gz file echo ">>> Downloading MaXX Interactive Desktop - Release $version - NO-ARCH files..." printf "\n" filename=MaXX-$version-NO-ARCH.tar.gz wget -c http://maxxinteractive.com/downloads/$version/UBUNTU/$filename if [ ! -f /tmp/$filename ]; then echo "### SORRY, SOMETHING WENT WRONG WITH THE DOWNLOAD OF : $filename, Installation unsuccesful!" printf "\n" exit fi # Extracting NO-ARCH tar.gz file into /opt/ tar zxf MaXX-$version-NO-ARCH.tar.gz -C /opt/ echo ">>> Extracting MaXX Interactive Desktop - Release $version - NO-ARCH files..." printf "\n" # Download the Binaries .tar.gz file echo ">>> Downloading MaXX Interactive Desktop - Release $version - Binaries files..." printf "\n" arch="x86_64" filename=MaXX-$version-$arch.tar.gz wget -c http://maxxinteractive.com/downloads/$version/UBUNTU/$filename if [ ! -f /tmp/$filename ]; then echo "### SORRY, SOMETHING WENT WRONG WITH THE DOWNLOAD OF : $filename, installation unsuccesfull!" printf "\n" exit fi # Extracting NO-ARCH tar.gz file into /opt/ echo ">>> Extracting MaXX Interactive Desktop - Release $version - $(arch) files..." tar zxf $filename -C /opt/ # Setup Symlinks and configuration files echo ">>> Setting MaXX Interactive Desktop - Release $version - SGI XCursors and IRIX icons" printf "\n" ln -s /opt/MaXX/share/icons/* /usr/share/icons/ #echo ">>> Setting MaXX Interactive Desktop - Release $version - GTK Themes" #printf "\n" #ln -s /opt/MaXX/share/themes/* /usr/share/themes/ echo ">>> Adding MaXX Interactive Desktop - Release $version - to GDM's XSession menu" ln -s /opt/MaXX/share/xsessions/maxx.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/maxx.desktop echo ">> MaXX Interactive Desktop - Release $version - was installed successfuly!" echo ":)"