This Getting Started page provides an introduction to LynxOS, quick installation instructions, and step by step details on running the Linux ABI layer and Demonstration Kernel Downloadable Images.

LynxOS documentation is also included on this CD: LynxOS Documentation Set.

LynuxWorks, Inc. invites you to try the LynxOS Real-Time Operating System for your embedded applications. This ISO-9660 format CD-ROM gives you the opportunity to unleash the power of Intel(R) IA-32-based systems as an embedded development platform.

LynxOS Hard Real-Time Evaluation Kit

The LynxOS Embedded Evaluation Kit for Intel® IA-32-based systems includes everything you need to start evaluation of the LynxOS embedded operating system, including the following: For additional LynxOS product information, visit us on the World Wide Web at:

What is LynxOS?

LynxOS is a UNIX-compatible, POSIX-compliant, real-time operating system, designed for applications where predictable real-time response is a critical necessity. Using patented kernel technology, it provides deterministic real-time response. LynxOS can be self-hosted and easily scaled in size and functionality to run in deeply embedded configurations or as a full-featured desktop operating system.

Key to the embedded capability of LynxOS is the mkimage utility, which provides a mechanism for creating a bootable Kernel Downloadable Image (KDI). A KDI is a single image that contains the LynxOS kernel, a RAM- or ROM-based disk file system, and application code. A KDI can be booted over the network, programmed into flash, or copied onto other media for alternate booting. The developer uses a *.spec (or specification) file to select exactly which portions of the operating system and which application programs and files to be included in the KDI. The demo KDIs included in this evaluation CD-ROM range from a minimal demonstration application (Hello_World) to a full-featured Apache Server enabled kernel with supporting utilities and files (developer). The section Building Kernel Downloadable Images contains an example of how to build and boot a KDI. See the LynxOS User's Guide for more information on mkimage and KDIs.

The programming power of LynxOS lies in its similarity to UNIX. LynxOS provides a complete process and threads model with fork and exec system calls, and makes full use of an on-chip memory management unit. This allows for the development of safe and reliable applications running in protected address space. The kernel is protected from errant applications, and applications are safe from each other.

Also, the similarity between LynxOS and UNIX means that your favorite UNIX applications and device drivers can port to LynxOS easily. In many cases, programs only need recompilation to run under LynxOS. The Linux ABI compatibility layer of LynxOS also provides binary compatibility with Linux binaries. Linux Applications can run on LynxOS without having to be recompiled.

Special Notes

This is a step-by-step procedure to guide you through installing LynxOS onto an Intel® IA-32-based system , used both as a host and a target machine; host, because the applications are developed and built natively; and target, because the (KDI) is booted on the same machine.

The instructions below are specific to the following Intel® IA-32-based system setup:

Please enter information specific to your hardware. The inputs in the following table are provided as an example. For additional details on installing LynxOS, please see the LynxOS Installation Guide.

  1. Insert Open Development Environment CD into the CD-ROM drive

  2. Reboot the system.

  3. The LynxOS Preboot command prompt appears. The default option boots the CD-ROM drive (ide.1). Hit the Enter key, or specify the CD-ROM device manually. See the LynxOS Installation Guide for additional information.

    b ide.1 /lynx.os

    After LynxOS boots, a prompt is displayed.

  4. Start the LynxOS installation script by typing installit:

    # installit

  5. Read the introductory text and press the Enter key to proceed with the installation.

  6. Select to modify the default values.

    Select [1] 1

  7. Verify the following information: 1) Install From: IDE CD-ROM (ide.1) This step is specific to IDE drives. The procedure for installing to a SCSI device is different. Refer to the LynxOS Installation Guide for more information.

  8. Select to specify the "Install To" device.

    Select [2] 2

    Default is ide.0a.

  9. Select the IDE Hard Disk to configure the disk and partitions.

    Select [2] 2

    Verify the IDE Adapter and IDE ID number is correct.

  10. Select the partition on which to install LynxOS.

    Select [3] 3

  11. Select to create/modify disk partition.

    Select [5] 16

  12. Select to modify current partitioning (using mkpart).

    Select [1] 1

    This step invokes the mkpart utility and allows you to modify the partitions of a hard drive. For detailed mkpart instructions, see the mkpart Appendix in the LynxOS Installation Guide.

    This selection allows you to modify any or all partitions if needed. Note that changing any partition on the hard drive erases all data on that partition. Be sure to back up any data on the system before changing that partition.

  13. Create a new partition of size 2000 MB.

    Command? m 2000

    NOTE: The LynxOS partition needs to be within the first 1024 cylinders of the hard disk.

    If there is no room left on the hard disk for the new LynxOS partition, type 'c' to clear all partitions:

    Command? c

    Create a LynxOS Partition:

    Command? m 2000

  14. Print the disk partition table.

    Command? p

    Verify that the partition is created in the first 1024 cylinders of the disk.

  15. Activate the new partition to allow it to boot.

    Command? a partition_letter

    For this example,

    Command? a a

    This step allows the system to boot up with this partition as a first option.

  16. Print the partition table for verification.

    Command? p

    Verify that this partition is activated; Look for the asterisk (*) next to the partition letter.

  17. Turn LBA on.

    Command? l

    Enable LBA. Verify that LBA trans: On. (Default is "Off.")

  18. Save changes and exit.

    Command? e

    Important: Verify that the partition is activated and that the LBA is enabled.

  19. Returns to the previous menu.

    Enter Option: [R] Enter

  20. This selects the partition that corresponds to the partition letter where LynxOS is to be installed. Partition a (number 1) is used in this example.

    Enter Option: [1] 1

  21. This verification shows the modified configuration.

    Enter Option: [R] Enter

  22. Verify the hard disk and the partition again.

    Enter Option: [R] Enter

  23. In the Modify Default Values Menu, Select Option 5, Device Drivers and Related Features:

    Enter Option: [R] 5

  24. Select [1] to configure networking.

    Enter Option: [1] Enter

  25. Select [1] to configure network interface ethernet card.

    Enter Option: [1] Enter

  26. Select [1] to configure ethernet adapter.

    Enter Option: [1] Enter

  27. Select the ethernet adapter for your particular hardware. (Demos are pre-built for the Intel 82558 Pro.)

    Enter Option: [5] 9

  28. Verify the selection in upper right corner for Intel 82558 Pro (pro0) and return to the previous menu.

    Enter Option: [R] Enter

  29. Verify the change made and return to the previous menu.

    Enter Option: [R] Enter

  30. Select [2] to configure TCP/IP.

    Enter Option: [2] Enter

  31. Select [2] to enter host name.

    Enter Option: [2] Enter

  32. Enter desired host name.

    [lynxdemo] lynxdemo

  33. Verify current hostname. Hostname can be changed again at this prompt.

    Enter option or new hostname: [R] Enter

  34. Enter IP Address.

    Enter Option: [3] Enter

  35. Enter the IP address. Check with your system administrator to obtain an IP address.


  36. Verify current IP address and return to the previous menu.

    Enter option or new IP address: [R] Enter

  37. Verify TCP/IP configuration and return to the previous menu.

    Enter Option: [R] Enter

  38. Return to previous menu.

    Enter Option: [3] R

  39. Return to previous menu.

    Enter Option: [R] Enter

  40. Return to Main Menu.

    Enter Option: [R] Enter

  41. From the Main Menu, Select Choose Products to Install

    Enter Option: [B] 2

  42. Set Development OS to yes

    Enter Option: [R] 1

  43. Set Linux ABI option to yes

    Enter Option: [R] 50

  44. Return to previous menu.

    Enter Option: [R] Enter

  45. Begin installation.

    Enter Option: [2] B

  46. Continue installation.

    Enter Option: [R] C

    The LynxOS installation takes several minutes to complete. The following files are installed:

    • 18000.devos.tar.gz

    • 18022.bsp_x86_drm.tar.gz

    • 18003.linuxabi.tar.gz

  47. Reboot the system when the installation is complete and remove the Evaluation CD-ROM from the CD-ROM drive.

  48. Boot the system with LynxOS kernel (/lynxos) on the new partition (ide.0a in this example),

    # b ide.0a /lynx.os

    LynxOS secondary configuration starts. Secondary configuration consists of updating /etc/hosts, /etc/fstab, and /etc/exports.

  49. Set up /etc/hosts (host table).


  50. Set up /etc/fstab (file system table).


  51. Set up /etc/exports (exports table).


  52. Reboot the system after secondary configuration.


  53. Boot a fully installed LynxOS Open Development Environment.

    b ide.0a /lynx.os

  54. LynxOS Open Development Environment now ready for use. Log in as root.

The following example provides instructions for running the Opera Web Browser on a LynxOS x86 system with the Linux ABI Layer. Note that because the Evaluation CD-ROM does not include X windows, Opera must be exported to a remote X server. The following instructions assume that a Linux system is used as a remote X server.

Some steps provided in this example require access to a Linux system. Additionally, both the LynxOS and Linux system must be networked

1. Installing Linux ABI Layer

If the Linux ABI component was not installed during the initial LynxOS installation, use the following instructions.

  1. On the LynxOS system, mount the LynxOS Evaluation CD-ROM to an available mount point. For example,

    # mount /dev/cdrom /mnt

    Where cdrom is the device node of the CD-ROM drive, for example: ide.1.

  2. Install the Linux ABI Layer:

    # cd /
    # gnutar xvfpz /mnt/tar_images/18003.linuxabi.tar.gz

2. Downloading Opera

  1. On the Linux system, download Opera from Download the following version of the Opera Web browser:
    • Operating system: Linux (x86)
    • Language: English (United States)
    • Version: 5.0
    • Option: Qt dynamically linked
    • Package: RPM for RedHat 7.1

    Users must download the Opera web browser built for Red Hat 7.1 (Linux Kernel 2.4.x, glibc 2.2.2). Other versions of Opera built with a different Linux Kernel and glibc library may not work correctly.

    Also, be sure to download the dynamically-linked version. The statically-linked binary version of Opera will not work with the Linux ABI Layer.

  2. Download the Opera RPM file to a user’s home directory: user_directory.

  3. Make a directory for Opera and copy the RPM to that directory.

    # cd user_directory
    # mkdir opera_demo
    # cd opera_demo

  4. Use the rpm2cpio command to extract the contents of the RPM file:

    # rpm2cpio ../opera-dynamic-rh71-5.0-3.i386.rpm | cpio -ivd

    Refer to the rpm2cpio and cpio man pages for additional information on these commands. The Opera binary and support files are extracted to the current directory.

  5. Create a tar archive of the extracted Opera files to transfer to the LynxOS system:

    # tar cvf opera_demo.tar ./usr*
    # ls -l opera_demo.tar
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4454400 Feb 28 10:41 opera_demo.tar

  6. Transfer the opera_demo.tar file to the LynxOS system via FTP or RCP.

  7. On the LynxOS system, extract the opera_demo.tar file:

    # cd user_directory
    # mkdir opera_demo
    # cd opera_demo
    # tar xvf ../opera_demo.tar

    The Opera Linux Binary and support files are extracted to the current directory.

3. Configuring the Linux ABI Layer and Starting Opera

  1. On the LynxOS system, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the library paths required by Opera:

    # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:/usr/lib/qt-2.3.0/lib:/usr/lib

  2. Set the DISPLAY variable to a remote X server:

    # export DISPLAY=Xserver_IP_address:0.0

    Where Xserver_IP_address is the IP address of the X server.

  3. On the remote Linux X server, enable remote X access with the xhost command:

    # xhost +LynxOS_IP_address

    Where LynxOS_IP_address is the IP address of the LynxOS system.

  4. On the LynxOS system, start opera:

    # user_directory/opera_demo/usr/bin/opera

The Kernel Downloadable Image (KDI) package consists of all of the necessary sources and files to build a KDI. To be usable, these sources and files must be unpacked and unzipped. First, the CD-ROM is mounted onto the /mnt directory. Next, the file /mnt/tar_images/num.kdi.tar.gz is unpacked and unzipped. A script is then executed to create all of the necessary directories where a developer can modify the standard KDI and build a downloadable image.

Additional information on building customized kernels and KDIs is available from the LynxOS User's Guide.

  1. Mount the CD-ROM onto /mnt.

    # mount -o ro /dev/cdrom /mnt

    Where cdrom is the device node of the CD-ROM drive, ide.1 for example.

  2. The /kdi directory must reside in the root directory.

    # cd /

  3. Unpack and unzip the file.

    # tar xzvpf /mnt/tar_images/18067.kdi.tar.gz

  4. Verify that the /kdi directory has been created.

    # ls /kdi

  5. Unmount the CD-ROM drive and remove the Evaluation CD-ROM.

    # umount /mnt

  6. Source the SETUP script to setup the environment.

    # . SETUP.bash

  7. Answer NO to the default ENV_PREFIX (/usr/lynx/3.1.0/x86).

    :Set ENV_PREFIX to /usr/lynx/4.0.0/x86? [y] n

  8. Set up the root directory (/) for the ENV_PREFIX. Type Enter or back slash (/)

    New ENV_PREFIX path. for root dir: /

  9. Verify that the value of ENV_PREFIX is set to the root directory.

    # env

  10. Go to the /kdi directory to run the script that creates a KDI project.

    # cd /kdi

  11. Execute the script to set up and create the KDI project.

    # ./

  12. Identify the directory where the KDI project is to be created. This example uses the default directory, /tmp/newproj.

    [/tmp/newproj] /tmp/newproj

  13. Identify the Board Support Package (BSP) for which the KDI is to be built. This example uses the x86 DRM Boad Support Package.


  14. Press Y to enter the network information. Press Return to skip network configuration.

    Enter or Y

  15. Verify the information for this KDI project. When finished, press Enter.

  16. The script copies all the necessary sources and files into the project directory and sets up the environmental variables correctly.


  17. Go to this directory to build the hello KDI.

    # cd /tmp/newproj/11.hello

  18. Build the KDI.

    # make all

  19. hello.kdi is created in this directory (/tmp/newproj/).

    # cd ../
    # ls -l hello.kdi
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root 557056 Mar 3 10:06 /tmp/newproj/hello.kdi

  20. Note the location of the KDI. This path is required when the system is rebooted to load this KDI.

    # pwd

  21. Reboot the system.

    # reboot -a

  22. Boot the system with this KDI.

    b ide.0c /tmp/newproj/hello.kdi

    hello.kdi appears on the screen.

Booting the System with Pre-Built KDIs

The pre-built KDI package consists of a pre-built kernel image that can be booted onto your system without having to recompile. These KDIs, however, are built for a specific hardware configuration. The following instructions guide you through the process of booting any pre-built KDI on a system.

  1. Mount the CD-ROM onto /mnt.

    # mount -ro o /dev/ide.1 /mnt

  2. The /demo directory needs to reside in the root directory.

    # cd /

  3. Unpack and unzip the file.

    # tar xzvpf /mnt/tar_images/18048.demo_x86_drm.tar.gz

  4. Verify that the /demo directory has been unpacked.

    # ls /demo

  5. Unmount the CD-ROM drive and remove the LynxOS Evaluation CD-ROM media.

    # umount /mnt

  6. Take note of the path where the pre-built KDI resides: (/demo/demo.x86_drm/)

    # ls /demo/demo.x86_drm

  7. Reboot the machine with one of the pre-built KDIs.

    NOTE: These KDIs have been pre-built with the Intel 82358 Pro ethernet interface card. To rebuild a KDI for a particular hardware configuration, see the LynxOS User's Guide.

    # reboot -a

  8. At the Preboot prompt, boot the hello.kdi:

    # b ide.0a /demo/demo.x86_drm/hello.kdi

    hello.kdi appears on the screen.