GNU Zebra User's Guide

Command Index

Command Index  
access-class ACCESS-LIST
Basic Config Commands
access-list NAME deny IPV4-NETWORK
IP Access List
access-list NAME permit IPV4-NETWORK
IP Access List
aggregate-address NETWORK
BGP network
area 0-4294967295 authentication
OSPF area
area 0-4294967295 authentication message-digest
OSPF area
area 0-4294967295 export-list NAME
OSPF area
area 0-4294967295 import-list NAME
OSPF area
area 0-4294967295 range A.B.C.D/M
OSPF area
area 0-4294967295 shortcut
OSPF area
area 0-4294967295 stub
OSPF area
area 0-4294967295 stub no-summary
OSPF area
area 0-4294967295 virtual-link A.B.C.D
OSPF area
area A.B.C.D authentication
OSPF area
area A.B.C.D authentication message-digest
OSPF area
area A.B.C.D default-cost 0-16777215
OSPF area
area A.B.C.D export-list NAME
OSPF area
area A.B.C.D import-list NAME
OSPF area
area A.B.C.D range A.B.C.D/M
OSPF area
area A.B.C.D range IPV4_PREFIX substitute IPV4_PREFIX
OSPF area
area A.B.C.D range IPV4_PREFIX suppress
OSPF area
area A.B.C.D shortcut
OSPF area
area A.B.C.D stub
OSPF area
area A.B.C.D stub no-summary
OSPF area
area A.B.C.D virtual-link A.B.C.D
OSPF area
auto-cost refrence-bandwidth 1-4294967
OSPF router
bandwidth 1-10000000
Interface Commands
banner motd default
Basic Config Commands
bgp cluster-id A.B.C.D
Route Reflector
bgp multiple-instance
Multiple instance
bgp router-id ROUTER-ID
BGP router
clear ip bgp PEER
BGP terminal mode commands
clear ip bgp PEER soft in
BGP terminal mode commands
clear ip prefix-list
Clear counter of ip prefix-list
clear ip prefix-list NAME
Clear counter of ip prefix-list
clear ip prefix-list NAME A.B.C.D/M
Clear counter of ip prefix-list
configure terminal
Basic Config Commands
debug event
BGP terminal mode commands
debug keepalive
BGP terminal mode commands
debug ospf ism
Debugging OSPF
debug ospf ism (status|events|timers)
Debugging OSPF
debug ospf lsa
Debugging OSPF
debug ospf lsa (generate|flooding|refresh)
Debugging OSPF
debug ospf nsm
Debugging OSPF
debug ospf nsm (status|events|timers)
Debugging OSPF
debug ospf packet (hello|dd|ls-request|ls-update|ls-ack|all) (send|recv) [detail]
Debugging OSPF
debug ospf zebra
Debugging OSPF
debug ospf zebra (interface|redistribute)
Debugging OSPF
debug rip events
RIP Debug Commands
debug rip packet
RIP Debug Commands
debug rip zebra
RIP Debug Commands
debug ripng events
ripngd Terminal Mode Commands
debug ripng packet
ripngd Terminal Mode Commands
debug ripng zebra
ripngd Terminal Mode Commands
debug update
BGP terminal mode commands
default-information originate 1
Redistribute routes to OSPF
default-information originate
How to Announce RIP route
default-information originate always
Redistribute routes to OSPF
default-information originate always metric 0-16777214
Redistribute routes to OSPF
default-information originate always metric 0-16777214 metric-type (1|2)
Redistribute routes to OSPF
default-information originate always metric 0-16777214 metric-type (1|2) route-map WORD
Redistribute routes to OSPF
default-information originate metric 0-16777214
Redistribute routes to OSPF
default-information originate metric 0-16777214 metric-type (1|2)
Redistribute routes to OSPF
default-information originate metric 0-16777214 metric-type (1|2) route-map WORD
Redistribute routes to OSPF
default-metric 0-16777214
Redistribute routes to OSPF
default-metric 1-16
RIP Metric Manipulation
description DESCRIPTION ...
Interface Commands
distance 1-255 1
Redistribute routes to OSPF
distance 1-255
RIP distance
distance 1-255 A.B.C.D/M
RIP distance
distance 1-255 A.B.C.D/M ACCESS-LIST
RIP distance
distance ospf (intra-area|inter-area|external) 1-255
Redistribute routes to OSPF
distribute-list ACCESS_LIST (in|out) IFNAME
ripngd Filtering Commands
Filtering RIP Routes
distribute-list NAME out (kernel|connected|static|rip|ospf
Redistribute routes to OSPF
distribute-list prefix PREFIX_LIST (in|out) IFNAME
Filtering RIP Routes
dump bgp all PATH
Dump BGP packet and table
dump bgp all PATH INTERVAL
Dump BGP packet and table
dump bgp routes PATH
Dump BGP packet and table
dump bgp updates PATH
Dump BGP packet and table
dump bgp updates PATH INTERVAL
Dump BGP packet and table
enable password PASSWORD
Basic Config Commands
exec-timeout MINUTE
Basic Config Commands
exec-timeout MINUTE SECOND
Basic Config Commands
flush_timer TIME
ripngd Configuration
hostname HOSTNAME
Basic Config Commands
interface IFNAME
Interface Commands
interface IFNAME area AREA
OSPF6 router
ip address ADDRESS
Interface Commands
ip as-path access-list NAME TYPE AS_PATH
AS Path Access List
ip community-list NAME TYPE COMMUNITY
IP Community List
ip ospf authentication-key AUTH_KEY
OSPF interface
ip ospf cost 1-65535
OSPF interface
ip ospf dead-interval 1-65535
OSPF interface
ip ospf hello-interval 1-65535
OSPF interface
ip ospf message-digest-key KEYID md5 KEY
OSPF interface
ip ospf network (broadcast|non-broadcast|point-to-multipoint|point-to-point)
OSPF interface
ip ospf priority 0-255
OSPF interface
ip ospf retransmit-interval 1-65535
OSPF interface
ip ospf transmit-delay
OSPF interface
ip prefix-list NAME (permit|deny) PREFIX /
[le LEN] [ge LEN]
IP Prefix List
ip prefix-list NAME description DESC
ip prefix-list description
ip prefix-list NAME seq NUMBER (permit|deny) PREFIX [le LEN] [ge LEN]
IP Prefix List
ip prefix-list sequence-number
ip prefix-list sequential number control
ip rip authentication key-chain KEY-CHAIN
RIP Authentication
ip rip authentication mode md5
RIP Authentication
ip rip authentication mode text
RIP Authentication
ip rip authentication string STRING
RIP Authentication
ip rip receive version VERSION
RIP Configuration
ip rip send version VERSION
RIP Configuration
Static Route Commands
ip split-horizon
RIP Configuration
ipv6 nd prefix-advertisement IPV6PREFIX
Router Advertisement
ipv6 nd send-ra
Router Advertisement
ipv6 ospf6 cost COST
OSPF6 interface
ipv6 ospf6 dead-interval DEADINTERVAL
OSPF6 interface
ipv6 ospf6 hello-interval HELLOINTERVAL
OSPF6 interface
ipv6 ospf6 priority PRIORITY
OSPF6 interface
ipv6 ospf6 retransmit-interval RETRANSMITINTERVAL
OSPF6 interface
ipv6 ospf6 transmit-delay TRANSMITDELAY
OSPF6 interface
Static Route Commands
line vty
Basic Config Commands
Basic Config Commands
log file FILENAME
Basic Config Commands
log stdout
Basic Config Commands
log syslog
Basic Config Commands
match aspath AS_PATH
Route Map Match Command
match community COMMUNITY_LIST
Route Map Match Command
match interface NAME
RIP route-map
match ip address
RIP route-map
match ip address ACCESS_LIST
Route Map Match Command
match ip next-hop IPV4_ADDR
Route Map Match Command
match ip next-hot A.B.C.D
RIP route-map
match metric METRIC
Route Map Match Command
match metric N
RIP route-map
Interface Commands
neighbor A.B.C.D
RIP Configuration
neighbor PEER default-originate
Peer configuration
neighbor PEER description ...
Peer configuration
neighbor PEER distribute-list NAME [in|out]
Peer filtering
neighbor PEER dont-capability-negotiate
Multiple Protocol Extension for BGP
neighbor PEER ebgp-multihop
Peer configuration
neighbor PEER filter-list NAME [in|out]
Peer filtering
neighbor PEER interface IFNAME
Peer configuration
neighbor PEER maximum-prefix NUMBER
Peer configuration
neighbor PEER next-hop-self
Peer configuration
neighbor PEER override-capability
Multiple Protocol Extension for BGP
neighbor PEER port PORT
Peer configuration
neighbor PEER prefix-list NAME [in|out]
Peer filtering
neighbor PEER remote-as AS-NUMBER
BGP peer
neighbor PEER route-map NAME [in|out]
Peer filtering
neighbor PEER route-reflector-client
Route Reflector
neighbor PEER send-community
Peer configuration
neighbor PEER shutdown
Peer configuration
neighbor PEER strict-capability-match
Multiple Protocol Extension for BGP
neighbor PEER update-source
Peer configuration
neighbor PEER version VERSION
Peer configuration
neighbor PEER weight WEIGHT
Peer configuration
network A.B.C.D/M area 0-4294967295
OSPF router
network A.B.C.D/M area A.B.C.D
OSPF router
network IFNAME 1
ripngd Configuration
network IFNAME
RIP Configuration
network NETWORK 1
BGP network
network NETWORK 2
ripngd Configuration
network NETWORK
RIP Configuration
no aggregate-address NETWORK
BGP network
no area 0-4294967295 authentication
OSPF area
no area 0-4294967295 export-list NAME
OSPF area
no area 0-4294967295 import-list NAME
OSPF area
no area 0-4294967295 range A.B.C.D/M
OSPF area
no area 0-4294967295 shortcut
OSPF area
no area 0-4294967295 stub
OSPF area
no area 0-4294967295 stub no-summary
OSPF area
no area 0-4294967295 virtual-link A.B.C.D
OSPF area
no area 0-4294967295 authentication
OSPF area
no area A.B.C.D default-cost 0-16777215
OSPF area
no area A.B.C.D export-list NAME
OSPF area
no area A.B.C.D import-list NAME
OSPF area
no area A.B.C.D range A.B.C.D/M
OSPF area
no area A.B.C.D range IPV4_PREFIX substitute IPV4_PREFIX
OSPF area
no area A.B.C.D range IPV4_PREFIX suppress
OSPF area
no area A.B.C.D shortcut
OSPF area
no area A.B.C.D stub
OSPF area
no area A.B.C.D stub no-summary
OSPF area
no area A.B.C.D virtual-link A.B.C.D
OSPF area
no auto-cost refrence-bandwidth
OSPF router
no bandwidth 1-10000000
Interface Commands
no banner motd
Basic Config Commands
no bgp multiple-instance
Multiple instance
no debug event
BGP terminal mode commands
no debug keepalive
BGP terminal mode commands
no debug ospf ism
Debugging OSPF
no debug ospf ism (status|events|timers)
Debugging OSPF
no debug ospf lsa
Debugging OSPF
no debug ospf lsa (generate|flooding|refresh)
Debugging OSPF
no debug ospf nsm
Debugging OSPF
no debug ospf nsm (status|events|timers)
Debugging OSPF
no debug ospf packet (hello|dd|ls-request|ls-update|ls-ack|all) (send|recv) [detail]
Debugging OSPF
no debug ospf zebra
Debugging OSPF
no debug ospf zebra (interface|redistribute)
Debugging OSPF
no debug update
BGP terminal mode commands
no default-information originate
Redistribute routes to OSPF
no default-metric
Redistribute routes to OSPF
no default-metric 1-16
RIP Metric Manipulation
no distance 1-255 1
Redistribute routes to OSPF
no distance 1-255
RIP distance
no distance 1-255 A.B.C.D/M
RIP distance
no distance 1-255 A.B.C.D/M ACCESS-LIST
RIP distance
no distance ospf
Redistribute routes to OSPF
no distribute-list NAME out (kernel|connected|static|rip|ospf
Redistribute routes to OSPF
no exec-timeout
Basic Config Commands
no ip ospf authentication-key
OSPF interface
no ip ospf cost
OSPF interface
no ip ospf dead-interval
OSPF interface
no ip ospf hello-interval
OSPF interface
no ip ospf message-digest-key
OSPF interface
no ip ospf network
OSPF interface
no ip ospf priority
OSPF interface
no ip ospf retransmit interval
OSPF interface
no ip ospf transmit-delay
OSPF interface
no ip prefix-list NAME
IP Prefix List
no ip prefix-list NAME description DESC
ip prefix-list description
no ip prefix-list sequence-number
ip prefix-list sequential number control
no ip rip authentication key-chain KEY-CHAIN
RIP Authentication
no ip rip authentication mode md5
RIP Authentication
no ip rip authentication mode text
RIP Authentication
no ip rip authentication string STRING
RIP Authentication
no ip split-horizon
RIP Configuration
no log stdout
Basic Config Commands
no log syslog
Basic Config Commands
no multicast
Interface Commands
no neighbor A.B.C.D
RIP Configuration
no neighbor PEER default-originate
Peer configuration
no neighbor PEER description ...
Peer configuration
no neighbor PEER dont-capability-negotiate
Multiple Protocol Extension for BGP
no neighbor PEER ebgp-multihop
Peer configuration
no neighbor PEER interface IFNAME
Peer configuration
no neighbor PEER maximum-prefix NUMBER
Peer configuration
no neighbor PEER next-hop-self
Peer configuration
no neighbor PEER override-capability
Multiple Protocol Extension for BGP
no neighbor PEER route-reflector-client
Route Reflector
no neighbor PEER shutdown
Peer configuration
no neighbor PEER strict-capability-match
Multiple Protocol Extension for BGP
no neighbor PEER update-source
Peer configuration
no neighbor PEER weight WEIGHT
Peer configuration
no network A.B.C.D/M area 0-4294967295
OSPF router
no network A.B.C.D/M area A.B.C.D
OSPF router
no network IFNAME
RIP Configuration
no network NETWORK 1
BGP network
no network NETWORK
RIP Configuration
no ospf abr-type TYPE
OSPF router
no ospf rfc1583compatibility
OSPF router
no ospf router-id
OSPF router
no passive interface INTERFACE
OSPF router
no passive-interface IFNAME
RIP Configuration
no redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp)
Redistribute routes to OSPF
no redistribute bgp
How to Announce RIP route
no redistribute connected
How to Announce RIP route
no redistribute kernel
How to Announce RIP route
no redistribute ospf
How to Announce RIP route
no redistribute static
How to Announce RIP route
no rouer rip
RIP Configuration
no route A.B.C.D/M
How to Announce RIP route
no router bgp AS-NUMBER
BGP router
no router ospf
OSPF router
no router zebra
Redistribute routes to OSPF
no shutdown
Interface Commands
no smux peer OID
SMUX configuration
no smux peer OID PASSWORD
SMUX configuration
no timers basic
RIP Timers
no timers spf
OSPF router
offset-list ACCESS-LIST (in|out)
RIP Metric Manipulation
offset-list ACCESS-LIST (in|out) IFNAME
RIP Metric Manipulation
ospf abr-type TYPE
OSPF router
ospf rfc1583compatibility
OSPF router
ospf router-id A.B.C.D
OSPF router
passive interface INTERFACE
OSPF router
passive-interface IFNAME
RIP Configuration
password PASSWORD
Basic Config Commands
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp)
Redistribute routes to OSPF
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric
Redistribute routes to OSPF
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric
0-16777214 route-map WORD
Redistribute routes to OSPF
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric-type (1|2)
Redistribute routes to OSPF
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric-type (1|2) metric 0-16777214
Redistribute routes to OSPF
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric-type (1|2) metric 0-16777214 route-map WORD
Redistribute routes to OSPF
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric-type (1|2) route-map WORD
Redistribute routes to OSPF
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) ROUTE-MAP
Redistribute routes to OSPF
redistribute bgp
How to Announce RIP route
redistribute bgp metric 0-16
How to Announce RIP route
redistribute bgp route-map ROUTE-MAP
How to Announce RIP route
redistribute connected 1
Redistribute to BGP
redistribute connected 2
Redistribute routes to OSPF6
redistribute connected
How to Announce RIP route
redistribute connected metric 0-16
How to Announce RIP route
redistribute connected route-map ROUTE-MAP
How to Announce RIP route
redistribute kernel 1
Redistribute to BGP
redistribute kernel
How to Announce RIP route
redistribute kernel metric 0-16
How to Announce RIP route
redistribute kernel route-map ROUTE-MAP
How to Announce RIP route
redistribute ospf 1
Redistribute to BGP
redistribute ospf
How to Announce RIP route
redistribute ospf metric 0-16
How to Announce RIP route
redistribute ospf route-map ROUTE-MAP
How to Announce RIP route
redistribute rip
Redistribute to BGP
redistribute ripng
Redistribute routes to OSPF6
redistribute static 1
Redistribute to BGP
redistribute static 2
Redistribute routes to OSPF6
redistribute static
How to Announce RIP route
redistribute static metric 0-16
How to Announce RIP route
redistribute static route-map ROUTE-MAP
How to Announce RIP route
refresh age-diff 0-10000
OSPF router
refresh group-limit 0-10000
OSPF router
refresh per-slice 0-10000
OSPF router
route A.B.C.D/M
How to Announce RIP route
ripngd Configuration
route-map ROUTE-MAP-NAME permit PRIORITY
Route Map Command
router bgp AS-NUMBER 1
BGP instance and view
router bgp AS-NUMBER
BGP router
router bgp AS-NUMBER view NAME
BGP instance and view
router ospf
OSPF router
router ospf6
OSPF6 router
router rip
RIP Configuration
router ripng
ripngd Configuration
router zebra <1
Redistribute routes to OSPF
router zebra
ripngd Configuration
router-id A.B.C.D
OSPF6 router
service advanced-vty
Basic Config Commands
service password-encryption
Basic Config Commands
service terminal-length 0-512
Basic Config Commands
set as-path prepend AS_PATH
Route Map Set Command
set community COMMUNITY
Route Map Set Command
set ip next-hop IPV4_ADDRESS
Route Map Set Command
set ipv6 next-hop global IPV6_ADDRESS
Route Map Set Command
set ipv6 next-hop local IPV6_ADDRESS
Route Map Set Command
set local-preference LOCAL_PREF
Route Map Set Command
set metric 0-4294967295
RIP route-map
set metric METRIC
Route Map Set Command
set next-hop A.B.C.D
RIP route-map
set weight WEIGHT
Route Map Set Command
show debug
BGP terminal mode commands
show debugging ospf
Debugging OSPF
show debugging rip
RIP Debug Commands
show debugging ripng
ripngd Terminal Mode Commands
show interface
zebra Terminal Mode Commands
show ip bgp NETWORK
BGP terminal mode commands
show ip bgp neighbor PEER
BGP terminal mode commands
show ip bgp regexp AS-REGEXP
BGP terminal mode commands
show ip bgp summary
BGP terminal mode commands
show ip bgp view NAME
Displaying the BGP view
show ip ospf
Showing OSPF information
show ip ospf database
Showing OSPF information
show ip ospf database (asbr-summary|external|network|router|summary)
Showing OSPF information
show ip ospf database (asbr-summary|external|network|router|summary) adv-router ADV-ROUTER
Showing OSPF information
show ip ospf database (asbr-summary|external|network|router|summary) LINK-STATE-ID
Showing OSPF information
show ip ospf database (asbr-summary|external|network|router|summary) LINK-STATE-ID adv-router ADV-ROUTER
Showing OSPF information
show ip ospf database (asbr-summary|external|network|router|summary) LINK-STATE-ID self-originate
Showing OSPF information
show ip ospf database (asbr-summary|external|network|router|summary) self-originate
Showing OSPF information
show ip ospf database max-age
Showing OSPF information
show ip ospf database self-originate
Showing OSPF information
show ip ospf interface INTERFACE
Showing OSPF information
show ip ospf neighbor
Showing OSPF information
show ip ospf neighbor detail
Showing OSPF information
show ip ospf neighbor INTERFACE
Showing OSPF information
show ip ospf neighbor INTERFACE detail
Showing OSPF information
show ip ospf refresher
Showing OSPF information
show ip ospf route
Showing OSPF information
show ip prefix-list
Showing ip prefix-list
show ip prefix-list detail
Showing ip prefix-list
show ip prefix-list detail NAME
Showing ip prefix-list
show ip prefix-list NAME
Showing ip prefix-list
show ip prefix-list NAME A.B.C.D/M
Showing ip prefix-list
show ip prefix-list NAME A.B.C.D/M first-match
Showing ip prefix-list
show ip prefix-list NAME A.B.C.D/M longer
Showing ip prefix-list
show ip prefix-list NAME seq NUM
Showing ip prefix-list
show ip prefix-list summary
Showing ip prefix-list
show ip prefix-list summary NAME
Showing ip prefix-list
show ip protocols
Show RIP Information
show ip rip
Show RIP Information
show ip ripng
ripngd Terminal Mode Commands
show ip route
zebra Terminal Mode Commands
show ipforward
zebra Terminal Mode Commands
show ipv6 ospf6 INSTANCE_ID
Showing OSPF6 information
show ipv6 ospf6 database
Showing OSPF6 information
show ipv6 ospf6 interface
Showing OSPF6 information
show ipv6 ospf6 neighbor
Showing OSPF6 information
show ipv6 ospf6 request-list A.B.C.D
Showing OSPF6 information
show ipv6 route
zebra Terminal Mode Commands
show ipv6 route ospf6
Showing OSPF6 information
show ipv6forward
zebra Terminal Mode Commands
show version
Basic Config Commands
Interface Commands
smux peer OID
SMUX configuration
smux peer OID PASSWORD
SMUX configuration
Static Route Commands
terminal length 0-512
Basic Config Commands
RIP Timers
timers spf 0-4294967295 0-4294967295
OSPF router
version VERSION
RIP Configuration
Basic Config Commands
write file
Basic Config Commands
write terminal
Basic Config Commands

LynuxWorks, Inc.
855 Branham Lane East
San Jose, CA 95138