Command Index
Basic Config Commands |
access-list NAME deny IPV4-NETWORK
IP Access List |
access-list NAME permit IPV4-NETWORK
IP Access List |
aggregate-address NETWORK
BGP network |
area 0-4294967295 authentication
OSPF area |
area 0-4294967295 authentication message-digest
OSPF area |
area 0-4294967295 export-list NAME
OSPF area |
area 0-4294967295 import-list NAME
OSPF area |
area 0-4294967295 range A.B.C.D/M
OSPF area |
area 0-4294967295 shortcut
OSPF area |
OSPF area |
area 0-4294967295 stub no-summary
OSPF area |
area 0-4294967295 virtual-link A.B.C.D
OSPF area |
area A.B.C.D authentication
OSPF area |
area A.B.C.D authentication message-digest
OSPF area |
area A.B.C.D default-cost 0-16777215
OSPF area |
area A.B.C.D export-list NAME
OSPF area |
area A.B.C.D import-list NAME
OSPF area |
area A.B.C.D range A.B.C.D/M
OSPF area |
area A.B.C.D range IPV4_PREFIX substitute IPV4_PREFIX
OSPF area |
area A.B.C.D range IPV4_PREFIX suppress
OSPF area |
OSPF area |
OSPF area |
area A.B.C.D stub no-summary
OSPF area |
area A.B.C.D virtual-link A.B.C.D
OSPF area |
auto-cost refrence-bandwidth 1-4294967
OSPF router |
Interface Commands |
Basic Config Commands |
Route Reflector |
Multiple instance |
BGP router |
BGP terminal mode commands |
clear ip bgp PEER soft in
BGP terminal mode commands |
Clear counter of ip prefix-list |
clear ip prefix-list NAME
Clear counter of ip prefix-list |
clear ip prefix-list NAME A.B.C.D/M
Clear counter of ip prefix-list |
Basic Config Commands |
BGP terminal mode commands |
BGP terminal mode commands |
Debugging OSPF |
debug ospf ism (status|events|timers)
Debugging OSPF |
Debugging OSPF |
debug ospf lsa (generate|flooding|refresh)
Debugging OSPF |
Debugging OSPF |
debug ospf nsm (status|events|timers)
Debugging OSPF |
debug ospf packet (hello|dd|ls-request|ls-update|ls-ack|all) (send|recv) [detail]
Debugging OSPF |
Debugging OSPF |
debug ospf zebra (interface|redistribute)
Debugging OSPF |
RIP Debug Commands |
RIP Debug Commands |
RIP Debug Commands |
ripngd Terminal Mode Commands |
ripngd Terminal Mode Commands |
ripngd Terminal Mode Commands |
BGP terminal mode commands |
default-information originate 1
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
default-information originate
How to Announce RIP route |
default-information originate always
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
default-information originate always metric 0-16777214
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
default-information originate always metric 0-16777214 metric-type ( 1| 2)
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
default-information originate always metric 0-16777214 metric-type ( 1| 2) route-map WORD
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
default-information originate metric 0-16777214
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
default-information originate metric 0-16777214 metric-type ( 1| 2)
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
default-information originate metric 0-16777214 metric-type ( 1| 2) route-map WORD
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
default-metric 0-16777214
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
RIP Metric Manipulation |
description DESCRIPTION ...
Interface Commands |
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
RIP distance |
RIP distance |
distance 1-255 A.B.C.D/M ACCESS-LIST
RIP distance |
distance ospf (intra-area|inter-area|external) 1-255
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
distribute-list ACCESS_LIST (in|out) IFNAME
ripngd Filtering Commands |
Filtering RIP Routes |
distribute-list NAME out (kernel|connected|static|rip|ospf
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
distribute-list prefix PREFIX_LIST (in|out) IFNAME
Filtering RIP Routes |
Dump BGP packet and table |
dump bgp all PATH INTERVAL
Dump BGP packet and table |
Dump BGP packet and table |
Dump BGP packet and table |
dump bgp updates PATH INTERVAL
Dump BGP packet and table |
Basic Config Commands |
Basic Config Commands |
exec-timeout MINUTE SECOND
Basic Config Commands |
ripngd Configuration |
Basic Config Commands |
Interface Commands |
interface IFNAME area AREA
OSPF6 router |
Interface Commands |
ip as-path access-list NAME TYPE AS_PATH
AS Path Access List |
ip community-list NAME TYPE COMMUNITY
IP Community List |
ip ospf authentication-key AUTH_KEY
OSPF interface |
OSPF interface |
ip ospf dead-interval 1-65535
OSPF interface |
ip ospf hello-interval 1-65535
OSPF interface |
ip ospf message-digest-key KEYID md5 KEY
OSPF interface |
ip ospf network (broadcast|non-broadcast|point-to-multipoint|point-to-point)
OSPF interface |
OSPF interface |
ip ospf retransmit-interval 1-65535
OSPF interface |
OSPF interface |
ip prefix-list NAME (permit|deny) PREFIX / [le LEN] [ge LEN]
IP Prefix List |
ip prefix-list NAME description DESC
ip prefix-list description |
ip prefix-list NAME seq NUMBER (permit|deny) PREFIX [le LEN] [ge LEN]
IP Prefix List |
ip prefix-list sequence-number
ip prefix-list sequential number control |
ip rip authentication key-chain KEY-CHAIN
RIP Authentication |
ip rip authentication mode md5
RIP Authentication |
ip rip authentication mode text
RIP Authentication |
ip rip authentication string STRING
RIP Authentication |
ip rip receive version VERSION
RIP Configuration |
ip rip send version VERSION
RIP Configuration |
Static Route Commands |
RIP Configuration |
ipv6 nd prefix-advertisement IPV6PREFIX
Router Advertisement |
Router Advertisement |
OSPF6 interface |
ipv6 ospf6 dead-interval DEADINTERVAL
OSPF6 interface |
ipv6 ospf6 hello-interval HELLOINTERVAL
OSPF6 interface |
ipv6 ospf6 priority PRIORITY
OSPF6 interface |
ipv6 ospf6 retransmit-interval RETRANSMITINTERVAL
OSPF6 interface |
ipv6 ospf6 transmit-delay TRANSMITDELAY
OSPF6 interface |
Static Route Commands |
Basic Config Commands |
Basic Config Commands |
Basic Config Commands |
Basic Config Commands |
Basic Config Commands |
Route Map Match Command |
match community COMMUNITY_LIST
Route Map Match Command |
RIP route-map |
RIP route-map |
match ip address ACCESS_LIST
Route Map Match Command |
match ip next-hop IPV4_ADDR
Route Map Match Command |
match ip next-hot A.B.C.D
RIP route-map |
Route Map Match Command |
RIP route-map |
Interface Commands |
RIP Configuration |
neighbor PEER default-originate
Peer configuration |
neighbor PEER description ...
Peer configuration |
neighbor PEER distribute-list NAME [in|out]
Peer filtering |
neighbor PEER dont-capability-negotiate
Multiple Protocol Extension for BGP |
neighbor PEER ebgp-multihop
Peer configuration |
neighbor PEER filter-list NAME [in|out]
Peer filtering |
neighbor PEER interface IFNAME
Peer configuration |
neighbor PEER maximum-prefix NUMBER
Peer configuration |
neighbor PEER next-hop-self
Peer configuration |
neighbor PEER override-capability
Multiple Protocol Extension for BGP |
Peer configuration |
neighbor PEER prefix-list NAME [in|out]
Peer filtering |
neighbor PEER remote-as AS-NUMBER
BGP peer |
neighbor PEER route-map NAME [in|out]
Peer filtering |
neighbor PEER route-reflector-client
Route Reflector |
neighbor PEER send-community
Peer configuration |
Peer configuration |
neighbor PEER strict-capability-match
Multiple Protocol Extension for BGP |
neighbor PEER update-source
Peer configuration |
neighbor PEER version VERSION
Peer configuration |
neighbor PEER weight WEIGHT
Peer configuration |
network A.B.C.D/M area 0-4294967295
OSPF router |
network A.B.C.D/M area A.B.C.D
OSPF router |
ripngd Configuration |
RIP Configuration |
BGP network |
ripngd Configuration |
RIP Configuration |
no aggregate-address NETWORK
BGP network |
no area 0-4294967295 authentication
OSPF area |
no area 0-4294967295 export-list NAME
OSPF area |
no area 0-4294967295 import-list NAME
OSPF area |
no area 0-4294967295 range A.B.C.D/M
OSPF area |
no area 0-4294967295 shortcut
OSPF area |
no area 0-4294967295 stub
OSPF area |
no area 0-4294967295 stub no-summary
OSPF area |
no area 0-4294967295 virtual-link A.B.C.D
OSPF area |
no area 0-4294967295 authentication
OSPF area |
no area A.B.C.D default-cost 0-16777215
OSPF area |
no area A.B.C.D export-list NAME
OSPF area |
no area A.B.C.D import-list NAME
OSPF area |
no area A.B.C.D range A.B.C.D/M
OSPF area |
no area A.B.C.D range IPV4_PREFIX substitute IPV4_PREFIX
OSPF area |
no area A.B.C.D range IPV4_PREFIX suppress
OSPF area |
OSPF area |
OSPF area |
no area A.B.C.D stub no-summary
OSPF area |
no area A.B.C.D virtual-link A.B.C.D
OSPF area |
no auto-cost refrence-bandwidth
OSPF router |
Interface Commands |
Basic Config Commands |
Multiple instance |
BGP terminal mode commands |
BGP terminal mode commands |
Debugging OSPF |
no debug ospf ism (status|events|timers)
Debugging OSPF |
Debugging OSPF |
no debug ospf lsa (generate|flooding|refresh)
Debugging OSPF |
Debugging OSPF |
no debug ospf nsm (status|events|timers)
Debugging OSPF |
no debug ospf packet (hello|dd|ls-request|ls-update|ls-ack|all) (send|recv) [detail]
Debugging OSPF |
Debugging OSPF |
no debug ospf zebra (interface|redistribute)
Debugging OSPF |
BGP terminal mode commands |
no default-information originate
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
RIP Metric Manipulation |
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
RIP distance |
no distance 1-255 A.B.C.D/M
RIP distance |
no distance 1-255 A.B.C.D/M ACCESS-LIST
RIP distance |
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
no distribute-list NAME out (kernel|connected|static|rip|ospf
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
Basic Config Commands |
no ip ospf authentication-key
OSPF interface |
OSPF interface |
OSPF interface |
no ip ospf hello-interval
OSPF interface |
no ip ospf message-digest-key
OSPF interface |
OSPF interface |
OSPF interface |
no ip ospf retransmit interval
OSPF interface |
no ip ospf transmit-delay
OSPF interface |
IP Prefix List |
no ip prefix-list NAME description DESC
ip prefix-list description |
no ip prefix-list sequence-number
ip prefix-list sequential number control |
no ip rip authentication key-chain KEY-CHAIN
RIP Authentication |
no ip rip authentication mode md5
RIP Authentication |
no ip rip authentication mode text
RIP Authentication |
no ip rip authentication string STRING
RIP Authentication |
RIP Configuration |
Basic Config Commands |
Basic Config Commands |
Interface Commands |
RIP Configuration |
no neighbor PEER default-originate
Peer configuration |
no neighbor PEER description ...
Peer configuration |
no neighbor PEER dont-capability-negotiate
Multiple Protocol Extension for BGP |
no neighbor PEER ebgp-multihop
Peer configuration |
no neighbor PEER interface IFNAME
Peer configuration |
no neighbor PEER maximum-prefix NUMBER
Peer configuration |
no neighbor PEER next-hop-self
Peer configuration |
no neighbor PEER override-capability
Multiple Protocol Extension for BGP |
no neighbor PEER route-reflector-client
Route Reflector |
no neighbor PEER shutdown
Peer configuration |
no neighbor PEER strict-capability-match
Multiple Protocol Extension for BGP |
no neighbor PEER update-source
Peer configuration |
no neighbor PEER weight WEIGHT
Peer configuration |
no network A.B.C.D/M area 0-4294967295
OSPF router |
no network A.B.C.D/M area A.B.C.D
OSPF router |
RIP Configuration |
BGP network |
RIP Configuration |
OSPF router |
no ospf rfc1583compatibility
OSPF router |
OSPF router |
no passive interface INTERFACE
OSPF router |
no passive-interface IFNAME
RIP Configuration |
no redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp)
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
How to Announce RIP route |
no redistribute connected
How to Announce RIP route |
How to Announce RIP route |
How to Announce RIP route |
How to Announce RIP route |
RIP Configuration |
How to Announce RIP route |
BGP router |
OSPF router |
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
Interface Commands |
SMUX configuration |
no smux peer OID PASSWORD
SMUX configuration |
RIP Timers |
OSPF router |
offset-list ACCESS-LIST (in|out)
RIP Metric Manipulation |
offset-list ACCESS-LIST (in|out) IFNAME
RIP Metric Manipulation |
OSPF router |
ospf rfc1583compatibility
OSPF router |
OSPF router |
passive interface INTERFACE
OSPF router |
RIP Configuration |
Basic Config Commands |
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp)
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric 0-16777214
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric 0-16777214 route-map WORD
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric-type (1|2)
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric-type (1|2) metric 0-16777214
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric-type (1|2) metric 0-16777214 route-map WORD
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric-type (1|2) route-map WORD
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) ROUTE-MAP
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
How to Announce RIP route |
redistribute bgp metric 0-16
How to Announce RIP route |
redistribute bgp route-map ROUTE-MAP
How to Announce RIP route |
Redistribute to BGP |
Redistribute routes to OSPF6 |
How to Announce RIP route |
redistribute connected metric 0-16
How to Announce RIP route |
redistribute connected route-map ROUTE-MAP
How to Announce RIP route |
Redistribute to BGP |
How to Announce RIP route |
redistribute kernel metric 0-16
How to Announce RIP route |
redistribute kernel route-map ROUTE-MAP
How to Announce RIP route |
Redistribute to BGP |
How to Announce RIP route |
redistribute ospf metric 0-16
How to Announce RIP route |
redistribute ospf route-map ROUTE-MAP
How to Announce RIP route |
Redistribute to BGP |
Redistribute routes to OSPF6 |
Redistribute to BGP |
Redistribute routes to OSPF6 |
How to Announce RIP route |
redistribute static metric 0-16
How to Announce RIP route |
redistribute static route-map ROUTE-MAP
How to Announce RIP route |
OSPF router |
refresh group-limit 0-10000
OSPF router |
refresh per-slice 0-10000
OSPF router |
How to Announce RIP route |
ripngd Configuration |
route-map ROUTE-MAP-NAME permit PRIORITY
Route Map Command |
BGP instance and view |
BGP router |
router bgp AS-NUMBER view NAME
BGP instance and view |
OSPF router |
OSPF6 router |
RIP Configuration |
ripngd Configuration |
Redistribute routes to OSPF |
ripngd Configuration |
OSPF6 router |
Basic Config Commands |
service password-encryption
Basic Config Commands |
service terminal-length 0-512
Basic Config Commands |
set as-path prepend AS_PATH
Route Map Set Command |
Route Map Set Command |
set ip next-hop IPV4_ADDRESS
Route Map Set Command |
set ipv6 next-hop global IPV6_ADDRESS
Route Map Set Command |
set ipv6 next-hop local IPV6_ADDRESS
Route Map Set Command |
set local-preference LOCAL_PREF
Route Map Set Command |
RIP route-map |
Route Map Set Command |
RIP route-map |
Route Map Set Command |
BGP terminal mode commands |
Debugging OSPF |
RIP Debug Commands |
ripngd Terminal Mode Commands |
zebra Terminal Mode Commands |
BGP terminal mode commands |
show ip bgp neighbor PEER
BGP terminal mode commands |
show ip bgp regexp AS-REGEXP
BGP terminal mode commands |
BGP terminal mode commands |
Displaying the BGP view |
Showing OSPF information |
Showing OSPF information |
show ip ospf database (asbr-summary|external|network|router|summary)
Showing OSPF information |
show ip ospf database (asbr-summary|external|network|router|summary) adv-router ADV-ROUTER
Showing OSPF information |
show ip ospf database (asbr-summary|external|network|router|summary) LINK-STATE-ID
Showing OSPF information |
show ip ospf database (asbr-summary|external|network|router|summary) LINK-STATE-ID adv-router ADV-ROUTER
Showing OSPF information |
show ip ospf database (asbr-summary|external|network|router|summary) LINK-STATE-ID self-originate
Showing OSPF information |
show ip ospf database (asbr-summary|external|network|router|summary) self-originate
Showing OSPF information |
show ip ospf database max-age
Showing OSPF information |
show ip ospf database self-originate
Showing OSPF information |
show ip ospf interface INTERFACE
Showing OSPF information |
Showing OSPF information |
show ip ospf neighbor detail
Showing OSPF information |
show ip ospf neighbor INTERFACE
Showing OSPF information |
show ip ospf neighbor INTERFACE detail
Showing OSPF information |
Showing OSPF information |
Showing OSPF information |
Showing ip prefix-list |
show ip prefix-list detail
Showing ip prefix-list |
show ip prefix-list detail NAME
Showing ip prefix-list |
Showing ip prefix-list |
show ip prefix-list NAME A.B.C.D/M
Showing ip prefix-list |
show ip prefix-list NAME A.B.C.D/M first-match
Showing ip prefix-list |
show ip prefix-list NAME A.B.C.D/M longer
Showing ip prefix-list |
show ip prefix-list NAME seq NUM
Showing ip prefix-list |
show ip prefix-list summary
Showing ip prefix-list |
show ip prefix-list summary NAME
Showing ip prefix-list |
Show RIP Information |
Show RIP Information |
ripngd Terminal Mode Commands |
zebra Terminal Mode Commands |
zebra Terminal Mode Commands |
show ipv6 ospf6 INSTANCE_ID
Showing OSPF6 information |
Showing OSPF6 information |
show ipv6 ospf6 interface
Showing OSPF6 information |
Showing OSPF6 information |
show ipv6 ospf6 request-list A.B.C.D
Showing OSPF6 information |
zebra Terminal Mode Commands |
Showing OSPF6 information |
zebra Terminal Mode Commands |
Basic Config Commands |
Interface Commands |
SMUX configuration |
SMUX configuration |
Static Route Commands |
Basic Config Commands |
RIP Timers |
timers spf 0-4294967295 0-4294967295
OSPF router |
RIP Configuration |
Basic Config Commands |
Basic Config Commands |
Basic Config Commands |