***************************************************** NCSA Mosaic 2.0.0 Beta 5 ***************************************************** The Beta 5 version of NCSA Mosaic for the Macintosh 2.0 was released Friday April 7, 1995. This is a BETA release, therefore there are many new features or bugs that you will need to be aware of to make your use of the new release a pleasant experience. You may encounter problems that will cause your machine to crash. You may not find certain aspects of the program aesthetically pleasing, and the program will trash your current preferences. ------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT!!! For best results, please make a copy of your preferences file (Mosaic Preferences) before using the new beta versions. This is only necessary only to update preferences prior to Beta 1. ------------------------------------------------------------- We will continue to keep the comprehensive Known Bugs page as up- to-date as possible . To help us do this, please email us with any problems you find that are not related to those listed on the known bugs page. Use the Mail Developers feature from the File menu, or email to mosaic-mac@ncsa.uiuc.edu. Note: Please check that the email address is correct before sending mail via the Mail Developers option. Thanks!. Otherwise we will be unable to respond to you if the email address is incorrect. ***************************************************** HOW TO GET NCSA MOSAIC ***************************************************** NCSA Mosaic is available via anonymous ftp. Please enter 'anonymous' as the name and your complete email address as the password. site: ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu location: /Mosaic/Mac The NCSA ftp server is being overloaded with requests for the Mosaic software. Because of this, you may get an error message. Please wait a while and try again when the server may not be as busy. As an alternative, you may wish to try one of the following unofficial mirror sites. USA: site: sunsite.unc.edu location: /pub/packages/infosystems/WWW (all versions) Australia: site: miriworld.its.unimelb.edu.au location: /pub/clients/ (all versions) Europe: site: ftp.luth.se location: /pub/infosystems/www/ncsa (all versions) site: ftp.sunet.se location: /pub/mac/Mosaic (mac version) /pub/pc/windows/www/Mosaic/ (pc version) /pub/www/Mosaic (X version) ***************************************************** DECOMPRESSING THE ARCHIVE ***************************************************** To UnStuff & UnBinHex NCSA Mosaic we recommend that you use StuffIt Expander. The expander is available at ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu in the /Mosaic/Mac/Helpers/ directory. Important Note Some people are having problems starting up MacMosaic. If MacMosaic crashes before the splash screen is displayed, it is possible that there is a problem with your system. We now know that when the Apple Shared Library Manager(ASLM) is deinstalled improperly, when any application asks the MacOS if ASLM is present, the system will crash. If MacMosaic won't start up on your machine, we recommend that you deinstall ALSM using the deinstall option on the ASLM installer or reinstall the system. ***************************************************** Current Known Problems ***************************************************** Hyperlink borders around inline images may appear in black instead of the predefined link colors. The cache files used by the 68K are different from those used by the PowerMacs. Therefore, running a PowerMac version on a machine with 68K cache files will cause strangeness. "View Source" will not work with documents extracted from cache The URL text entry box may not select text properly. This problem only exists on PowerMacs. Copy and Paste may still have some problems. When a document is downloading, clicking on a link should cancel the current load and start a new one. Only one history popup menu is available for all windows. The align attributes for HTML paragraph tag is not yet supported. The center tag will be supported in the next version. When saving files to disk, the default name is sometimes messed up. ***************************************************** Release Notes For Beta 5 ***************************************************** GIF image offset display problem is fixed. Align attributes for HEAD tags is support. Anchors that are not terminated properly are handled gracefully. Visited link aging now works properly. If you visit a link once, the display color migrates toward the color of unvisited links. ALL temp files now get deleted, as well as hanging cache files. In certain instances, forms entry fields would not be displayed. Some problems with multiple submissions of one form have been fixed. The history pop up is now redrawn properly. A problem with multiple windows that would cause strangeness was fixed. ***************************************************** Release Notes For Beta 4 ***************************************************** The ALIGN attribute is now supported for heads, and will be supported for Paragraphs in the next release. Forms response encoding problems have been fixed. More backgound color problems have been fixed. Abort provides better response than befor. A hanging bug with aborting loads has also been fixed. Ridiculously long alt strings will now work properly, within reason. ***************************************************** Release Notes For Beta 3 ***************************************************** Mail developers had a major bug in it that could cause a crash when you tried to send the mail. The problem with entities (& escaped HTML) in the 68k version is fixed. A problem with table pagination that would cause crashes has been fixed. ***************************************************** Release Notes For Beta 2 ***************************************************** If you have used NCSA Mosaic for the Mac 2.0.0 BETA 1, and you started with a new preferences file at that point, you don't need to trash your preferences again. Mosaic would crash sometimes if you moved off a page while it was still paginating, and then returned to it. Extracting tables from cache now works. Loading XBMs under certain circumstances previously could cause problems. It's fixed. Some probems with backgound colors have been fixed. It was previously possible to submit a form several times before the first submission was processed. This would cause a crash. Another problem with interrupting downloads has been fixed. A problem with HTML entitys has been fixed. ***************************************************** Release Notes For Beta 1 ***************************************************** SAVE THE EXISTING PREFERENCES FILE BEFORE RUNNING THIS VERSION OF NCSA MOSAIC. THERE IS AN EXISTING BUG THAT WILL CORRUPT THE PREFERENCES FILE IF THIS IS NOT DONE. REMOVE THE EXISTING COPY OF THE MOSAIC PREFERENCES FROM THE PREFERENCES FOLDER AND LAUNCH NCSA MOSAIC TO HAVE IT CREATE A NEW COPY Mailto: support NCSA Mosaic now supports the mailto: tag. A mail server for the user must be set in the "Preferences", under "Gates" before this feature is accessible. Local disk cache A local disk caching feature has been implemented. NCSA Mosaic will now retain copies of recently accessed documents to decrease the amount of time spent accessing the network. There is also a "Cache" section in the "Preferences...". Caching preferences should be set soon after starting this version of NCSA Mosaic. If this is not done, NCSA Mosaic will default to the System Folder as its cache directory resulting in a large number of cache files being saved to the System Folder. Inline images Inline JPEG support Adornments Inline images now have a option of being adorned (a border around the images) Alt tags Inline images that are not Auto-Loaded will display the alt tag for the image next to the placeholder if one exists. The above two features can be disabled through the "Styles..." dialog box in the "Images" section. Menu items have changed "Mail to Developers..." moved under the balloon help menu "Home" under "Navigate" has a new command key (command - \) "Hotlist" under "Navigate" has a new command key (command - h) "Use HTTP 0.9" has been removed from the "Options" menu Fixed Many performance enhancements "Add This Document" from the "Options" menu no longer causes crashes "Mail Developers..." should be working for the most part. There are still a few known problems (see known problems) Numerous pagination problems have been fixed. Tables bugs have been fixed. Printing problems have been fixed. Many bugs which caused crashes in the previous versions are fixed ***************************************************** FULL FEATURE LIST for 2.0.0 ***************************************************** Forms Tables Inline JPEGs Local caching Strikethru, Superscript, and Subscript support Improved Error Reporting Improved Pagination User Configurable Color Background (default color is now gray) New Hotlist Interface (access from the Navigate menu) Custom Menus Quick Keys (more command key sequences added) Firewall Proxy support (including SOCKS support and standard gateway support) URL entries (users can now make URL entries in the URL field at the top of the screen when Show URLs is on. Hitting return activates the link.) ODOC event support, and Applescript Open URL support with the option to load to disk Reload button