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Alone in the Dark

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Year released:
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For Mac OS 7 - Mac OS 8
Guides on emulating older games

The original survival horror. Investigate the mystery of an artist's suicide, and fend off a whole lot of monsters.


Stair bug at the start of game only occurs on systems 8.6 & 9.


by fps-dungeon - Mon, 06/08/2009 - 06:15

I remember playing this when it came out and it's the same as this one you walk down the stairs and you walk right back up. and I'm running 9.1 os Classic.

j_damage•69's picture
by j_damage•69 - Mon, 06/01/2009 - 23:59

Good idea. Stair bug only occurs on later systems.

by mjf508 (not verified) - Mon, 06/01/2009 - 21:59

PLEEEEASE upload savegame for room after stair bug, or provide link!

by Maedi - Tue, 04/21/2009 - 03:31

I think this version still has that bug, according to the old page. I think there are possible fixes in the comments.

j_damage•69's picture
by j_damage•69 - Tue, 04/21/2009 - 03:00

Thanks! Just one question, has the stair bug been fixed? I remember this being uploaded to the old mac garden, and you couldent get down the stairs at the very start of the game.

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