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The Ultimate Doom

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Year released:
Download (5.74 MB)
For Mac OS 7 - Mac OS 9
This game works with: SheepShaver, Basilisk II,

Doom is a landmark first-person shooter by id Software. It is widely recognized for pioneering immersive 3D graphics, networked multiplayer gaming, and support for custom expansions (WADs).

I highly recommend you take a look at Dan Linton's visit to id Software in 1993. The video features composer Bobby Prince giving a demo of Commander Keen and Wolfenstein 3-D, and John Romero playing an early version of Doom.


Architecture: 68k PPC

256 colors


j_damage•69's picture
by j_damage•69 - Mon, 04/27/2009 - 22:08

Hey mark, very good OS X port here.

Also see Hexen and heretic and doom 2. You can port them using this application, add the .WAD files into the interface and play away!

by Mark (not verified) - Mon, 04/27/2009 - 20:28

Is there a version of Ultimate Doom for Mac OS X? Thanks!

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