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} html.js fieldset.collapsible legend a { display: block; } /* Avoid jumping around due to margins collapsing into collapsible fieldset border */ html.js fieldset.collapsible .fieldset-wrapper { overflow: auto; } /* ** Resizable text areas */ /* ** Progressbar styles */ .progress { font-weight: bold; } .progress .bar { background: #fff url(/misc/progress.gif); border: 1px solid #00375a; height: 1.5em; margin: 0 0.2em; } .progress .filled { background: #0072b9; height: 1em; border-bottom: 0.5em solid #004a73; width: 0%; } .progress .percentage { float: right; /* LTR */ } .progress-disabled { float: left; /* LTR */ } .ahah-progress { float: left; /* LTR */ } .ahah-progress .throbber { width: 15px; height: 15px; margin: 2px; background: transparent url(/misc/throbber.gif) no-repeat 0px -18px; float: left; /* LTR */ } tr .ahah-progress .throbber { margin: 0 2px; } .ahah-progress-bar { width: 16em; }