File: /pub/minix/demo/README.MSDOS Author: Petri Virkkula Created: Thu Jul 16 00:24:26 1992 Last edited: Thu Oct 3 02:59:10 1992 This file contains brief instructions how to install and test Minix demo IBM PC compatibel machine running MSDOS. These instructions has worked with my 286 clone but aren't guaranteed to work in all machines. This file isn't meant to be full reference manual, the files manual.txt and READ_ME contain better guide for Minix demo. In this document it is assumed that reader is familiar how to get files with ftp. NO WARRANTY This file is provided as is without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited, the implied warranties of merchantability and fittness for a particular purpose. In no event will the author be liable to you for damages, including any lost of profits, lost monies, or other special, incidenatl or consequantial damages arising out of the use or inability to use (including but not limited to loss data or data being rendered inaccurate). The directory contains demo files for Amiga, Atari ST and IBM PC compatibles as well a document how to use Minix-demo in both plain-ASCII and Postrcript format. Get first file READ_ME, contains useful information about various files. Read the file carefully, this file doesn't repeat all details found there. To continue, you need to get following files: crc.c (or if you don't have C compiler) or either or or manual.txt.Z or manual.txt rawrite.c (or rawrite.exe if you don't have C compiler) rawrite.doc If you decide (recommended) to get compressed file (files with .Z postfix) you need also to get and pkz110.exe. pkz110.exe is self extracting archieve, when you run it you get actual zip-archiever. Read documents included within it. Now you can unpack which contains program to uncompress compressed files. Uncompress them with the program. Use the to check crc-checksums of files, correct values can be found in file READ_ME. Usage of crc: 'crc file1 file2 ... fileN'. Now you should format a 720kb or 360kb disk where the demo disk will later be written. Use MSDOS's format program. HINT: I had only 1.44Mb disk and when I tested the demo I had only high density disks. It was possible to format 1.44Mb disk to 720kb disk if you cover another hole in the disk. Read file rawrite.doc. It contains information how to use rawrite.exe to write a raw disk image onto disk. Now you should have bootable Minix demo disk. Put it on your disk drive and boot your machine. The copyright notice of Prentice Hall should appear on top of screen. Refer manual.txt how to use Minix demo. Petri Virkkula