09/01/1996 Minixers, The following software is contained in the .TAZ (tar.Z) files. If you have any comments, bug reports, wish lists, etc... they can be directed to me via email at <temari@ix.netcom.com>. Any updates to this software will be posted to comp.os.minix. Thanks, Michael Temari temari@ix.netcom.com DAYTIMED.TAZ Daytimed - A TCP server which listens on port daytime (13) and returns the time of the local host in human readable format. See RFC867 for details. TIMED.TAZ Timed - A TCP server which listens on port time (37) and returns the time of the local host as 4 bytes (long). See RFC868 for details. FTP.TAZ Ftp - A TCP client which connects to ftp servers. It is driven by the ftp protocol which is documented in RFC959. FTPD.TAZ Ftpd - A TCP server which listens on port ftp (21) and services ftp clients. It is driven by the ftp protocol which is documented in RFC959. NETDATE.TAZ Netdate - A TCP client which connects to servers running a time server and allows setting the time. See netdate(1) for more details. HTTPGET.TAZ Httpget - A TCP client which connects to servers running the http protocol and allows getting http documents. HTTPD.TAZ Httpd - A TCP server which listens on port http (80). See the README file for more details. FROG.TAZ Frog (a.k.a. Traceroute) - A program which will show the hops a packet takes to a given destination. If called as ping will send out an ICMP echo request packet to determine if the given host is reachable. TALK.TAZ Talk - A network client program which allows you to have text conversations with users that are on local or remote hosts if a talk server is running. TALKD.TAZ Talkd - A network server program which allows users on the local or remote host to have text conversations. READCLCK.TAZ Readclock - A new version of the readclock located in /usr/src/commands/ibm that if linked to setclock allows setting of the PC realtime clock.