Mosaic-2.5b4 for NEXTSTEP/co-Xist This directory contains diffs (actually replacements) for files in the Mosaic-2.5b4 source tree to get Mosaic-2.5b4 to compile on NEXTSTEP. I have also included the patches for Jeremy Wohl's FGF (Free Graphics Format) for inline images, which is a graphics format unencumbered by the Compuserve GIF/Unisys LZW patent. FGF is freely obtainable from To install these patches, just install the Mosaic-2.5b4 source from NCSA. In the directory where the Mosaic-2.5b4 top-level directory resides (i.e., its parent), gunzip the file Mosaic-2.5b4.diffs.tar.gz. Then run the command 'tar xvf Mosaic-2.5b4.diffs.tar'. This will install the altered files. You are now ready to build Mosaic-2.5b4. You must first edit the Makefile.NeXT file to specify which architectures you wish to build for. Edit the file and search for the '-arch' keyword. Modify this to specify which architectures you would like an executable for. Valid options are '-arch m68k', '-arch i386', and '-arch hppa'. You can have as many '-arch' options specified as you need. Now, run 'Make -f Makefile.NeXT' and go get a cup of coffee and read the newspaper :-) One word of warning. I just copied our modified Makefile.NeXT from the 2.4 source to the 2.5b4 source tree and recompiled. This means that there may be options in the 2.5b4 default Makefile which I haven't accounted. However, everything in Mosaic I ever use seems to work fine. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Bill Woodward | | PHENOMENAL COSMIC Pencom Software | 512-343-6666 x353 | POWERS (itty-bitty co-Xist Support | Crack the Sky fan | living space)